Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

 Date: April 24 and 29, May 1

 Class theme/topics discussed:

Dream job and job interview (adapted and expanded from RUSS 13 lesson plan from F2014 and

Goal of the class:

Talk about your dream job, career aspirations, do a series of personality tests and prepare for a job/scholarship interview

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):


Activity 1 – Vocab revision – Handout 1 + Handout 2 – 15 minutes


Taboo game with words from the video (handout 1) and handout 2 (experience, skills)

Activity 3 – Discussion

The students talks about her work experience using vocabulary from Activity 1

Activity 2 – Handout 3 «Do what you like» – 30 minutes

Look at a career devepment cartoon


Activity 1 – Warm-up – 5 minutes – short funny commercial about a job interview, a few words in English but mostly it is non-verbal and slapsticky. The students have to answer the following questions in Russian: What is going on in the video? (job interview) Why is the video funny?

Activity 2 – Video + Discussion – 25 minutes

Based on your experiences AND using words from Activity 1 – what are the do’s and dont’s at a job interview? What aspects of your behavior are important?  – watch and compare with your expectations in Activity 3. Make sure the students recognize the vocabulary. Repeat and pause if necessary.

Activity 3 –  The Tree test Handout 4 – 5 minutes

This is a fun way to start the “personality test” part of this sequence of classes. In a group, students can also “predict” what their groupmates will choose and explain what about the specific tree might suggest things we read in the results.

Activity 3 – LISTENING COMPREHENSION “The lesser evil” career test – Handout 5 – 25 minutes

This is great for both professions vocabulary revision and listening comprehension. The instructor reads out the questions and the student chooses “the lesser evil”, explaining and commenting. Occasionally, less common careers need a little bit of explaining, but other than that things should be clear. The student read the results and comments.


Activity 1  – Two more personality tests – 20 minutes

Career test

Your future career

Activity 2 –  Describe your dream job – 10 minutes

If you didn’t have to worry about money (cf. cartoon) and you knew you could not fail, what would you do? Describe your dream job. Explain your choice in reference to the personality tests we have done. Explain your duties, your company, your colleagues.

Activity 3Job Interview – 30 minutes

Conducted by the instructor. Apply for it using Handout 3 – what makes you a great candidate? If there is time left, the instructor and the student can switch roles.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, Internet text, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Career development/professional choices is something that this student has a keen interest on, since she is graduating and is currently looking for a job. Plus this plugs in nicely with the introverts/extraverts plus journalism material we have covered so far. And of course, everyone LOVES personality tests – in itself a great topic for discussion: why do we need them? Do they actually tell us anything new?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any. 

Conversation Class_RUSS_DREAM_JOB