an archive of lesson plans

Tag: Housing

JP F22 INT/ADV: Let’s rent a house in Japan!! 日本で家を借りよう〜!

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 4th week (20th and 22nd September 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Goal of the class:

              To learn expressions of comparison, recommendation, through activities of renting a house in Japan.

How did you structure the class?

20th September 2022


              Showing the topic, reviewing the basic expression of comparison

              Showing the topic, reviewing the basic expression of recommend

              Reviewing useful vocabulary related to the topic


              Example question: Comparing two rooms

              Students should read the details of the room

              Students should ask landlord (Me) the lacking information

              Discuss with partner which room to rent

              Discuss with everyone, stating pros / cons


              Start using the website “Suumo” in Japanese

              Students should follow the direction of slide 5, find best room


              Presentation of the best room as the role of owner of the house

              Audience should ask many questions

              Landlord should give merits



What technology, media or props did you use?  

Handout, ppt

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Student liked to be both landlord and customer. They make up stories and everyone was laughing. It was one of the best class.

RUS F20 Adv/Int: Rooms and their inhabitants

Language Resident Name:

Maria Glukhova

Day and Date:

Wednesday, 09/16/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Russian, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Rooms and their inhabitants.

Goal of the class:

Speaking: To work on describing one’s living space and to speculate on who might live there

Grammar: To practice «где» vs. «куда»

Vocabulary: furniture, design/style, colors, character.  

How did you structure the class?

  • Greetings, announcements, general questions.
  • Warm-Up [PowerPoint]: An LR shows a picture of a room and asks who the students think might live there and why. Together we describe the room (высокие потолки, окна во всю стену, персидский ковер на полу, etc.) and the people who might own the apartment (обеспеченные, с отличным вкусом, предпочитают жить за городом, etc.)   
  • Activity 1: Following the same idea as before, students get pictures of different apartments. In pairs they should describe both the rooms and the owners (it is better to choose interesting pictures where there are many things to talk about: дом русской бабушки в деревне, дом из золота в стиле барокко, избушка на курьих ножках, etc.).
  • Activity 2: A Detective game. Students work in pairs. A teacher prints out the pictures (6 rooms and 8 people), and the students have to detect who lives where and to find one character who doesn’t belong to the house.

The game is from here:


  • Conclusion. We check the results and discuss how they understood [or didn’t understand] who lives where.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint, Zoom

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students love the detective game! Sometimes it takes them almost the whole class to figure out who lives where.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The class was a lot of fun, I would leave it as it is.

DE F19 INT Housing

Language Resident Name: Tilman Viëtor

Day and Date: Wednesday, 09/11/2019

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Housing: How do you live? How to shop for furniture and decoration at IKEA.

Goal of the class: Learning vocabulary about furniture and housing, negotiating, talking about your living situation

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up: What do you like in your dorm room? Why? (Talking with their neighbor)
  2. Brainstorming for words for furniture and decoration. First make individual lists of all words that come to mind, then say a word one after the other until you don’t know another word (no words twice). Everyone has three lives. You lose one life if you don’t know a word when it is your turn. When you lose three times, you are out. The last person standing wins a prize.
  3. Input: IKEA ad, talking about the ad to assure understanding.
  4. Shopping at IKEA: Budget constraint of 700 EUR, time constraint of 20 minutes, work with a partner to furnish your new one-bedroom apartment together.
  5. Explain to the other pairs what you bought, and why.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, Whiteboard, Pens, Banana with a small German flag as the prize

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The Brainstorming did not go very well. After about two rounds no one came up with any more new words. The shopping at IKEA bit was great. They had a lot of fun doing that and learned new words and phrases.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

It will probably work way better with a big group, because more people usually mean more ideas for words. Also, it would be more interesting to see more than just two different ways to furnish apartments, so the students get exposed to more words. Maybe it would also be good to lower the budget to about 600 EUR, so they feel the constraint more.


