Category: Chinese (Page 1 of 9)
Chinese Conversation Class
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Tue 240418
Language and Level (please circle): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: Folk story Rap Battle
Goals of the class:
Know the basic knowledge of Chinese Rap.
Know three folk Chinese stories: Monkey and the moon; A Foolish Old man moves the mountain; Chang’e and the moon.
Understand the characters in each stories
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Brief introduction to Chinese Rap
-Showing three videos of each story. And then let students choose which one they would love to battle.
-After choosing the story, introducing words about it. Like: 倒影、灿烂…
-Showing website that has Chinese rhyme:
Based on the resources, student divided into two groups, representing different characters in the story. Like: Monkey and Moon. And then write down the lyrics.
Lyrics should have three parts:
Introduce yourself.
What good things you have.
“Diss” the other group.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, Chiense rhyme website.
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well:
Students love the rap form-which make it interesting. It’s better for them to understand the story before hand.
Did not work:No
How could this class be improved/ modified?
I think next time, I should split it into two classes. The first class is to introduce Chinese folk stories first. Students could have a better and deeper understanding on topics. And then next class, we could have a rap battle.
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Tue 240408
Language and Level (please circle): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: meme
Goals of the class:
Know what is meme and categories in Chinese.
Know some Chinese meme.
Create meme in Chinese.
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Show meme to students
-Showing several meme to students
Let students guess the meme.
And then summarize the categories meme could have.
Let student create meme in Chinese
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, printed blank meme
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well:
Students love seeing meme and creating their own memes.
Did not work:No
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Thu 240125
Language and Level (please circle): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: Animal Protection.
Goals of the class:
Learn words about animals’ protection: 野生动物、濒危动物、盗猎分子、巡山队、藏羚羊、羊皮、捕杀、保护
Get to know one of the endangered animals in China called Tibetan Antelope
Know the story and difficulties about how people protect them.
Have better understanding on situations of endanger animals and raise the awareness on protecting them.
How did you structure the class?
Do you have pets? What about animals aren’t pets? How do we call them?
Vocabularies: 野生动物、濒危动物
Activity1: Watch videos and answer questions.
Introduce one of the endanger animals in China called Tibetan Antelope by showing abstract from movie. Students need to discuss the question:
- Where is it?
- What happened to Tibetan Antelope?
- What kind of people did you see?
Activity2: Watch videos and answer questions.
- What are the difficulties of mountain patrol when they protect Tibetan Antelope?
- What difficulties do you think we may have when protecting animals?
Activity3: Roleplay. Choose one of the identities from Mountain Patrol, Hunter and Tibetan Antelope, tell the story of protecting Tibetan Antelope.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, movie :
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: Students love the role play and I was so impressed that they all use vocabulaires they learnt today.
Did not work:No
How could this class be improved/ modified?
I think the class is okay.
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Wed 240221
Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Game: Lantern Festival
Goals of the class:
Learn words about Lantern festival, like: 赏灯、猜灯谜、汤圆、元宵、馅料.
Know when Lantern festival is and what do people do.
Know how to boil Tangyuan and different types of it.
How did you structure the class?
Warm up: Chit-chat
Watch videos and answer questions:
- When is the Lantern festival?
- What do people do?
- What’s the difference between tangyuan and yuanxiao?
Activity: Let’s boil Tangyuan
Show videos about boiling Tangyuan and work in groups to discuss how to boil it.
Show the steps and practice sentences together.
Students divide into different groups and then start boiling Tangyuan.
Enjoy Tangyuan while browsing online shop to know different fillings of Tangyuan.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, videos, Frozen Tangyuan
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: Showing and learning steps. Also students enjoy boiling the dumplings!
Did not work:Nope.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Wed 240214
Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Valentine’s Day
Goals of the class:
Learn words about Valentine’s Day, like: 恋爱,三观,物质条件
Understanding what is love and what is important in a relationship.
Get to know the difference love opinions between China and the US
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Chit-chat: What’s your plan for Valentine’s Day?
-What will you do in a relationship? (Teaching popular words, like: 恋爱脑,上头,下头)
-Will you buy gifts? What kind of gifts will you buy?
show a survey in China.
students have discussion.
-What is love?
Students discuss first.
Show a survey in China and learn words like: 陪伴,忠诚
-Why you get into a relationship?
Learn words like: 三观,物质条件
Based on the factors that influence getting in a relationship we have discussed; student will rank the factors by importance and tell the reasons.
Activity: Describe your type in a relationship and share with others?
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well:
Students have fun learning the new words. They are useful.
Did not work:No
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Wed 240123
Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate
Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese Idioms with animals.
