Language Resident: Marie Segura

Class theme/topic discussed: Advertising

Goal of the class: learning vocabulary about advertisement, learning more about French culture and especially the advertisement culture. 


ACTIVITY 1 – Slogans

  • Show the students a list of French slogans and a list of brands and ask the students to pair them up.
  • What are the characteristics of a good slogan? (repetitions, rhymes…)
  • In pairs, ask the students to come up with the best slogan to sell a simple object (something they use everyday).

ACTIVITY 2 – Discussing (French) commercials

  • Brainstorming: what aspects do publicists rely on to sell specific types of products? (eg for coffee: seduction, luxury…)
  • Show the students a French ad and ask them to guess what it is trying to sell + what aspects  are emphasized 
  • Reflection: show them an infamous car ad that was taken down and ask them what they understand + what they think about it. What is it trying to sell? Who is the target audience? Is it efficient?

ACTIVITY 3 – Create your own commercial

  • In pairs: give each group a picture of an impossible object. Ask the students to write the scenario of an ad promoting it: what is the target audience of the ad? where does it take place? Who are the characters? Is there music? What happens?
  • Present your ad to the rest of the class. 

Resources used:



Powerpoint, pictures of impossible objects