an archive of lesson plans

Category: Health

JP SP23 INT / ADV : What would you do when you get sick!! 日本の病院に行こう!

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s go to Japanese hospital

Goal of the class:   increase vocabulary on medical field, learn the difference of medical / insurance system in Japan and US

How did you structure the class?

7th April 2023


              Intro of Japanese pops: Haru yo koi by Yumi Matsutouya

      松任谷由実 春よ来い


              Reviewing the name of body parts (Detailed ver)

              Reviewing vocabulary for symptoms, diseases, etc.


              Activity 2

              Talk with nurse in Japanese (skit, role play)

              Create your own situation (i.g. Having stomachache, flu, etc)

              Learning Japanese onomatopoeia in medical field to describe your symptoms properly

              Switching the role as Patient and Nurses

              Changing partners

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The medical terms and body parts, it was great opportunity for heritage speakers too since there are several registers to say each part. (Children, Casual, formal, medical term) Students loved / hated about the onomatopoeia used in medical field. 

Handouts below:

<<<< I will put the pic of the body parts which I hand draw.>>>>

Goal of the class: 病気(びょうき)になっても大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)!??

Warm-up: 身体(からだ)の部位(ぶい)についてブレインストーミングをしよう!

アクティビティ 1: 必要(ひつよう)な単語(たんご)

すいません、<<お腹(なか)・ 喉(のど) >> が痛いです。



→ 皮膚科(ひふか)・ 循環器科(じゅんかんきか)・内科(ないか)





錠剤(じょうざい)  クリーム

サバイバルアクティビティ2: 病院に行こう!


わからないことがあったらGoogle 翻訳(ほんやく)やDeepLを使ってみよう。

自分のケースについて考えてみよう!Think about your own case!

何科にかかる? Medical Genre:

症状(しょうじょう)は? Symptoms: 

いつから? Since when?:

身体のどこに? Which part of the body?:

どんな痛み(いたみ)? How is the pain?:

DE 23 ADV Health, and Health systems compared. Being prepared for an emergency

TopicHealth, and Health systems compared. Be prepared for an emergency.Nutrition
Goals of the ClassBe prepared for an emergency. Know useful vocabulary related to health and use it. To know the differences of the health terms. Germany and USA.
Warm UpTell us about one of your hobbies. How did you get into this hobby? If you had more time, which hobby would you like to try?
Activity 1Brainstormingwhich parts of the body do you know?What diseases do you know?
what is the most common disease of mankind?
Followed by an Input of Important health vocabulary
Hello, I would like to make an appointment.
Pain: my stomach hurts/my knees hurt, headache,
Being: having a cold, being dizzy, being sick, being injured 
Me: being nauseous (nausea), 
Have: Have fever, cold, cough.Dermatologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, family doctor. Health card, x-ray, ultrasound, blood test, urine test, a prescription, a prescription, pharmacy, pills, syrup, the creamfasting, discharge, vacation/dischargeheart surgery/appendicitis…..Body parts – vocabulary 
Activity 2You are the doctor What would you do?
Number the following sentences in order (1-8) Ask about the problemExamine the patientWrite a prescription Say goodbye. Greet the patient Make a diagnosis Recommend something Write a sick note to the patientYou have been in a car accident Make a list of the first 5 things you would do after you are in an accident? 1-5
Activity 3Imagine you are in Germany and your friend gets sick.What would you do? 
Step 1,….Step 5You are alone in a foreign country, and you have a bad injury, how would you react? (Broken Arm) One person plays a doctor the other person plays a patient.
Activity 4Have your eating habits changed since you were a child?
What would an average diet in the U.S. look like? 
What diets have you heard of, what do they consist of?
How do you find the food in the dining hall? Healthy/unhealthy/sometimes healthy? Do you like the taste of it? Do you pay attention to what you eat?
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)? It was very important to discuss this topic with the students, as it is part of the basic vocabulary and knowledge of the German language. It is important to know and be prepared in an emergency in a foreign country. The students took the topic with a lot of joy and motivation. The topic of nutrition was also very interesting and many different opinions were expressed. Role plays are always a good way to make the class more exciting. The vocabulary worked very well and was incorporated directly into the role plays. Also positive to mention is that many students had different opinions on nutrition and there was an interesting discussion at the end of the hour. It is always good to introduce vocabulary that fits the topic in the lesson. This gives the students a starting point for the conversation.

ES INT: Health

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Health

Goal of the class: The students learn the basic vocabulary to survive in a Spanish-speaking country in case they get sick and have to go to the doctor.

Class structure:

Warm-up: Brainstorm: parts of the body and diseases

The students have 3 minutes to brainstorm about this topic.

Activity 1: Useful vocabulary

Hola, quiero pedir hora para una cita.

Doler: me duele el estómago/me duelen las rodillas

Estar: estar resfriado/a, mareado/a, enfermo/a, herido/a

Tener: tener fiebre, covid, tos.

Dermatólogo, oculista, cardiólogo

Tarjeta sanitaria, radiografía, ecografía, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, una receta, una receta, farmacia, pastillas, jarabe, la crema

Ir en ayunas, la baja/el alta

Una operación de corazón/apendicitis

Activity 2: Situation

Juan tiene dolores abdominales desde hace unos días y tiene que ir al médico de cabecera para la revisión. Naima, su cuidadora, pide una cita y lo acompaña a la consulta.

The students have to come up with a theatrical situation with the following characters: Juan, Naima, the doctor.

The students show their theatrical piece to the rest of the students and, after that, I show the students one video with the actual situation and they ask question related to vocabulary.

