Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Yohichi Tagami

Day and Date: Sep 20, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: National Holiday in Japan

Goal of the class:

    Students will learn one of the national holidays in Japan called Keirounohi.

    Students will learn about the nature within Japanese people.

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10 min) Attendance check and announcements

I check students’ attendance and give them four announcements.

Activity 2 (10 min): Warm-up

I ask the students about the last weekend and I let them talk about it freely in the class.

Activity 3 (8 min): Review of the Last Class

I ask some questions about Babanuki to the students and review the key points together with PowerPoint.

Activity 4 (27 min): Introduction of “Keirounohi”

I give a handout to the students and ask them to write down about their grandparents based on the questions on the paper. The students share it in a pair and then in the class. I introduce one of the Japanese national holidays called Keirounohi to the students while giving some questions to the students. After that, they discuss it in the class and talk about such a day on their own country.

Activity 5 (5 min) Consolidation

I ask the students about how it was and gather the ideas in the class. Then I give them a handout and they write down the comment and give them back to me.

Back up activity (5-10 min) Brainstorming

I ask the students about their favorite Japanese song. Students think about it and discuss it in the class. I write down them they said on the whiteboard.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was great; the students were able to talk about their grandparents with their partner in the class. Also, they learned one of the Japanese holidays called Keirounohi. The students talked a lot and learned the Japanese culture as well. I think it is very good giving them a certain topic of Japanese aspect and let them talk freely about it by using Japanese or asking them to compare it with their own culture. Sometimes, I also can learn something new in this type of lesson from the conversation with the students.

I could not manage the time for the class today, so I could not cover all activities. I modified it during the class not asking them to write down their ideas on the sheet. But in order to construct their ideas and explain it to the others, I would like to spare the time next time when students are able to consider the specific topic on their own, which helps them a lot to organize their thoughts.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

In order to develop the class smoothly, I need to pick up one topic (not two or three) and focus on it in the class.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.