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Tag: creativity

FR 2024 Advanced: French comics: Astérix et Obélix

Activity 1: In groups, find information about Asterix and Obelix and tell the class about your findings. It will be useful for the next activity.

Activity 2: Game : I divided the class into two teams and ask them general questions about Asterix and Obelix (the questions are listed below).

Activity 3: In groups, create a new character that could be part of the comic book, explain your choice, the role of the character in the village etc. 

Questions pour le quiz :

  1. Citez minimum trois personnages de la bande dessinée
  2. Quand a-été créé la bande dessinée ? 1959
  3. Quel est le titre de la bande dessinée ? Astérix
  4. Citez un titre d’un des albums
  5.  Qui en est le scénariste ? Goscinny
  6. Qui en est le dessinateur ? Uderzo
  7. Combien y-a-t-il de tomes ? 40 tomes en 2023
  8. Vrai ou Faux : Obélix est amoureux de Bonemine Faux Falbala
  9. Qui est le mari de Bonemine ? Abraracourcix
  10. Vrai ou Faux : Le chef du village est Panoramix Faux Abraracourcix
  11. Contre qui Astérix et Obélix se battent-ils ? Les romains
  12. Qui est l’ennemi juré d’Astérix ? Jules César
  13. Comment s’appelle le chien d’Obélix ?
  14. Comment s’appelle le barde du village ? Assurancetourix / un barde =a bard
  15. Vrai ou Faux : Assurancetourix chante faux
  16. Citez au moins deux adaptations d’Astérix au cinéma > Astérix et Obélix contre César, Astérix et Obélix : mission Cléopâtre

ES FA22 INT/ADV Movies and series

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Advanced

Class theme/topic discussed: Películas y series

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Express interests using expressions such as “me gusta, me encanta, me fascina, prefiero, detesto”.
  • Describe movies considering elements such as plot, characters, genre and setting.
  • Use the present subjunctive in adjective clauses using expressions such as “buscamos a alguien que…” “necesitamos un ____ que…” 

Class structure:

Warm up:

Juego de la Canasta: In a circle, one of the students chooses a subcategory of the main theme (example: horror movies that start with A, comedy movies of the 80’s, etc.) and each one says a movie or series without repeating what someone else said. When someone repeats a word or  says something that does not belong to that category, that person loses and starts another subcategory. They have to use titles in Spanish only.


Students talk about their interests in movies using expressions such as: me gusta, me encanta, me fascina, prefiero, detesto”, etc. The following prompts will be displayed on the screen as well as examples of how to respond. After that, they share it with the whole class.

  • Películas/series que encuentras interesantes
  • Películas/series que consideras raras
  • Tus placeres culpables
  • Películas animadas que te gustan
  • Películas /series que te decepcionaron
  • Películas/series que son aburridas
  • Películas/ series que nunca verías

Movie producers: In groups, students are the producers of a new movie that’s going to be released. They discuss what kind of movie they want to make, how they want it to go, what kind of director they need; using expressions such as: “buscamos a alguien que…” “necesitamos un ____ que…” . They will focus on the following aspects:

  • Genre
  • Plot
  • Setting
  • Director
  • Actors
  • Budget

They will present their idea to the rest of the class

Wrap up:

Adivina la película: They play in groups. In turns, each student gets a random movie genre and picks a card, where there will be the name of a movie. That student describes the movie and his group has to say the name of the movie in order to get a point. The group that has more points wins. 

Each card will not only have the name of a movie, but also 3 words that are related to that movie. Students are supposed to describe it without saying any of those words. If they do, they lose their point.

Resources used: Powerpoint presentation. Printed out pieces of paper.

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

The topic seemed to be engaging to students. First activities were easy to follow, and for the “movie producers” it was a bit more challenging. They had been practicing the uses of the subjunctive in previous classes so I went around giving them some extra support and asking questions. They ended up doing a great job and they laughed a lot. The activity that probably worked the most was the Adivina la película. The restriction of words that they could use made them have to find other ways to use the language to explain something, and they managed to do it eventually. 

DE S22 INT/ADV: Rap & Poems

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:
Rap & Poems

Goal of the class:
Learn about German poems & rap
Create & present your own poems

How did you structure the class?

