an archive of lesson plans

Tag: Cooking (Page 1 of 2)

RU F21 INT: Russian Cuisine

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 11/16/2021

Class theme/topics discussed: Russian Cuisine

Goal of the class:

  • Talk about most famous Russian meals
  • Learn vocabulary about cooking
  • Prepare for a cooking class

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (5 mins)
    I ask my students to discuss the following questions in pairs:
    1) Which traditional Russian meals do you know?
    2) Have you ever tried Russian cuisine? What was your experience like?
    3) Have you ever been to a Russian restaurant?

2. Activity 1. Do you know this meal? (10 minutes)
I show my students pictures of the most famous meals and ask them to guess names or ingredients.

3. Activity 2. Cooking Vocabulary (10 mins)
I show my students a PowerPoint slide with cooking vocabulary and ask if they know those words. I prepared a handout for them with those words.

4. Activity 3. Game: Describe an action (10 mins).
After that, I ask my students to come in front of the class and show a cooking action without using words. Other students should guess what they are showing. Then they change.

5. Activity 4 (20 mins)
I divide my students into two groups and ask them to choose one meal that is easy to cook. They should write a recipe on a board using the vocabulary they learnt. Then they present their recipe and we vote for the meal that the majority would like to try. Next class we will cook the meal using their recipe.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Food is one of the most favorite topics of my students since they had been asking me to talk about Russian cuisine or cook something from the very beginning of the semester. This class is good for practicing the vocabulary dedicated to food and cooking. It also includes the cultural element.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave it as it is. This class was created with the help of the Spanish language resident Natalia Cano. You can include an activity, where students should describe a picture to practice food and cooking vocabulary.

DE F20 INT/ADV – Baking Bread & Brotzeit

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 9/22/2020 & 9/25/2020 (Two-day class!)

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Prep & bake a bread & “Brotzeit” (Bread Time)

Goal of the class: Learn how to read recipes and make your own bread

How did you structure the class?


A) Warm-Up Discussion: Tell us about a food you like to cook and describe how you would cook it (learn words for preparation)

B) Look at a simple, no-knead bread recipe steps 1-3 (see attached) and go through the verbs necessary in each step. (In my kitchen, I showed them kitchen items that we will need for baking the bread and made sure they have them accessible.)

C) Ask the students to tell you what to do in German to prep the dough for the bread, reading the recipe out loud.

D) Homework: The students shall prep their bread the night before the next class! Make sure to let them know to put a note on the oven so roommates/family know that the dough is proofing in there (so nobody turns it on and accidentally bakes the pre-dough). If they have high traffic in their kitchen, they can proof it on their counter overnight alternatively.


A) Start with preheating dutch ovens and preparing utensils (10 mins). Go through the rest of the recipe with them and make it together.

B) Bread goes into oven (20 minutes). Meanwhile, talk about “Brotzeit” and where it came from. Show some examples on what you can have on bread. Discussion with students: How will you eat your self-made bread?

C) Remove lid from bread and bake for another 25 minutes. Meanwhile, continue discussion: What is a beer garden, what utensils do we use to eat? What do we call our table setting? Learn new words that they are not familiar with yet.

D) Homework: Take a photo of what you’re eating the bread with and who you’re eating with. Describe how it tasted in the next class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Prop: Share Screen function in Zoom, Images, Google Docs, Chat, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students were nicely engaged, baking along. When showing them how to make the recipe I could tell they were a little bored so I had them taking turns directing me. The bake-along might be more difficult in a larger class, I only had three students.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I could have given the students a bit more notice for the ingredients. They need water, flour, salt and yeast. And maybe one could find a way to have my laptop in the kitchen, so I don’t have to run between my desk and the kitchen while the bread is in the oven and we talk about “Brotzeit”.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language  (Password: GERMAN) and (Password: GERMAN)

Example for vocabulary related to Brotzeit, from DK “Bilingual dictionary” ISBN: 978-0-7566-1295-5

DE F20 INT – Grocery Shopping

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 9/17/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Food & Groceries

Goal of the class: Identify food in a recipe and know how to buy it

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up Discussion: Who enjoys cooking? Who does it regularly? Has it changed with the pandemic? What’s your favorite food?

B) Quick food quiz about fruit & vegetables: ask them which German fruits and veggies they already know. Then use a Google Doc with pictures and German words underneath to let them fill out the English equivalent and read them out loud for pronunciation.

