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FR F23: Lesson Plan – La peinture en France !

Activity 1: What is your favorite painting? Explain why.

Activity 2: imagine you are an art critic in a museum and analyze the paintings displayed in the classroom :

Claude Monet, Les Nymphéas

Jean-Antoine Watteau, Le Pèlerinage à l’île de Cythère

Auguste Renoir, Les Deux Sœurs

Give your opinion and debate with the class!

Activity 3: Watch the following video and answer questions :

CN SP23 INT/ADV 数学与自然科学 Math and Stem courses

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2023.02.07

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: 数学与自然科学 Math and Stem courses

Goal of the class:

  1. Learn vocabularies about courses (Humanities & Stem)
  2. Talk about learning experiences

How did you structure the class?


Greetings and some chitchats with students.


Brainstorm: 你知道下面的课程用汉语怎么说吗?文科 liberal arts/ humanities + 理科 Stem



你最不喜欢的专业课呢?为什么? 大学里,你对那一堂课 印象最深?为什么?
在课上,教授带你们做了什么? 灵魂拷问:你翘过课吗?为什么翘?


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It went really well!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Nope 🙂

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

DE 23 ADV/INT S23 Image Description – in different ways, How to be accurate

TopicImage description
Goals of the ClassHow do I describe images in a very accurate way. What sentences do I use PronounsEffects of pictures
Warm UpSmall Talk about the first weekend back at the College. Expectations for the semester
Activity 1One person had a picture and the other person had to paint the picture. By describing the person with the picture. Then change partners with a new picture.
Activity 2How do I describe a picture. Input from my side: – What are the characteristics- background, foreground, on the right/left side, …- Pronouns (on, under, beside,) Each person got a picture and had to describe it with the given input.
Activity 3Everyone was allowed to choose a painting or a picture from the Internet:- Tell something about the artist and the painting- Describe the painting – Why do I like the painting / what effect does it have on me?- does it tell a story?
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)? the students had a lot of fun and were able to quickly implement and use the phrases they had learned. The initial activity went very well, and the students’ drawings were very good. Next time I would probably choose simple pictures that are easier to draw.

FR F22 INT/ADV Les Stéréotypes/clichés sur les Français

Goal of the Class: Students discuss on stereotypes they have on French people; they also learn about the various stereotypes existing in different regions of France and also different kind of expressions used in daily speech and referring to these stereotypes. Students practice their listening and speaking skills by watching videos in French on the topic, and then discuss about it both in groups and then with the whole class

Warm-up : 10/15 minutes

Intermediate and advanced : Par groupes trouvez 5 clichés que vous avez sur les Français (in groups find 5 clichés/stereotypes that you have about French people). I gave students 10 minutes to talk about it in groups and then I asked each group to share what discussed. Then I showed them a picture of different typical stereotypes existing about French people around the world with vocabulary included and further explanation of them if needed.


As a transition towards the first activity, I gave them three commonly used expressions in French that are related to stereotypical traits generally assigned to French people: Grande gueule (talk too much, is too direct), dragueur (flirty), nul en langues (bad at languages)

Advanced: for advanced I added more specific cultural input on various stereotypes depending on the regions in France:

  • En France, selon les régions il y a aussi des clichés différents: Par exemple, on dit qu’en Bretagne il pleut tout le temps, à Paris les gens sont hautains et arrogants (haughty and snobbish), en Alsace ils mangent que de la choucroute (plat traditionnel avec du chou), la Normandie est principalement peuplée de vaches.
  • Ce ne sont que des stéréotypes et donc pas totalement vrai! par exemple, en Bretagne il ne pleut pas tout le temps (mais souvent) et beaucoup de Parisiens sont très gentils (pas tous)

Activity 1: In groups still I then asked them to discuss the following questions revolving around stereotypes on Americans:

  • Quels sont d’après vous les stéréotypes que les personnes étrangères ont sur les Américains ? (What do you think are the stereotypes that foreign people have about Americans?)
  • Est-ce qu’il y a des stéréotypes spécifiques pour chaque états des Etats Unis? Donnez des exemples (Are there specific stereotypes for each state in the United States? Give examples)
  • Est-ce que vous connaissez des clichés sur d’autres pays Européens comme l’Italie, l’Angleterre, l’Espagne, etc.? (Do you know any clichés about other European countries like Italy, England, Spain, etc.?)

