Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Lea Marie Uhlending                                                   

Day and Date: Thursday, 04/11/24

Language and Level:  Advanced Class

Class theme/topics discussed:

Das Institut für Sexualwissenschaft and Magnus Hirschfeld – German queer history

Goals of the class:

shine a light on a part of German history that really isn’t talked about

How did you structure the class?

I first asked her if she had ever heard of the Institute for sexual science, she had not, and explained to her that we we’re going to dive in to a part of German history that not a lot of people know about (even in Germany). First I gave her a little overview of the man that founded the institute, and we discussed his impressive life. Then I talked to her about what the Institute was and what it offered to its patients/scientists/the people of Berlin. She was very surprised to learn about the range of treatments and events the institute offered. Afterwards I told her about the raid, destruction and book burning committed by the Nazis.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Just as I thought the student hadn’t heard of the institute or Hirschfeld. But she was very interested in learning more about it. And due to her advanced level we could have an in depth discussion about why this part of German history is “hidden”.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

This is a topic that is very important to me. It is important to highlight how much progression the Nazi’s ruined and also show that queer people have always existed. I would really like to modify this class so that I could also teach it in my intermediate class.