an archive of lesson plans

Author: Akihiro

JP S15 ADV INT Police

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: Monday, February 2nd. Tuesday, February 3rd.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Police Affaire

 Goal of the class:

Students will be familiar with Japanese police matter.

Students will know new vocabularies concerning police.

Students will know how to speak to police when they lose their belongings.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Advertisement

I advertised up-coming cultural activities.

2. Warm-up

I ask students about American police. Do you talk to police? When do you speak to police? How do you find them?

3. Vocabularies

I distribute a copy of handout. On it there are several vocabularies concerning police. They will be key words in case we talk to police. We check them one by one. If a student knows the meaning of a word, he/she explains it. Otherwise, I do instead of them.

4. Icebreaker

Give one picture sheet to each student. One student is a witness who saw a robbery, and the other is a police officer. The police officer asks the witness questions to find which man in the picture is the thief. When the police officer knows who the thief is. s/he tells the number for him to the witness and checks if it s correct.

5. Skit

On the backside of the handout is a skit. one act as a police and the other does a guy who lot his/her wallet. By reading the skit students practice how to ask police to look for his/her lost property.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


SP15 JPN Int Ad Police

JP S15 ADV/INT Love in Japan

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: Tuesday, January 27th, Wednesday January 28th.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Advanced and Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Love in Japan

 Goal of the class:

Students will be familiar with St. Valentine day in Japan.

Students will learn the differences of love between the US and Japan.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Advertisement

I advertise upcoming Japanese cultural activities.

2. St. Valentine day in Japan

I ask students what is happening in this season in Japan; the answer is St. Valentine day. I ask them what the Japanese do at the time of St. Valentine day. Students explain what they know about the event. After their explanation, I streamline what they say and give a short lecture on that topic. Foe example, what are 義理チョコ,友チョコ,本命チョコ? What’s the difference between them? I explain them, using whiteboard.

3. Where to meet in Japan?

I switch the topic from St Valentine day to Love in japan. First, I ask students where an American couple gets to know each other and meet. On the left side of whiteboard, I list what they say. Second, Students think about the places where a Japanese couple usually got to know each other. On the right side of white board, I list what they come up with. 合コン is a typically Japanese occasion, so I explain about this.

4. Love process in Japan.

I write a horizontal line on whiteboard. The left end of the line means when a couple gets to know each other. The other end is the end of the couple, which means marriage, break-up etc. I list these things; first date, second date, third date, confession of love, kiss, hold hands, introduction of partner to family. Students guess when a Japanese couple do these things. Students guess how long it takes them to do these things after they first meet each other? Then, I explain about confession of love in Japan, which is very typical process in Japan when a couple starts going out.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked really well. Actually I somehow hesitated to carry out this class, because I need more time to explain—so it becomes kind of lecture—and deprive students of their opportunities to talk. I strongly recommend this topic for any Japanese LRs, since the way, process to go out in Japan is very different from American one. Students were really interested in this class.

SP15 JPN Ad Int Love in Japan

JP S15 ADV/INT Mail Service

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

Day and Date: Monday, February 23rd, Tuesday, February 24th.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Japanese, Intermediate and Advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Mail Service

 Goal of the class:

Students will learn vocabularies in post office.

Students will be familiar with the system of mail service in Japan.

How did you structure the class?

1. Warm-up

I ask students if they have sent a mail in Japan? How was that? What was difficult?

2. Vocabularies

I distribute a copy of handout to students. We confirm the vocabularies and expressions of postal service on it. I add some explanation. The vocabularies are found in 『日本語集中トレーニング』p65.

3. Skit

A student makes a skit with his/her partner that matches the pictures on the copy. Each picture shows a scene in postal office. Each pair comes up with conversations for each scene. Then, The students demonstrate what they made. The pictures are found in 『日本語集中トレーニング』 p64-65.

4. Map

I draw a picture on white board that shows inside of a post office. I ask students where they should go first when they get to the office. We confirm the procedure they go though to send a package.

5. Explanation

I distribute a copy of handout. I explain fees to send a card, envelop or package.

6. How to write?

With pictures of post cards and envelope, we confirm how to write our address and that of a receiver on them. Should they be vertically written or horizontal? Where do we write them?

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handouts, whiteboard

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked well. The way to write names and addresses on a post card is different form American one. So they got surprised!

SP15 JPN AD Int Mail Service

JP S15 INT Haircut

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 3/2, Monday

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Haircut

 Goal of the class:

Students will learn vocabularies of haircut

Students will know how to get hair cut

 How did you structure the class?


I announce that I will do feedback session next class. And I notice students that they may receive a low-grade notification.


I ask students how often they get their hair cut. Where are you get your hair cut?


I distribute a copy of handout. We go through vocabularies used in beauty salon or barber. I explain them using whiteboard if necessary.

4. Hairstyle

We check pictures of hairstyle together. How are they called in Japan?