After they discussed for about 10-13 minutes, we exchange as a class and then I gave them some stereotypes we have in France about Americans:

  • Les Américains mangent mal et il y a des fast foods partout
  • Les Américains sont très patriotes
  • Il y a plus d’armes (guns) que d’Américains
  • Les Américains n’ont pas d’assurance santé
  • Les gobelets rouges (red cups) dans les fêtes étudiantes
  • Les ‘Hugs’ pour dire Bonjour

Activity 2: this second activity is centered on a video I showed them. One is on how Europeans living in France and speaking French fluently view French people, and the other one is similar but is an interview of non-European people living in France.


  • En regardant la vidéo, notez les mots que vous ne connaissez pas sur une feuille de papier ou votre téléphone portable (While watching the video, write down the words you don’t know on a piece of paper or your cell phone)
  • Les Français vus par des Européens (how Europeans see French people) :
  • Quels sont les clichés/stéréotypes mentionnés dans la vidéo? (What clichés/stereotypes are mentioned in the video?)

Then I showed them some slides I created with photos on new vocabulary mentioned in the video, here is an example:


Quels sont les clichés que certaines personnes hors d’Europes ont sur les français?

Quelles sont les habitudes / les comportements typiquement français ?

Last activity : Les gestes et expressions typiquement francais – French also speak using gestures. This video is very funny and explains some of these common gestures used in the common speech in France:

1- j’ai les chocotes/ça fait peur/c’est flippant/j’ai peur

2- I’m drunk

3- j’en ai par-dessus la tête/j’en ai marre

4- ça m’énerve!

5- et toc! / dans ta face

6- les doigts dans le nez (it was easy)

laquelle intégreriez-vous dans votre vie de tous les jours ? (Which one-s would you incorporate in your everyday life?)

Est-ce que vous utilisez des gestes quand vous parlez?  (do you use gestures when you speak?

Feedback/end of the class: give one or two words that you learnt today, how many times do you think people do ‘la bise’ in France to introduce themselves?

Ressources used: Powerpoint, Youtube videos, images

Reflection: This class went so well both in the advanced and intermediate classes. The students were participating a lot and we ended up having very interesting points and elements of discussions raised all throughout the class. These classes definitely showed that conversation classes are much more than just practicing the target language, they can also be an opportunity to learn and enlarge point of views, knowledge on various topics/issues, etc. This class led to deep and meaningful exchanges as a whole class.

DE F22 ADV Food and Groceries – Wie bereite ich deutsches Essen zu?

TopicFood and Grocery + Vocabulary for Cooking and Baking
Goals of the ClassIdentify food in a recipe and know how to cook/bake it  
Warm UpWho enjoys cooking? Who does it regularly? Has it changed with the pandemic? What’s your favorite food?
Activity 1Quick food quiz about fruit & vegetables I showed them typical German fruits and vegetables (pictures) and they had to guess the name and translation. I showed just pictures and they had to guess the name of the fruit or the vegetable. What ingredients are used for this dish?
Activity 2Everyone was given 3 vocabulary words (verbs for cooking) and had to explain them without using the word. Think of a dish that consists of the ingredients mentioned and then present it to the others. Not all ingredients have to be included and other ingredients can be used.
Activity 3How to use the ingredients to cook? potatoes, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, carrots  Apple, peach, strawberry, kiwi, banana What are the ingredients of your favorite foodShow us a picture 
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  Especially the explanation of the cooking vocabulary worked very well, and the students were able to memorize the vocabulary and use it later. Also, the presentation of the favorite dish with ingredients and cooking instructions was well received. The fruit and vegetable quiz were a bit too easy, here one could choose more difficult products.

JP F22 INT/ADV 政治や外交・歴史や人権、人種差別の問題について話そう!Let’s talk about complex subjects such as Politics, Intl relations, History, racism and Human rights!

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 14th week (29th Nov and 1st Dec 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Conversation project

Goal of the class: To be able to express on the academic interest they have

How did you structure the class?

29th November 2022


              Talking about bilingualism and economical success in California

              Talking about a documentary film about heritage language

and social exclusion in Korea


1st December 2022


              Talking about microaggression and racial justice

              Talking about minority / majority issues in Japan


What technology, media or props did you use?  

   Handout, YouTube video

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was great two consecutive session to talk about their themes that they’re passionate about. They learned many higher / abstract words.







