an archive of lesson plans

Tag: Dating (Page 1 of 3)

CN SP24 INT Valentine’s Day

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Wed 240214

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Valentine’s Day

Goals of the class:

Learn words about Valentine’s Day, like: 恋爱,三观,物质条件

Understanding what is love and what is important in a relationship.

Get to know the difference love opinions between China and the US

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: Chit-chat: What’s your plan for Valentine’s Day?


-What will you do in a relationship? (Teaching popular words, like: 恋爱脑,上头,下头)

-Will you buy gifts? What kind of gifts will you buy?

show a survey in China.

students have discussion.

-What is love?

Students discuss first.

Show a survey in China and learn words like: 陪伴,忠诚

-Why you get into a relationship?

Learn words like: 三观,物质条件

Based on the factors that influence getting in a relationship we have discussed; student will rank the factors by importance and tell the reasons.

Activity: Describe your type in a relationship and share with others?

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well:

Students have fun learning the new words. They are useful.

Did not workNo

How could this class be improved/ modified?



Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Shakira and Piqué’s drama

Goal of the class: The students learn how to talk about current affairs and vocabulary related to cheating.

Class structure:


  • Do you know who Shakira is?
  • Do you know who Piqué is?

Activity 1:

Information about:



-Worldcup 2010

-Ibai’s video

-Clara Chia


-Henry Cavill’s reaction to Shakira

Activity 2: 

-We analyze together the Bizarrap song’s lyrics.

Activity 3: 

In pairs, they have to act as if they were different characters of this story in these situations:

-Piqué arrives home and Shakira is recording the song.

-Piqué, Clara Chia and Shakira meet each other.

-Henry Cavill goes on a date with Shakira and Piqué shows up.

Resources used:


Bizarrap session:

What worked well? What did not work?

The students absolutely loved the class and they spent the rest of the semester talking about this couple. They asked so many questions that the class went super fast.

CN F22 INT 相亲 Speed Dating

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2021.08.31

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Speed Dating

Goal of the class:

dating/relationships/vocabularies to describe a person  and have a date in the target language.

How did you structure the class?


  1. Take attendance and greet the students (5 min)
  2. What adjectives do you use to describe a person? Write them on whiteboard. (10 min)


Activity 1: Are these green or red flags? (15 min)

The following sentences will be presented on screen and students need to judge whether they are red flags or not and tell the class why.








他/她的所作所为(what they do & what they say)和他/她说的一致。



他/她很真诚,并且你们彼此(each other)信任(trust)。





Activity 2: Create your Hinge Homepage. (10 min)

Activity 3: Speed date. (20 min)

Draw lots: 1 red flag & 1 green flag.

Requirement: act as if you have the personalities during the speed date.

5’ each round (2’30’’ ask; 2’30 answer). 7 students+ me 4 rounds in total.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint slides

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went really well & students were really passionate about the topic. We had so much fun during this session and I could feel everyone enjoyed the class. We were running out of time a bit at the end since students were really into their characters, but we managed to finish the class at 17:20.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

A bit shorter on creating Hinge profile.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

See attachment

【Handout】2.1 Hinge 主页

【Handout】2.2 优点缺点

Es F21 Adv Dating

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme: Dating

Goal of the class: dating/relationships/describing a person vocabulary and having a date in the target language

Warm up: What adjectives do you use to describe a person?

We write all of them on the board.

Activity 1: Red flags and green flags

The students write on the board what are red and green flags for them when they meet someone. After that they have to explain what they wrote down to the rest of the class.

Activity 2: Are these green or red flags?

  • They criticize your physique
  • Both are compromised with the relationship
  • They don’t like High School Musical
  • They don’t take your feelings seriously and say you are crazy.
  • Both share the same goals and lifestyle.
  • They criticize their exs.
  • They don’t value your achievements
  • They are responsible with their selves
  • They criticize you and/or your friends
  • They joke about your insecurities
  • They take your phone
  • They don’t treat their family well
  • They are still sleeping with their ex
  • What they do matches what they say.
  • They think your work is not important.
  • They cook for you when you are sick
  • They don’t know where Canada is.
  • You change your behavior when you are with them
  • You love each other
  • They don’t ask you questions. They are not interested in you.
  • You must fight to have you place in the relationship.
  • They are sincere and you trust each other.
  • They are married
  • They are cheap
  • The communication is not good
  • You empower each other
  • They manipulate situations and feelings
  • They respect your space and priorities
  • They control you on social media
  • They treat waiter/waitress respectfully
  • You both communicate your feelings and necessities in a freely.
  • You listen to them, but they don’t listen to you.
  • They like cats and they aren’t allergic.

