Language resident: Natalia Cano
Class theme/topic discussed: Health
Goal of the class: The students learn the basic vocabulary to survive in a Spanish-speaking country in case they get sick and have to go to the doctor.
Class structure:
Warm-up: Brainstorm: parts of the body and diseases
The students have 3 minutes to brainstorm about this topic.
Activity 1: Useful vocabulary
Hola, quiero pedir hora para una cita.
Doler: me duele el estómago/me duelen las rodillas
Estar: estar resfriado/a, mareado/a, enfermo/a, herido/a
Tener: tener fiebre, covid, tos.
Dermatólogo, oculista, cardiólogo
Tarjeta sanitaria, radiografía, ecografía, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, una receta, una receta, farmacia, pastillas, jarabe, la crema
Ir en ayunas, la baja/el alta
Una operación de corazón/apendicitis
Activity 2: Situation
Juan tiene dolores abdominales desde hace unos días y tiene que ir al médico de cabecera para la revisión. Naima, su cuidadora, pide una cita y lo acompaña a la consulta.
The students have to come up with a theatrical situation with the following characters: Juan, Naima, the doctor.
The students show their theatrical piece to the rest of the students and, after that, I show the students one video with the actual situation and they ask question related to vocabulary.
Resources used:
What worked well? What did not work well?
This class went very well. The students had a lot of questions, so three activities were enough. They were very interested when I explained them cultural things as the ”tarjeta sanitaria europea” concept.