JP F22 INT/ADV: 言語学習する上でのあるある〜!Momentについて語ろう!Why do you study Japanese?!的な

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 3rd week (13th and 15th September 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Why do you study Japanese?

Goal of the class:

              To be able to talk about language learning related topics.

How did you structure the class?

13th and 15th  September 2022



              Gathered at intl’ theater, small talk among students to wait

for HVM students (Playing some J-POP music)

16:20      Introduction to the topic

Q1. なんで◯◯語を勉強しているの?どうして◯◯語を勉強しているんですか。 

Q2. ◯◯語を勉強してる時、どんなことが難しい?


Q3. 逆に、どんな時に「勉強してて良かった〜!」って感じる?


Q4. 勉強する時にいつもすることって何かある?例えば、コーヒーを飲む、とか。


Q5. 将来、◯◯語を使ってどんなことしたい?


Q6. 日本語以外に別の言語を勉強するなら何を選ぶ?その理由は?

Q1. Why do you study Japanese?

Q2. What is the most difficult thing while learning Japanese?

Q3. In contrast, when do you feel “I am glad to know the language~!!”

Q4. Do you have certain routines while learning Japanese? Such as listening to J-Pop, drinking green tea, etc?

Q5. Do you have a plan to use Japanese for your job / hobby in the future?                    

Q6. What language would you like to learn other than Japanese and why?

              Changing partners, interacting,,,



What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students really enjoyed this topic, so they required to repeat it since they could not finish to answer at the first class. And, when it came to the Q5, everyone was passionate talking about it.



Q1. なんで◯◯語を勉強しているの?どうして◯◯語を勉強しているんですか。 






せやね →そうだね

Q2. ◯◯語を勉強してる時、どんなことが難しい?





ものっそい →ものすごい →物凄く

Q3. 逆に、どんな時に「勉強してて良かった〜!」って感じる?














Q4. 勉強する時にいつもすることって何かある?例えば、コーヒーを飲む、とか。






ちまちまやる →

Q5. 将来、◯◯語を使ってどんなことしたい?




Q6. 日本語以外に別の言語を勉強するなら何を選ぶ?その理由は?

 うーん、スラブ語系は一切やったことないから、興味はあるかな。チェコ語とかw キリル文字覚えんでええからw あとはタイ語もっかいやり直したいかも。適当に勉強してたから、もすこしちゃんと話せるようになりたいなー思てるよ。タイ語話す友達結構いてるから。








DE F22 ADV Job Interview in Germany

TopicJob Interview in Germany
Goals of the Classstudents should be able to conduct parts of an interview in German. Prepare for possible questions and answer them correctly. Know the procedure of a job interview in Germany.
Warm Uphave you ever had a job interview? How did you prepare? How did it go?
Activity 1We watched a video of a job interview and then discussed and wrote down the typical mistakes. After that we watched the following video, in which the mistakes were pointed out. We compared them with ours and discussed them.
Activity 2We discussed the 4 stages of a job interview: Greeting Main part Questions Goodbye I gave the students questions for each category, to which they had to come up with individual answers and then present these answers to each other.
Activity 3conduct an interview Role play 2 persons play the interviewer – 1 person the applicantPick a job offer and try to conduct a job interview  I brought the students 4 job ads with which they were to conduct a real job interview. After every Job interview, we gave each other feedback
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  I would actually change very little about this class, as it worked out very well and the subject was also considered very important by the students. The only thing that could be done is to adapt the job ads to the students in order to make the interview more accessible and easier.

JP F21 ADV: 大きな数、否定疑問文、ジェスチャー(Big numbers, negative question such as “Do you mind if ~~”, Gestures)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 12th week (15th to 19th Nov 2021)  

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  ちょっと文法コーナー(ややこしいこと、大きな数や単位の計算について)、ジェスチャー・寸劇

Answering to questions with negation (Complicated issues such as big numbers, calculating units.), Gesture; Making a short skit

Goal of the class:

Students can learn the linguistic / cultural differences of responding to questions, different gestures, different meanings.

How did you structure the class?

16th Nov 2021


Check in with students (to wait a little bit for some students from different campus.)


Explain the grammatical difference on 否定疑問文, let students make 3 example sentences to practice the grammatical pattern.


Students learn big numbers, look for some statistic data


Students calculate temperature of different places



18th Nov 2021


Wait until students fully come to the class by checking in


Show video about misunderstanding with air quote:

The funny aspect of gesture, reflection from students


Explain each Japanese gesture


Students start discuss with partner to make a short skit


Starts presentations (everyone)



What technology, media or props did you use?   

Students’ mac laptop, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Almost everyone seem to enjoy. But compared to intermediate class, they are not fully satisfied with the lecture. ( I do not know the needs of students,,, ) (Or it is just because they are too tired to do things due to mid term examination.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ handout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




今日(きょう)ってテストじゃないよね?We don’t have exam today, right?

       ⇨ うん、テストじゃないよ〜。No, we don’t have one.

  ⇨ いや、テストだよ! Yes, we have!


Oh, I didn’t give you 30 dollars back yet which I borrowed from you last month, did I?



ポイント:日本語(にほんご)では、相手(あいて)質問(しつもん)正誤(せいご)最初(さいしょ)判断(はんだん)してから、自分(じぶん)意見(いけん)言います(い   )

  • パートナーと一緒に、否定疑問文の例を作ってお互いに質問しましょう。



いち One
じゅう Ten










As of (year ~~)




(F°− 30)÷2≒C°

例)Los Angeles 73°


DE SP21 INT/ADV – Student Presentations

Note: This is a two-part class! I did one class brainstorming and then one to two classes presenting.
ADV: 15-20 minutes per presentation, over several classes
INT: 5-10 minutes per presentation, can be held in one class, depending on number of students.

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 4/15/2021, 4/20/2021, 4/22/2021,

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Presenting

Goal of the class: Learn interactive ways to present a topic

How did you structure the class?

Class 1

A) “Word of The Day” Game: Students are given a very specific and not well known word that fits the topic of the day (For example a slang word: “Trantüte”). They write a quick description of what they think the word could be (on a card, piece of paper, or in Zoom they would privately message you). When all have submitted their description, you read all of them, including the correct one and let the students guess which one is right. I do this at the beginning of every class as an ice breaker, but it can also be done as a quick random activity.

B) Presentations Discussion: What makes a good presentation? Which ones do you remember best? Tell us about your favorite and worst presentations you have heard or seen. As the teacher, filter out bullet points of Do’s and Dont’s that the students can have access to.

C) Brainstorm: What you could do in your presentation? Each student deliberates for themselves. The questions are asked one after another, so the students have to sit with them for a bit to give them a chance to go deeper.

1) If you had to talk about a topic, what would you talk about and why? – everybody gets 5 minutes to think about a topic (or optional: topics can be assigned, but I found they enjoy picking their own more)

2) How would you put a new spin on it? – 5 minutes

3) Think of an interactive exercise to incorporate in your presentation – 5 minutes

4) Which other aspects of what we reviewed earlier (your bullet points) can you incorporate in your presentation? Brainstorm for 10 minutes (or until the end of class)

D) Optional homework: Pick a topic and prepare a 5-10 (INT)/10-20(ADV) -minute presentation. Think of an interactive exercise and a new way to present your topic.

Note: If you don’t want to do it as homework, students can work on a shorter presentation in the next class in the first half and present in the second half of the class

Class 2:

Students present their topics. Afterwards you can have a discussion about what they liked, what new things they learned, etc.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.), Props: Share Screen function in Zoom for presentations, Google Doc to write down bullet points

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class worked very well, the students were very engaged talking about presenting in the first half. The second half was quiet work where they could start preparing the concept of their presentation and brainstorm ideas about how to present it. Every five minutes I changed prompts to help them brainstorm.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

You could have less prompts and more talking about presenting, but with four people we had a good chunk of time at the end for prep. It reduces some of their homework time to let them start on it in class and gives them a chance to really think about it and take their time.

JP SP21 INT/ADV: Asian Stereotypes

Language Resident/Assistant Name:  

Kozue Matsumoto  

Day and Date:  

Tuesday March 3 & 16, 2021   

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  

Intermediate & Advanced 

Class theme/topics discussed:  

  • Stereotypes towards Asians and Half Japanese people 

Goal of the class:  

  • Think about stereotypes  

How did you structure the class?  

  1. Language Table Reminder (5 min) 
  1. Study Break date? (1 min) 
  1. Good News? (10 min) 
  1. Asian Stereotypes (45 min) 
    1. What kind of Stereotypes exist towards Asians and Half Japanese?  ? 
    2. Have you had such experiences?  
    3. High school experiences? students hang based on race? 
    4. What is stereotype?
    5. Why does this happen? 
    6. Internalized racism in Japanese people?
    7. Why do we need to talk about?  
    8. What stereotype do we have?
    9. What can we do for that? 
  2. Asian history and now
    1. Idea of model minority  
    2. At the same time no matter how hard we work, there are hate crimes against us 
    3. Hate crime against Asians over covid 
  3. Japanese history 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)  Class agreement, breakup rooms 


What worked well in this class? What did not work?   


  • Today’s topic was complicated and not easy to talk about. So I was wondering how long this was going to last. But students shared a lot of experiences and thoughts around the topic.  
  • We are all Asians in this class. I believe that this fact helped them to talk more honestly and share their own personal stories.  
  • I appreciate their honesty and effort to discuss the complicated and sensitive issues. And they had a lot of ideas, thoughts, and experiences related to it.  
  • They said that the more they think the more difficult and complicated the issue looks, but they said that such complexity shouldn’t discourage them to keep talking about it.  
  • There are a little more silent this time as they needed to think and find a way to say in Japanese. At the same time, things that they said were a lot longer and more complicated than other classes.  


  • We talked about stereotypes. This turned into a little different topic from the 11.1 class. Students in the 11.1 class are all Asian Americans who live in the USA. Students in this class are half Japanese and lived in Japan. Experiences around stereotypes created the topic around “why do Japanese people think about us that way?” 
  • They also witnessed Japanese people’s reaction to their white fathers and had some thoughts around that.  
  • They also think about their Korean friends and Japanese people, and how different their attitudes towards their own cultures. 

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

  • Depending on students’ awareness on the topic, some introductory video or a good ice breaker might be helpful. This particular group of students have some awareness already, and all are Asians. This situation might have made it easier to discuss the topic.  
  • I also shared some of my own experiences for a few times, which helped them encourage them to share their stories and related ideas.  
  • It was interesting to hear what they say about the topic. They have a lot to talk about. It is possible to spend multiple classes for this topic.
  • Also it would be interesting to spend another hour to think about Japanese culture as national culture and more regional cultures, such as Kyoto culture, Osaka culture. Some peole think that their culture is Japanese culture. Some Japanese people think their culture is their regional culture (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Tohoku, Okinawa, etc.) instead of general Japanese culture

DE F20 ADV – German politics

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Credit to: INES FISTER, DE F17 INT German Parliament – Bundestag
(I modified her class for online. Had the group research be homework so we had more time to discuss current politics and added some explainity videos.)

Day and Date: 11/10/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: German government and current politics

Goal of the class: Discuss current politics and trends in Germany

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up: How do you feel right now that the US election is over? Did you celebrate?

B) Discussion: Did you know yesterday was the first anniversary of the fall of the Wall in Berlin? How much do you know about that? Fill in knowledge gaps, if needed with a short video:

C) Homework Recap: Students present their research about a German political party each. Then talk about 6 major parties in Germany and where they are on the spectrum. Look at how large each party is in the Parliament. Discuss some topics the parties have discussed recently or topics the students are especially interested in.

D) Extra Activity (if not talking about the fall of the wall or if students want to go deeper):
a) Video about how parliament is elected:

b) Video about how chancellor is elected:

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Prop: Share Screen function in Zoom, Chat, Youtube, Google Sheets, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I modified the previous lesson plan to having the students each present a party that was prepared as homework, because they seemed to be interested in the current policies and we had more time to talk about that this way. But the research could also be done during the class. I assigned each a party, so we didn’t hear about the same party several times.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave as is. I asked the students which direction they wanted to go deeper in and they wanted to know more about parliament elections. They were very interested and engaged this way.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language:  (Password: GERMAN)

ES F20 ADV Jobs & School dropouts

Language Resident: Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez

Class theme/topic discussed : Jobs & School dropouts

Goal of the class 

  • To exchange information about job experience
  • To discuss the current job & student dropout rates situation in Spanish speaking countries

Class structure

  • Warm-up:  In one minute and in pairs, the students had to think of as many professions they could think of.
  • Activity 1(cred. Blanca Barranco): In pairs or small groups students answer some questions about their own job experiences: type of job, working conditions, best and worst things about the job, etc. They will have some extra vocabulary hints on the screen about payments, contract and job terms, which will also help with the comprehension of the following activity. 
  • Activity 2: Student watch a video on school dropouts and why some students in Latin America and the Caribean have to choose between going to college or working. They comment on it
  • Activity 3: Each student choose Spanish speaking country (the US included so we can compare). They have to search info about that country’s dropout rate, unemployment rate, and labor laws (working hours). After commenting on their findings, students discuss the following questions: What country’s situation surprised you the most? What do you think is the cause for these rates/laws? What could be done to have a better situation?
  • Activity 4: Students do a role-play simulating a job interview. They will receive a handout with possible questions, but they will also be encouraged to use their own questions.
  • Activity 6 (extra): Having discussed younger people’s situation, we watch a short movie that talks about how hard it is for people over 35-40 to find jobs. Have this happened to anyone around you? Do you think it is a good strategy for hiring people? If you were in a hiring committee, what would you take into account to hire a candidate?
  • Activity (extra2): The teacher shares some personal experiences regarding job interviews. For example, questions of the current position interview for Pomona: Would it be a problem for you to live in a small place such as Claremont?

Resources used

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

  • I had issues logging into zoom again, so we started the class at about 4:20 pm instead, on google meet.  Other than that, the class worked really well, students liked the topic. I have noticed that this group enjoys doing “research” activities (like act. 3) a lot more than previous groups, so I will keep using that method .
  • Ended up just doing the first 3 activities


RU SP19 INT Pronunciation Workshop

Language Resident Name: Mykyta Tyshchenko

Day and Date: Wednesday, 01.30.2019

Language and Level: Russian, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Pronunciation workshop

Goal of the class: Master pronunciation of Russian sounds, use proper pronunciation on various situations

How did you structure the class?

1. Greetings, announcements, general questions. – 5 min.

2. Pronunciation practice. LR goes over the hardest words to pronounce in Russian, explains the hacks on how to nail the pronunciation. Students share the words that are the hardest for the to say. – 20 min

3. Liguria: Students are given the parts of the hardest Russian tong twister. They read them our loud. then watch a video of a Russian person doing the same reading, and read their parts again. (handout 1) – 10 min

4. Using good pronunciation in everyday life. Students are given different situations where good pronunciation is crucial. (handout 2) Their task is to write short passages in Russian and then read them out loud for the class. The classmates comment on pronunciation and give each other suggestions on how to improve it. – 25 min

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) (video with tongue twister)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It is not the most communicative class, but it was definitely worth it. I recommend to do it in the beginning of the semester for several reasons: a) it is not too intimidating for the students who just took the class and are not confident with their language skills; b) there are many fun activities you can add to it; c) you can personalize it for the students and ask them what were their struggles when they started learning the language. Overall, I think it was one of the most successful classes for me because it was different, it was entertaining, and it had good results.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Handout 2.

Диктор читает новости в прямом эфире (live)

Кандидат в президенты участвует в дебатах

Профессор читает лекцию

Родитель читает сказку своим детям

Влоггер рассказывает о своих путешествиях

Актер/актриса читает свой монолог

Актер/актриса читает свой монолог

Ведущий открывает церемонию Оскар

DE S19 INT Movies and series

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:


Day and Date:

Monday, 04/02/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

German, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:

Movies and series

Goal of the class:

Being able to talk about movies and series (using German words)

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (15 min): Introductory questions. First, the students talked briefly in pairs about the questions I gave them. They talked about how often they went to the movies, which movie they liked best etc.

Activity 2 (10 min): What fits together? I gave every pair of students several flyers of movie posters. At the same time, I gave them summaries of movies they had to fit to the movies. The fastest pair would win!

Activity 3 (15 min): Being a film critic. I gave the students movie flyers. In pairs, they had to think of the plot that could have happened in the movie. Then, they should rate the movie as a film critic. At the end, they would present the movie to the group. The LR gives the true summary of the movie at the end.

Activity 5 (20 min): Inventing your movie. The students were told they would invent their own movie. For that, they would draw cards with different tags on them. They would have to draw a genre card and four plot cards. The things on the card had to be added to their idea. At the end, the students would present it to the group again.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Whiteboard and marker

9 pieces of paper for the game «problem on the forehead»  

Powerpoint presentation (attached)

Fill in the blank exercise (see attached)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students had a lot of fun: especially the film critic part and the movie inventing were a lot of fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would keep it as it is. It was a great class.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

ES S19 ADV Work

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

José Gómez

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Unemployment, politics, Spain.

Goal of the class: To review vocabulary related to politics, economy and the job market. To discuss and raise awareness about the current political and financial situation in Spain.

How did you structure the class?

Head’s up: cultural events

Warm-up (10’): Memory game about professions

Students will be divided into two groups and handed a set of cards with professions. They will have to play a memory game and say the name of the profession aloud every time they uncover one card.

Activity 1 (video and discussion)

  1. (5’) Students will be asked what they know about the employment situation in Spain.
  2. (10’) An interactive short film will be shown on the screen. The video is called “La Entrevista” “The Interview”. The video is interactive as it stops at some point to prompt student’s reactions and guesses. It also includes some hints on vocab to facilitate comprehension.

The video tackles the topic of the over qualification at companies and how desperation pushes people to happily take any job that is under their skills. It all happens throughout a job interview in which the boss is clearly taking advantage of this precarious situation.

  • Students will also make notes on the questions the boss asks as they will use them in an activity later on.
  • (10’) Discussion Feelings

What do you think is the main topic of the video?

What is wrong?

What does it say about the situation in Spain?

How could a society improve that?

Does it happen in your country?

Do you think that the fact that she is a woman influences the position?

Is it common in your country to see men as the boss and women as secretary or cleaner?

Activity 2 (20’) (JOB INTERVIEW/role play): In pairs, each student will take a role. One of them will be a manager, and the other one will be interviewed for the job. For this activity students will have some resources on how a job interview is carried out. Additionally, they will get a handout on the table with accurate questions so that they can improve their grammatical structures as well as their fluency.

First, they will prepare their role (one of them will prepare the profile of the candidate, and the other one will prepare the profile of the employer/company)

Then they will have an interview, at the end, some of the people will show their interview in front of the class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This was one of the students’ favorite class since it allowed them to speak all the time, improve their grammar, as well as raising cultural awareness of the job situation in Spain.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think this class works very well, sometimes it can take longer and might be split into two classes.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Find attached below the possible job interview questions that I have given them in a handout


JP F18 ADV Japanese Old Tales

Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

Day and Date: Thursday, October 17th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese 

Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese old Tales / Feedback Session 

Goal of the class: To be familiar with Japanese old tales and to be able to describe / visualize a scene of the old tales. 

How did you structure the class?

Activity1 (25 min): Feedback Session / Werewolf Game

I continue the feedback session and the other students play the werewolf game. 

Acitivity2 (5 min): Brainstorming

Each student says one Japanese old tales or Japanese stories (ex. Ghibli stories) they know. All the stories they came up with are written in the while board.

Activity3 (10 min): Creating a Manga

Students make a pair. At least one student of the pair should know a plot of a story. I give each pair a blank sheet with 5 manga boxes. One student tells the plot briefly and the other student draws.

Acitivty4 (15 min): Presentation

Each pair presents their story, showing a manga they draw. 

Activity5 (5 min): Wrap-up

I ask them open questions such as what is their favorite story? Did you learn new stories? Was it hard to draw pictures? Etc…

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked well. This was a really good way to introduce Japanese stories, making them keep talking. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?I could do this in FLRC so I can show their manga on the bigger screen. 

ES F18 ADV Fear


Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

José Gómez

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:   Fear

Goal of the class: Learn vocabulary about fear and express emotions

How did you structure the class?

Head’s up (FLRC Open House) (5’)

Activity 1 (10’):

Students get asked about Fear and the things that they feel fear about.

Activity 2 (15’):

Students get some phrases to react to different things that might make them be scared. They comment on them using the vocabulary that they are given.

Activity 3 (10’):

 Students listen to the audio of a scary movie video. They only hear it and have to hypothesize about it.

Activity 4 (5’):

 Students see the video, comment upon it and confirm their hypothesis.

Activity 5 (20’):

Students get some slips of paper with different situations of risk. They are asked to say how they would react to those situations. After that, in groups of 3. They have to choose one of their situations and propose an alternative ending to it.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

We used slips of paper with prompts.

We used Youtube and a PowerPoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Most of the students really enjoyed the class since it somehow brought some suspense. Also, they could be creative with the stories at the end which they enjoyed a lot.

Some of the students are not into scary things, so they felt a bit uncomfortable at times, but I gave a disclaimer at the beginning of the class and they were fine with it.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

ES INT S18 Fake News

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ


Day and Date: 01/29/2018


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Intermediate


Class theme/topics discussed: Fake News 


Goal of the class: To practice argumentation and discussion


How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: (15’)


Students ask each other about when and why they lie, it will lead to the topic of fake news.

