FR S23 Study Break: French Songs and Watercolor Painting May 5, 2023 / Theresa Elhage Creative study breaks are, in my experience, the most popular ones. Students love being able to create something with their hands and imagination, and then keeping it as a souvenir. It is also the best way they can actually feel like they’re getting an actual break from studying as focusing on crafting, painting, or drawing something get their mind away from stress and school work. I did the watercolor painting/snacks and French songs study break twice as the turnout was huge. I also got my best memories and long deep conversations with students from these types of study breaks. They are amazing for community-building and peer-bounding with and between the students. Art, French, Music, Study Break Flyers Artartistic freedomFrenchstudy break Previous post RU S23 INT: Nature Next post FR S23 French Study Break: Cheese Tasting and French Music Night!