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GERM SP24 Adv German Politics “Das Geheimtreffen”

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Lea Marie Uhlending                                                   

Day and Date: Tuesday, 01/30/24

Language and Level:  Advanced Class

Class theme/topics discussed:

The meeting between right wing extremist in Potsdam that was uncovered by CORRECTIV

Goals of the class:

Diving deep into current political/social issues in Germany

How did you structure the class?

Last week we had talked about this meeting being revealed and the general things that had been revealed then, for this week we watched a theatrical recreation of said secret meeting. The video was exactly one hour long, we watched the video and both took notes to discuss on Thursday

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

the TV, laptop

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The auto-generated subtitles were surprisingly good so that was probably helpful for my student. I also paused in moments where the story got a bit more convoluted to give her some explanations. The student was very very interested in this video and the entire topic, so the class was fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The class worked well for someone that is as proficient and politically interested as my student is but I don’t think I would otherwise show the entire video to a class. For other classes I would’ve picked out some scenes to show.

Here is the video, it starts properly around 19 minutes

FR INT/ADV S23 French Online Influencers

Objective: To introduce French online influencers and improve French language skills through watching their videos and engaging in related activities.

Level: Intermediate and advanced


– Access to the Internet and YouTube

– Activity sheets


1. Introduction of the concept of French online influencers, what they are, who some of the most popular ones are, and what they typically do (vlogs, gaming, comedy, etc.)

2. Present the influencers that will be focused on in this lesson: Squeezie, Mcfly et Carlito, and Le rire jaune, and make a brief overview of their content and why they are popular in France.

3. Ask students if they have heard of any of these influencers before, and if so, what they know about them. Encourage a discussion to get students engaged.

Activity 1: Watch a video by Squeezie

1. Have students watch a video by Squeezie on YouTube, such as his “Je teste des objets insolites” series or QUI EST L’IMPOSTEUR ? (ft Eric & Ramzy) .

2. While watching, have students take notes on any new vocabulary words or phrases they hear.

3. After watching, have students share some of the new words and phrases they learned. Create a vocabulary list on the board or in a shared Google doc online. What did they like/dislike about the videos?

Activity 2: Complete a listening comprehension activity with Mcfly et Carlito

1. Have students watch a video by Mcfly et Carlito, such as their CONCOURS D’ANECDOTES vs LE PRÉSIDENT DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE video ( this one is very long but you can show them just a part of it ).

2. After watching, provide students with a worksheet with questions related to the video

3. Have students work in pairs or small groups to discuss their answers and ensure they understood the video/what was shown.

Optional activity if there is time left, or can be done in the next class:

Activity 3: Create a sketch inspired by Le rire jaune

1. Introduce students to Le rire jaune, a famous French YouTuber who creates comic videos.

2. Have students watch a few of his videos and identify common themes or elements (e.g. humor, sarcasm, pop culture references).

3. Divide students into small groups and have them create a short sketch inspired by Le rire jaune. Encourage them to incorporate some of the elements they identified in his sketches.

4. Have groups perform their sketches for the class, allowing time for feedback and discussion.


1. Review the new vocabulary words and phrases learned throughout the lesson.

2. Ask students to reflect on what they enjoyed about learning French through online influencers. Did they find it engaging? Did they feel like they learnt anything new?

3. Encourage students to continue watching videos by these youtubers and other French influencers as a way to continue improving their language skills outside of class.

FR F22 INT/ADV Les Stéréotypes/clichés sur les Français

Goal of the Class: Students discuss on stereotypes they have on French people; they also learn about the various stereotypes existing in different regions of France and also different kind of expressions used in daily speech and referring to these stereotypes. Students practice their listening and speaking skills by watching videos in French on the topic, and then discuss about it both in groups and then with the whole class

Warm-up : 10/15 minutes

Intermediate and advanced : Par groupes trouvez 5 clichés que vous avez sur les Français (in groups find 5 clichés/stereotypes that you have about French people). I gave students 10 minutes to talk about it in groups and then I asked each group to share what discussed. Then I showed them a picture of different typical stereotypes existing about French people around the world with vocabulary included and further explanation of them if needed.


As a transition towards the first activity, I gave them three commonly used expressions in French that are related to stereotypical traits generally assigned to French people: Grande gueule (talk too much, is too direct), dragueur (flirty), nul en langues (bad at languages)

Advanced: for advanced I added more specific cultural input on various stereotypes depending on the regions in France:

  • En France, selon les régions il y a aussi des clichés différents: Par exemple, on dit qu’en Bretagne il pleut tout le temps, à Paris les gens sont hautains et arrogants (haughty and snobbish), en Alsace ils mangent que de la choucroute (plat traditionnel avec du chou), la Normandie est principalement peuplée de vaches.
  • Ce ne sont que des stéréotypes et donc pas totalement vrai! par exemple, en Bretagne il ne pleut pas tout le temps (mais souvent) et beaucoup de Parisiens sont très gentils (pas tous)

Activity 1: In groups still I then asked them to discuss the following questions revolving around stereotypes on Americans:

  • Quels sont d’après vous les stéréotypes que les personnes étrangères ont sur les Américains ? (What do you think are the stereotypes that foreign people have about Americans?)
  • Est-ce qu’il y a des stéréotypes spécifiques pour chaque états des Etats Unis? Donnez des exemples (Are there specific stereotypes for each state in the United States? Give examples)
  • Est-ce que vous connaissez des clichés sur d’autres pays Européens comme l’Italie, l’Angleterre, l’Espagne, etc.? (Do you know any clichés about other European countries like Italy, England, Spain, etc.?)

After they discussed for about 10-13 minutes, we exchange as a class and then I gave them some stereotypes we have in France about Americans:

  • Les Américains mangent mal et il y a des fast foods partout
  • Les Américains sont très patriotes
  • Il y a plus d’armes (guns) que d’Américains
  • Les Américains n’ont pas d’assurance santé
  • Les gobelets rouges (red cups) dans les fêtes étudiantes
  • Les ‘Hugs’ pour dire Bonjour

Activity 2: this second activity is centered on a video I showed them. One is on how Europeans living in France and speaking French fluently view French people, and the other one is similar but is an interview of non-European people living in France.


  • En regardant la vidéo, notez les mots que vous ne connaissez pas sur une feuille de papier ou votre téléphone portable (While watching the video, write down the words you don’t know on a piece of paper or your cell phone)
  • Les Français vus par des Européens (how Europeans see French people) :
  • Quels sont les clichés/stéréotypes mentionnés dans la vidéo? (What clichés/stereotypes are mentioned in the video?)

Then I showed them some slides I created with photos on new vocabulary mentioned in the video, here is an example:


Quels sont les clichés que certaines personnes hors d’Europes ont sur les français?