4.15 – 4.20:        Welcome (Welcoming students to class, talking about how they feel)

4.20 – 4.25:        Introduction to topic (talk about “Gedichte” and rap to introduce to the topic)

4.25 – 4.35:        Rap OR Poem (students receive 8 “texts” of which half are German rap and the other half are German poesy – students have to guess in groups which is which)

4.35 – 4.45:        Rap OR Poem – Solution (solution + discussion)

4.45 – 4.50:        Elfchen – Group/Modelling (teacher and students create an “Elfchen” together)

4.50 – 5.00:        Elfchen + Presentation (students have to create their own “Elfchen” and then present it to the class)

5.00 – 5.10:        Create your poem! (students are put in groups and then have to write down 1 topic and 2 words – they then give that topic and the words to the next group. The next group has to write a poem (at least 4 lines) about the topic that the other group gave them and include the two words that the other group gave them)

5.10 – 5.15:        Poem – Presentation (Students present their poems)

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

The class worked well. Introduction was interesting for the students, as they were very curious to find out which text is rap and which is poem – the solution of that provided funny moments. The “Elfchen” was a nice way to get them going themselves on the poems, and the writing of a 4-liner, where the other group gave them a topic and words to be included provided creative and very funny poems. Well-rounded class without too much hick-hack.

DE S22 INT/ADV: Role Playing

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:
Communicative practice and fun!
Learn how to have an argument
Learn about basic vocabulary connected to state founding

How did you structure the class?

4.15 – 4.20:        Welcome (Welcoming students to class, talking about how they feel while introducing the topic)

4.20 – 4.45:        Role play (students get a role card and have to discuss the topic on their card with their respective partner. They have about 5 minutes to come to a compromise. After that they draw a new card and thus get a new partner (if more than 4 people), a new role and a new topic to discuss about)

4.45 – 4.50:        Discussion (quick follow-up discussion on how students handled the different situations and what solutions they found)

4.50 – 5.10:        State foundation (students get a worksheet that gives them the task to found a new state)

5.10 – 5.15:        State foundation – Presentation (students present their new state to the other students – after that, students are asked which state they would like to join

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

The class worked really well. The role playing was very communicative and lots of fun – students had to get into new roles all the time, adjust to the situation and the person they are talking to and at the same time trying to find a compromise with a person that has the opposite opinion to theirs. The short discussion afterwards was helpful in order to compare the different solutions – on one hand as an exchange of knowledge, but most importantly to give the students a stage to share their interesting/funny solutions. I decided not to do it after every round in order to give students the chance to experience a new situation without having heard before how another group has solved it.

The state foundation task was a nice addition, even though – for the sake of coherence – it would be nice to find a smooth transition from one task to the other. If not, it’s two really neat tasks – which is also fine.

Students were really creative and came up with “interesting” states – some of the vocabulary might be a bit too complex – but they also did not really have that much time to take a deep dive into all the aspects but should rather focus on a general idea and for that the task was certainly sufficient while giving them the chance to create something creative as a group together. The following presentation gave them the opportunity to present their state and make other people join that state – either because the idea is very funny or because the state seems really promising. Students can certainly take different paths to finding a solution to that task.

DE S22 INT/ADV: Art & Picture Description

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:
Art & Picture description

Goal of the class:
Students know locations in/within a picture
Students can describe the location of objects to each other (positions)
Students are able to describe a picture
Students can interpret pictures

How did you structure the class?

4.15 – 4.30:        Warm-Up: Who are what am I? (students get either the name of one person or one object (e.g. painting, building) or the corresponding description to a person or an object. By asking each other questions they have to “get to know each other” and thereby find out whether their role fits the other person’s role)

4.30 – 4.35:        Review: Picture description (short review of important vocabulary when describing pictures and the different directions (e.g. in front of, behind, next to… in the centre/right hand side))

4.35 – 4.50:        Describe & Draw (depending on class size either 1on1 or 1 describing and 2 drawing: one student sits with the back to the board and the other one with the front. Then a picture is faded in so that only the student with the front to the board can see it. That student now has to describe the picture to the other student, and he/she/they has to draw it based on the descriptions of the other student. 5min per turn, then they can look at the board to compare how good the drawing was. Then they switch position, and now the other student has to describe and the other to draw. With 3 students, 2 are drawing and sitting with the back to the front and they make 3 rounds with every one describing at least once)

4.50 – 5.05:        Group work (students can choose between 6 paintings by German artists and then analyze that picture in 3 steps. They have instructions on the power point and are allowed to use their phones)

5.05 – 5.15:        Presentation (each group presents their painting, according to the 3-step-analysis that was given to them)

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?

