Language and Section: Japanese Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s learn useful expressions for describing your feelings.
Goal of the class: Students learn/use useful expression when want to describe their feeling.
Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):
Students share their recent news on academic/personal life (15 minutes)
I described students how they have limited vocabularies when they talk about their feelings. It is an uninteresting when people say, “How are you?” and you say, “ I am fine” or “I am not good”. And having useful expressions helps students to have good communication with others.
Therefore I taught 15 useful expressions on feelings from the lists of expressions I found on Internet. (30 minutes)
When the vocabularies are taught, teachers should describe the words with gestures/mimes or play and students guess them.
Each student describes their feelings that they feel recently with new vocabularies!
(15 minutes)
What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)
N /A
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Because most of my students are planning to go to study abroad in Japan, this kind of exercise was very useful to them so students were very motivated to learn new vocabularies.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Students were so eager to learn new vocabularies, so I should have prepared more of vocabularies!