Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: October/November 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Revise health vocabulary (multiple classes)

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Health vocab revision

Activity 1 Giving health advice

They work with Handout 1, using the PDF Health vocab handout (attached) 

Activity 2 More health

Handout 2 They work in pairs and translate sentences into Russian, trying to work them back into the logical order (first part of the handout). We revise together

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

PDF Health vocab Health vocabulary



Я все время чихаю и кашляю, у меня насморк. Я, кажется, простудилась.

Тебе нужно…

У меня очень болит голова.

Тебе нужно… (e.g. sleep enough – выспаться)

У меня ужасно болит живот! Меня тошнит. Видимо, я что-то не то съел(а).

Тебе нужно…

У меня высокая температура, кажется, но у меня нет градусника, я не уверен(а)

Тебе нужно…

У меня болит колено. Смотри, какой ужасный синяк! Еще у меня, по-моему, растяжение.

Тебе нужно…

Я сильно обожглась, когда делала блины, – смотри, какой у меня ужасный ожог на руках!

Тебе нужно…

У меня высокое давление.

Тебе нужно…

У меня болит сердце!

Тебе нужно…

Сегодня я упала в обморок! Не понимаю, почему?

Тебе нужно…

Я постоянно болею гриппом! Мне это уже надоело! Никакого иммунитета, чёрт побери!

Тебе нужно…


RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014

  1. My father is not very athletic, so he often gets sick (he is often sick).
  2. For example, he recently came down with bronchitis,
  3. …and so when I talk with him now, I always ask how he is feeling.
  4. Yesterday he said that he had just been to the doctor’s.
  5. The doctor measured his temperature and it was high.
  6. Then the doctor gave him an antibiotic and told him to stay in bed.
  7. The doctor also told my father to dress warmly and drink lots of tea.
  8. Overall (в общем), my father told me that he was not seriously ill,
  9. …but he did tell me that being sick is not fun (=is unpleasant)
  10. He also said he still had a headache.
  11. To this (на это) I said of course “Get well soon, Dad!”
  12. Thank God he in not in the hospital! It’s good he is at home.
  13. Unfortunately, though, Mom is at work all the time and our dog doesn’t know how to give him tea with lemon.
  14. And I live far. Well, at least I call always Dad to cheer him up (развеселить).

RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014 —- 1

  1. My father is not very athletic, so he often gets sick (he is often sick).

Then the doctor gave him an antibiotic and told him to stay in bed.

Overall (в общем), my father told me that he was not seriously ill,

The doctor measured his temperature and it was high.

…and so when I talk with him these days, I always ask how he is feeling.

Unfortunately, though, Mom is at work all the time and our dog doesn’t know how to give him tea with lemon.

To this (на это) I said of course “Get well soon, Dad!”

RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014 —- 2

  1. For example, he recently came down with bronchitis,

….And I live far. Well, at least I call always Dad to cheer him up (развеселить).

Yesterday he said that he had just been to the doctor’s.

Dad also said he still had a headache.

The doctor also told my father to dress warmly and drink lots of tea.

…but he did tell me that being sick is not fun (=is unpleasant)

Thank God he in not in the hospital! It’s good he is at home.