RU SP16 INT Housing

Language Resident Name: Tatiana Ermolaeva

Day and Date: Wednesday, 02/01/2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Russian, Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Housing

Goal of the class: remembering vocabulary from chapter 5 of the textbook; instrumental case

How did you structure the class?
1. Warm up.
Brainstorming on the housing vocabulary (students give the names of the pieces of furniture and write it on the board).
Students stand in circle. One of them has a small ball. They throw a ball to each other naming the pieces of furniture they’ve learnt in chapter 5 of their textbook. Those who can’t remember a word steps out of the circle but he/she has a chance to come back shouting out a word if the other person doesn’t remember it.
10 minutes
2. There’s a picture of a room/kitchen with furniture on the screen. The task is to describe what is where using prepositions за, под, перед, над, между, рядом.
20 minutes
3. Interview. Students write 5-10 questions on a piece of paper. Then they exchange their papers and ask the questions they have received from the other student. At the end they should present the other student to the class using the questions.
20 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Laptop, TV, internet, small ball

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The lesson went very well! The students remembered the vocabulary we needed so both activities were both useful and helpful for them. They also told me that the activity with questions also helped them to speak and asked to do it more often.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

ES S15 INT Advices/Cohabiting

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 11.1- Intermediate

 Date: 02/25/2015

 Class theme/topics discussed: Giving advice. Cohabiting issues. Opinion, negotiating.

 Goal of the class: To get familiar with some vocabulary related to renting and apartment/cohabiting issues. To solve problems and situations when living together with other people. Big Brother.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):


 1st Activity-warm-up: Giving advices. Each student picked a card with a problem, i.e I like my best friend’s partner, and I can’t sleep… He/she asked his/her peers for solutions and they all practiced the formula: debes/deberías, tienes que, debes.

2nd Activity: Role-play. In pairs and trios, they need to deal with certain unpleasant situations when sharing a flat: two roommates in a hurry at the same time in the bathroom, cleaning schedule, gossiping, and so on. I hand out cards with given roles and situations.

3rd Activity: Big Brother. (See pdf attached) I hand out cards with profiles and descriptions written on them. Each student will represent one housemates of Big Brother. Then each student is given a copy of the next page and finds out who he/she ́s going to be. Everybody introduces himself to the group. Students must decide who they ́re going to nominate according to the information provided in the table and any other details they may make up. Once they ‘ve taken a decision they will have to nominate one of their housemates face to face, giving their reasons and saying at least something positive about the nominee too. Nominees have the right to defend themselves. Once all the contestants have nominated someone, the votes are counted and the two most voted contestants try to persuade the audience not to vote to evict them.

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was fun and coherent. The students engaged in the activities and act out.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

I changed the order of the activities in this class and it worked better. The Big brother activity should be very directed.

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.



 (Dos fichas. Tres personas).

Uno de vuestros compañer@s de piso últimamente no limpia cuando le toca. Vosotros habéis decidido tener una charla para decirle lo que pensáis. A es bastante duro, pero B intenta suavizar la situación.
Compartes piso con otros dos compañero@. Últimamente estás muy ocupad@ y no has limpiado mucho la casa. Tus compañer@s han decidido hablar contigo. Tú los entiendes, pero intentas excusarte diciéndoles lo ocupado que estás últimamente.

(Una ficha. Dos personas).

Tenéis que hacer la compra en el súper. Estáis l@s dos en la cocina viendo lo que tenéis y lo que tenéis que comprar.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas)

Acaba de llegar un corean@ al piso donde vives. Ve una cafetera italiana pero nunca había visto nada parecido. Tienes que explicarle para qué sirve y cómo funciona. Tendrás que ser un poco paciente porque casi no sabe español.
Acabas de llegar a un piso en España. Entras en la cocina y ves una cafetera italiana. Pero tú nunca has visto nada parecido en Corea (tu país). Le preguntas a un@ de tus nuev@s compañer@s. Tú no sabes casi nada de español, pero eres muy curios@ y le preguntas varias veces para entender bien todo lo que te dice.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