I taught a similar class last semester, but wasn’t really happy with it – thus, I wanted to teach it again with improvements. These improvements have worked really well! The warm-up was a nice way to walk around the room, talk to each other, ask each other questions, while at the same time starting to familiarize with the topic. The “Describe & Draw” is a really well-working, engaging and fun activity. The group work about paintings from German artists was a well-rounded conclusion to this lesson and put it on a higher level than the first time I taught that class. The students were able to learn about German art, had lots of discussions in class and had to present something as well. Thus, I would say that this class worked really well, I was happy about how it worked and wouldn’t really change anything.

One possible modification: instead of giving them pictures, the group work could also work if they choose their own paintings. Upside: more personalized and individualized, but several risks: no sufficient resources (maybe not everyone has a mobile phone/laptop handy), not sure what paintings, no German paintings.  

DE F21 INT/ADV: Bigfoot

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:
Communicative Practice
Creative Story-telling

How did you structure the class?

4.30 – 4.35:        Welcome & Introduction to “Bigfoot” topic (Talking to students about how they feel and how they have spend their weekend. Let the students explain the story behind “Bigfoot”)

4.35 – 4.45:        Introduction to the worksheet & reading the story (+ review vocabulary)

4.45 – 4.55:        First drawings (students have to draw the “branches breaking” in two boxes and describe what is happening)

4.55 – 5.00:        Present their drawings

5.00 – 5.20:        Groups: Finish the story (students have to get together in groups and brainstorm about how they want to finish the story. Then they draw the story & describe what is happening)

5.20 – 5.30:        Present the story (students present how they finished the story)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class worked really well. No surprise, considering Adan delivered that idea to us! The students had a lot of fun – the beginning was nice, but at the end of the class everybody was laughing, having fun and – most importantly – communicating a lot in German. I tried that class with both my conversation classes (one of them more communicatve, the other a little less) and it worked better with the communicative one, but they also took more time for each activity, so you have to keep that in mind.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

DE F21 INT/ADV: Advertising

Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener (credits to Marie Segura “FR SP21 INT/ADV Advertising & Slogans”)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising & Slogans

Goal of the class:
Learn about German brands and “Werbeslogans”
Learn about German commercials
Create your own slogans and ads
Discuss effects & mechanisms of advertising

How did you structure the class?

4.30 – 4.35:        Welcome and Introduction (welcome to students to the class and use the first image of the slide [popcorn] to make a transition to advertising [eating popcorn in the movies during the advertising before the movie])

4.35 – 4.42:        Matching brand & slogan (in pairs: students get 10 german brands and slogans and have to watch them with each other)

4.42 – 4.46:        Matching brand & slogan: solution (teacher offers the solution to the task. I added a competitive element and gave them points for each correct one, and the winner of this task will be allowed to have the first pick of one (or more) of the “Impossible Objects” later)

4.46 – 4.50:        The good slogan (students have to think about and discuss the characteristics of a good slogan. After that the teacher will offer a definition of “Werbeslogan” and based on that either sum up what students have said already or add elements that they might not have thought about)

4.50 – 4.55:        Your own slogan (in pairs: students have to come up with the best possible slogan for an object that they use everyday [2min] – then present it to the others [can be used to come to decision regarding whoever picks the objects first, as in my case the “matching” activity ended with a tie])

4.55 – 5.00:        Advertising (students have to brainstorm aspects that publicists rely on when they want to sell a certain type of product (e.g. food, cars, jewelry etc.))

5.00 – 5.15:        3 German commercials (students see 3 German commercials and while watching have to pay attention to the following questions: “1. What is advertised? 2. Which aspects are emphasized? 3. What do you think of the advertisement? Is it effective? (Who is the target group?)” After each commercial we discuss these questions. Either by putting them in small groups for the discussion, or by putting them in small groups and then using their discussion as a foundation for a class discussion or discuss it in class right away. I would prefer one of the “small group” options, but depending on time the “only class” option could be the best idea.