C) Corona e-shopping: Look at different shopping carts I pre-loaded online and guess what food it might be for, show them photo of finished dish.
(For more advanced group or extra time: ask them how ingredients might be used.)
Then learn each of the ingredients’ words and identify structure and words of the shopping cart.

(Example dishes: Pasta w tomato sauce, Schnitzel with potato wedges, Currywurst with fries, buttered bread/pretzels)

D) Homework/Extra activity: Go over to (German equivalent to Instacart), enter 80333 (Munich) as post code and gather ingredients of a dish you make a lot. Bring a screenshot of your shopping cart and a photo of what the dish will look like. (And you can have the students guess each other’s in next session).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.): Share Screen function in Zoom, Images, Google Sheets, Website, Chat, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
The students enjoyed learning the different groceries and learning to shop on their own online.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
If it’s a larger class (more than 4-5 students), it can be done in groups. For more advanced students, you can pick harder fruits/vegetables or practice plural/pronouns.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language   (Password: GERMAN)


DE FA18 ADV Cooking and food

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name:


Day and Date:

Thursday, 10/04/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

German, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Cooking and eating

Goal of the class:

Being able to talk about food and the ways of cooking it.

How did you structure the class?

Activity 1 (10 min): Icebreaker and introduction. Before class, I hung up some pictures of dishes. The students had to walk in pairs around the classroom and identify them first. Then, they had to think of the ingredients they needed to make the dish and the way of preparing it. We discussed the results in the big group.

Activity 2 (5 min): I told the students to write down as many terms about cooking, food and eating they possibly knew. In pairs, the students had one minute to do that. The winners would get a little surprise (cookies). We briefly discussed the terms they gathered in the big group.

Activity 3 (15 min): I showed a video of a person cooking a dish. In the same pairs, the students had to write down the ingredients they could identify and also the steps it needed to make the dish itself (which were displayed in the video). In the group, we discussed the results.

Activity 4 (30 min): I told the students to imagine being restaurant owners and therefore creating their own menus. In pairs, they had to think of one dish they would like to put there. The task was also to think of the name, price, ingredients, cooking devices, and a short description why it is the best dish. In the group, they would present their results. The winning pair would get the rest of the cookies.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Whiteboard and marker

Youtube video of a person cooking

Pictures of dishes

PowerPoint presentation (attached)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students had a lot of fun doing the competitive task and also creating their own dish.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

It was a great class. I would keep it as it is.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


ES F15 Food: names, tools and recipes

Goal of the class:

 Students remember vocabulary about food.

 How did you structure the class?

 Activity 1 (10min): Since the whether was really hot, I prepared one Spanish song that is about that. I printed the lyrics with some gaps instead of words and they had to fill them up while listening. Beforehand, they ask all the words they did not understand.

Activity 2 (15min): Food brainstorm. The whiteboard is divided into three columns: one about food, another about tools for eating and cooking and the last one about verbs for cooking. Likewise, the first column is divided into vegetables, meat, fish, fruit and spieces. One by one, the students fill each of the topics.

 Activity 3 (15min): My favorite receipt. Divided in groups of three, they tell each other how to cook their favorite meal or the meal the can cook better.

 Activity 4 (20min): In the same groups, they tell each other one catastrophic story that happened to them while cooking. Afterwards, they choose one and invent another two stories. The rest of the groups have to figure out which is the true one and who happened to.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Clip from youtube :

What worked well in this class? What did not work? How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think this class worked well in general. They had a lot of fun telling the others the catastrophic stories. The first activity is a warm up activity. You are welcome to choose any other or not, depending on how you like the song and if it is a hot summer/autumn day =)




CN F14 ADV Chinese Food & Dining Culture

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Thursday, October 2, 2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Advanced 013

Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese food and dining culture

Goal of the class:

  1. Students will know eight distinguished regional cuisines in China and their unique features;
  2. Students will understand Chinese dining culture;
  3. Students will know how to make a simple Chinese dish and explain its procedures in Chinese.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Ask the students to brainstorm anything about Chinese food and dining culture;
  2. Introduce eight distinguished regional cuisines in China and analyze their unique features;
  3. Discuss Chinese dining etiquette with the students after watching a video clip;
  4. Learn how to make Chinese dumplings via two videos;
  5. Ask the students in pairs to explain the making process in simple Chinese.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Videos, powerpoint, pictures

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students were crazy about Chinese food and they really enjoyed talking about it. They thought it’s very useful to know Chinese dining culture and they have already known what to do at Chinese table. Everything went smoothly in this class.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

No. (I will invite my students to make Chinese dumplings in my apartment next time.)