They get a worksheet to prompt conversation which is attached at the end of this sheet.


Activity 1 (15′)

Students watch a video about fake news


Then, they share their reaction since it is a very ridiculous article.


Activity 2 (30′)

Students in pairs will get one different article with fake news. They will have to read it and present it as in the video that they saw at the beginning of the class. It is a role play, they will stand in front of everyone as if they were hosting the news.

Then, they will have to lead a debate with their classmates about the news. Students will get visual aid on the screen.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

Fake news texts




What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The success in this class resides in the articles chosen. The ones I found for this class were very appropriate and ridiculous and that prompted discussion.




How could this class be improved/ modified?

It is a very challenging lesson plan for Intermediate, however, if this class is done towards the end of the semester it will probably work very well as their confidence speaking Spanish will have increased.




 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

 fake news          INT 01:29 FAKE NEWS READY



Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ


Day and Date: 02/05/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): INTERMEDIATE


Class theme/topics discussed: Sports



Goal of the class: To revise and review vocabulary and cultural aspects about sports


How did you structure the class?


Pre-warm up (10’): Students are asked some questions about the Superbowl match that happened the previous weekend.


Warm-up (15’) Interviews: Students get a piece of paper and ask questions to other students about the importance of such a sport event in the country.


Brainstorm (5’): Students brainstorm adjectives to describe sports


Activity 2 (30’): Each student receives a famous Spanish sport player. Then, they have to look up online what that person does, and the achievements that the person has accomplished in their career.
Each student will first describe the rules of the sport that apply to the person they have; the rest will have to guess what sport they are talking about. Then they will proceed to describe the person and career.



What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

  • Slips of paper with sport celebrities
  • Powerpoint presentation


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Very successful class in which students could share all they know about sport and learn a bit about the importance of these sports in Spain. This particular class loves sports and it was easy to engage them with this topic.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


Time management, if the class takes too long it would be great to split it into two classes.


 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


Powerpoint with more directions:    02:05 INT Sports      sports find someone 1



Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name:

José Gómez


Day and Date:



Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish Advanced


Class theme/topics discussed: Unemployment, politics, Spain.


Goal of the class: To review vocabulary related to politics, economy and the job market. To discuss and raise awareness about the current political and financial situation in Spain.


How did you structure the class?


Head’s up: cultural events


Warm-up (10’)  ¿What would you like to do in the future?


Students will stand up and will mime so that the rest of people have to guess what they are. Students will not be allowed to say the name of the profession, they will have to explain in Spanish what the profession is about. I will brainstorm useful vocabulary in the whiteboard so that they keep it as a reference.


Activity 1 (video and discussion)


  1. (5’) Students will be asked what they know about the employment situation in Spain.
  2. (10’) An interactive short film will be shown on the screen. The video is called “La Entrevista” “The Interview”. The video is interactive as it stops at some point to prompt student’s reactions and guesses. It also includes some hints on vocab to facilitate comprehension.

The video tackles the topic of the over qualification at companies and how desperation pushes people to happily take any job that is under their skills. It all happens throughout a job interview in which the boss is clearly taking advantage of this precarious situation.

  • Students will also make notes on the questions the boss asks as they will use them in an activity later on.
  1. (10’) Discussion Feelings

What do you think is the main topic of the video?

What is wrong?

What does it say about the situation in Spain?

How could a society improve that?

Does it happen in your country?

Do you think that the fact that she is a woman influences the position?

Is it common in your country to see men as the boss and women as secretary or cleaner?


Activity 2 (20’) (JOB INTERVIEW/role play): In pairs, each student will take a role. One of them will be a manager, and the other one will be interviewed for the job. For this activity students will have some resources on how a job interview is carried out. Additionally, they will get a handout on the table with accurate questions so that they can improve their grammatical structures as well as their fluency.


First, they will prepare their role (one of them will prepare the profile of the candidate, and the other one will prepare the profile of the employer/company)


Then they will have an interview, at the end, some of the people will show their interview in front of the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This was one of the students’ favorite class since it allowed them to speak all the time, improve their grammar, as well as raising cultural awareness of the job situation in Spain..


How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think this class works very well, sometimes it can take longer and might be split into two classes.


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


Find attached below the possible job interview questions that I have given them in a handout

ADV 04:09 WORK ready

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