The students have to agree if these are green or red flags form them and explain why they think so.

Activity 3: We have a dateThe students get a Tinder profile with 5-6 adjectives/characteristics, and they have to have speed dates with other students.

Resources used: Powerpoint and fake tinder profiles

Reflection: This class worked very well. The students liked to give their opinions on red and green flags. I found the speed dating activity very good because you can do more or less rounds depending on the time you have left. I also think that this class could be improved with another warmup activity in which the students work in pair, because they always share more opinions when they are talking in pairs.

DE F20 INT/ADV – Octoberfest

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 10/1/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Oktoberfest

Goal of the class: Know how to order foods and drinks & how to give compliments/small talk

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up:  Discussion about Oktoberfest – what do students know about it? Have you been? Learn important vocabulary (best with pictures, maybe let them pronounce the words/fill in translations for intermediate). (10 min)

*Optional for advanced students or students who have been to Oktoberfest: Wordsearch with words that they have to find (helps knowing how to spell words that they have just heard before)

Activity 2: Discussion: How do we order items/ask other people to bring us food? How do we give compliments? (10 min) – can be done online in small breakout groups either just talking or written with Google Sheets or in small classes with whole class (see example for ordering food/conversations with server attached)

B) Some facts and figures about Oktoberfest. Learn about 40th Oktoberfest terrorist attack anniversary. Talk about effects of Covid-19 and the alternate program in Munich via their Instagram page.

Fun Examples: – Watch “Bavarian Line Dance”

C) If extra time, show them attraction “Teufelsrad”, a spinning platform that people sit on and have to stay on

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.): Share Screen function in Zoom, Images, Instagram, YouTube, Google Docs, Chat, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students were engaged well. One of the students had been to Oktoberfest, so I let her knowledge and conversations lead to the topics and added some based on questions. They enjoyed ordering things and learning compliments. We zigzagged a bit in terms of topics, but I wanted to keep it organic. They very much enjoyed the videos and pictures of the alternate program to Oktoberfest this year.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Oktoberfest is such a huge topic that it’s hard to give a true impression in one hour and have a conversation and some grammar at the same time. I assumed they had already seen the partying in tents and the atmosphere, so I focused on more practical/historical aspects of it and some special attractions that they have had in the past and are having now. I think that worked well.

For the wordsearch, you can make your own here:

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language (Password: GERMAN)




CN S20 ADV Dating

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ruirui Zhang

Day and Date: Tuesday,18thFebruary,2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Dating

Goal of the class:

  1. To talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being single and falling in love.
  2. To talk about important factors which people will take into consideration when they try to find their soulmate.
  3. To improve the oral level by imitating “speed dating”.

How did you structure the class? 

  • Warm up: The teacher will start the lesson by discussing what are advantages and disadvantages of being single and falling in love. Then, write students’ points of view on whiteboard.
  • Provide input: Ask students factors which people will take into consideration when they look for soulmate. Then show students general or common factors which people think important in China. There are related vocabulary on presentation 
  • Activity 1: Imitating “speed dating”(Handouts are provided for this activity): There are some basic questions such as job, education experience, interests and hobby, personality etc. included on handout. First, students need to list at least three important questions which will be put forward during dating. Second, students are divided into 4 boy-girl pairs randomly. Then they will ask each other questions and imitate “speed dating” scenario.

 Follow-up: ask students how it is going with dating with someone. Is the dating successful or unsuccessful? Why?

Activity 2:Talk about the following common questions asked during the dating:






        Activity 3: Watch Chinese TV show FeiCheng WuRao, which is a popular speed dating   TV show. Talk about what are similarities and difference between China’s and American  dating TV show.(This activity is for advanced conversation class.)

  • Close lesson 

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

  • Handout & Presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work? 

Students were very engaged in this topic. They talked a lot during the “dating”. This activity gave students chance to get to know each other with various and comprehensive questions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Dating handout:






ES SP16 ADV: Pick-up Lines

Language Resident Name:

Joaquin Garcia

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Advance Class

 Class theme/topics discussed:

 Pick-up Lines

 Goal of the class:

 Brainstorm of the class project.

 How did you structure the class?

 Activity 1 (5min): Remember of cultural activities and other upcoming events.

Activity 2 (10min): Students have to think in 3 English pick-up lines and translate them directly into Spanish.

Activity 3 (5min): Students receive a list of Spanish pick-up lines. We discuss meaning and vocabulary.