5. Expression

Students learn typical expressions often used in beauty salon. They match these expressions with 4 scenes in salon.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handout, Whiteboard

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The US is not as homogeneous as Japan. And hair type is diverse. that makes class a little bit sensitive.

SP15 JPN Int Haircut

JP F14 ADV Garbage

 Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 11/25, Tue

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Garbage

Goal of the class: Students will be familiar with separating rubbish in Japan.

How did you structure the class?

1) Warm-up

I ask students several questions: have you separated rubbish in Japan? did you have any troubles concerning rubbish in Japan? Etc.

2) Quiz

I distribute handouts to students. In handouts, there are pictures of rubbish. Students classify them into four categories in accordance with the Japanese way of separation of rubbish. Which garbage is which category in Japan? Compost? Flammable? Recycle?

3) Youtube

Watching a video, students confirm how to separate rubbish in Japan. I make comments on that.

4) Explanation

I explain the process of garbage treatment in Japan.

5) Question

Students answer several questions on recycling in handouts. What are you doing to reduce garbage? The list of questions is found in 『日本語おしゃべりのたね』p94.

6) Role Play

Part 1.

Stundets play roles of several cases. First, they fill in the blacks in a conversation in the handouts. The model conversation is found in 『会話に挑戦中級前期からの日本語ロールプレイ』p110.

After completing the conversation, they practice it with their partner.

Part 2.

Students come up with excuses, which should be used when throwing out the garbage in the wrong way in Japan. In handouts they find several cases. The cases are seen in 『会話に挑戦中級前期からの日本語ロールプレイ』p111.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube, Handouts

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 Students are really interested in this topic, since some of them have experienced the separation of the garbage and some of them are willing to stay in Japan in the near future. Especially the roleplay worked well. Students made a interesting but logical conversation.

FA14 JPN Advanced Garbage

JP F14 ADV Japanese Gesture

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 9/16, Wed, 9/17, Thu

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Adv/Int

 Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese Gesture

 Goal of the class:

 Students will understand the Japanese gestures.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Warm-up

I ask students how they gesture to refer to eating, drinking, sweeping, calling in the U. S. There are typical gestures to express them.

2. Youtube

Students watch a video explaining Japanese gestures. At time I stop the video, and ask student questions and make comments on it.

3. Typical gestures

I distribute handouts including typical gestures in Japan. First, I ask students if they know them, then I explain. After that, they gesture, as I say.

4. Role-play

The students do the role play including several gestures with their partner.

5. Taboo

I talk about the taboo behavior in Japan, for example crossing legs in front of a boss.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Youtube, Handouts

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked very well. The students were enthusiastic especially when I was explaining the gesture to express “boy” /“girlfriend.”

How could this class be improved/ modified?

F14 JPN Japanese Gesture

JP F14 ADV Mishearing

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 10/14, Tue, 10/15, Wed

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Ad and Int.

 Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese-English mishearing.

 Goal of the class:

 Students will be familiar with Japanese-English mishearing.

 How did you structure the class?


I get students watch a video. In the video, interviewer says some words in Japanese which sound also like English. For example, “Hamachi,” the name of a fish, can be recognized “How much” in English. Interviewees answer how the words sound.

2. Quiz

I ask students some quiz. First, I show Japanese sentences with PowerPoint to the students. The sentences can also sound English ones. The students guess what English ones they are

3. Lists

I distribute the list of mishearing sentences and explain the meanings of Japanese sentences. I ask students if they sound English ones.

4. Movies

I showed a Japanese TV show. It introduces movies in which actors say English words that can also sound Japanese ones.

5. Music

There are a lot of music lyrics that sound Japanese. Students watch a videos and confirm if they can hear both in English and Japanese

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Handouts, Youtube, Powerpoint

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked very well. Some mishearing sentences are very famous in Japan. However, I think they were very new and eye-opening for the students. They reacted very well.

F14 JPN Ad mishearing 

JP F14 INT Housing

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 9/24, Wed

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Ad/Int

 Class theme/topics discussed: Housing

 Goal of the class:

Students will learn the vocabularies of housing.

Students will learn how to rent an apartment in Japan.

 How did you structure the class?


I ask students who have been to Japan how Japanese apartments were and how they rent them.

2. Vocabularies

I distribute handouts to students and introduce housing vocabularies in them

3. Quiz

The students see the floor plans in handouts. I ask them “is it 1K or 1DK?” and explain why.

4. Expressions

The students learn the expressions to rent apartments.

5. Exercise

The students do some exercises. Under several conditions, they make sentences to negotiate with brokers.

6. Icebreaker

I divide the class into two groups: A and B and give a floor plans to each student in group A and give one condition card to each student in group B. Students in group A negotiate students in group B and find the person who will match the condition. The students in group B listen carefully to the condition.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Handouts, Cards for icebreaker

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 The Icebreaker worked very well.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

It was difficult for Intermediate class. They seemed overwhelmed by new vocabularies and expressions. It is necessary to reduce them.

F14 JPN Ad Int Housing

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