Quelles sont les habitudes / les comportements typiquement français ?

Last activity : Les gestes et expressions typiquement francais – French also speak using gestures. This video is very funny and explains some of these common gestures used in the common speech in France:

1- j’ai les chocotes/ça fait peur/c’est flippant/j’ai peur

2- I’m drunk

3- j’en ai par-dessus la tête/j’en ai marre

4- ça m’énerve!

5- et toc! / dans ta face

6- les doigts dans le nez (it was easy)

laquelle intégreriez-vous dans votre vie de tous les jours ? (Which one-s would you incorporate in your everyday life?)

Est-ce que vous utilisez des gestes quand vous parlez?  (do you use gestures when you speak?

Feedback/end of the class: give one or two words that you learnt today, how many times do you think people do ‘la bise’ in France to introduce themselves?

Ressources used: Powerpoint, Youtube videos, images

Reflection: This class went so well both in the advanced and intermediate classes. The students were participating a lot and we ended up having very interesting points and elements of discussions raised all throughout the class. These classes definitely showed that conversation classes are much more than just practicing the target language, they can also be an opportunity to learn and enlarge point of views, knowledge on various topics/issues, etc. This class led to deep and meaningful exchanges as a whole class.

FR F22 ADV La mode écologique ou pas ? (Eco-friendly fashion)

Goal of the class: learn about a phenomenon/trend in France related to the increase production of eco-friendly clothes and the increase launching of eco-friendly brands. Learn vocabulary on ecology, fashion, and the environment.

Warm-up: Do you like fashion? Do you buy a lot of clothes in a year? Do you like buying specific brands of clothes?

Activity 1 : La mode eco-responsable

  • Students are shown 2 short videos, one providing facts and numbers about the textile/clothes industry in France, and how it came to become the second most polluting industry in the world. The second video is about the upsurge of eco-friendly clothes/fashion in France
  • After watching the videos, students are asked to state one or two elements they learnt in the videos and talk about it with the whole class. For instance:
  • Chaque année 100 milliards de vêtements sont produits dans le monde
  • Après l’industrie du pétrole, celle de la mode est la plus polluante au monde
  • 700 000 tonnes de vêtements chaque années en France
  • La mode éco-responsable
  • Les créateurs de marques étiques et écologiques
  • 70% des Français disent ne pas être intéressés par la mode

Some vocabulary was provided on colloquial words/expressions used in the videos

  • Quantité astronomique – quantité énorme
  • La fast fashion – la mode jetable
  • Se zapper – s’habiller

Activity 2: Débat – Quelles solutions pour créer une mode plus écologique ?

Students were asked in groups of 3/4 to draw a mental map with at its center : “la mode eco-responsable”. They have to find solutions to create more eco-friendly approaches to fashion and shopping. Then they make a presentation about it in front of the class, helped by the mental map they filled out with ideas and solutions:

  • dessinez et remplissez une carte mentale. Incluez plusieurs solutions pour créer une mode eco-responsable et durable (sustainable) – vous pouvez vous inspirer de ce site internet:
  • chaque groupe fait une presentation de leur projet lorsqu’il est terminé

Ressources : Powerpoint, Youtube, handout (mental map)

Reflection : This class went very well, the topic interested the students, the presentations were very resourceful and students came up with deep and smart solutions. We ended up the class prolonging the debate and extrapolating to other areas of societies and consumerism that could be improved in a more eco-friendly way. We also ended up changing topics towards the last 10 minutes of the class and talked about Cartoons, and I showed them the opening themes of one of my childhood French cartoons and we talked about it.

FR S22 INT/ADV – Votre Week-End idéal

This class was done online and could also be done in person.

Warm –up (10 minutes) –group discussion = (main zoom chat : send the link of the Google Doc with vocabulary on the routine as well as the following questions students have to discuss in breakout rooms)

•Quel est selon-vous le WE idéal? Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire en général le WE? – What do you think is the ideal WE? What do you usually like to do on weekends?

Activity 1: Video ‘French people describe their WE’ (20 minutes –8 minutes for the video, 10 minutes for the group discussion)

Instructions: jot down what you understand from the video –écrivez sur une feuille de papier / sur votre ordinateur -ce que vous comprenez dans cette vidéo: Quelles sont les activités que les personnes interviewées aiment faire le week –end ? – What are some activities that the persons interviewed like doing on Weekends? Qu’est-ce qu’ils aiment faire avec leurs amis ? – What do they like doing with their friends?

Then we discuss it as a class and the students share what they understood and think about it –10 to 15 minutes –

Vocabulary input: What do these words mean? (Habituellement, Je bosse, aller en boîte, le confinement, se balader, faire un tour à…, profiter, la province); If there is some time left I propose a game they would play in Breakout rooms– ‘Qui est-ce?’ OR ‘Tu préfères’:

Tu préfères…Voyagez dans le monde entier sans pouvoir revenir à ton pays d’origine ou jamais sortir de ton pays ? Arriver toujours 1 heure avant à tes rendez-vous ou toujours arriver 1 heure en retard ? Passer toute ta vie à manger de la junkfood ou ne plus jamais manger tes plats préférés ? Vivre dans la maison de tes rêves dans un quartier chaud ou vivre dans une maison moche dans le quartier de tes rêves ? Être pauvre aux côtés de l’amour de votre vie ou être multimillionnaire sans jamais connaître l’amour ?

Resources:Vocabulary sheet (google doc provided)with expressions and words to be able to talk about one’s routine, Zoom Screenshare, Youtube, Powerpoint

FR S22 INT/ADV – La routine matinale (the morning routine)

Warm-up (15 minutes): Questions to discuss in group around Morning Routines and habits

The students have to discuss the following questions in groups of 3 to 4 students: Avez-vous une routine le matin? Que faites-vous habituellement après le réveil? (petit-déjeuner? Douche? Sport? Yoga? Lecture? Méditation?) – Do you have a morning routine? What do you usually do after waking up?

Qu’est-ce que tu fais en premier le matin?–What is the first thing you do after you wake up? Quelles sont les bonnes habitudes que vous aimeriez prendre le matin?–What are some good/healthy morning habits you would like to develop?

Qu’est-ce que tu manges au petit-déjeuner?–What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Est-ce que tu es un/une «lève tôt» ou un/une «couche tard» – are you an early bird or a night owl?

Provision of a vocabulary sheet with a lot of words, expressions and idioms pertaining to the morning routine in French (I included more difficult expressions/turn of phrases and idioms for the advanced level class). This sheet is designed to be a support for the following activities as well.

