Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:Ruirui Zhang

Day and Date: 4th/5th November

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Intermediate/Advanced Class

Class theme/topics discussed: Social Media

Goal of the class:

  • To learn about common social media in China
  • To analyze the pros and cons of the use of social media in Chinese
  • To master some common vocabulary related to social media, like post(发)/follow(关注)/click like(点赞)etc.

How did you structure the class?

  • Warm up:  The teacher will start the lesson by asking some questions:
  • What social media do you usually use?
  • What do you do on social media?
  • Imagine what it will be like without social media?
  • Activity 1:  Fill in the questionnaire and share it with your partner. (8minutes)

Then the teacher will go through the questionnaire with students and guide students to discuss the pros and cons of the use of the social media.

  • Activity 2 : Try to use Wechat.

We will experience multiple functions on Wechat.

Students can post the first moment on Wechat in Chinese and share it with others.

  • Close lesson: The teacher will close the lesson by asking learnt questions to help students review.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Handout

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students love to share their opinions about social Media. And we had fun using China’s Wechat.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.































  a) 消磨时间













 a)利大于弊                   b)弊大于利                   c)中立
