Class theme/topics discussed: we discussed different types of markets in Russia and their peculiarities, vocabulary related to trade

Goals of the class: to familiarize Ss with the kinds of markets that they are very likely to come across in Russia, Kazakhstan etc, to let them know what they can find there and what they can expect to see / what is expected from them. To brush up / learn some new vocab related to trade.

How did you structure the class? We spent about 15 minutes discussing the weekend and asked each other questions about it. Then I handed each of the Ss a wordsearch activity (included below) that I created myself. There were words related to trade. They knew almost all of them, only 1-2 I had to explain in more detail. Then I asked them what they thought our today’s topic was (-> trade). We talked about the weekly farmer’s market in Claremont and then I showed them 2 pictures of 2 types of Russian markets. In pairs they had to discuss what the difference between the 2 was and later, after they presented their opinions, I explained the difference to them. I asked them a couple more topic-related questions, told a short story and divided them into pairs. One pair was FOR and the other AGAINST such markets that we discussed. We had mini-debates (I wanted to test the waters before dedicating a larger portion of a CC to this format). After the rebuttal I had them correct the agreements and that was the end of the class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Wordsearch handouts, whiteboard, photos on my laptop

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I did not expect Ss to like the wordsearch so much. They also gave positive feedback about the mini-debates

How could this class be improved/ modified? I guess I could give them some information on the structure of debates before having them. It seems to me that they did not have any exposure to debates before. The activity went well, but next time, when I decide to have debates in class again, I will dedicate more time to them and will make sure the Ss know the structure and what is expected from them, based on these mini-debates about the markets and also some visuals that I’ll prepare.