Activity 4 (5min): Students have to create a small profile with basic features for speed-dating: name, age, job, habits, hobbies…

Activity 5 (30min): Using those profiles, students do speed-dating.

Activity 6 (5min): Students listen to a beautiful love song in Spanish and try to find the pick-up lines in it.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



 What worked well in this class? What did not work? How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Very fun class. Successful. Students speak really a lot in this class and they enjoy speed-dating.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


ES F15 INT Dating

Class theme/topics discussed: Dating

Goal of the class: to learn vocabulary about dating

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: True or false. Each student must say something they’ve done in their life, it can be true or false. The class has to guess if they are true or false by asking questions.

Activity 1: Speed dating. Each student has a profile and they have to talk to the others to find their match.

Activity 2: discussion about pick up lines. Can they explain the ones in English in Spanish? Do they work in their Spanish translation?

Activity 3: In groups they create their own pick up lines.

Activity 4: we watch a campaign against street harassment in Peru and we discuss the thin line between a nice compliment and harassment.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They engaged so much in the speed dating activity!

They were embarrassed to talk about pick up lines so we didn’t really do the activity about creating their own. I told them to think about some ideas for next class (in English) so we’ll finish then.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

Dating profiles

JP S15 ADV/INT Love in Japan

Language Resident Name: Akihiro Shimizu

 Day and Date: Tuesday, January 27th, Wednesday January 28th.

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Japanese, Advanced and Intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Love in Japan

 Goal of the class:

Students will be familiar with St. Valentine day in Japan.

Students will learn the differences of love between the US and Japan.

 How did you structure the class?

1. Advertisement

I advertise upcoming Japanese cultural activities.

2. St. Valentine day in Japan

I ask students what is happening in this season in Japan; the answer is St. Valentine day. I ask them what the Japanese do at the time of St. Valentine day. Students explain what they know about the event. After their explanation, I streamline what they say and give a short lecture on that topic. Foe example, what are 義理チョコ,友チョコ,本命チョコ? What’s the difference between them? I explain them, using whiteboard.

3. Where to meet in Japan?

I switch the topic from St Valentine day to Love in japan. First, I ask students where an American couple gets to know each other and meet. On the left side of whiteboard, I list what they say. Second, Students think about the places where a Japanese couple usually got to know each other. On the right side of white board, I list what they come up with. 合コン is a typically Japanese occasion, so I explain about this.

4. Love process in Japan.

I write a horizontal line on whiteboard. The left end of the line means when a couple gets to know each other. The other end is the end of the couple, which means marriage, break-up etc. I list these things; first date, second date, third date, confession of love, kiss, hold hands, introduction of partner to family. Students guess when a Japanese couple do these things. Students guess how long it takes them to do these things after they first meet each other? Then, I explain about confession of love in Japan, which is very typical process in Japan when a couple starts going out.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 It worked really well. Actually I somehow hesitated to carry out this class, because I need more time to explain—so it becomes kind of lecture—and deprive students of their opportunities to talk. I strongly recommend this topic for any Japanese LRs, since the way, process to go out in Japan is very different from American one. Students were really interested in this class.

SP15 JPN Ad Int Love in Japan

ES S15 ADV Speed dating

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Rosina Desimone


Day and Date: Thursday, April 9th


Language and Level: Spanish Advanced


Class theme/topics discussed: Citas


Goal of the class: For students to review and work on vocabulary related to a varied set of topics, so as to create and act out their own characters.


How did you structure the class:


Ice-breaker: Short game “¿Qué puedes hacer con esto?: The teacher writes a word on the board (eg: lámpara). Then, he/she divides the group into two teams. Each team has to come up with the greatest amount of “crazy” ways in which a certain object may be used.


Warm-up: The teacher divides the students into groups of two. Then, she /he shows them a ppp with pictures of Argentinian celebrities. The tasks consists for the students to create and adopt a fictional character based on these pictures. They have to come up with basic information related to name, age, hobbies, likes and dislikes, appearance, nationality, etc.


Then, the teacher indicates that these characters the students invented are best friends and have relationship problems with their respective partners. The students in pairs discuss what would they need/like in a future boyfriend or girlfriend as if they were friends.


After that, the teacher indicates that these characters are going to a blind date soon and therefore, they have to give advice to each other about these future date (what to do/not to do? What to say/not to say? What should they wear? Etc.)


Role-play: girls sit in a circle and the boys sit opposite each girl. They are going to have a speed date as if they were the characters they invented at the beginning of the activity. They have approximately 5 minutes to talk before they rotate and move to their next “date.”


