Language and Section: SPA 13.2
Date: 12/1/2011
Class theme/topics discussed: Religion
Goal of the class: To talk about religion in general and about new, growing religions in Uruguay.
Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):
– I introduced language and concepts related to the two fastest growing religions in Uruguay (Umbanda and Pare de Sufrir); both has spiritist elements and began their rise during the economic crisis of 2002. Terms used:
– Pai/Mai
– Orisha
– “Trabajo”
– Pastor
– “Dios vivo”
– Espíritu maligno
– We watched a short video on Pare de Sufrir on youtube; it features a “Pastor” trying to perform an exorcism via the TV.
– We talked about religion in America and Uruguay
What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)
TV, laptop, whiteboard. Video used:
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The topic was very, very motivating for the students. We talked a lot about religion and they were very interested in its social and political role. They linked the new information with different religious movements in America. Everyone participated a lot. WARNING: since this is a very sensitive topic, I waited until very late in the semester, when I knew my students enough to feel comfortable approaching it.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
I should have saved two classes for this, as I did it right before the end of the semester and could not follow up on it.
Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.