Class theme/topics discussed:
・Talk about Easter
Each student explained about what Easter holiday is and how they celebrate Easter holiday at home. After that, they have to answer some questions from classmates and I.
・Egg Hunting
This game was not just to find an egg in the room. I hided 10 cards, which is written a word on each card, in Oldenborg. Students had to find all cards by using clue cards and put them in right order to know where the egg was. The egg was in my pocket!
How did you pick this theme?
I really wanted to do an educational/instructional activity like debate under the topic of politics. However, my students did not want to do that. (I heard how they think of debate in Japanese in advance.) So I decided to do a fun activity. Easter was coming soon, I tried to do some activities related to Easter. For some seniors, they are going to go to Japan after graduation. They will need to talk their won culture in Japan. So it became great opportunity for them to think and talk about Easter and their culture.
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion, group work (treasure hunting)
How did students react?
When students found a card, I divided them into 3 groups. Each groups wanted to find a cards faster than other groups. So students thought hard and run! They were amazing!!
What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, students loved to do that.
Why or why not?
From my experience, it is very important for all people to talk about their own culture. I think learning foreign language also brings people awareness of their origin culture and value. Especially, some students are going to go to Japan this year. They will need to have the oppotunity of talking their culture. Easter is not Japanese culture, but I think language residents can make a good lesson plan from American culture like today’s lesson plan.