El/la chic@ de la habitación de al lado hace mucho ruido por la noche. Lleva un mes así y decides hablar con él/ella. Estás bastante nervios@ porque tienes que madrugar y casi todas las noches te quedas dormid@ muy tarde por los ruidos. Él/ella dice que no sabe de qué estás hablando. Pero tú insistes.
El/la chic@ de la habitación de al lado te dice que en tu cuarto hay mucho ruido por la noche. Él/ella tiene que madrugar y está bastante molesto. Tú te haces el suec@ y le dices que no son de tu cuarto, que no sabes de qué te habla. Él/ella insiste y tú te vas un poco enfadado, aunque sabes que sí son de tu cuarto.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Vives en un piso con tres compañer@s más. En el edificio hay una vecina muy cotilla que viene con un pastel para vosotros, pero en realidad viene para que le cuentes la vida de los del piso y te hace muchas preguntas sobre la gente del piso: cuántos sois, qué estudiáis…
Hace poco han venido al piso de al lado un@s estudiantes. Tú, que eres muy cotilla, vas a su casa con un pastel y te encuentras con uno de ell@s. En realidad quieres saber de sus vidas y le haces muchas preguntas: cuántos sois, qué estudian…

(Una ficha. Tres personas).

Acabáis de llegar a un piso para compartirlo durante el nuevo curso. Una de las cosas más importantes que tenéis que hacer es organizar la limpieza de la casa. A es una persona muy activa y parece un poco marimandona. B siempre le lleva la contraria a A y C es una persona muy tranquila pero termina enfadándose porque no os ponéis de acuerdo.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Son las siete y media de la mañana. Vas rápidamente al baño para ducharte y vestirte porque tienes que ir a hacer un examen. Pero te encuentras a otro compañer@ de piso que también va a entrar al baño. Tú le dices que lo sientes mucho, pero tienes que irte rápidamente a la facultad porque tienes un examen y no te da tiempo. Él/ella tiene que ir a trabajar. Si tú llegas tarde al examen no te dejarán entrar.


Son las siete y media de la mañana. Vas rápidamente al baño para ducharte y vestirte porque tienes que ir a trabajar. Pero te encuentras a otro compañer@ de piso que también va a entrar al baño. Tú le dices que lo sientes mucho, pero tienes que irte rápidamente porque tienes que ir a la oficina y no te da tiempo. Él/ella tiene que se tiene que ir a hacer un examen. Tu jefe es muy estricto con el horario.

(Tres fichas. Tres personas).

Vives con otros dos compañer@s de piso. Este fin de semana es tu cumpleaños y quieres hacer una fiesta en el piso. Es un día muy especial para ti y quieres hacer esa fiesta de todas formas. Además, ya has invitado a unas veinte personas. Se lo comunicas a tus compañer@s. Habrá problemas y te propondrán otros días alternativos para hacer la fiesta, pero tú intentarás celebrar tu cumpleaños cuando lo habías decidido.
Un@ de vuestr@s compañeros de piso quiere hacer una fiesta en el piso este fin de semana porque es su cumple. Tú no quieres que haga la fiesta de ninguna manera porque el lunes tienes un examen muy importante. Así que intentarás evitarla. Te pones muy, muy nervios@.
Uno de vuestr@s compañer@s de piso quiere hacer una fiesta en el piso este fin de semana porque es su cumpleaños. A ti no te importa demasiado, pero a tu otro compañero sí (sois tres) porque tiene un examen muy importante el lunes siguiente. Al principio intentas que se haga la fiesta, pero luego te das cuenta de que tu compañer@ que tiene el examen tiene razón e intentas que la fiesta no se haga. Propones tros días alternativos para hacerlas.