Activity 1: (20/25 minutes)

The first activity is based on creativity (writing) in groups of 2/3 students. First, I ask them to individually write on a small sheet of paper one word in relation to the word ‘Morning’. Then they all give them to me, I shuffle them, I create groups of 2/3 students, and each group randomly picks two papers. Based on the words they picked, they have to come up with a short story of about 100 words. This activity not only calls on to students’ imagination and creativity, but the way it is designed (team work) also makes it a good way for them to practice speaking in French by working on writing their story. They really liked this activity and it took them approximatively 20/25 minutes to write their story, after which each group chose to either tell the story or act it out. The whole class had a lot of fun!

Activity 2:

Another activity that could be done in this class is the following:

Les Français nous racontent leur routine matinale dans les rues de Paris –French people tell us about their morning routine in the streets of Paris : Video screening of Parisians interviewed in the street on their morning routine:

This video is very good not only for the vocabulary and expressions used by the persons interviewed but also because it teaches the most accurate ways of expressing one’s habits in a colloquial manner.

Instructions: Jot down what you understand about the interviewees’ daily routine; what did they understood about the interviewees’ morning routines: Quelles sont les routines matinales des personnes interviewées dans la video?

The last part of the activity can be a little quiz on words and expressions mentioned in the interviews that are either colloquial or idiomatic. Activity 2: Another activitythat could be done in this class is the following:•Les Français nous racontent leur routine matinale dans les rues de Paris –French people tell us about their morning routine in the streets of Paris -: Video screening of Parisians interviewed in the street on their morning routine: This video is very good not only for the vocabulary and expressions used by the persons interviewedbut also because it teaches the most accurate ways of expressing your habits in a colloquial manner. •Jot down what you understand about the interviewees’ daily routine;•After watching the video, I ask them to tell me what they understood about the interviewees’ morning routines: Quelles sont les routines matinales des personnes interviewées dans la video?•The last part of the activity can bea little quiz on words and expressions mentioned in the interviewees that are either colloquial or idiomatic.Resources: PowerPoint, Vocabulary sheet, Youtube

FR S22 ADV – Cartoons (Toy Story)

Warm-up (10 minutes): Students share in groups of 3/4 what are/were their favorite cartoons and animated movies growing up and nowadays.

Activity 1: Screening of a video extract from Toy Story 1 (animated movie)–10 minutes-,

the French version: (l’arrivée de Buzz).

Students have to think about these two questions while watching the extract: Que se passe-t-il dans cette scène? Décrivez les personnages et ce qu’ils font? (What happens in this scene / describe the characters and what they are doing)

Vocabulary/cultural Input: (5/7 minutes) in this scene, as it is the French version, characters speak in a colloquial way and use a lot of idioms/expressions that French people use in their daily speech/conversations. Students are asked whether or not they know or understand the meaning of the following words and expressions mentioned in the extract:

Je l’ai pas fait exprès (faire exprès), Voilà qui tombe vraiment à pic (Tomber à pic), On arrête pas le progrès, causer (//parler), ultra moderne (at the cutting-edge)

Activity 2: Students are asked in groups of 3/4 to imagine they are film producers from Hollywood who wants to create a movie adaptation of Toy Story with real actors. They are casting directors and have to find actors and actresses who would according to them impersonate the best the animated versions. When they found the actors, they do a small presentation to convince me that their casting is the best one.

JP SP21 INT/ADV: Yokai

Language Resident/Assistant Name:  

Kozue Matsumoto  

Day and Date:  

Monday February 15 & 18, 2021   

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  

Intermediate  & Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  

  • Yokai  

Goal of the class:  

  • Understand Yokai 
  • Introduce a yokai 
  • Think about yokai of our time

How did you structure the class?  

  1. Study Break Announcement (10 min) 
    1. Have you done origami before? What did you make? What occasion? 
  1. Good news?  (10 min) 
    1. Snow in Houston 
    2. Lunar New Year 
    3. Success (extra stuff) in Chinese  
  1. What is yokai? (5 min) 
  1. What kind of Yokai have you found? (15 min) 
  1. アマビエ Amabie ( or (15 min) 
    1. Watch and understand followings  
      1. What Amabie looks like 
      2. What Amabie said to people 
    2. How this is popular in Japan now
    3. Draw Amabie 
  1. (Intermidiate) Let’s think about today’s Yokai
  2. (Advanced) Japanese people/society’s attitude towards yokai, other spiritual existence, and not-so-scientific things (5 min) 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) 

Class agreement, breakup rooms 

Zoom, share screen, youtube, google images, pen and paper 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?   


  • Students researched some ideas of what Yokai is. We also introduced some yokai that they found. They also shared some stories around the yokai.  
  • We watched the video of Amabie story. Amabie is a yokai that became super popular in Japan last year. Amabie is a yokai who lives in the ocean. It is said that if you draw Amabie and show it to a sick person, they will get well. So the coronavirus reminded people of Amabie, and it became a huge cultural trend in japan, like a collective wish towards the people suffering from COVID. 
  • Since we watched the story and know that Amabie looks like (have a bird-like beak, rhombus shaped eyes, long red hear, rainbow color scales, and 3 fish tales on which they can stand), we draw Amabie. That was fun. 
  • We also looked at original amabie. A student found a page that shows various amabie interpretations by comtemporary artists in the world ( ). 
  • We thought about what the yokai could be in today’s contemporary world. It was fun, but we only had a few minutes to think about.  


  • We discussed what yokai is. We were able to discuss more conceptual ideas than 11.1 class. They told me that they didn’t have a concept of yokai until I said it in the previous class, but after some research, they realized they have seen yokai here and there in their lives. They didn’t recognize them as yokai at that time.  
  • We also talked about yokai as not mosters, not spirits, but some other category. Probably based on Japanese people’s imagination towards little things in their lives.  
  • Watching Amabie story and drawing it was fun. We saw other amabie drawings by artists in the world. We also discussed how Amabie became a trend in Japan last year under COVID, and how these non-scientific things are still around people’s life 
  • We talked about other non-scientific things around our Japanese life. Could these things be just stupid ideas or do they help people’s mind/psychology in a certain way? How and Why? 

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

  • Yokai is such a unique concept, and one hour might not be enough to fully understand what they are, but I hope they got a bit of sense about it.  
  • Amabie was a good example of relationship between human and yokai.  
  • While they were drawing (5 min or so). There was a silent, but I thought it’s good to have some activities like drawing once in a while, especially when it’s related to the topic.  

Amabie Videos

Amabie Drawings by Students

JP F20 INT/ADV: Music Videos

Language Resident/Assistant Name:  

Kozue Matsumoto 

Day and Date:  

Monday November 9, 2020   

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  

Intermediate  / Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  

Goal of the class:  

  • Get to know some contemporary attempt of Japanese traditional music 
  • Describe music videos, what do you see? What do you hear?

How did you structure the class?  

