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Tag: Halloween

ES F23 Intermediate Halloween

Class theme/topics discussed: Differences between Halloween in the US and in Spain 

Goals of the class: learn Halloween vocabulary in Spanish and learn about Halloween traditions in Spain. Learn how to conjugate the verb “to dress up” (disfrazarse).

How did you structure the class? 

  1. 5 min: warm-up exercise where we talked about our plans for Halloween and about what we did during Halloweekend.
  • 10 min: I displayed images of typical Halloween things (pumpkin, ghosts, vampires…) and I also displayed their names in Spanish, and they had to match the pictures to their names talking to their classmates.
  • 20 min: I displayed the conjugation of the verb “to dress up” in the TV and they had to ask each other questions regarding their Halloween costumes using the correct verb tense and conjugation.
  • 15 min: later, I displayed images and videos of how All Saints Day (1st November) is celebrated in Spain and we discussed their origins and differences in comparation to the US.
  • 10 min: lastly, each of them had to present in front of the class a Halloween tradition that they would do when they were little and, if they had, show a picture.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva presentation and Youtube.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The part where they explained their own Halloween traditions went super well because I could see that they wanted to share with the rest of the class their own experience. They were also super surprised when I talked about how we don’t celebrate Halloween, but we celebrate All Saints Day. I feel that the first exercise didn’t go that well in comparison because they didn’t know any of the Spanish words for the Halloween items, so they were a bit lost. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that if I had to do this class again, I would give them more context in the first exercise. I thought that I would be easy to match the words to the pictures (vampire is vampiro, ghost is fantasma, which I thought they would connect with phantom, etc.). I thought they would follow more their intuition, but they were just trying to guess their meanings randomly. I think that next time I would bring a little text or a description in Spanish of each item that contextualizes more each word.

RU F18 ADV Halloween

Language Resident Name: Mykyta Tyshchenko

Day and Date: Tuesday, 10.30.2018

Language and Level: Russian, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Halloween

Goal of the class:  practice talking about American traditions in Russian, practice storytelling

How did you structure the class?

  1. Greetings, general questions, announcements. – 5 min
  2. How did Halloween appear? Students tell the LR about the origin of the holiday. (It is OK to google together) – 5 min
  3. Survey: Students work with the survey (handout 1). – 20 min
  4. Russian horror stories for children: Reading and discussing. (handout 2) – 10 min
  5. Telling a страшилка (horror story) to each other: One by one, students and the LR tell a collective horror story. – 20 min

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Had to change the last activity to just telling personal stories because there were not many students in the class that day. + I brought candy, students were very happy.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Handout 1.


Праздник – holiday

Праздновать/отмечать – to celebrate

Наряжаться (+Кем? Чем?) – to dress as

Наряд – gown/costume + костюм

Украшать – to decorate +  декорировать

Кошелек или жизнь!



Вкусняшки, вкусняхи

Ништячки (Ништяк!)

Ты празднуешь Хэллоуин? Как?          
Кем или чем ты наряжался/ Наряжалась в прошлом?          
Будет ли у тебя костюм в этом году? Какой?          
Ты ходил/ходила в детстве за конфетами? Какой был самый удачный год? Что ты получил/ получила?          
Ты смотришь фильмы ужасов? Какие тебе нравятся?          

Handout 2.

Красная роза

Одна тетка пошла в магазин. Дочка ее увидела там красную розу и стала просить купить ее. Но мать сначала не хотела покупать. Девочка заплакала, и мать решила купить ее.

Когда они купили розу, они пошли домой и поставили на пианино. Вечером они легли спать. Но девочка не спала и любовалась розой. И вдруг она увидела, что роза стала расти и становилась все больше и больше. Вдруг роза стала совсем большой, и из нее вышел красный человек. Он пошел по коридору, шел долго, а потом зашел в какую-то дверь и исчез.

Наутро девочка рассказала об этом отцу с матерью. Мать пошла в милицию и позвала милиционеров на ночь. И они спрятались, стали наблюдать за этой розой.

Роза опять стала большой и оттуда вылез красный человек. Милиционеры стали стрелять в него, но все было без толку. Он все шел и шел. Наконец, он зашел в ту комнату и через некоторое время зашли туда и милиционеры.

Там они увидели этого человека. Он купался в бассейне, а там была кровь. Потом он вылез и умер.

Стеклянная кукла

Однажды одна семья — мама, папа и дочка — пошли в универмаг. Девочка увидела на витрине очень красивую стеклянную куклу. Она была волшебная. Дочка попросила купить эту куклу. Но отец сказал дочери, что эта кукла волшебная и она приносит несчастье. Девочка тогда стала просить у матери. Мать сжалилась и купила куклу.

Отец на следующий день уехал в командировку и оставил девочке записку:

«Дочь, не одевай на новую куклу голубое платье.»

Не послушалась девочка и одела. Ночью она услышала стук. Кукла подошла к постели девочки и спряталась под подушку. Она стала шептать девочке:

— Ляг, я тебя задушу.

Девочка подумала, что это ей кажется, и легла. Кукла её задушила. То же повторилось с мамой девочки.

Папа вернулся домой и увидел, что все мертвы, а кукла сидит на телевизоре и смеётся. Он подбежал к ней и разбил её об пол. Мама и дочка сразу ожили.

JP F09 ADV Halloween

Class theme/topics discussed:

We have Halloween in Japan ( I found the article from Website)
Holidays Discussion (asked many people as possible they can)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
We just had a fall break, and we are going to have Halloween and Thanks giving day soon.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Pari work, Handouts from ESL website. Studnets needs to translate by themselves, and discuss their questions.

How did students react?
They said the questions of handouts which I gave them were weird. For me, it is OK and no weird questions. Some vocabs they didn’t know how to say in Japanese, but they could guess the meaning, and they tried to explain those vocabs with using easy word. That was good for them!

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did. They talked a lot, and they created their own questions by their own will! They also asked me a lot of questions about food, holidays in Japan. Otherwise, I asked them about Halloween’s and Thanks giving meaning. Because I don’t exactly know about these holidays…they explained the meaning of these holidays to me!

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Free handouts from (discussion question)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, I want to use this activity!

Why or why not?
Because Holiday is related to their one of favorite things. Also, seasonally, we have Halloween and Thanks giving soon. I could see the students were excited to have another holiday soon!

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