(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Son las nueve de la mañana. Tocan al timbre del piso y abres. Es la madre de uno de tus compañer@s de piso que ahora mismo no está en casa. La madre entra y tú no sabes qué hacer, así que te sientas con ella en la sala. Ella te hace muchas preguntas (algunas muy personales) sobre su hij@ y tú contestas. Pero a esas horas no te apetece nada hablar. Además, sabes que su hij@ lleva en secreto algunas cosas de su vida. Le terminas diciendo que tienes algo que hacer para escapar de la situación.
Llegas al piso de tu hij@. Te abre un@ de sus compañer@s porque él / ella no está. Pasa, te sientas en la sala y empiezas a preguntarle a su compañer@ cosas (algunas muy personales) sobre tu hij@: si come bien, si tiene novi@, si estudia mucho… Además, tú sospechas de que tu hij@ te esconde algunas cosas.


(Dos fichas. Dos personas).

Estáis en época de exámenes y últimamente no limpiáis mucho la casa, o sea, que está hecha una pocilga. Tus compañer@s de piso han salido y llega la casera. Se enfada muchísimo contigo porque tenéis todo sucio. Tú le dices que estáis de exámenes y que no tenéis mucho tiempo para limpiar. Pero ella está muy furiosa, así que terminas enfadándote tú también por su incomprensión.
Eres la casera de un piso de estudiantes. Vas a ver qué tal van las cosas por el piso y te lo encuentras todo muy sucio. Está en casa un@ de l@s chic@s y te enfadas con él /ella. Se intenta excusar, pero a ti no te calma nada de lo que te dice y te pones muy furiosa. Amenaza con echarl@s de la casa.

big brother

CN S15 INT Renting an Apartment in China

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Monday, April 20, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed:

Renting an Apartment in China

Goal of the class:

  • To help students understand how to rent an apartment (step by step) in China;
  • To give students some key words and expressions for renting;
  • To draw students’ attention to some matters in renting an apartment.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up question for the students: Did you or your family rent an apartment/house in the U.S.? How was your renting experience?
  2. Teach the students some useful words and expressions for renting;
  3. Introduce in great detail how to rent an apartment in China;
  4. Talk about how to find a nice roommate if one has to share an apartment/a house;
  5. Ask the students to discuss some renting issues/scenarios they may encounter and try to figure out their solutions;
  6. Wrap up this topic.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students liked to talk about their renting experience and the real issues they came across. When they described those actual issues, they used some English as it’s challenging for them to depict those scenarios in Chinese.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


  1. 租房:rent a house/apartment
  2. 房东:landlord/landlady
  3. 租客:tenant
  4. 房产中介:house agency
  5. 宿舍:dormitory
  6. 学生宿舍楼:residence hall
  7. 市中心:downtown   郊区:outskirts
  8. 租金:rental
  9. 押金:security deposit
  10. 公共交通:public transportation
  11. 水费:water bills
  12. 电费:electricity bills
  13. 煤气费:gas bills
  14. 洗衣费:laundry fee
  15. 家具:furniture     设备:facility
  16. 起居室/客厅:living room
  17. 卧室:bedroom
  18. 卫生间:bathroom/restroom
  19. 厨房:kitchen
  20. 车库:garage
  21. 签合同/签租约:sign a lease
  22. 入住通知:move-in notice

JP F14 INT Housing

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: 9/24, Wed

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Ad/Int

 Class theme/topics discussed: Housing

 Goal of the class:

Students will learn the vocabularies of housing.

Students will learn how to rent an apartment in Japan.

 How did you structure the class?


I ask students who have been to Japan how Japanese apartments were and how they rent them.

2. Vocabularies

I distribute handouts to students and introduce housing vocabularies in them

3. Quiz

The students see the floor plans in handouts. I ask them “is it 1K or 1DK?” and explain why.

4. Expressions

The students learn the expressions to rent apartments.

5. Exercise

The students do some exercises. Under several conditions, they make sentences to negotiate with brokers.

