Conversation Class Lesson Summary
Language Resident Name: ISAAC GIMENEZ
Day and Date: 11/17/2014
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Uses of the subjunctive mood
Goal of the class: To integrate the use of subjunctive when talking about desires, advices, and indirect speech.
How did you structure the class?
- True detectives: I read a story and students need to make hypotheses on what it might have happened.
- Advices: I place a post-it in the back of each student. There are written situations like I crushed my father’s car, I failed a mid-term exam. Students walk around the class and give one advice to each person using the subjective form: Te recomiendo que hables con tu padre. Taking into account the advices, students need to guess their issue.
- Heads-up: Upcoming cultural events
- Warm-up: I split the class in 2 groups. Half of the class brainstorm on their ideal house and the other half on their dream-job. They write down key words on the board. Then, in turns, they express how they would like their dream-house to be using the subjunctive form. E.i. Quiero que mi casa sea…
- The wedding: Two of the students are getting married. Each student in the class has a rol: the godmother, the ex-boyfriend, the best friend, the priest, and so on. Each student need to congratulate the couple and wish them luck (or bad luck) using the subjunctive form: Te deseo que seas Espero que ciudes de mi hija.
- Orders: The deaf professor (indirect speech) Students need to give me orders but as I am deaf, other students need to report what they have just said. For instance, Ella quiere que saltes a la pata coja.
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Post-its, board
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
They liked the activities where they had to give advices and the wedding. It was also a very interactive and dynamic class.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
These activities where very directed and the next class I want to continue working with the subjunctive with more open/independent activities.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
True detectives.
El profesor explica que los estudiantes tienen que resolver un enigma que le ha hecho llegar la policía para reclutar buenos detectives. Los estudiantes tienen que hacerle preguntas al profesor para conseguir información y descubrir el enigma. Un ejemplo de enigma puede ser: “Esta mañana la policía ha encontrado dos cadáveres en una habitación de un piso: Romeo y Julieta. Los dos han aparecido muertos en el suelo, rodeados de agua y de trozos de cristal, y una de las ventanas de la habitación estaba abierta de par en par. ¿Qué ha pasado?”
Romeo y Julieta sólo son dos pobres peces que han muerto por una ráfaga de viento que ha tirado al suelo su pecera y se ha hecho trizas. Los estudiantes, durante laactividad, deberán utilizar expresiones de duda, con Indicativo o Subjuntivo según corresponda.Así saldrán frases como: “Es probable que alguien los haya matado con una botella de cristal llena de agua” o “Puede que los asesinos hayan escapado por la ventana”, etc. Dependiendo del tiempo en que se plantee el enigma, aparecerán unos tiempos u otros del Subjuntivo.