Wrap up: The “friends” (groups of two of the first activity) meet again and talk about their experiences on the dates they had; they give advice for their further future dates.






What technology, media or props did you use?:


TV set, my laptop, My Ppp


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The warm up was not as engaging as the main activity in the class.

The “speed date” activity worked really well as each task was “building” the vocabulary and structures they needed to move to the next activity. It was also very fun for the students to have their teacher participating on the last activity (I had to take a role so that the number of students in the circles was even)

How could this class be improved/modified?

Speed Date

ES S14 ADV – Communication and Technology

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Spanish Conversation Class 13.1- Advanced

Date:  04/15/2014

Class theme/topics discussed: Communication and technology

Goal of the class: To discuss about communication, distant relationships and language used when texting.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Head-ups: Upcoming cultural activities.

Warm up activity: In pairs, back to back.

First each student has to draw a Tic Tac Toe squares. Inside each frame they have to draw three geometrical figures among squares, triangles, circles, stars, dots and lines (horizontal, vertical and diagonal). Then, in turns, they have to draw their partner’s squares exactly as it looked. For that purpose, they use directions, such as: in the right top frame there is a triangle on top, below the triangle there is a diagonal line going up from left to right and next to it and star.

Both students have to give directions and listen to their peers.

Activity 1: Trailer of the Spanish film 10.000 kms, dealing with a love relationship through the Internet.

We discuss about distance relationships and the secrets to survive.

Activity 2: We brainstorm about the language used in English for texting. We come up with some examples.

Then, I say a sentence and students need to translate it into texting language on the board. We came up with some rules.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) Board, TV, laptop, handouts

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed the debate and discussed about long-distance relationships.  They enjoyed a lot Spanish used for texting , as is something they can use in their daily life. They were very creative in the end and came up with many text messages to be translated to regular Spanish.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

They could have worked in smaller groups, so the interaction would have been more fruitful.


Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


HOLA= hl

¿QUÉ TAL?= q tl? k tl?

ESTOY= toy, stoy


DESDE= dsd

PORQUE= pq, xq

PARA= xa

PERO= xo

TE QUIERO= tq, tk

UN BESO= 1bs

UN BESITO= 1 bst

UN BESAZO= 1 bsz

EN CASA= n ksa

ESTA NOCHE= sta noxe

CENAR = cnar

TENGO= tngo

CUANDO= cnd,cd




GUAPO,A= wapo,a







1. hl nene, qt? qdms a ls 5 n l parq? bss

2. Q tl? Yo toy mb. Vams sta noxe a cnar fuera ?

3. Stoy studiand. No puedo salir pq tngo exam mñn.

4. Hl, wapa! k hacs? yo toy n mi ksa. Dps salgo 1 poco. Bst!






1. Hola, Carlos. ¿Quieres venir mañana al concierto de Shakira?

2. ¿Qué tal? Esta tarde no puedo irporque tengo que estudiar. Un beso.

3. ¿Vas esta tarde al instituto? Si vas, nos vemos allí. Hasta luego.

4. ¿Cuándo vas a llegar? Te estoy esperando hace una hora.


CN S14 ADV Pick-up Lines

Class theme/topics discussed:
Pick-up lines

Goal of the class:
Learn something funny in real life.

Structure of the class:
1. Warm up activity— What kind of pick-up lines you already know?
2. Pick-up lines practice (see attachment)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students loved the pick-up line topics. They asked me to teach them more. Also they enjoyed the cards against humanity games.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

搭讪Pick-up lines

我以为幸福(happiness)是以H开头started with H的,为什么我的幸福以U开头?


你知道我的T恤是什么材料(materiel)做成(made of)的吗?男朋友材料。

你有地图吗?因为在你的眼睛里我迷路(get lost)了。



我的医生说我缺少(lack)维生素Vitamin U。

你最近看医生了吗?我觉得你缺少(lack)一些维生素Vitamin Me。

你太漂亮了,以至于我忘了我的搭讪pickup台词 line.。





你就像一本字典,因为你给我的生活 增加(add)了意义(meaning)。



CN S13 ADV Same-sex marriage

Date: April 25, 2013

Class theme/topics discussed:
Same sex marriage

Goal of the class:
To practice students’ speaking skill;
To know what is happening around us.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):
1 pair-work: If there is no television, what will our world look like?
If cloning is legal, what will happen?
If people can live for 150 years, what will our world be?
If everybody studies on line, what will happen?
2 Videos about future world
3 Introduction to today’s topic: Kindle ads; handout with new vocabulary and questions
4 What is your opinion?