6. Icebreaker

I divide the class into two groups: A and B and give a floor plans to each student in group A and give one condition card to each student in group B. Students in group A negotiate students in group B and find the person who will match the condition. The students in group B listen carefully to the condition.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Handouts, Cards for icebreaker

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 The Icebreaker worked very well.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

It was difficult for Intermediate class. They seemed overwhelmed by new vocabularies and expressions. It is necessary to reduce them.

F14 JPN Ad Int Housing

RU S13 ADV Housing Communal Flat (Kommunalka)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced

 Date:  03/05/13

Class theme/topics discussed: The way of life in a communal flat (kommunalka)

 Goal of the class:

–        To learn new cultural information (to become familiar with the way of life in a communal flat) and to learn new vocabulary

–        To practice listening, reading, speaking

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–        Watching a music video clip of the Russian song ‘Communal flat’ (‘Eta kommunalnaya kvartira’): students are asked to watch it really carefully so they could identify the details of the communal life style and its possible problems;

–        Students get the handouts with the song’s lyrics, which contain blank spots: students need to remember/guess the missing words and write them down;

–        Listening to the song for the second time in order to help the students to write down more missing words (those they didn’t get from the first listening);

–        Checking the answers with the whole class;

–        Discussion: students tell what they noticed about the communal way of life and its advantages and disadvantages (they also come up with possible solutions to the most common problems). While they are doing that, the teacher writes the necessary vocabulary on the whiteboard (such words as schetchik and so on);

–        The teacher tells some cultural information about the communal flats (or, just like me shares his/her experience about living in a communal flat if he/she used to);

–        Students get the handouts with a fact about communal flats written on them (it contains difficult numbers): they are asked to read a piece of it;

–        Role-play: students get their roles (babushka, studentka, molodaya sem’ya s rebenkom etc), they have to pretend that they are neighbors in a communal flat. They start the conversation with ‘complaining’ about some problems and they have to reach some kind of a compromise (for example, imagine the rules that would make their life easier in this flat).

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

–        Whiteboard


–        Handouts with the lyrics

–        Handouts with a sentence containing difficult numbers

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed watching the video and they really liked the song.  They noticed quite many things about this special life style and they managed to identify quite many possible problems. They also enjoyed the stories I told from my experience. The students were very good in reading numbers as well. And we all had fun during the role-play.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Everything worked well so I wouldn’t change anything.

DE S13 INT My Room & Dream House

Language and Section: German Intermediate Conversation

Date: 01-29-2013

Class theme/topics discussed:

–       My room

–       Our dream house

Goal of the class:

–       Being familiarized with all possible vocabulary related to houses, rooms, furniture, living, etc.

–       Dative prepositions

–       Using these words creatively

Structure of the class:

–       We first did brainstorming: anything related to a house, room, apartment, flat, etc.

–       I had drawn a blueprint of my room on the whiteboard

–       I explained my room and what you find in it to the students, pointing at the drawing, using prepositions and the appropriate cases.

–       Students were asked to draw their own room

–       After that, each student showed the picture to the class and explained what is in their room and where is what

–       Students had before received a list of vocabulary related to “My Room”

–       We now took the same sheet and concentrated on the vocabulary lists on “My House” and “My Garden”

–       We went through the words and made sure everyone understood

–       Students were asked to get together in pairs and design their dream house

–       The task also included the drawing of at least one room

–       The house was supposed to also include a garden

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Paper, whiteboard

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

All worked fine.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

It all took much longer than I thought. We could not finish the last task.

CN F12 INT Renting house/ apartment

Language and Section: Chinese Class—Intermediate Conversation (11)

Date: Nov. 8, 2012

Class theme/topics discussed:
To practice speaking skills; to exchange opinions on the topic; to learn new vocabulary connected with renting house.

Goal of the class:
Get students familiarized with some vocabulary they might need in the future when they rent an apartment or house.

