Language Resident/Assistant Name:
Nicolai Diener
Class theme/topics discussed:
Rap & Poems
Goal of the class:
Learn about German poems & rap
Create & present your own poems
How did you structure the class?
4.15 – 4.20: Welcome (Welcoming students to class, talking about how they feel)
4.20 – 4.25: Introduction to topic (talk about “Gedichte” and rap to introduce to the topic)
4.25 – 4.35: Rap OR Poem (students receive 8 “texts” of which half are German rap and the other half are German poesy – students have to guess in groups which is which)
4.35 – 4.45: Rap OR Poem – Solution (solution + discussion)
4.45 – 4.50: Elfchen – Group/Modelling (teacher and students create an “Elfchen” together)
4.50 – 5.00: Elfchen + Presentation (students have to create their own “Elfchen” and then present it to the class)
5.00 – 5.10: Create your poem! (students are put in groups and then have to write down 1 topic and 2 words – they then give that topic and the words to the next group. The next group has to write a poem (at least 4 lines) about the topic that the other group gave them and include the two words that the other group gave them)
5.10 – 5.15: Poem – Presentation (Students present their poems)
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?
The class worked well. Introduction was interesting for the students, as they were very curious to find out which text is rap and which is poem – the solution of that provided funny moments. The “Elfchen” was a nice way to get them going themselves on the poems, and the writing of a 4-liner, where the other group gave them a topic and words to be included provided creative and very funny poems. Well-rounded class without too much hick-hack.