Goals of the class:
Learn words about Chinese idioms with animals, like鸡毛蒜皮、望子成龙、画蛇添足、一箭双雕、对牛弹琴
Review words from today’s class and last week’s class.
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Group sharing on what’s your feeling today by showing the dog day pics.
Activity1: Chinese idioms rebus writing guessing!
(My preparation: Transliterating each character in idioms into emojis, like 鸡毛蒜皮、望子成龙、画蛇添足、一箭双雕、对牛弹琴 )
Students work in groups to guess the pronunciation of each emoji.
Choose five of them and then elaborate the meanings and usage. After each idiom, students will practice by discussing questions.
Activity2: Playing Game: You Preform, I guess.
Students divided into groups. Performing and Guessing words from today’s class and last week’s class.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, Wordwall
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: Students really enjoy playing games.
Did not work:No
How could this class be improved/ modified?
To explain the idioms, it’s better to show videos about the story behind it.
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Monday 230925
Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate Class
Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese idioms
Goals of the class:
Learn words about Chinese idioms.
Know the context when using these idioms.
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Given English translation for each Chinese characters, students guess meanings of some of the Chinese idioms.
Introduce some of the Chinese idioms like: 吃醋、放鸽子、吹牛、打车、说曹操,曹操到。
For each vocabulary, let students guess with the picture and then tell their meanings.
After knowing meanings, showing them a video, which use these words in real context.
And then ask questions related to the words, like have you ever experienced this.
Ask student to choose one of the idioms they like and then create a scenario and act it out.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, videos, google doc
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: When creating the scenario, student really enjoy it and the conversation she came up with is creative.
Did not work:Students hardly guess the meaning through pictures.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Maybe give students more time to create the scenario and support them more, like telling them if they want they could print something. Make sure they have enough time to create a better one!
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Monday 230913
Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate Class
Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese papercutting
Goals of the class:
Learn words about papercutting like (tools, patterns, meaning and steps to make it)
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Brief introduction to papercutting. (video)
Vocabulary: 剪刀、刻刀、红纸、图案、日常生活、对折、折叠
Sentence Pattern:首先……, 再……, 之后……, 最后……。
Activity1: Make the flower papercutting
Activity2: Introduce how to make the papercutting and make a short video.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint, video, red paper.
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: Vocabularies and sentence patterns help the student to out put the language. Papercutting itself is also very interesting.
Did not work:I prepare two patterns of papercutting which are flowers and zodiac signs. The student thinks zodiac sign patterns are too difficult, so she doesn’t want to have a try.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
When doing the papercutting, I played some music, and we talk about our favorite songs. But I still think the student speak less when cutting the paper. I should come up with some ideas that can discuss more about the topic (papercutting)
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Monday 231128
Language and Level (please circle): Advanced Class
Class theme/topics discussed: Blind Box
Goals of the class:
Learn words about features and problems of blind box economy, like: 盲盒,收集,随机,假冒产品,质量问题Know the phenomenon of blind box consumption among young people in China
Make comments on blind box phenomenon and compared with the US.
How did you structure the class?
Warm-up: Show the video of Blind box. Also show them the blind box I have and let them guess which type may in the box.
Vocabulary: 盲盒,收集,随机,假冒产品,质量问题
Based on videos and the real toy, students brainstorm on what features blind box have. (I enlarged the vocabularies.)
Questions on what else toys do you know (in the US, Japan…)
Introduce the history how blind box develop in China.
- Group discussion on why blind box is popular now in China? (Compared features with other similar toys.)
- Comic interpretation: What problems blind box now have through these comics?
- Opinion sharing: Do you think young people should buy blind box and why? If they buy it, do you have any advice for them?
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: Showing the blind box I have really arouse their interests.
Did not work:no
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Everything seems fine!
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang
Day and Date: Tuesday 230914
Language and Level (please circle): Advanced Class
Class theme/topics discussed: Games
Goals of the class:
Know and play one of the party games called “谁是卧底”(Who is the spy)
Describe pair-words that are similar. Like: 风扇(Fan)——空调(AC);饺子(dumplings)——包子(steamed stuffed bun)
Get more familiar and closer to each other.
How did you structure the class?
We have this class outside. It’s like a picnic.
Warm-up:Chitchat with students, preparing snacks and playing the music.
Activity1: Play the game“谁是卧底“( Prepare words in advance and I’m the judge)
Activity2: Ask if there are any volunteers to prepare pair-words and be the judge.
What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Worked well: This game is really interesting and students are all enjoyed it! What I like most is when students create pair-words in Chinese. Although it takes a little time for them to think but their words work well!
