Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener (credits to Marie Segura “FR SP21 INT/ADV Advertising & Slogans”)
Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising & Slogans
Goal of the class:
Learn about German brands and “Werbeslogans”
Learn about German commercials
Create your own slogans and ads
Discuss effects & mechanisms of advertising
How did you structure the class?
4.30 – 4.35: Welcome and Introduction (welcome to students to the class and use the first image of the slide [popcorn] to make a transition to advertising [eating popcorn in the movies during the advertising before the movie])
4.35 – 4.42: Matching brand & slogan (in pairs: students get 10 german brands and slogans and have to watch them with each other)
4.42 – 4.46: Matching brand & slogan: solution (teacher offers the solution to the task. I added a competitive element and gave them points for each correct one, and the winner of this task will be allowed to have the first pick of one (or more) of the “Impossible Objects” later)
4.46 – 4.50: The good slogan (students have to think about and discuss the characteristics of a good slogan. After that the teacher will offer a definition of “Werbeslogan” and based on that either sum up what students have said already or add elements that they might not have thought about)
4.50 – 4.55: Your own slogan (in pairs: students have to come up with the best possible slogan for an object that they use everyday [2min] – then present it to the others [can be used to come to decision regarding whoever picks the objects first, as in my case the “matching” activity ended with a tie])
4.55 – 5.00: Advertising (students have to brainstorm aspects that publicists rely on when they want to sell a certain type of product (e.g. food, cars, jewelry etc.))
5.00 – 5.15: 3 German commercials (students see 3 German commercials and while watching have to pay attention to the following questions: “1. What is advertised? 2. Which aspects are emphasized? 3. What do you think of the advertisement? Is it effective? (Who is the target group?)” After each commercial we discuss these questions. Either by putting them in small groups for the discussion, or by putting them in small groups and then using their discussion as a foundation for a class discussion or discuss it in class right away. I would prefer one of the “small group” options, but depending on time the “only class” option could be the best idea.
5.15 – 5.25: Create your own commercial (students pick on (or more) of the “Impossible Objects) and then have to create a commercial for that object. They obviously don’t have the resources to create a commercial in that short amount of time, so instead they have to focus on the following questions: “1. Which aspects should be emphasized? Who is the target group? 2. What is happening? (+ WHERE does the advertising take place? WHO is playing?) 3. What is the music like? Is there a slogan? Is there a logo?”)
5.25 – 5.30: Present your ad (students present their ad/commercial)
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?
The class worked pretty well – students enjoyed the creative parts, where they had to create their own slogan and then particularly the task in the end, when they had to create their own ad (which was very funny). They also liked the German commercials very much, thought they were funny or gave a good impression of/to German culture. The first task took a bit too much time unfortunately – so I would recommend to either choose less brands/slogans, or maybe discuss the slogans beforehand so everybody has the same knowledge and knows what every slogan means (or could refer to).
Werbung 1:
Werbung 2:
Werbung 3: