an archive of lesson plans

Category: Grammar

ES S24 Int What would you do if?

Class theme/topics discussed: What would you do if…

Goals of the class Practice conditional and past subjunctive in funny situations

How did you structure the class? 

  • 10 min: Warm up exercise where we talked a bit about our weekend.
  • 25 min: Review of the conditional and subjunctive. To do this review I showed them a famous video form a Spanish influencer that recorded herself explaining the things that she would do if she was rich.
  • 25 min: I prepared some cards with funny situations and I asked them to do a list of advices for these situations using the structure: Si yo fuera tú… They had to work in groups to make a list of advices and then, as a class, they had to decide the best advice for each situation. 

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Youtube for the video and my cards for the game.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class worked well.  They really liked the situations that I had come up with because they were all related to the 5Cs or to the US. What didn’t work as well was watching the video. I thought it would be easier for them to understand it since the grammar structure that the woman was using was always the same, but it is true that she was speaking really fast and sometimes it was hard to follow (specially for some people).

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that next time I should choose another video, show a shorter fragment of the video or give them the transcription.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

RU S23 INT: Nature

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/27/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: Nature

Goal of the class:

  • Students can use the Accusative Case to explain feelings (I hear, I see, I touch)
  • Students can describe different landscapes
  • Students can talk about natural disasters in Russia
  • Students can list lessons of nature

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Fill the form (10 mins)
    This assignment should be done outside. Students are given a form with a chart: I see, I hear, I feel, I touch. They have to write a list of things in the correct case.

2.Activity 1. Your Perfect Landscape (10 min)
I show the students three typical landscapes in Russian and ask them to choose a landscape in which they would like to live. They should describe the reasons for their choice.

3.Activity 2. The most beautiful place in Russia (10 min)
I ask students to choose the most beautiful natural place in Russia and present it to the whole class, showing it on a map and describing why they chose it.

4.Activity 3. Nanna Heitman As Frozen Land Burns (10 min)
I show the students Nanna Heitman’s photo project about fires in Siberia and ask them to describe the photos. What do you see? Where do you think this is? How are people dealing with it?
Then, I provide students with the background of the problem and ask additional questions. Why do forest fires start? Are there forest fires in your area? What are the negative consequences of fires?

5.Activity 4: Монеточка — гори гори гори

6. Wrap-up. Lessons from Nature (10 min)
Think about the five lessons nature teaches us. What can we learn from nature? For example: Nature knows what is good for her

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Several of my students are very interested in nature, so it was especially helpful for them to learn new words related to nature and issues. The activity with the form helps a lot to practice the accusative case and also sets the students up for work because of the change of scenery.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I recommend doing this class outside if possible. Then hands-on activities can be added.

SP ADV Influencers

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Influencers

Goal of the class: The students learn critical vocabulary, some information about Spanish influencers and practice conditional

Class structure:

Warm up:

-What do you like most about influencers?
-Do you follow any influencers? Why do you follow them?
-Do you think influencers have a social responsibility? Why?
-What do you think about the relationship between influencers and brands?
-Do you think influencers can influence the behavior of their followers?
-What do you think about influencer scams that are sometimes seen on social networks?
-Do you think the popularity of influencers affects the way people view their own lives?
-Have you ever bought something recommended by an influencer and why?
-Do you think influencers have a positive or negative impact on society?
-What do you think about the regulation of advertising and collaborations between influencers and brands?

Activity 1:

What Spanish influencers do you know?

Activity 2:

We watch this video with Georgina’s best quotes:

Activity 3: Conditional

Imagine you have have Georgina’s credit card for a day. What would you do?

Resources used:

Georgina’s video

What worked well? What did not work?

This class went well because my students are very talkative and they were willing to talk a lot.

DE S22 INT/ADV: Subjunctive & Artistic Freedom (Part 1) [Zoom-class]

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:
Konjunktiv & Kunstfreiheit (Teil 1) [Zoom-class]

Goal of the class:
Learn about “Konjunktiv II” (When and how to use it)
Discuss “Kunstfreiheit” (artistic freedom)
Put pictures in relation to “Kunstfreiheit” and discuss their historical context
Compare artistic freedom in Germany and the US
Discuss the content of a music video based on isolated pictures

How did you structure the class?

4.15 – 4.20:        Welcome (Welcoming students to class, talking about how they feel and getting all the technology starting)

4.20 – 4.33:        “Was würdest du machen, wenn…” (Practicing the Konjunktiv II with the “würde”-form, e.g. “What you would do if you were to win a million dollars?” “I would buy an island if…”. Students join breakout rooms and ask each other one of the two questions in groups of 2-3 people. Three rounds with 2 questions each + always different groups)

4.33 – 4.37:        Review Konjunktiv II (short review of when to use and how to use the Konjunktiv II with its two forms. One of them the “würde”-Form, which we practiced in the task before)

4.37 – 4.45:        “Kunstfreiheit” + pictures (The term “Kunstfreiheit“ (artistic freedom) is introduced and students are then asked to look at 4 pictures, describe them, tell the group what is depicted in the pictures (and the context) and then put that in relation to “Kunstfreiheit”. If the students do not know about some of the pictures, the teacher can help them and explain their context. After that we take a quick look at how artistic freedom is embedded in the basic law for Germany)

4.45 – 4.55:        “Kunstfreiheit” experiences (students join breakout rooms first, and then come back to share with the group. They are asked to share their experiences with artistic freedom. Either because something that they themselves were involved, or something they have heard of and that has a relation to artistic freedom

4.55 – 5.00:        “Danger Dan” impression (“Danger Dan” is the name of the musician we are going to hear a song from. The students are asked to share their impressions when hearing the name)

5.00 – 5.05:        Pictures from the song (students see 4 pictures from the music video to the song “Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt”. They are rather provocative and can be interpreted in different ways and the students are supposed to share their impressions of those pictures, and also what they think the video could be about and what it is supposed to express. Students discuss that in breakout rooms)

5.05 – 5.10:        Watch music video

5.10 – 5.15:        Music video impressions (students share their impressions from the music video and compare it with what they had shared before, when they just saw 4 isolated pictures from the music video)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Power Point Presentation
Zoom (+ Breakout rooms)
Pictures & videos (see Power Point Presentation)

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

The introduction worked really well because the students seemed to be really engaged with the questions, as they had a lot of fun thinking about those scenarios and “what they could do, if…”. Also, it was a really good introduction and transition to explaining the Konjunktiv II, which is used a lot by Danger Dan in his song and therefore offers a great grammatical foundation for working with the song later on.

When we looked at the pictures, the students were able to identify most of them and put them in connection to artistic freedom. I chose the pictures because two of them are important pieces in the history of Germany, the Charlie Hebdo-picture is important in the context of contemporary European affairs, and the last one was a fun, little story that is connected to artistic freedom. We took a look at the basic law, and the exchange of their “Kunstfreiheit” experiences was really interesting. Same can be said for talking about the name “Danger Dan” and the pictures from the music video. Finally, we watched the music video and the students shared their impressions. Generally, it was a good mix of learning about current affairs in Germany, pop-culture and Konjunktiv II on the one hand, and sharing their impressions, thoughts and experiences on the other hand.

DE S22 INT/ADV: Subjunctive & Artistic Freedom (Part 2) [Zoom-class]

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:
Konjunktiv & Kunstfreiheit (Teil 2) [Zoom-class]

Goal of the class:
Analyze the lyrics of a song (describe in own words/research context/interpret what artist wants to express)
Compare different parts of a song with each other
Discuss differences and possible interpretations
Discuss whether the song “Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt“ is an example for Kunstfreiheit or Beleidigung (insult)
Discuss whether Böhmermanns „Schmähgedicht“ is an example for Kunstfreiheit or Beleidigung

How did you structure the class?

4.15 – 4.23:        Recap (Recap last class and thereby make a transition to this class’ topic)

4.23 – 4.35:        Group work (students have to get together in 3 groups and analyze the lyrics of one verse based on 3 questions that ask them to describe the lyrics in their own words, research the context of the song and interpret what the artist wants to say and how he writes his song in order to achieve that message. Each group meets in one breakout room, while they have access to the questions and a vocabulary list on our GoogleDoc)

4.35 – 4.55:        Presentation group work (Each group presents their findings according to the 3 questions that were given to them – there is a particular emphasis on finding the Konjunktiv-forms, as they are an important instrument for Danger Dan in his song and also connect to the last class and the grammatical topic)

4.55 – 5.00:        Bridge (We look at the bridge of the song and try to analyze in which ways it is different from the rest of the song and why that is the case)

5.00 – 5.07:        Positionsline + discussion (students have to locate themselves along a position line ranging from Kunstfreiheit to Beleidigung. Based on that they have to discuss their own position)

5.07 – 5.13:        Böhmermann-Affäre introduction + video (Most students probably see the song as an obvious example for Kunstfreiheit, thus I present them a case that could be more critical to evaluate. The so-called “Böhmermann-Affäre” is introduced in a few minutes, and then we watch the video of it)

5.13 – 5.20:        Positionsline + discussion (students are again asked to locate themselves along the same position line and then discuss what led them to their judgements)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Power Point Presentation
Google Doc (Questions + vocabulary list)
Zoom (+ Breakout rooms & annotate functions)
Pictures & videos (see Power Point Presentation)
(Jan Boehmermann Erdogan poem)

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

This class worked really well! It was a good conclusion to this 2-class-topic, which connected a song as a cultural element, with an important contemporary topic and a grammatical input. The class had different elements (discussions, group work, interpretations, media consumption etc.), a coherent structure and a few take-home messages.

The addition of a vocabulary list to the group work was very important and ensured efficiency, which allowed for a greater focus on the presentations and the discussions later. In those discussions, the students were really engaged and seemed interested in both the topic as well as the others’ opinions.  The position line worked really well and also as I expected (everybody saying it is Kunstfreiheit), which allowed me to introduce the “Böhmermann-Affäre” as a less clear-cut example for that topic. It is worth mentioning that the class ended about 5 minutes later – which is acceptable considering the complexity of the topic and the importance of the last discussion.

ESINT SP2022 Money, money, money

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Conditionals and money

Goal of the class: The students revise the conditionals, subjunctive and vocabulary related to luxury/material things

Class structure:

Activity 1: 

Revision: conditionals and subjunctive

Activity 2:

The students had to tell me conditional situations they would think about, and we would translate it to Spanish and/or correct it.

Activity 3:

What would you do if you had 3 millon dollars?We make a list of all the things they would go. It was great to revise vocabulary.

Resources used: Lounge TV and powerpoint

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warmup to this class. This was not a easy class for them because we revised grammar. However I think it was helpful for them.

JP F21 ADV: 大きな数、否定疑問文、ジェスチャー(Big numbers, negative question such as “Do you mind if ~~”, Gestures)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 12th week (15th to 19th Nov 2021)  

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  ちょっと文法コーナー(ややこしいこと、大きな数や単位の計算について)、ジェスチャー・寸劇

Answering to questions with negation (Complicated issues such as big numbers, calculating units.), Gesture; Making a short skit

Goal of the class:

Students can learn the linguistic / cultural differences of responding to questions, different gestures, different meanings.

How did you structure the class?

16th Nov 2021


Check in with students (to wait a little bit for some students from different campus.)


Explain the grammatical difference on 否定疑問文, let students make 3 example sentences to practice the grammatical pattern.


Students learn big numbers, look for some statistic data


Students calculate temperature of different places



18th Nov 2021


Wait until students fully come to the class by checking in


Show video about misunderstanding with air quote:

The funny aspect of gesture, reflection from students


Explain each Japanese gesture


Students start discuss with partner to make a short skit


Starts presentations (everyone)



What technology, media or props did you use?   

Students’ mac laptop, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Almost everyone seem to enjoy. But compared to intermediate class, they are not fully satisfied with the lecture. ( I do not know the needs of students,,, ) (Or it is just because they are too tired to do things due to mid term examination.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ handout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




今日(きょう)ってテストじゃないよね?We don’t have exam today, right?

       ⇨ うん、テストじゃないよ〜。No, we don’t have one.

  ⇨ いや、テストだよ! Yes, we have!


Oh, I didn’t give you 30 dollars back yet which I borrowed from you last month, did I?



ポイント:日本語(にほんご)では、相手(あいて)質問(しつもん)正誤(せいご)最初(さいしょ)判断(はんだん)してから、自分(じぶん)意見(いけん)言います(い   )

  • パートナーと一緒に、否定疑問文の例を作ってお互いに質問しましょう。



いち One
じゅう Ten










As of (year ~~)




(F°− 30)÷2≒C°

例)Los Angeles 73°


ES F21 Int prepositions (por and para)

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Goal of the class: Por and para

Warm up: some examples with already know

-Por favor

-Por el momento

-¿Hay un banco por aquí?

-Este regalo es para ti

-Trabajo para una multinacional

-¿Algún otro ejemplo que se os ocurra?

Activity 1: Por and para explanation chart

Activity 2: In pairs the students think about an example of every por and para case.

Activity 3: Map

In pairs they tell their partner how they go from one place in the city map to another by using por and para. Ex. Yo voy de la cafetería para el banco por la avenida Hablo español.

Activity 4: Fill the blanks with por and para

.We did this activity in group. Each of them reads a sentence and decided if por or para was the right option.

Resources used: Powerpoint


In this class we worked more on grammar, but I tried to make them talk to each other by putting them in pairs. They asked me a lot of questions with different examples in which they had doubts, so I think that this class was very useful for them.I would add a specific  warm up to this class, not just taking with them about how everything is going on and the couple of examples of por and para.

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