What technology, media or props did you use? ( satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The students love the topic. They learnt some new words during the class and also expressed their opinion with others.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.


支持 support 反对 against
合法 legal 非法 illegal
同性婚姻 Same-sex marriage 法案 bill
出柜 out of closet 同性恋 Homosexual
同志 comrade, guy 拉拉 lesbian
伴侣 partner 性伴侣 sexual partner
安全套 condom 性病 sexual disease

1. 4月24日法国通过了同性婚姻法案,现在世界上有哪些国家承认(admit)同性婚姻合法?
2. 美国哪些州承认同性婚姻合法?
3. 你是否支持同性婚姻合法化?为什么?
4. 支持同性婚姻合法化有什么好处?有什么坏处?
5. 我们不应该问同志哪些问题?

JP F12 INT Speed Dating

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Japanese intermediate

Date: November 27th

Class theme/topics discussed: Speed dating and new vocabularies sheet

Goal of the class: Students learn new vocabularies and interact with others in Japanese without being shy!

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):
Students spent about 15 minutes learning new beginners to intermediate vocabularies/expressions from a sheet of paper I prepared for them.
Then, students were given a piece of paper with simple facts of the character they have to act during speed dating. Students add some interesting facts on their character and three questions they want to ask to speed dating partners.
After they finished preparing questions, they did speed dating for two minutes with each partner and try to find potential partner!
After the speed dating, each student share their character and their favorite partner!

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
It worked very well!! Students were comfortable talking with each other and because it was short so that they talked more promptly.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
Time management.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CN F12 ADV Marriage in China and in America

Language and Section: Chinese Class—Advanced Conversation (13)

Date: Sep. 13th, 2012

Class theme/topics discussed:
Marriage in China and in America

Goal of the class:
To let students learn Chinese people’s opinion on marriage and to let students to talk about his personal opinion on marriage

Structure of the class :
1 Watch the video < No car No house No girlfriend > (5 minutes)
2 Talk about your opinion about this video (10 minutes)
3 When will you get married?
What are your standards for your wife or husband?
What do you need to prepare for your wedding?
What is your opinion about things listed below?
Puppy love
Gold digger
One night stand
Cheat on marriage
Sex before marriage (40 minutes).
4 Watch another video (5minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)
Internet resouces

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The topic is very interesting to students. They love it. And their levels are good enough to talk about their opinions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
Some topics are so private. Next time maybe make up stories then ask students to solve the problems.
Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

DE S12 ADV Love

Language and Section: German Advanced

Date: Apr 19, 2012

Class theme/topics discussed: Love

Goal of the class: Using the new expressions we learned before and learning more expressions about love

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1) Read the text and explain vocabulary)
2) Role-play: Students work in groups of 2 or 3, write down a dialogue and then present that to the class. Topics for the dialogue could be: Asking someone out for a date, breaking up with someone, meeting someone at a party etc.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked very well, students were very engaged, especially those who are going abroad soon.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Head over heels

Andrea und Simone sitzen gerade in einem Kaffee und quatschen über die Liebe und Beziehungen. Andrea hat sich in der letzten Woche Hals über Kopf verliebt. Simone ist im Moment solo. Auch sie ist sehr in einen Typen verknallt. Schon seit Monaten
himmelt sie ihn an.

Andrea (D): Ich fühle mich wie im siebten Himmel. Ich bin total in Thomas verschossen. Ich kann nur noch an ihn denken.

Simone (D): Ja, das muss ein schönes Gefühl sein. Thomas liebt Dich genauso abgöttisch wie Du ihn. Wenn Jan mich nur auch so vergöttern würde….

Andrea (D): Du hängst wirklich an diesem Jan. Aber du darfst nicht vergessen, dass er schon vergeben ist. Wie findest du denn Patrick? Er ist noch zu haben und sieht zum Anbeißen gut aus!

Simone (D): Hmm…. Nein, Patrick fehlt einfach das gewisse Etwas! Er reizt mich überhaupt nicht.

Andrea (D): He, mal etwas anderes. Hast du schon gehört, dass Christine einen neuen Macker hat? Sie hat ihn sich letzte Woche auf der Geburtstagsparty angelacht! Sie hat erzählt, dass seine Anmache anfänglich ganz schön blöd war. Er war wohl anfänglich ein richtiger Schleimbeutel. Außerdem hatte sie gesehen, wie er davor auch anderen Mädchen hinterher gegafft hat. Sie dachte: „Mensch, der Typ ist wirklich zum Abgewöhnen!“.

Simone (D): Und wie kam es dann dazu, dass sie jetzt doch etwas miteinander haben?

Andrea (D): Irgendwie hat sich die Geschichte im Laufe des Abends doch noch zum Positiven entwickelt. Ich habe ihn auf jeden Fall am Donnerstag kennen gelernt und er ist wirklich in Ordnung. Ehrlich gesagt ist er mehr als nur in Ordnung. Er ist ein ganz schön toller Hecht! Am Liebsten würde ich ihn ihr ausspannen!


to fall head over heels in love with s.o. sich Hals über Kopf in jdn verlieben

to be single solo sein

to be head over heels about someone; verknallt sein;
to be infatuated with someone; verschossen sein
to be nuts about s.o.

to fall madly in love with s.o. sich verknallen

to adore s.o.; jdn anhimmeln;
to look up enraptured at s.o.; jdn vergöttern
to idolize s.o.

to be on cloud nine im siebten Himmel sein/ schweben;
auf Wolke sieben sein/ schweben
to love s.o. like crazy jdn abgöttisch lieben

to cling to sb an jdm hängen

to be already taken; vergeben sein
to be unavailable;
to no longer be up for grabs

to be unattached; to be available noch zu haben sein

to look good enough to eat zum Anbeißen (gut) aussehen

to have the „je ne sais quoi“ das gewisse Etwas haben

to attract s.o.; to appeal to s.o. jdn reizen

boyfriend; flame der Macker; die Flamme; der Stecher (vulgar)

to pick s.o. up sich jdn anlachen

the come on die Anmache
sleazeball; scuzzball; servile flatterer der Schleimbeutel; der Schleimi; der Schleimer

to gape at; to ogle jdm hinterher gaffen; jdm hinterher geiern

to be a real turnoff; zum Abgewöhnen sein
to be bad news; to be no good
to get it on with s.o. etw miteinander haben

to be alright in Ordnung sein

to be a devil of a man ein toller Hecht sein (often also used ironically); ein toller Typ sein; ein klasse Mann sein

to unhitch; to pinch someone’s partner; jdm jmdn ausspannen
to move in on; to entice away

CN S12 ADV Finding My Soul Mate

Language and Section: Chinese/ Advanced

Date: 24/1/2012

Class theme/topics discussed: Finding your soul mate

Goal of the class:
1) Practicing negotiation of meaning.
2) Constructing complex questions to find out specific information.
3) Exchanging as much information as possible in a short period of time.
4) Practicing agreement and disagreement structures to come up with solutions to specific problems.

Structure of the class:

Activity 1: 15 minutes
This activity is based on ranking through discussion. Students are given lists of different characteristics that they could find in partners. They have to rank them according to what they consider to be more or less important in a relationship.

Activity 2: 5 minutes
Individually, they have to come up with three meaningful questions that they would like to ask to potential partners.

Activity 3: 20 minutes
Speed-Dating: Students are divided into two groups, they have to sit in circles looking at each other. Each couple has a minute and a half to ask each other the questions they thought of in activity two and talk about any other information they want to find out.

Activity 4: 20 minutes
The students will work in groups of three or four. Each group is given a specific situation that describes a problem regarding relationships. They will have to come up with the best solution to each issue. For example: long distance, cheating, break-ups and misunderstandings with the family.
What technology, media or props did you use?

• Handout

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
• This class works very well. Students are highly motivated to speak. They speak a lot and the class participation is high.
• Students finish the rehearsing for the role-play and we run out of time. So we will finish the role-play next class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

• No. Students like the dating topic so much.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

FR S12 ADV Love

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 11 SP 12

Date: 31/01/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Dating and relationships
Goal of the class: learn about dating in France, the vocabulary of relationships; make the students know each other better

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Conversation about the vocabulary of relationships (15 minutes)
-Speed dating, guess who’s who in the class with a 2 minutes dating (25 minutes)
-Analyse of a song by Bénabar dis lui oui -2004-(20 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The students were interested in the topic. The song was perfect to get new vocabulary. The students had a lot of fun playing the dating game.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-A scheme of the modern family would be necessary to recap all the different names of family relatives which are quite intricate in French.