Structure of the class:
1. Warm-up (5 min)
Are you happy about the election result? (We talked about election last class.) Do you still remember how to say “vote” and “president” in Chinese?
2. Learn vocabulary and play the taboo game. (20 min)
3. Find your perfect house/roommate (you can make up a character or be yourself) (25min).
4. Discussion (10min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)
Hand out.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students always love taboo game. They also talked a lot about renting an apartment.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
The instruction is a little long. I tried to stick to Chinese not English. I should make the instruction clear and simple.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

RU S12 ADV Home

Language and Section: Russian – PO Russ 13.1

Date: 26 January 2012

Class theme/topics discussed: Home Sweet Home

Goal of the class:

To practice speaking skills; to exchange opinions on the topic; to learn new vocabulary connected with Russian homes

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1) Discussion: i) where does your family live? ii) where do you live here? iii) where do you like it better and why? iv) how do you choose your dorm and roommate here?
2) Where did you live in Russia? What is your impression? What home customs were unusual for you? What did you like better/worse then here? What do you think about “pod’ezd” (entrance)? Was it scary in your house?
3) Have you ever been in “kommunalnaya kvartira” (shared apartment)? What do you know about it?
4) Watching a video about a bathroom in “kommunalnaya kvartira” (see an attachment). Answering questions (Кто такой Ян и что с ним случилось? Почему в ванной окно? Что случилось со старой ванной? Когда мылись ванной? Почему мылись в тазах? Что делал квартирный пьяница? Кого еще приводили жильцы? Как определялась очередь в ванную? Что происходило с горячей водой? Где она нагревалась? Если человек долго мылся, что делали другие жильцы?)
5) Learning new specific Russian words re home (see an attachment)
6) Follow-up: next time students should tell everybody about the house of their dreams.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Laptop ; TV set

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students seemed to really like this class and were very excited to talk about their homes in college and back at home. They also were very enthusiastic about an idea of a house of their dreams.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

This class took almost two classes in my class with three students. If you want to squeeze it to one class, it’s probably worth to eliminate cultural part a little bit, because it seems that students liked discussing questions more than a video (though they still liked it because it’s quite shocking).

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

ES F11 INT/ADV Looking for house/housemate

Language and Section: Spanish advanced 01


Date:  15.November.2011


Class theme/topics discussed: Looking for a housemate

 Goal of the class: Give students some useful vocabulary about housing

 Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

**They were 5 so 3 were looking for house and 2 were looking for a new housemate.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed both the interview and the discussion after it. However they didn’t understand at first what they were supposed to do with the patterns for the interviews that I gave them. I told them they could be themselves during the roleplay or make up a character. Some of them started writing down the answers instead of just thinking about their character and what they were going to say.

Also it would have been better if they had been even numbers since this way they could’ve had interviews with everyone two-to-two.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Instead of giving them some patterns to answer when they were looking for a housemate I could have told them to make them up and have real interviews with their classmates

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

DE F11 ADV Roommates

Language and Section: German advanced

Date: Nov 15th, 2011

Class theme/topics discussed: Roommates

Goal of the class: vocabulary and general things about finding a place to live and a roommate

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

I had 3 pairs of students who were looking for a roommate and 3 people who were looking for a room. The pairs had to think about questions they want to ask to the people who want to become their roommates. The people who are looking for a room have to think of questions they want to ask the people who live there.

Then we had roommate interviews. At the end I asked who wants to have whom as a roommate and who would like to live where.

Writing on the board

Form for the students who had a room for rent

Form for the students who were looking for a room

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked very well

How could this class be improved/ modified?


  • You should have as many groups looking for a roommate as people looking for a room
  • Works better for bigger classes

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

JP S11 INT/ADV Role Play: If I were

Class theme/topics discussed: The expression of “If I were~, I would do~.”

