Conversation Class Lesson Summary
Language Resident Name: ISAAC GIMENEZ
Day and Date: 10/11/2014
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: Body language. Facial expressions. Moods.
Goal of the class: To be able to describe facial expressions, moods and actions. Revise vocabulary related to body/face parts
How did you structure the class?
Ice-Breaker: What am I doing? We stand up and I start by doing a gesture, for instance I pretend I eat my nails, and saying something else like I am watching TV. The next student says “You are not watching TV, you are reading” while doing another gesture, for instance yawning. I write all the vocabulary on the board.
1st Activity: Acting out with gestures
Each student takes a piece of paper. In the paper a gesture or action is described, like whistling while walking, drumming your fingers on the table, and so on. Students need to guess how to say the action in Spanish and discuss about its meaning, appropriateness, and context. We also talk about the social connotations it might have and the difference between countries.
2nd Activity: Faceboard project. The American photographer Mike Lerramor developed a project where the same person is portrayed doing many faces. Students work in groups of 3. Each group has a handout. In turns, they need to describe certain face, its expression, what it projects, and the others have to guess to which picture he/she is referring. [See the following website for more information about the project].
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Handouts, board
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
We revised many words related to gestures and expression in the first 2 activities, so students could use them in the last activity. I wanted them to go further when describing someone’s face and I think it was successful. This plan could be adapted for intermediate students.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
The last activity was probably too long, A variation of the same activity could be useful.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
1st Activity:
- Atusarse el pelo con la mano
- Ajustarse el nudo de la corbata con la mano
- Morderse un labio
- Acariciar un objeto determinado inconscientemente
- El ceño fruncido
- El puño cerrado: Revela tensión nerviosismo, se oculta la verdad
- Los hombros caídos
- Sentarse con las dos piernas unidas paralelamente
- Cruzar la pierna en un ángulo de 90º al nivel de la rodilla
- Pestañear contantemente: Denota atención total.
- No mirar a una persona
- Mirar prolongadamente con la cara seria.
- Mirar hacia los lados con cierta frecuencia
- Caminar muy deprisa/despacio
- Jugar con un lápiz o un objeto cualquiera:
- Mirar el reloj mientras se habla
- Tamborilear los dedos sobre una superficie
- Silbar mientras se camina
- Poner los pies sobre la mesa
- Echarse hacia atrás en una butaca
- Un tono de voz demasiado alto