Dis-lui oui _ Bénabar
Je sais bien, Muriel, que ça ne me _________ _____
Tu l’as foutu dehors et je respecte _____ ________
Mais il voudrait revenir… d’accord, j’insiste pas
C’est mon ami quand même! Non, C’est pas lui qui _ ________
ça me fait de la peine, vous alliez si bien ensemble
____ ______ de vie commune mais je veux pas le défendre
Avec tout ce que vous avez vécu, avoue que c’est dommage
Et j’ te dis pas combien il souffre, ça serait du _________
Muriel je t’en prie
Je t’en __________
Dis-lui Ouiiii
Depuis qu’ tu l’as ____________, il habite chez moi
Je ne peux plus le supporter, Muriel aide-moi
Il veut toujours qu’on parle et qu’on parle que de lui
La discussion consiste à l’écouter, à dire ” oui ”
Le seul moment tranquille c’est quand il t’écrit
Mais les poèmes de cinq pages, après ___ ___ ___ ______
Il me raconte votre vie dans les moindres détails
Ce qui s’ passe ____ ____ ___ depuis vos fiançailles
Je suis un gentleman, j’ répéterai pas, c’est intime
Rassure-toi Muriel… Espèce de _______ _________
Il va et vient la nuit à n’importe quelle heure
Il _______ dans ma chambre pendant que je dors
J’ai frôlé la ____ ________, j’en ai encore mal dans le bras
Il a fait semblant d’être somnambule pour que j’ l’engueule pas
Tu sais, c’est un mec bien mais j’ veux pas _’________
Il gagne pas mal sa vie, à deux c’est mieux pour le loyer
Voyons les choses en face, t’es pas non plus __________
Regarde-toi dans une glace, Muriel, faut être ___________
Bon, il a des torts, il t’a __________ c’est vrai
Avec ta ________ d’accord mais ramène pas tout à toi
Muriel, mon enfant, je t’aide parce que je t’aime bien
Mais on ne s’en sortira pas, si t’y mets pas __ _________.

ES S12 ADV Love

Language and Section: SPA 13.2

Date: 02/14/2011

Class theme/topics discussed: Love and Love terminology

Goal of the class: To engage in a discussion on Love and to introduce vocabulary about relationships.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

See Lesson Plan

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Youtube, song lyrics.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The topic was very engaging for the students, being an universal one. Everyone participated and shared their opinion.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

– It’s important that the group has a high level of comfort before doing this activity. Icebreakers are recommended beforehand.
Lesson Plan – Love

ES S12 INT/ADV S. Valentine

Language and Section: Spanish intermediate 01

Date: 14.02.2012

Class theme/topics discussed: S. Valentine

Goal of the class: Talk about love in Spanish and new vocabulary about it.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

We started up with a warm-up. They explained me how this tradition is celebrated in the US and what people normally buy.
We brainstormed about Saint Valentine and talk about these concepts (Business, love, engagement…). They also asked some vocabulary (cursi, almas gemelas,comprometidos…)
Then I asked them if they knew where the tradition comes from. They didn’t know so I wanted them to read an explanation of it but after a student read the first paragraph I realized that it was going to be very difficult and boring. That is why I explained to them where the tradition came from.
After that I asked them to rank in pairs/three some adjectives and things that they thought are the most important ones in order to find a partner. (I gave them a paper with the adjectives). I asked them to imagine a character and take into account all those adjectives that they had ranked. After that we played speed dating representing the person that they have created.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)
Paper and information from the Internet.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They seemed bored with the reading of the tradition, so I changed and explained it myself.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Unlike in advanced, here I did not tell them to write three questions that their character would ask to a potencial partner. That was an easier way to carry out the activity with advanced so I should have told them to do that. Without the questions the purpose of the activity was pretty blurry and did not make much sense.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

– Inteligente 1.
– Rico/a 2.
– Buena salud 3.
– Persona amable/buena 4.
– Educado/a 5.
– Sexy 6.
– Honesto/a 7.
– Misma religión 8.
– Cultura similar 9.
– Personalidad similar 10.
– Mismos hobbies 11.
– Edad similar 12.

ES F11 ADV Love

Language and Section:  SPA 13.2

 Date:  10/25/2011

 Class theme/topics discussed: Love and love terminology

 Goal of the class: To introduce vocabulary related to relationships and love, to use the topic of love as a springboard for discussion.

 Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

–        Warm-up: Brief discussion on Karaoke Night (5-10 mins.)

–        Introduction of vocabulary: (20 mins) I will write and explain phrases and terms common when discussing love / relationships in Uruguay. The students will be paired up and will have a brief time to create a dialogue that uses the terms. Terms to be introduced:

–        Te Quiero / Te Amo


–        Estar con alguien


–        Estar enganchado con alguien


–        Tener un roce / tener derecho a roce


–        Hacer un levante


–        Hacer un trabajo fino

–        Discussion on Love (30 mins): We will listen to two songs by Argentinian singers showing different views on Love: one that shows love as the “essence of souls” and the most important part of existence; another that states “one cannot live off love”. We will discuss these ideas and the students will state with which they agree the most.  Songs: “Al Amor Después del Amor”, de Fito Páez; “No se Puede Vivir del Amor”, de Andrés Calamaro


What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)


Whiteboard, computer, youtube videos of songs, TV.