5.15 – 5.25:        Create your own commercial (students pick on (or more) of the “Impossible Objects) and then have to create a commercial for that object. They obviously don’t have the resources to create a commercial in that short amount of time, so instead they have to focus on the following questions: “1. Which aspects should be emphasized? Who is the target group? 2. What is happening? (+ WHERE does the advertising take place? WHO is playing?) 3. What is the music like? Is there a slogan? Is there a logo?”)

5.25 – 5.30:        Present your ad (students present their ad/commercial)

What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?
The class worked pretty well – students enjoyed the creative parts, where they had to create their own slogan and then particularly the task in the end, when they had to create their own ad (which was very funny). They also liked the German commercials very much, thought they were funny or gave a good impression of/to German culture. The first task took a bit too much time unfortunately – so I would recommend to either choose less brands/slogans, or maybe discuss the slogans beforehand so everybody has the same knowledge and knows what every slogan means (or could refer to).

Werbung 1:

Werbung 2:

Werbung 3:

FR F21 ADV/INT Harry Potter – create your Hogwarts’ House

Goal of the class: Create a conversation around the books and movies, learn new vocabulary (adjectives, qualities and personal attributes such as bravery/honesty/wisdom, etc.; clothing (colors, various clothes, accessories), furniture and the vocabulary belonging to the magical universe of Harry Potter).

Reviewing some grammar/syntactic points such as the phrases to explain/describe people’s personality and personal attributes, their outfit, detailing the layout of the furniture in a room.

In addition to that, the main activity is designed as well to make students review and practice how to express wishes in French and structure their presentation of their houses.

Creating groups: Depending on the number of students one has in their class, the groups can count 2 to 4/5 students. Putting them in group is a good idea as it incites them to do teamwork, share ideas and vocabulary to complete the main task. I personally made this class more challenging for the students as they are advanced ones and therefore are more proficient/comfortable in the language.

Structure of the class

1- Warm-up :(10 minutes)

•What did you do this Weekend?

Presenting today’s topic: Harry potter. Who is a fan? Which books did you read/movies did you watch? What are your favorite-s one-s and why?

2- Input:(10 minutes) Which words come to your mind when you think about Harry Potter? (in order to introduce new vocabulary, I personally wrote the words they gave me on the board and provided new ones). Since my students were advanced and naturally wanted to know more complex vocabulary and expressions, I showed them two extracts of the first HP movie in French, with French subtitles. I then wrote on the board some words and expressions used in the extracts and which I thought could be very useful for the task and for their personal use (adverbs, common exclamatory expressions in French, idioms, words such as feather, candles, magic wands, snake, etc.)

3-Then I showed them the names of the Hogwarts’ houses in French, we also discussed who had done the internet quiz to know the house they belonged to. Then I had made a detailed PowerPoint slide explaining the main activity for the day: “créer votre maison à Poudlard!” (create your Hogwarts’ house!).

The steps they could follow to create their house were the following:

1) Find a name

2) What are the values qualities specific to your house and required to be a part of it?

3) Which animal represents your house?

4) what sort of uniform/clothing? (Colors, motifs, design, accessories)

5) How does your common room looks like?

This lesson plan can also be used with Intermediate students. I would recommend however providing more input before starting the main activity such as vocabulary lists with expressions and phrases to guide the students in expressing themselves and structuring their argument/presentation.

Below is the PowerPoint I made and used to teach this class to both Advanced and Intermediate students:

4-Main activity:(20-25 minutes)Idivided them in 2groups of 4-5and after explaining to them what the activity was about and thesteps to follow, I handed a vocabulary sheet to them with words, expressions and phrases to help them complete the activity. The handout was designed in accordance withthe guidance/steps I had provided beforehand for completingthe activity.While they were exchanging in groups, I went back and forth between thegroups and projected images with ideas of items they could include in their common room (this way they could also learn more words). Bothgroups made amazing drawings of their House’s uniform, animal, and common room! One group designed a common room with a pool and an aquarium in it. The other one decided the animal that would represent their house would be a mix between a bear and a bird.5-After each group had completed the task, I asked them to come forward and present their house to the rest of the class6-To conclude this class on Harry Potter, I asked them to give me one or two words they had learnt todayWhat technology, media or propsdid you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)I used internet, a vocabulary sheet, and aPowerPoint I had designed myself for this classWhat worked well in this class? What did not work?This class went very well.Like with my intermediate students,even those who were not Harry Potter fans were interested in the class and very engaged into the activity. They all participated and really tried to design a detailed presentation of their house and its specificities.

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