Language Resident Name: Hugo Briones Cáceres
Day and Date: Thursday, September 28th
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Conversation Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed:
- New slang
- Assessing previous knowledge
- Laws
Goal of the class:
- To assess what the students have learnt so far.
- To understand laws and their vocabulary.
- To create their own laws using the target vocabulary.
How did you structure the class?
- Students are presented with new Chilean slang (and some examples from other countries). They have to guess and explain their meanings working in pairs.
- Using the Kahoot app, students play a trivia game that review all the contents discussed in previous classes. The contents include the short seen in class, vocabulary, countries and famous people from Latin America, etc. The best scores are given Chilean souvenirs.
- We read two different laws from Chile. The first one is an outdated law about robbery and the second one the recently approved abortion law. They are both discussed and special attention is given to new vocabulary.
- Students are asked to create their own laws, one current and one outdated. Then, they share them with the rest of the class, where their classmates agree or disagree with them.
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students were really enthusiastic during the slang activity and the kahoot activity. It also gave them the prompt to ask questions about new and previous knowledge related to Latin-American culture and geography.
The reading of both laws prompted discussion as well. Students were able to compare the American reality with the Chilean one. Then, they were really creative and socially-conscious about the laws they created.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
We ran out of time to complete the last activity, but it is possible to continue during next session.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Ley de Aborto en Chile
El proyecto que despenaliza la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo en tres causales se hace cargo de experiencias de vida críticas. Esas situaciones se presentan cuando debe interrumpirse un embarazo para evitar un peligro para la vida de la mujer cuando el embrión o feto padezca una alteración estructural congénita o genética de carácter letal, o cuando el embarazo es producto de una violación.
La normativa vigente sobre interrupción del embarazo, que la prohíbe sin excepciones, no responde al trato digno que el Estado de Chile debe otorgar a sus ciudadanas en estas situaciones y sitúa a nuestro país como uno de los cuatro en el mundo que lo criminalizaen todas sus modalidades, además de El Vaticano: Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador y Malta.
Otras leyes en Chile
El Artículo 448 quinquies del Código Penal castiga severamente a quienes le saquen plumas, pelos o similares a animales ajenos.
“El que se apropie de las plumas, pelos, crines, cerdas, lanas o cualquier elemento del pelaje de animales ajenos, por cualquier medio que ello se realice, será castigado con presidio menor en sus grados mínimo a medio”.
Escribe tus propias Leyes
- Escribe una ley que consideres necesaria para tu propio país u otro. Utiliza el vocabulario adecuado.
- Escribe una ley que desde tu punto de vista es anticuada e innecesaria. Diviértanse creando algo alocado.