  1. How are you doing? Hanging there? Good news if any??? (7 min) 
    1. We are trying to stay calm with the presidential election result being updated.
  1. Today’s plan (3 min) 
  1. Breakout room (30 min): Each group has a different music video
    1. Watch the videos 
    2. How many people are there?  
    3. What are they doing? What are the instruments? 
    4. What do they wear? 
    5. What kind of music? 
    6. What is traditional and what is not traditional? 
    7. Do you like it or not and why? 
  1. Main room (20 min) 
    1. Explain the music video and watch video 
    2. Wrap up. Stay positive, and stay calm,  

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) 

Class agreement, breakup rooms 

Zoom, breakout rooms, youtube videos 

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

  • Students were a little tired at the beginning with upcoming exams and all the homework they have 
  • Each breakout room had a different music video. So I told them to describe the video really in detail. 
  • They enjoyed the videos.  
  • We learned some way of describing music, terms such as “traditional,” “contemporary,” and other terms used for traditional clothing.  
  • In breakout rooms, they asked me some words that explain musical moments, things artists are wearing, or the scenery. They used these terms when shearing in the main room. 
  • I first let all the groups explain what they watched. After that is done, I shared my screen and played all three videos at once. They loved it.  
  • Students enjoyed the music, costumes, the techniques of artists, and other details.   
  • This is one of classes students chose as the best.


  • Students enjoyed the music, costumes, the techniques of artists, and other details. 
  • We ended up with talking a lot about Japanese arts and elements in videos. 
  • Students have a little more knowledge about Buddhism in this class, and it made some discussions very interesting. 

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

  • I noticed that students used chat a lot as we all watch the videos together. Probably I can make use of the chat function more effectively with music moment. I don’t know how yet though. Something to keep thinking for the next time.  

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well. 

Videos Shared:

Vocabulary that we learned: 

楽器:がっき:musical instrument 

Students’ comments on chat for each video
17:06:41     From Lena She-Her : This lit 
17:06:50     From Mason Cai : ^^ 
17:06:54     From Marina Aina : ^^^ 
17:07:00     From Ruby Hoffman : ^^ 
17:07:10     From Ashley Cheng : ^^^^^ 
17:07:32     From Marina Aina : The mv visuals are so nice too 😮 
17:07:48     From Alyssa Zhang : those masks damnnnnn 
17:08:06     From Mason Cai : :OOOoOOO:  
17:10:24     From Marina Aina : Ive never felt more untalented in my life LMAO they’re so good 😮 
17:10:32     From Kate McHale : this really slaps 
17:10:34     From Ashley Cheng : It really do be one of those days  
17:12:03     From Kano Cheng : I want to be this man when I grow up 
17:12:29     From Ruby Hoffman : yes oh my god 
17:12:37     From Marina Aina : i think you can accomplish that dream :,) 
17:12:40     From Kate McHale : immaculate vibes 
17:12:42     From Ashley Cheng : I wonder if my buddhist grandma would appreciate this 
17:13:07     From Alyssa Zhang : i want to know what hes saying 

ES F18 INT Publicity

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ

Day and Date: 11/14/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Adverts and marketing

Goal of the class: To discover a bit more of Spanish culture through commercials, to practice hypothesis

How did you structure the class?

Pre-warm up (10’):

Students will answer these questions in pairs and will share later with the whole group


¿Qué tipo de publicidad hay en tu país?

¿Crees que te afecta a la hora de comprar cosas?

¿Dónde sueles ver publicidad?

¿Es más efectiva en TV, o en Instagram y otras redes sociales?

students watch a controversial American commercial and give their opinion about it.

We use an American one to compare later with Spanish commercials.

Activity 1 (30’):

Students get a piece of paper with 6 different commercial slogans. Then, they have to guess what product these slogans are selling and why

After that, they will see if they were right or wrong by seeing the actual adverts.


Actividad 2 (20’): Students create their own advert of a product.

They have to imagine that they work for a marketing company. I will bring some items to class and in groups they will have to create an advert and act it out in class. They should include features and the slogan of their advert.

The rest of the students get a worksheet to write good and bad aspects of the classmates’ product. Then, they can make questions about the product and therefore bringing a discussion about the topic.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

6 sheets about slogans


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students learn a lot about the Spanish culture if you add some comments before the commercials of after them. They really enjoy edit and managed to think about very creative products.

Bringing authentic materials is always interesting for students

I used a worksheet from the webpage ELEINTERNACIONAL


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe some more updated commercials would have been better. Also, using a worksheet for students to rate their classmates’ products was great. They got more engaged and it helped develop discussion.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan,please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

¿Qué es lo último que compraste en Amazon y por qué?  
¿Cómo crees que te influencian los anuncios de Youtube?  
¿Por qué tienes un Iphone y no un Android? ¿Por qué un Android y no un Iphone?  
¿Prefieres llevar ropa de marca? ¿Cuál es la marca de la ropa que llevas puesta?  
¿Cuál es la última publicidad que has visto en Instagram? ¿Crees que es más efectiva que en Televisión?  
¿Estarías dispuesto a pagar por Spotify Premium para evitar anuncios?  
¿Crees que la publicidad americana es agresiva o irrespetuosa?  
Háblame de algún anuncio que recuerdes ¿qué tiene de especial?  

ES F18 INT: Future


Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ

Day and Date: 11/11/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:Habits, and future.

Goal of the class: Review vocabulary about daily routines and talk about future events.

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (5’):

Students review quickly the grammar forms in the future.

Activity 2 (25):

Students are shown a video with different clips. Each clip stops and students has to make a prediction of what is going to happen. All the video are supposed to be funny and bring up creative predictions.

Activity 3 (30’)

Now that they have practice the future and have made predictions. Students get a crystal ball to predict the future to their classmates. They get the story cubes in order to help them create stories. They need to stick to the structures required for this speech act.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint presentation

16 sheets of paper with visual material

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The activity with the video turned out to be very fun and entertaining for the students. The story cubes activity was also really fun, they came up with crazy stories and they managed to product the correct structures. They had visual aid the whole time on the screen in case they forgot the form.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I had to divide this class in two because it took too much time.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

ES F18 ADV Rosalía (Spanish culture and music)


Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: José Gómez

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:  

.Goal of the class: To learn and discuss about traditions in Spain.  To discover new music artists in Spain

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1:

Students get a piece of paper with prompts to discuss about their musical taste

They stand up and walk around asking each other

Activity 2:

Students are asked the features that a good artist needs to have. We write those words in the whiteboard

Activity 3:

Students look up the artist Rosalía on Instagram. They describe what they see and what they think of her.