How could this class be improved/ modified?
This time only one student shows her words. Maybe next time, I should give more opportunity to students to let them create.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Pros and cons:
Pros: A LOT of people showed up!
Cons: A LOOOT of people showed up!
Take away:
Chinese lounge was way too small for 40+ students showing up at the same time. For cultural events like Spring Festival, it’s probably better to host at a more roomier location.
Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo
Day and Date: 2023.02.21
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: TV shows & Movies
Goal of the class:
- Talk about your favourite TV shows and movies
- Learn vocabularies about TV/Movie industries
How did you structure the class?
TV & Film Genres 电视剧、电影有哪些类别?它们用汉语怎么说?
Activities (30 min)
1.Vocab builder
- TV & Film Genres 电影/电视剧的类别
- Guess what is your partner’s most favourite TV/ Movie Genre & why do you think he/she likes this genre.
2. Discussion
3. Activities
What is your most favourite:
Design + Music + post-credits scene? & Why?
Make a short movie about your daily rountine.
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint presentation
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
It went really well! But we didn’t have time to finish all the activities.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Too many activities! We didn’t have time to finish all the activities. We will continue doing the activities next week.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo
Day and Date: 2023.02.07
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: 数学与自然科学 Math and Stem courses
Goal of the class:
- Learn vocabularies about courses (Humanities & Stem)
- Talk about learning experiences
How did you structure the class?
Greetings and some chitchats with students.
Brainstorm: 你知道下面的课程用汉语怎么说吗?文科 liberal arts/ humanities + 理科 Stem
你最不喜欢的专业课呢?为什么? 大学里,你对那一堂课 印象最深?为什么?
在课上,教授带你们做了什么? 灵魂拷问:你翘过课吗?为什么翘?
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint presentation
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
It went really well!
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Nope 🙂
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo
Day and Date: 2023.02.14
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: 情人节 求生欲测试 VALENTINE’S DAY
Goal of the class:
- Talk about how people celebrate Valentine’s Day and traditions in both China and the US
- Get to know the differences between the East and West
How did you structure the class?
- Greetings and some chitchats with students;
2. About Valentine’s Day (10 min):
- History
- Traditions
Activities (25 min)
- 礼物:送什么?- Presents – What would you choose and why?
2. 求生欲测试
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint presentation
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
It went really well!
How could this class be improved/ modified?
Nope 🙂
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
See attachment
【Handout】See above
【PPT】汉语口语 情人节
Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo
Day and Date: 2021.08.30
Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced
Class theme/topics discussed: Self-introduction
Goal of the class:
1.Let the students and I get to know each other
2.Set the goals for the semester
3.Create a good atmosphere among the students
How did you structure the class?
- Greetings and some chitchats with students;
2. Mini presentation about myself (7 min):
- 开学第一天,今天你做了多少次自我介绍呢?How many self-introductions have you done during the first day of class?
- About me:
① Basics ② Some fun fact about me ③ My summer vacation in Britain
1.Ice-breaker (13 min)
1) Brainstorm different aspects about themselves, i.e. hometown, major/minor and hobbies etc.
2) Draw a picture briefly about yourself & introduce yourself to your partner.
My demo:
- Group work: Listen & Draw (25 min)
- Think about your summer break: Where did you go? What did you do? Etc.
- Tell them to your partner;
- Your partner draws them down on the worksheet;
- Introduce your partner & his/her summer break to the whole class.
- Regulations & Conversation Class Agreement (8 min)
Conversation Class requirements & regulations;
Sign Conversation Class Agreement.
- A survey (7 min)
Write down your expectations and goals for this semester: what would you like to gain from the class? What topic are you interest in?
1)Brief introduction of the class and my requirements (and why) about the lesson(Daily proformance & LT requirements); (3 min) I used some English here in this section.
2)Agreement form signing and returning. (3 min)
What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)
Powerpoint presentation
Class Agreements
Attendance sheets
What worked well in this class? What did not work?
I had 4 students in the class yet ALL of them are very introvert kind of person. So I had to work very hard on encouraging them to speak and letting them feel safe and confident talking to each other. However, when it came to discussion, their voices volume would ALWAYS get lower and lower and ended up with whispering to each other. I told them it’s okay to express themselves out loud, and I joined for several conversations as well. But probably since it’s the first class, everyone was a bit shy. I hope it will get better in the future.
How could this class be improved/ modified?
More team work and let students to get to know each other better. But I understand that it will take time.
If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.
See attachment
【Handout】1.1 Survey
【Handout】1.2 Self-introduction