1. Warm up activity: “Saikoro Talk” (deciding a topic what they talk using a dice)
At first, students decide six topics using subjunctive expressions and number cards. One student shoots a dice and talks about the topic on the card which is the same number of the dice.
2. Role Play: “If I were a manager of hotel, I would do~”
Half of students become a manger of hotel and the others are customers. Customers have to complain everything about hotel. The hotel staffs need to deal with a lot of problems. All managers have a meeting and make a decision what and how they improve the hotel’s situation.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Sometimes I felt students did not correctly use the subjunctive expressions in conversation. So I decided to do the above activities.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, group discussion and group work

How did students react?
They loved to decide a topic by a dice! Some students asked me to do a dice talk again. As for the role play, they did not like it so much. They don’t want to pretend someone, but be themselves.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

I will recommend an only dice talk.

Why or why not?

As for a dice talk, it would be great tool for leading conversation. On the other hand, role play was a little bit boring for students because students really need the real life situation. If they wanted to become a hotel staff in the future, the activity would be good for them. Role play might be good for the class in Mason, but not for conversation class.

ES S11 ADV Housing

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 03/10/2011

Class theme/topics discussed:
Housing in Spain

How did you pick this theme or topic?
They wanted more practical classes so we decided to continue with living in Spain and how to find an apartment.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I brought a map of Granada with different areas and different real posts for housing. I also created 5 profiles for people looking for an apartment and they had to match it.

How did students react?
They loved the idea and found it very helpful.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they engaged pretty well with each other.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Map and descriptions.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They really enjoyed it and thanked me for the class.

Adv13-PISO 1
Adv13-Estudiante 1

FR S10 ADV – roommates


How did you pick this theme or topic?

I thought it was a good topic to make them talk and interact

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Interviews in pairs
General discussion
Role play

How did students react?

Very well, they had a lot to say.

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)


Please attach a copy.

Here is the plan I had with me in class

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Advanced 4/22

1. Entretien about colocataires – 10 min

2. General discussion – 10 min

3. Game – 40 min

Description :

1. Leur expliquer qu’ils vont accueillir un colocataire, pendant un an, à choisir parmi leurs camarades de classe.
2. Leur faire preparer un questionnaire type (10 questions maximum pour les élémentaires) qu’ils utiliseront pour chaque participant.
3. Expliquer les règles du jeu : les élèves s’assoient deux par deux et face à face à des tables espacées si possible. Chaque « couple » ainsi formé dispose de 5 minutes (en fonction du niveau et du nombre de questions) pour s’interroger mutuellement et prendre des notes.
4. Toutes les cinq minutes, chaque élève change de partenaire jusqu’à ce qu’il ait interrogé tous les autres participants.
5. Laisser quelques minutes de réflexion puis demander à chacun de révéler son choix en lui demandant de se justifier (expression simple de la cause et de la conséquence pour les niveaux les plus faibles).

ES S10 INT/ADV Living on Campus in Spain

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 03/18/2010

Class theme/topics discussed:
Living in Spain

How did you pick this theme or topic?
We talked about roommates before, so I decided to continue talking about housing in Spain and problems with the roommates.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We started talking about finding an apartment in Spain, and then did a role play of possible problems that may arise from living with other people.

How did students react?
They liked it very much and they came up with great stories!

Did they engage with each other and you?
They engage very well with each other, and with me.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Role play in paper.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
Yes, they liked it very much and they learned lots of new vocabulary.
18th Class INT

ES S10 INT/ADV Roommates

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 03/09/2010

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I continued talking about youth, so this topic was next.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We started playing a little bit of Mafia as a warm up before moving to the role play.
I asked them to tell me who was their best or worst roommate and they loved it! They were all eager to talk, all of them had funny stories and in the end we couldn’t do the last activity because of lack of time.

How did students react?
They loved talking about their roommates, and also liked to hear how it works in Spanish speaking countries, since many of them would like to study abroad.

Did they engage with each other and you?
They did very well.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They like talking about something that concerns them and had a great time.

15th Class INT

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