Activity 4:

We brainstorm different elements from the Spanish culture. Students are guided with a powerpoint presentation in order to get them to discuss about semana santa, bullfighting, suburbs…

Activity 5:

Students watch the Malamente music video by Rosalia. They have toidentify the elements we have learnt before. Then we discuss how they arerepresented in the video and figure out the meaning of the video.

Activity 6:

Now that students are more familiar with the artist and the imagery. We discuss about elements that are relevant also in the US. Cultural appropriation and Rosalía.

Activity 7: If there is time, we watch another music video by the same artist that shows similar topics, and discuss the different elements portrayed in it.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

We used prompts to bring up the topic at the beginning of the class.

We also used a powerpoint presentation to bring the imagery of the artist to the classroom and make it more fun to engage in the topic.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class worked very well with advanced students because they really liked the artist. They could see and discuss elements from the Spanish culture that they were already familiar with, and put them into a different perspective. After this class, this artist became a recurrent topic in class, students would follow her progress and the new material she was releasing. It was a fantastic resource for them to bring Spanish home and keep practicing. 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

There is a PowerPoint presentation attached.

ES F18 ADV Fear


Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:

José Gómez

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Spanish advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:   Fear

Goal of the class: Learn vocabulary about fear and express emotions

How did you structure the class?

Head’s up (FLRC Open House) (5’)

Activity 1 (10’):

Students get asked about Fear and the things that they feel fear about.

Activity 2 (15’):

Students get some phrases to react to different things that might make them be scared. They comment on them using the vocabulary that they are given.

Activity 3 (10’):

 Students listen to the audio of a scary movie video. They only hear it and have to hypothesize about it.

Activity 4 (5’):

 Students see the video, comment upon it and confirm their hypothesis.

Activity 5 (20’):

Students get some slips of paper with different situations of risk. They are asked to say how they would react to those situations. After that, in groups of 3. They have to choose one of their situations and propose an alternative ending to it.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

We used slips of paper with prompts.

We used Youtube and a PowerPoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Most of the students really enjoyed the class since it somehow brought some suspense. Also, they could be creative with the stories at the end which they enjoyed a lot.

Some of the students are not into scary things, so they felt a bit uncomfortable at times, but I gave a disclaimer at the beginning of the class and they were fine with it.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

DE F17 ADV Conversation Project Reflection

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

Day and Date: Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Reflection of conversation project work and result; the students created a music video

Goal of the class: students should reflect upon their work and give feedback to each other

 How did you structure the class?  

4.15-4.20 (5mins): What are we going to do today, LR has prepared the plan on the whiteboard (5 steps)

4.20-4.25 (5mins): step 1 Re-watch video (sing along) and reflect individually (printed handout, worksheet1)

4.25-4.30 (5mins): step 2 discuss within your own group about your own group work (handout on macbooks, worksheet 2)

4.30-4.45 (15min): step 3 present feedback

4.45-4.55 (10min): step 4 write feedback for others

4.55-5.10 (15min): step 5 give other groups feedback (one [feedback from one group for each group], or two rounds [feedback from two groups for each group] depending on time)

5.10-5.15 (5min): info events and tables give students info about their attendances

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, play mobiles, handouts, etc.)

TV, mac books for students, whiteboard, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The timing was very good and the students performed well on the tasks. In the beginning the students found it a bit boring, but throughout the lesson they had more and more fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Make it more fun; Maybe make it a game or competition and one group can win.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

01 Worksheet1 Individuelle Reflexion 01 Worksheet2 Gruppenarbeit Reflexion


ES S17 INT/ADV Conditional Sentences and Video Description

Language Resident Name: Joaquin Garcia 

Day and Date: 02/06/2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Conditional sentences, description.

Goal of the class: Students overview conditional sentences and practice them.

How did you structure the class?  

Heads-up: upcoming cultural activities

Warm-up: I quickly remind students how to conjugate conditional verbs and I write a couple of sentences as example.

Activity 1: After a couple of comments about what they are about to see, I play a clip muted on youtube of a famous songwriter from Spain. Students are in pairs, one facing the screen, the other one facing backwards. The student who can see the screen must describe what is happening while the video is playing. Then everyone watches the clip with music and test how much they were able to describe/understand. After, pairs switch places and I play a second clip.



Activity 2: I play again the last song. I handle out the lyrics with blanks on it, students must listen and fill the blanks. After, we discuss the lyrics and I make them realize that most of the sentences are written using a conditional structure.

Activity 3: In groups of 3, students must answer to some questions I write on the board that start by “What would you do if…?”

-You won the lottery

-You had a time-travel machine

-There was an earthquake

-You could have the job of your dreams


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was a bit challenging for some of the students but very fruitful for others, hopefully all your students will have gone through conditional sentences at least once. The description activity is also intense, but despite the difficulty, you definitely can tell that they had a lot of fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.



ES S17 ADV Spanish Proverbs

Language Resident Name: Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date: 02/14/2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Class

Class theme/topics discussed: Spanish proverbs

Goal of the class: Students get to learn expressions and proverbs which are commonly used in Spain and other Latin-American countries.


How did you structure the class?

Heads-up: upcoming cultural activities

Activity 1: We watch a couple of videos about Spanish sayings and we comment them openly.

Activity 2: I put students in little groups and I distribute Spanish proverbs, however, each of them is separated into two parts. Students in the groups must match up the proverbs.

Grupo A

A quien madruga,

Dios le ayuda

No dejes para mañana

lo que puedas hacer hoy

Más vale pájaro en mano

que ciento volando

Mala hierba

nunca muere

Ande yo caliente,

ríase la gente

Grupo B

No por mucho madrugar

amanece más temprano

Más vale tarde

que nunca

Quien no arriesga,

no gana

No hay mal

que cien años dure

Allí donde fueres,

haz lo que vieres

Activity 3: Some of the proverbs mean the exact opposite things as others. Students must stand up and try to find those proverbs.

Grupo A

Ejercicio. Lee los refranes que aparecen a continuación y emparéjalos con la definición correcta.

  1. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
  2. No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy
  3. Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando
  4. Mala hierba nunca muere
  5. Ande yo caliente, ríase la gente

Refrán para aquellas personas que en vez de conformarse con las cosas seguras que tiene, prefieren arriesgar.

Hace referencia a las personas que tienen un mal comportamiento. Este refrán nos dice que el mal nunca desaparece y, por tanto, las personas malas no cambian.

Recomienda ser rápido, ágil –y no vago o perezoso– para tener éxito en las tareas que se realizarán a lo largo del día.

Se dice cuando una persona prefiere actuar con su propio criterio y conciencia, sin tener en cuenta la opinión de los demás.

Aconseja no dejar pendiente para otro día los trabajos o actividades que menos nos motivan y agradan.


Grupo B

Ejercicio. Lee los refranes que aparecen a continuación y emparéjalos con la definición correcta.

1. No por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano

2. Más vale tarde que nunca

3. Quien no arriesga, no gana
4. No hay mal que cien años dure
5. Allí donde fueres, haz lo que vieres

Para conseguir aquellas cosas que deseamos, es necesario arriesgar. De otro modo, no podremos conseguirlas.

A veces, no importa si las cosas las hacemos demasiado tarde. Lo importante es que las hagamos.

Recomendación para adaptarse a las costumbres de otras culturas y países. Aconseja comportarse como la gente que tenemos alrededor para evitar conflictos.

No debemos precipitarnos o ir rápido en aquello que queremos hacer porque los acontecimientos deben seguir su ritmo natural.

Con este refrán, consolamos a aquellos que tienen problemas de difícil solución. Es un mensaje de esperanza que nos dice que las desgracias no son para siempre.


Activity 4: I distribute one more proverb to each student and they have to describe it to the rest of the class.


Activity 5: In pairs, they must act a situation and use the proverb correctly in front of the rest of the class.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Laptop, hands-out, youtube.


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?


They loved to learn this kind of vocabulary, specially the last list of proverbs and acting them out. Plus, it was a good training for the Open House activity. I definitely recommend this class.


 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.




DE F16 INT The Fall of the Wall

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert

Day and Date: Monday, October 3, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Intermediate Conversation

Class theme/topics discussed: 

The “Tag der Deutschen Einheit”.

 Goal of the class:

Students gain basic historic knowledge about the fall of the wall. They develop skills to describe movie scenes.

How did you structure the class?

 20-25 minutes: Scattergories. Students are handed out a table with different categories. One of the students silently “counts” the alphabet, another student tells him to stop after a certain time. Now the students have to find words starting with that letter for each category. The first one to have a word in each category calls the others to stop. Everybody who has something in a category receives a point. If their word is only mentioned once, they receive three points. If a person is the only one to have a word in a category, he/she receives ten points.

35-40 minutes: Students are divided in two groups. One is facing the screen, the other isn’t. They partner up and watch a short video but without the sound ( ). They describe what happens and what they can see. After half of the video they take turns. Afterwards, they try to make sense of what they’ve seen. Then they share their ideas with the class and discuss what happened in each scene. They then watch parts of the video again and try to figure out what the speaker and people in the video could have said. The information is then presented in class. Then all the students watch the video again, but with sound. They then discuss the things they understood and make sense of the video. The LR provides additional information and questions.

5 min: Short heads up for conversation class project.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) 

Scattergories sheet, Short film, TV-screen, pictures GDR

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students had some problems to come up with words for the scattergories warm-up game but still had fun. The students were very interested in the movie about the events that led to the fall of the wall. 

How could this class be improved/modified?

Maybe other categories for the scattergories game would have worked better.

DE F16 ADV Berlin: Orientation and Adverts

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert

Day and Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Advanced Conversation 

Class theme/topics discussed:

Students re-learn to tell easy stories, to improvise and to orientate. 

Goal of the class:

Students re-learn to tell stories fitted to their capabilities and to improvise. They learn to provide directions and guidance to orientate themselves on a given map and start to understand short film scenes.

How did you structure the class?  

15-20 minutes: Warm-up story-telling with story cubes. Students get into two groups so everyone has more opportunities to speak. Students choose after each round which story is the best.

10-15 minutes: Students get in pairs. They get parts of a Berlin map. One of them is marked, the other isn’t. One student describes the starting point and how to walk through the map. The other student tries to find out as well as possible where he ends up. During the description game, they are not allowed to compare the maps. Only at the end they can share the original and the result. They take turns. Depending on how much time they needed, they get another pair of maps. In the end, the LR shows pictures and gives short information about the history of these destinations.

10-20 minutes: BVG Video:

Video about public transportation in Berlin. LR hands out questions. The students watch the video and answer the questions together with their partner and discuss their ideas. 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

TV-screen, youtube video handout questions, story cubes, prepared maps, pictures of the mentioned important Berlin landmarks.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Everything worked out fine. Students like the “noun”-story-cubes better than the “action”-story-cubes.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Only use the “noun”-story-cubes.



BVG  Werbespot


Was kostet das Jahresabo im Monat?

Warum ist das Ticket so teuer?

Welche Leistungen gibt es für diesen Preis?

Leistung 1

Leistung 2

Leistung 3

Leistung 4


Ist das ein guter Werbespot?

Warum? Warum nicht?

RU F14 INT/ADV Russian habits and Intsrumental case

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: November 17, 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:

Russian habits, instrumental case 

Goal of the class:

Talk about Russian habits most Americans would find weird, revise and practice the instrumental case

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 3 minutes

“My address is not a house or a street, my address is the Soviet Union” – popular song from 1973 by “Samotsvety” band

Activity 2 – Russian habits – 20 minutes

Tanya Denisova wrote an article for Buzzfeed called “16 things Russians do that Americans would find weird”.

Not only did it go viral in the English-speaking world, it’s also been recently translated into Russian, with interesting modifications.

Each students gets a copy of HANDOUT 1 (a modified version of the Russian translation, with difficult words glossed). Each student gets one or two circled in their handout to cover (they’re circled). We look at the English original on the screen and find Russian equivalents in the HANDOUT. Whoever has the point circled reads it out loud and we discuss.

We also pay attention to cases – there is a lot of instrumental we are going to discuss later in the class.

Activity 3 Revision – Instrumental Case – 10 minutes

I explain the Cases Review Sheet everyone got during their individual feedback session and we review the main verbs and prepositions used with the instrumental case.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case pair work – 15 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using HANDOUT 2 – asking each other funny questions in the handout.

Activity 4 – Instrumental Case exercise – 5 minutes

They practice the instrumental case using Case Review Handout Instrumental (see pdf attached), exercise 55.

 Activity 5Wrap-up Video: Dance revolution – 7 minutes

Video from a popular Russian talk show “Vecherny Urgant” – two contestants have to guess to which music the other person is dancing. It has a lot of revolutionary references, because this show is from November, 7, the day that used to be celebrated in Russia as the Day of the Great October Revolution.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went exceptionally well! While I will still rely on pair work mostly with this group, it was very good to have a general discussion in which everyone was engaged (everyone had to look for the point discussed in their handout). The article is funny and informative – a lot of culture and useful expressions. Students in this group really appreciate handouts, especially with difficult vocabulary glossed. Pair work worked very well as usual. The students also really liked the video, it’s a good idea to watch short things like that on their level, not too overwhelmingly verbal, very funny, with language that is very repetitive and that they can understand. The students asked to review grammar, so I am going to include grammar in the remaining lessons this semester. Also, they wanted to talk about themselves more, and Activity 4 addressed that.

