Language Resident/Assistant Name:

Ruoyu (Agnes) Fu 

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese Advanced level 

Class theme/topics discussed:

Chinese movies and TV shows  

Goal of the class:

  1. By the end of this class, students will be able to talk about different movie genres in Chinese (see Appendix A)。
  2. By the end of this class, students will acquire more knowledge of classic Chinese movies and TV shows. 
  3. By the end of this class, students will be able to express personal interests (e.g., 我最喜欢看武侠电影)
  4. By the end of this class, students will be able to find expected information based on the instructions provided. 
  5. By the end of this class, students will be able to provide detailed information on a subject. 

How did you structure the class? (please see more details below on Page 3 and 4) 

  1. Take attendance and greet the students 
  2. Warm-up: what is the last movie or show you watched
  3. Presentation: Chinese movies and TV shows 
  4. Discussion: What do you like or dislike?
  5. Solo presentation: the one on my to-watch list 
  6. Wrap-up: what you could watch for your Chinese learning 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

  1. I used PowerPoint to create the slides (17 in total) 
  2. I looked up pictures of some dishes on Baidu image.
  3. I used 笔记本 to create notes (see Appendix B) 
  4. I used to play Jackie Chan’s movie clip. 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

What worked well: 

  1. Students are familiar with all the genres, even the one that is less common (i.e., martial arts). 
  2. Students did not get confused about what those points and stars meant after I explained that it was from a website worked as “a Chinese IMDb”.
  3. All of them have a habit of watching Chinese movies and shows on some American streaming platforms, so they were interested in getting relevant information about what might be available. They also had a lot to contribute themselves. 
  4. There was a Chinese teen drama <> on Netflix, they were very excited to learn that their classmates had also known that show, so they had a very interesting conversation about it with each other.
  5. Compared to the intermediate level classes, they had a bigger vocabulary size to support their production on likes and dislikes, so they felt comfortable bringing up more prior experiences with different kinds of shows and movies.
  6. They were willing to invite the observer to their conversations and get them going smoothly. That was my first time watching them speak in Chinese to an “outsider”. I was quite satisfied with their performances.  

What did not work: 

  1. They were familiar with those genres as just “terms” or “words”, they did not have sufficient experience with most of them to reflect on. I was expected the advanced level class to know more information about certain topics such as Jin Yong’s work. But only one student had heard of him. 
  2. I thought they had already learned the four great novels somewhere else. Although I was aware of the lack of knowledge of the details (that is why I demonstrated them in English). But none of the students had even heard of them. It made my presentation on it more challenging. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

  1. I always try to avoid giving away too much information about the coming topics to make sure their output is spontaneous. In the future, if the topics seem to need a fair amount of world knowledge, I probably will release the agenda of the next class prior to it to help them prepare for their participation. 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Time/step Teacher focus Student focus 
Presentation  Warm-up (5 mins)-Take attendance  -Greet students by asking them if they still remember the differences among 明星,名人,网红,偶像。– Connect their devices  – Greet the instructor  – Answer questions
-Answer questions 
Presentation (20 mins) -Show them different genres of the movies and TV shows  -Introduce Jin Yong and his work  -Show them the old Hong Kong version and the new Mainland China’s version  -Demonstrate the list of the gangster movies  -Play a 30-second clip of 《无间道》 -Demonstrate Zhou Xingchi’s work  -Demonstrate the list of the action movies  -Play a 2-minute clip of 《我是谁》 -Demonstrate the list of the new action movies produced by some new directors from Mainland China  -Sharing my own experience of watching 《红海行动》and 《战狼》at AMC  -Demonstrate the rest of the slides of the movies  -Introduce the four great classic novels (see Appendix B) -Play the theme song of 《西游记》 -Demonstrate the rest of the slides of the TV shows 
Guided practice (15 mins) -Make sure they are able to access the handout  -Send them into breakout rooms  -Let them discuss the questions with their partners: their favorite movie genres; last watched Chinese movie; last watched Chinese TV show, etc.  -Bring them back to the main session  -Ask them what show they were talking about, whether they use Chinese subtitles; whether they use English subtitles, etc. 

-Discuss with their partners 

-Present to the class 

Communicative practice  (15 mins) -Show them a 45-second video clip of 《知否》 -Read the four lines on the slide  -Explain what they mean  -Explain why I show them that  -Ask them what cultural aspects were presented in it -Ask them what historical aspects were presented 

-Answer questions 
-Answer questions   
Wrap-up (5 mins)-Go over the genres and their Chinese expressions  -Mention the availability of the list of movies and shows on Sakai  -Ask questions 
Appendix A 

武俠片/武侠片 Martial arts​
警匪片/警匪片 Gangster​
犯罪片/犯罪片 Crime​
愛情片/爱情片 Romance​
動作片/动作片 Action​
喜劇片/喜剧片 Comedies ​
電視劇/电视剧 TV dramas​
四大名著 Four great novels ​
历史片 history ​
古装片 period drama ​
校园片 teen
Appendix B