Resources used:

What worked well? What did not work well?

This class went very well. The students had a lot of questions, so three activities were enough. They were very interested when I explained them cultural things as the ”tarjeta sanitaria europea” concept.

RU F22 INT/ADV: Medicine and Health

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 12/01/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Medicine and Health

Goal of the class:

  • Learn vocabulary about diseases, health concerns, and treatment
  • Get acquainted with Russian medication and traditional medicine
  • Describe symptoms in Russian

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (10 min): Discussion
    1) How often do you get sick?
    2) Do you prefer to take medicine or wait for symptoms to go away?
    3) Do you believe in traditional medicine? What methods do you know?
    4) Do you know how to provide first aid?

I ask students to discuss those questions in pairs.

2. Activity 1. Vocabulary (10 min)
I show students pictures of people having common symptoms and ask them to try naming what they see. It helps me to learn how much they know. I also provide them with the printed handout with vocabulary, so they can use it for future activities.

3. Activity 2. What kind of medication is appropriate? (10 min)
I show my students pictures of people with different symptoms and popular medication that you can find in a pharmacy. They have to describe a picture using vocabulary from the past activity and find the most appropriate medicine reading its package.

4. Activity 3. Situation: Your friend is sick (10 mins).
We look at the pictures of people being sick. Students have to “go to a pharmacy” and describe a pharmacist their friend’s symptoms. A pharmacist has to recommend a customer medicine from the past activity that they think suits their need the best.

5. Activity 4: Traditional Medicine (7 min)
I show my students pictures of common traditional ways to treat some symptoms. Then, I ask for students’ opinion on what the purpose of the products they see is.

6. Activity 5: Help them with traditional medicine (10 min)
I show students situations of people being hurt or having symptoms. What kinds of Russian traditional medicine they would use?

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved the topic. We had many real-life situations and role plays that students seemed to enjoy. I believe that gradual development of vocabulary and descriptions work well in the class. The only thing is we did not have enough time to finish all the activities that I have prepared.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would dedicate two classes to this topic. There are more activities that could be added, and it would not be as rushed.

JP F21 INT : The difference of medical system between US and Japan : 日米の医療制度の違いについて

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 13th week (22nd to 26th Nov 2021)  

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  

Goal of the class:

How did you structure the class?

23rd Nov 2021


Check in with students (to wait a little bit for some students from different campus.)


Explain the difference of medical system, health insurance. Expose my own experience at Urgent care and Emergency room in Pomona.


Students start explaining to their partners


Students start presenting their ideas to entire class



What technology, media or props did you use?   

Students’ mac laptop, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everyone loved speaking ill of medicare system in US. The story of my own experience was somewhat relatable to students.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ handout below ~~~~~~~~~~~~





日:                        米:                その他:


日:                        米:                その他:

  1. 直接病院へ
  • 基礎情報の確認
  • 整理券を受け取り、





日:                        米:                その他:



Q2: あなたの出身地の病院のかかり方はどのようなものですか?


















ES S21 INT/ADV Abortion Laws (Marea Verde)

Language Resident: Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez 

Class theme/topic discussed : Abortion Laws in Latin America

Goal of the class 

  • Discuss “Marea Verde”, the pro-choice movement born in Argentina

Class structure

  • Activity 1 Green/Blue Scarves: I show students pictures of people of protestors wearing green (pro-choice) and blue scarves  (pro-choice). Have you seen these pictures before? What do these people stand for?. 
  • Activity 2 Marea Verde: Students hear a short presentation to contextualise the pro-choice movement “Marea Verde”, which started in 2018 in Argentina.
  • Activity 3: What do you know about reproductive rights policies in the US?  Students discuss in pairs and then volunteers report in the main room
  • Activity 4: In small groups students choose 2 different countries (a Spanish speaking country & another one) an do a small research on reproductive rights public policy from those 2 countries. What to these countries’ policies have in common? Are there any differences? 
  • Activity 5 75 Opiniones: Students are given a list of 5 questiones used by a Peruvian Organization to gather opinions about abortion within the country. They discuss how appropriate they think these questions are to address the issue and whether they would use a different set of questions.

Resources used

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

  • ADV: The class worked great! I was worried about how students would feel talking about more controversial topics, but they were very talkative and seemed to enjoy the class a lot. For activity 3 almost all groups chose different countries so it was very interesting comparing that many policies. 
  • INT: It was a good class too, we weren’t able to have the same dynamic, thought-provoking discussion as with the advanced group but students still enjoyed it.
  • ** I asked both classes in advanced if whether they were interested talking about this topic or not, and how did they feel about it.

ES F20 INT Health and Verbs

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Tamara Olivos

Day and Date: November 11, 2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Spanish

 Class theme/topics discussed: Health and Verbs

Goal of the class: To practice vocabulary related to health and verb conjugations

How did you structure the class?

Board game: I shared on my screen the verb tenses board. I assigned each tense a number, so when they roll the die they are rolling a verb tense. (I used the virtual Google dice, just search “roll dice”)

1: presente

2: futuro

3: pret perfecto

4: pret imperfecto

5: subjunctivo

6: preterito

Bingo: We review the vocabulary to make sure everyone understands everything. Then, I read only the definitions and students must know the word in order to cross it out of their bingo cards. I put several bingo cards in Sakai (a different set for each student)

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The verb practice was much appreciated and we spent some time explaining some difficult verb tenses.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I didn’t have time to create an interactive board. I would do this for next time, on Genialy.

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