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


PDF INSTRUMENTAL EXERCISES Instrumental Review Exercises




  1. Наряжаться (dress up) перед походом в магазин.

Мы любим хорошо выглядеть (look good). Спортивные штаны и старая зеленая футболка —

не вариант (not an option) даже для обычного похода в магазин. А вот симпатичное платье и каблуки (heels)— идеальный наряд (attire) для прогулки. И это прекрасно.


  1. Присесть на минуту перед поездкой.

Когда чемоданы уже собраны, мы обычно делаем паузу, чтобы спокойно посидеть минуту —

присядем на дорожку”.


  1. Говорить длинные и сложные тосты.

Только самый ленивый (lazy) русский человек скажет простой тост «За здоровье!»/ «Ну, будьте здоровы!» / «Будем здоровы!» Серьезно. Мы всегда готовы услышать длинные анекдоты и пожелания. Потому что нам есть что сказать.


  1. Всегда и везде рассказывать анекдоты.

Мы можем начать рассказывать историю и в середине воскликнуть (exclaim): «О, это как в том анекдоте!» И обязательно вспомним его. Ведь мы любим посмеяться (laugh a little, imperfective).


  1. “Поздравлять” “с лёгким паром” ПОСЛЕ душа или сауны.

Хотя по правилам нужно желать друг другу легкого пара до бани, мы говорим «С лёгким паром!» исключительно после бани или душа.


  1. Отвечать честно (honestly) и в деталях на вопрос, как дела.

«Как дела?» У иностранцев этот вопрос не обязательно значит, что человеку действительно ужасно интересно, как у вас дела. На этот вопрос принятно отвечать «Хорошо, спасибо!» А у нас всё не так! Если уж нашего человека спросили, как у него дела, значит, нужно ответить по-настоящему (real) и полно (full).


  1. Не улыбаться незнакомым людям.

Мы не улыбаемся людям, с которыми просто случайно встретились глазами на улице. Улыбки у нас искренние (sincere) — для друзей, родных и любимых. Чтобы улыбнуться, нужен хороший повод (excuse)!


  1. Праздновать Новый год гораздо больше, чем Рождество.

Ёлка — на Новый год. Подарки — на Новый год. Вечеринка – на Новый год. Новый год — главный зимний праздник. Рождество до сих пор отмечается гораздо меньшим количеством (quality) людей и гораздо скромнее (modest).


  1. Постоянно пересматривать и цитировать старые советские мультфильмы.

Мы часто и с большим удовольствием напеваем песенки и произносим фразы из советских мультфильмов, сохраняя интонацию и голос персонажей. Из иностранных мультиков кроме (besides) смеха дятла (дятел – woodpecker) Вуди и песни про Чипа и Дейла я вообще ничего не помню. А в наших старых добрых кино и мультфильмах смысла (sense) столько, что до конца жизни можно переосмысливать.


  1. Называть всех женщин «девушка».

Если мы хотим позвать официантку, мы кричим (shout): «Девушка!» Если обращаемся к 40-летней женщине, мы называем ее «девушка». Любая женщина, которую язык повернётся (tongue will turn, i.e. you’ll have the heart to) назвать девушкой, для нас — девушка. И все довольны!


  1. Садиться за стол поужинать и просиживать так часами до полуночи или дольше, постоянно разговаривая.

Когда мы компанией собираемся за ужином, мы садимся за стол, ужинаем и разговариваем. Затем мы просто разговариваем, потом еще едим и разговариваем, потом пьем чай и разговариваем, и, даже уходя домой, мы, стоя на пороге (threshold), еще некоторое время разговариваем. Мы любим поболтать (chat a little) и поесть. Особенно салаты с майонезом.


  1. Никогда не выкидывать (throw out) пакеты.

Серьезно, наверноe, в каждом доме есть пакет с пакетами. И ведь люди их действительно используют!


  1. Никогда не ходить в гости без подарка.

Это может быть тортик или вино к ужину, шоколад или цветы (их должно быть нечетное количество

[odd number]). На самом деле неважно, что именно дарить, главное — не приходить

«с пустыми руками» (empty-handed).






Каким американцем (или какой американкой) ты больше всего гордишься? Луисом Армстронгом, Нилом Армстронгом или Лэнсом Армстронгом?


C кем ты хочешь сфотографироваться в Голливуде? С Элвисом?


За чем ты обычно ходишь в Куп стор или в Хаб? За шоколадом? За соком? За чипсами? За вдохновением? (inspiration)



Чем ты занимался/занималась, когда был(а) маленький/маленькая? Спортом? Танцами? Музыкой? Керамикой? Астрономией? Верховой ездой? Ничегонеделанием и прокрастинацией?


Кем ты никогда и ни за что НЕ хочешь работать? Моделью? Президентом? Поваром? Медсестрой? Преподавателем? Экономистом? Юристом? Кинозвездой? В Старбаксе?


С чем ты любишь пить чай/кофе? С молоком?


RU F13 ADV University life

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: October 3, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:

University life/ higher education systems in Russia and the US

Goal of the class:

Revise vocab, practice listening comprehension

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 – Warm-up – vocab revision – taboo game

Handout 1 – Students get cards with words connected to university use; students have to explain the words to their partner without saying them, take turns – 10 minutes

Activity 2 – Discussion

What do you like about studying at Pomona? Use as many words from Activity 1 as possible – 10 minutes

Activity 3 – Video Higher Education in Russia – watch twice, stop and comment where needed – 10 minutes

Activity 4 – University schedule in Russia

Explore the St. Petersburg State University website as an example – how many courses? What are they? What kind of education does the student end up getting? The students ask the instructor questions about the university system in Russia – 10 minutes

Activity 5 – Discussion

Compare university life in Russia and US – 20 minutes

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, Internet text

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. The students were interested in how their peers in Russia study.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe design an activity for them to ask more questions?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


Handout 1


Степень бакалавра/магистра

Окончить университет

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RU S15 INT February Food Cognates

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: February 2, 2014 

Class theme/topics discussed:

February, food, days of the week, cognates

Goal of the class:

We talk about February, revise vocab from previous classes, revise food and days of the week and revise cognates 

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below): 

Activity 1 Warm-up – “February” song – HANDOUT 1 – 15 minutes

Fill in the gaps, discuss

Activity 2 – Vocab and grammar revision – HANDOUT 2 – 20 minutes

Translate and complete the sentences using “and”, “but”,
“so”, “because”…

Activity 3 – Katy Perry’s diet – FOOD – HANDOUT 3 – 15 minutes

What did Katy eat? Find out from your partner

Activity 4 – Cognates game – HANDOUT 4 – 10 minutes

Say as many nouns for these adjectives (all cognates) as you can in every gender, take turns.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Maybe a little too much time on the song, so I’ll skip that part next time. Repeating things in Activity 3 in very, very good for these two students, same with pronouncing long adjectives in Activity 4 – even though they’re cognates, they’re sometimes hard to pronounce for the first time. VERY good to practice conjunctions in Activity 2, because American students often tend to translate “and so” as “и так” (literal translation instead of “поэтому”).

