Conversation Class Lesson Summary
Language Resident Name:
Maria Segura
Maria Glukhova
Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez
Day and Date:
Week 3-4, Fall 2020
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
Class theme/topics discussed:
How did you structure the class?
Activity 1 – Talking about a specific movie (that you’ve asked your students to watch for the class)
- While watching a movie, students should write down (in a shared Google Document) 10 words/phrases that they did not know, and that they want to use. Students should also write down an English translation for these words.
- Each student needs to give 3 words that come to their mind when they think about the movie
- They then need to explain their choices
- Give 4 reasons to go and see the movie+ 1 reason not to (or the contrary).
- Discussion about the themes used in the movie.
Activity 2 – General discussion about movies
- What’s your favorite movie of all time?
- What movie could you watch 50 times?
- What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
- What’s a movie you like even if everyone else hates it/you hate even if everyone else loves it?
- If you could be the villain in any movie, who would you be and why?
- If someone was to make a movie about your life, what would you like to see in it? What genre would it be? Name 3 things you’d like to be included in it?
Activity 3 – Getting to know French movies
- Brainstorm about movie genres and characteristics
- Show students trailers/posters of movies and ask them to guess with what synopsis and/or genre they match. Either create a poll, put students in breakout rooms or create a kahoot.
- In pairs, the students are given the poster of a French movie and have to determine the genre and imagine the scenario of the movie.
- They then present the movie to the rest of the class: they first describe the poster, then explain what they think the movie is going to be about.
Activity 4 – Jury at an Award
- Variant #1: Students have to choose: meilleur film, meilleur acteur, meilleure actrice, meilleure musique de film, meilleurs decors, meilleurs costumes, meilleurs effets visuels/speciaux and to justify their decisions.
- Variant #2 (cf Blanca): Students become part of the jury of the awards. After seeing part of the trailers of those films, they have to vote for the best film, best music and best animation (sharing their personal preferences and professional aspects that they can notice).
- Variant #3: Students watch a series of short films/animations that an LR chose for the class. All short films can be about one theme, or completely random. After watching them, students work in pairs and decide, which are their top 3 (they should come up with arguments). Then students present their choice to the class and try to prove that their top 3 was the best choice.
Activity 5 – Creating your own movie
- In pairs, students have to come up with a plot for a new movie. They are asked to choose random numbers that correspond to specific constraints they will have to put in their movies (genre/objects etc). They have to write on a shared google docs where they can find guidelines.
- Potential variant (cf Blanca): Students become directors and potential leading actors and actresses. That is, each “director” interviews different potential actors in order to hire the most suitable one for a specific genre that will be randomly assigned. The directors will make questions that are important for them in order to hire an actor suitable for that film genre and the actors invent a personality that would be suitable for that genre as well. Once the interactions finish, the directors share the names of the hired actors and actresses and see if the assigned genres matched or not.
Activity 6 – Turning it French
In pairs, ask students to choose a famous movie and imagine a French version/parody of it. When and where would it take place? Who would be the characters? Would the story change? Share a common google doc to allow them to write their thoughts and see how the others are going + give them guidelines (original movie/French version columns for instance)
Activity 7 [It was a great class about stereotypes!]
- Students should finish two sentences:
He was a true Russian/French/X, but he never…
She was a true Russian/French/X, but she never…
This frame helps to understand what stereotypes students have about ‘true Russians/Xs’, men and women (e.g., He was a true Russian, but he never drank vodka -> “drinking vodka” is an attribute of a stereotypical Russian person.
2. All the results from the previous activity should be written on a whiteboard. Then we talk about why and from where the students have such images of Russians/France/X.
3. In groups of 3-4, students should come up with their own movie script (maybe in a specific genre). The movie should be Hollywood-like and about a (stereo)typical Russian/X person as a protagonist. The teams should come up with an idea, a movie title, and a plot summary. If there is time, students should also draw a poster with all the information about the team and present it on a ‘festival’ to their colleagues.
4. Conclusion and a follow-up discussion.
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Zoom, Youtube
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
How could this class be improved/ modified?