Conversation Class Lesson Summary
Language Resident Name:
Day and Date:
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
Chinese, intermediate and Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed:
Learn the song <the same song>(tongyishouge)
Goal of the class:
To Practice their oral Chinese skills. Practice Chinese listening skills. Learn about new vocabulary and learn to sing this Chinese song.
How did you structure the class?
- Play song, let them practice listening, write the lyrics they hear and fill it in the blanks in pinyin or Chinese characters.
- Help students correct mistakes, tell them the meaning of the new vocabulary.
- Teach them to sing the song. And put culture inputs such as how to pronounce 的 and 了 in a song.
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
PowerPoint, useful Chinese website:
PowerPoint, YouTube
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students really enjoyed the class, practiced their listening skills. Learned new words and how to sing a Chinese song, everyone was involved and had fun.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
- 鮮花曾( ) ( ) ( ), 你( )( )走過。
大地( )( )你心中的( )( )( )( )( ),
( )( )的夢啊,誰( )( )( )( )( )。
( )( )迎來( )( )這歡聚時刻。
- 水千條山萬座( )( )( )( )( )。
每一次( )( )和( )( )都彼此銘刻,
在( )( )燦爛歡樂的日子裡。
( )( )( )( )( )啊,想( )的( )( )。
3. 星光灑滿了所有的( )( ),( )( )走遍了( )( )的( )( )。
同樣的( )( )給了( )( )同樣的( )( ),
同樣的( )( )給了( )( )同一首歌。
4. ( )( )想滲透所有的( )( ),
( )( )把友好的( )( )傳說。
同樣的( )( )給了( )( )同樣的( )( ),
同樣的( )( )給了( )( )同一首歌