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CC_RUSS11_February Food Cognates_Feb2

RU S15 ADV Music and wisdom: Boris Grebenshikov

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: January 22, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:

Interview with Boris Grebenshikov

Goal of the class:

Announce two cultural activities coming up – two films at the Laemmle, introduce students to “Aquarium”, a cult Russian indie-rock band, their music, their spirituality and their fearless leader, Boris Grebenshikov

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Announcements – 10 min

I show the trailers for the movies I am taking students to see:

Hermitage Revealed


Activity 2 – “Aquarium” and Boris Grebenshikov – HANDOUT 1 – 15 min

We look at the lyrics of “Vyatka – San Francisco”, a cool song by Aquarium, and then watch two version of it: acoustic and full band

We discuss and try to figure out Boris Grebenshikov’s

Activity 3Interview with Boris Grebenshikov – HANDOUT 2 (questions) and HANDOUT 3 (answers) 35 min

The original is here:

It’s from January 21, so it’s really new! Each student gets Handout 2 with the question and a couple of answers (rescrambled). I give them 3 minutes to look at their answers. I ask them to read the questions out loud and whoever has the answer reads it. We discuss and clarify the vocabulary if needed. Some of the more sophisticated structures are great examples of a translation challenge, e.g. “не могло не отразиться”, “искусственно раздутый скандал”.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The more I do it, the more I see how great reading out loud is for students of any level! Some of my students are very fluent speaking, but seem to have hit a “glass ceiling” where they cannot really make their vocab and structures more varied – and reading really helps that, I find. Some of them have difficulty with it, but they all seem to be enjoying it. So I do want to keep integrating it, maybe in smaller doses.

The interview is great – great language and very representative of the political stance of Russian intelligentsia.

Finding answers in a great exercise – they have to look for thematic vocabulary, but most importantly, structures! Also, it’s great for listening comprehension, because the others don’t have those answers.

I wanted to give them time to work in pairs and answer the interview questions from a completely different perspective – say, that of a hardcore Putin supporter, or a communist, or a pop star, but we didn’t have enough time. I should have definitely cut down the number of questions. But they still enjoyed it!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CC_RUSS13_Interview with Boris Grebenshikov_Jan22

RU S15 ADV Happiness

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

 Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13 

Date: January 27, 2015

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Talk about what makes people happy, 21 habits happy people have

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Warm-up – Video – 5 min

We watch a short video where schoolkids are interviewed on the subject of happiness


Activity 2 – Happiness – Vocabulary – 5 min

We brainstorm synonyms for happy, joyful, excited, on cloud nine etc.

Activity 3Habits happy people have: brainstorm – 10 min

They work in pairs, writing a list of habits happy people have (minimum 10)

Activity 4Habits happy people have: read out, ask questions, discuss – 15 min

Each pair reads out their lists, taking turns. We compare, find habits that all three pairs have mentioned, discuss

Activity 5Habits happy people have: HANDOUT 1 – 25 min

We read (some points out loud) and discuss the article “21 habits happy people have”, adapted from (which is in turn translated and adapted from an English-language article published in the Huffington post

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class went super well! The topic is fun, and there was a great balance of listening (video in Activity 1), speaking (all the discussions), writing (their lists) and reading (Handout 1). They all loved the article. So good topic + good balance of activities/skills + good, natural timing = great class!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


RU S15 ADV Apologizing

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Advanced 13

Date: January 29, 2015 

Class theme/topics discussed:

Apologizing, making amends, Open House

Goal of the class:

Review different ways of saying you are sorry across formal and informal registers

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Activity 1 Video – President’s Yeltsin Resignation/New Year 1999 address – 15 minutes We watch all 11 minutes of Boris Yeltsin’s famous “I’m leaving” address on New Year’s Eve 1999 where he resigns, asks the Russian people for forgiveness, asserts the “bright future” agenda and appoint a successor, Vladimir Putin, who is part of new “energetic, smart generation”. We discuss Yelstin’s ways of asking forgiveness

Activity 2 – American politicians apologizing – HANDOUT 1 – 15 minutes

I show a small article on the screen – why do politicians apologize so rarely? And then we discuss what American politicians sometimes apologize for (Handout 1, adapted from here Each student gets one politician, they read out their “story” and I write expressions of apology/sorry on the board.

Activity 3How could you! – HANDOUT 2 – 15 min

Each gets one “mistake” and they say it to their neighbor – how could you not visit Grandma at the hospital? And the neighbor has to apologize.

Activity 4Open house – 15 min

We discuss ideas for the Oldenborg Open house and look at funny word play sentences (HANDOUT 3)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This class went very well! I am glad we did some hardcore political analysis watching Yeltsin’s speech, which is incidentally also very easy to understand. Watching it 15 years later is quite extraordinary, and it explains so much of what’s going on in Russian politics right now. In other activities we progressively lightened it up. Again, there was a great balance of listening (video in Activity 1), speaking (all the discussions), and reading (Activity 2).

How could this class be improved/ modified? 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.



DE S15 INT Feelings

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: Monday, 1/21/2015

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Feelings

Goal of the class: Familiarize the students with the vocabulary for describing people and feelings

 How did you structure the class?

Ice Breaker: Talk about the weekend – who saw the Pomona – CMS basketball game? Talk about the swim meet (one of my students swims for the team), have everyone present themselves again because we had a new student 

Activity One: Watch a short comedy clip that introduces the topic and vocabulary (

 Activity Two: Which adjectives were in the video? Which other ones do you know to describe people/feelings 

Activity Three: I prepared a handout with emoticons and another one with adjectives describing feelings. The students had to match the feelings to the emoticons

Activity Four: Guess a feeling. I prepared cards with an adjective on them that describes a feeling. The students each drew a card and then we all said the same simple sentence (“I’m meeting Sven tomorrow”) but with an inflection and gestures appropriate to whatever feeling each student had on their card. The rest of the group had to guess which feeling the student was trying to portray.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Video, whiteboard, handout 

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

The students loved the video (I already used it in my intermediate class last semester and they really liked it too) and impressed me with how many adjectives they already knew. They liked the exercise with the emoticons and trying out the new vocabulary in the last activity drew a lot of laughs

How could this class be improved/ modified?

At first I thought the exercise with the emoticons took a bit too long and should maybe be done with less vocabulary. But then the students started bringing the handout to the next class to look up words which means they actually value it as a resource, so maybe it was a good idea to make it comprehensive

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


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