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


The class worked very well; the students were engaged and participated a lot. The songs specially motivated discussion, since they showed very different views on love. The students loved talking about different relationships and some even spoke about their own romantic history.


How could this class be improved/ modified?



Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

No se puede vivir del Amor – Youtube

El Amor después del amor – Youtube





FR F11 INT/ADV Dating

Language and Section: FR 13/FR 11


Date: 11/10/11 

Class theme/topics discussed: dating, relationship and professions.

Goal of the class: make the students have a romantic conversation and play with stereotypes.


Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Handout dating/Relationships

-Warm up with previous class’ vocabulary (5 minutes)

-Students are given lists of different characteristics that they could find in partners. They have to rank them according to what they consider to be more or less important in a relationship (20 minutes)

-Individually, they have to come up with three meaningful questions that they would like to ask to potential partners. (5 minutes)

-Speed-Dating: students have 2 minutes to ask their questions. (15 minutes)

-The students will work in groups of three or four. Each group is given a specific situation that describes a problem regarding relationships. They will have to come up with the best solution to each issue. For example: long distance, cheating and break-ups. (15 minutes)


What technology, media or props did you use? (Satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)




What worked well in this class? What did not work?


-The students were very enthousiatic about this class, and learned a lot of vocabulary. The level of participation was high and everyone played the game.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Gendered activities are hard when you have queer students. That’s why I made them choose a character they would play during the speedating (Trader, lawer, Baker, Professional soccer player). They had to guess who was who at the end of the class. It worked perfectly.

JP S11 ADV Blind Date

Class theme/topics discussed: “Feeling Couple” (blind date)

1. Warm up activity: who is your type?
1)I gave a list of personalities. Students check the meaning of each vocabulary.
2)Rate personalities on the basis of their type.
3)Share the result with classmates and discuss the difference among them.

2. Make a profile
Students create their own profile. They can pretend to be a different person.

3. Blind date (Interview)
Talk with classmates and decide one person who he/she wants to have a relationship

4. Declare love
It is the time to express their love to the person who he/she like. How many couple do they make?

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I thought this class needed more chances to have a conversation especially after the project. So I decided to pick up the topic. Since I know my students love to talk about romances, I thought the topic of blind date would be good for them.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group discussion, handouts

How did students react?
They loved to do blind date activities. Some students made a very funny profile and got attention from classmates.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
I put documents on Sakai.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Sure, students love it.

Why or why not?
This lesson plan let students talk a lot. Also, students really enjoyed talking about themselves/different person. Since this activity needs many vocabulary to attract classmates, it would be very useful and educational lesson plan.

JP S11 INT/ADV Watching a Movie “My Darling Is a Foreigner”

Class theme/topics discussed:

Watching a Japanese movie: “My Darilng Is a Foreigner”
Students watched a beginning part of the movies. At some point, I stopped the movie and asked some questions and they answered. When they had a question, I also stopped the video and answered their questions.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I finally found a movie of “My Darilng Is a Foreigner” This movie was the source of idea for intermediate conversation class project. So I really wanted students to watch the movie.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group discussion

How did students react?
They loved to watch the movie! They were curious about the cultural difference in daily life between American husband and Japanese wife.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?

This movie was really good tool for learning the current cultural difference between the U.S. and Japan. Students could learn a lot from the movie. Some conversation was difficult though, they seemed to enjoy watching the movie and discussion.

FR S11 ADV – Valentine’s day

Valentine’s day

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to do something related to Valentine’s Day.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Role play

How did students react?

Very well. They had fun.

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)


Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Advanced 02/15

1. Give them the sheets of paper with Homme/Femme

2. Explain the game – 5 mn
→ create a new identity
→ speed dating
→ choose our other half

3. Create a new identity – 15 mn
→ give them the sheets for the agency
→ they have to fill them out
→ they have to choose a picture from the newspaper/magazines for their new personality
→ they have to think of a background story for their characters

4. Speed-dating – 25 mn
→ Girls remain seated but boys change every five minutes
→ They have to figure out if they would have another date with this person, or if s/he is their other half

5. Results – 10 mn
→ students should write down the name of the person they liked most and then explain why
→ if there are some couples they should explain what they liked so much and if they see a future for that relationship

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