Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Kozue Matsumoto
Day and Date:
Wednesday November 4, 2020
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):
Intermediate / Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed:
- Check in with everyone and see how they are doing
- Onomatopoeia
Goal of the class:
- See if everyone is cool to do a class (This class was right after the presidential election)
- Explore Onomatopoeia
How did you structure the class?
- How are you doing? Hanging there? Good news if any??? (7 min)
- Introduce Onomatopoeia (8 min)
- ザーザー and パラパラ
- Animal voices etc.
- Breakout room (30 min)
- Describe a moment or create a story
- Pick 3 or 4 Onomatope from and use it in sentence. One sentence one onomatope.
- Main room (15 min)
- Share the sentences that each group creates
- Wrap up. Stay positive, and stay calm
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Class agreement, breakup rooms
Zoom, breakout rooms online resource
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
- Students were tired and stressed out with election situations.
- Students loved Onomatope. They sound funny and cute apparently.
- In the breakout rooms, students were laughing so hard finding new Onomatope and how they sound like
- They were so creative about making a story. This is a lot more than I expected.
- In the main room, students typed what they created in a chat and read aloud. It became almost like a theatre at some point. One student acted character A, another one was character B, and another one was a narrator, etc.
- They were so good at creating, writing, and using new words. I gave a little grammar correction to make a phrase sound natural after every group presented their stories.
- I enjoyed so much how engaged they were in today’s activity.
- I wanted this class to be somewhat fun. I’m glad that this class created some cheerful moments for them, especially after hearing them saying that other classes were all ok today and that they were just ok.
- This is one of classes students chose as the best.
- They knew a lot more onomatope than the intermediate class.
- They were very nervous and worried about the election results.
- We ended up with talking a lot of feelings and situations around the election with onomatope.
- We also had some fun moments with some fun and positive and funny onomatope.
- Students also expressed some feelings about COVID.
- Onomatope are very nuanced expressions, so it was a great exercise to think about what the equivalent expressions are in English. I ended up with doing a lot of acting and facial expressions to tell them the nuances. That was fun.
- Manga is a great way to learn onomatope.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
- Onomatopoeia is very fun and great things to know. I used an entire class focusing on this. But also it’s possible to introduce a few Onomatopoeia at the beginning of every class. This would give students some laugh and create a positive mood to start a class.
- I used a breakout room with 3-4 people. It could be smaller groups.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Student works: Each group created a story.
- ある日かえるさんとあひるさんが、いけに会いました。あひるさんは、かえるさんにかっこつけて、大きな声で 「ガーガー」と泣きました。かえるさんは、これを聞いてクスクス笑いました。じつは、あひるさんはじこあいせいでしたので、笑われたことがなかったです。あひるさんは、これを聞いて「ブルブル」ふるえました。かえるさんは、それを見て「おほん、きみはキャンセルドだ!」と言いました。あひるさんはもじもじして、こいにおちました。そして、かえるさんは、「へんなやつだなー」と思ってたたたたにげました。
- ある日、マイケルジャクソンは馬をみました。馬はマイケルに向かってサクサク走りました 。 マイケルも馬に向かってタタタタ走りました。 マイケルのマネージャーは「マイケル!馬の話をできない」と言いました。 でも、マイケルはガミガミだけを聞きました。 マイケルは気にしませんでした。 馬は「ひひいん」と言いました。 マイケルはうっとりです。 マイケルは「ひひ」と言いました。 その後、マイケルは馬と友達になりました。 マイケルは歌手をやめて、カウボーイになりました。
サクサク = stepping in dirt
タタタタ = running
ガミガミ = being lectured/nagged by someone above you
ひひいん = sound of a horse
うっとり = being fascinated by something beautiful
- 昔々 きみちゃんという六歳の子供は もりに すたこらに あるいていた。 きゅうに おおきくてこわいくまが 起こった。 でも きみちゃんは ゆうかんな子供 泣かなかった。 くまさん、大丈夫ですか?一人で もりにいるのは さびしいでしょう 。 くまさんは、ええええ、何これ?どうして この子 怖くならないの? きみちゃんは、私の方が くまさんより こわいよ!それで、どんなに大きくても ぜんぜん ぶるぶる ふるえない! くまさんは、そうなんだ。じゃあ、一緒に 世界せいふくをしよう! きみちゃんは、世界征服 したくないけど。でも、人間は 最悪から 一緒に 森を 守ろう! それ以下 きみちゃんとくまさんは もりを守ったり 毎日ラーメンをたべたり 幸せに 住んでいた.