Conversation Class Lesson Summary
Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)
Day and Date: 4th week (20th and 22nd September 2022)
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed:
Goal of the class:
To learn expressions of comparison, recommendation, through activities of renting a house in Japan.
How did you structure the class?
20th September 2022
Showing the topic, reviewing the basic expression of comparison
Showing the topic, reviewing the basic expression of recommend
Reviewing useful vocabulary related to the topic
Example question: Comparing two rooms
Students should read the details of the room
Students should ask landlord (Me) the lacking information
Discuss with partner which room to rent
Discuss with everyone, stating pros / cons
Start using the website “Suumo” in Japanese
Students should follow the direction of slide 5, find best room
Presentation of the best room as the role of owner of the house
Audience should ask many questions
Landlord should give merits
What technology, media or props did you use?
Handout, ppt
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Student liked to be both landlord and customer. They make up stories and everyone was laughing. It was one of the best class.