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.




FR S14 INT Masterchef

Language and Section: FR 11

Date: 01/28

Class theme/topics discussed: Masterchef (food and cooking)

Goal of the class:
Review and learn vocabulary about the food
Review the imperative tense
Create a recipe

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

1 Warm-up
I show them a trailer of the French version of “Masterchef”. Who does watch this TV show? What is it about? Do they like to cook? Then, we “play” at Masterchef! (in two teams because I had 4 students)

2 Visual test
This test is only in the French version. When on TV the contestants must guess ingredients just tasting it, here the students have to match a picture of an aliment and its name in French.

3 Pressure test
Students have to put together in order the recipes of famous French dishes (following the indications First, then, finally,…) They also have to transform the infinitive form into the imperative one.
Then, we talk about some other famous French dishes with a PowerPoint (made by a previous LR);

In order to help them, there is a short list of vocabulary.

4 The mystery box
With the ingredients seen during the first test and the verbs used on the recipes of the second test, they have to create their own recipe. It could be a real dish or something crazy they just make up!

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They LOVED it! For the last test, they created weird dishes with seafood and chocolate. The tests themselves are quite quick, so we had time to talk about food in France. I think it was a good way to review basic vocabulary. Maybe for a future class I should add a fourth test?

powerpoint les plats français

vocabulaire aliments

6 Masterchef

DE F11 INT Baking German Waffles

Language and Section: German intermediate

Date: Sep 29th, 2011

Class theme/topics discussed: baking German waffles

 Goal of the class: Learning to make German waffles from scratch and kitchen vocabulary

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

I gave my students the recipe and the ingredients. Also I showed them things in the kitchen and told them the words for those things. 

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.) Kitchen and ingredients

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked very well, they were very interested. Students almost always like to cook. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?


  • Maybe look for some music in your language which you can play during the cooking
  • Have some topics in mind that you can talk about while cooking
  • Works better for smaller classes, because it is hard to cook with a lot of people 

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

CN S11 INT/ADV Cooking

Top Chef Chinese cooking contest recipe making

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Cooperated with the Oldenborg international cookbook project, students need to work in groups to build their receipes. They can review food/cook related expressions in that class.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Group work, general discussion

How did students react?

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

groceries, flip cameras
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?


Why or why not?

Students are always excited in cooking and the contest make them really excited and therefore stick to speak in Chinese all the time in case to get point deduction.

DE S11 ADV Coffee brewing

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Advanced Conversation
Date: Apr 5 2011

Class theme/topics discussed:
German “Kaffetrinken” Coffee and cake

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It was a reward for my students for their great project.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I taught my students how to make ice cream coffee and I had a cake for them. So we had the food and were just chatting in German.

How did students react?
They love ice cream coffee.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, everybody was talking a lot.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, as a reward for something they did well.

Why or why not?
It’s something typical German.

JP S11 INT/ADV Japanese Doll Festival

Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese Doll Festival

Students cooked Chirashizushi and did some games (20 questions and Shiritori)
Japanese exchange students from Kougakuin University also joined the class. They talked about how they celebrate the day and what they do on the day to students.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion, handouts,cooking

How did students react?
They were excited to make and eat sushi. They also enjoyed talking and playing with Japanese exchange students.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
TV (to show the doll)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Sometimes students need to have fun in the class. Cooking Japanese foods and talking with native speakers are always great successful as lesson plan. Also, they could learn one of Japanese festivals.

FR S11 INT – food (cooking vocabulary and French cooking show)

Cooking vocabulary + French cooking show on tv

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted to get started with the project (cooking show)

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Game with pairs

How did students react?


Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Game with pairs

Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Vocabulary related to cooking

1. Warm-Up – finish the game of pairs – 10 min

2. 1st activity – 15 min

– What dishes do they know? Have tasted? Liked/didn’t like?
– see if they know the names of some French dishes + regions
– use the PowerPoint presentation on regional dishes

3. cooking vocabulary game – 20 min

– in pairs
– I say a word related to cooking (it can be the name of a special ingredient, or a verb used in cookbooks like in this list) and each pair of students has to try to guess the definition and write it down on a piece of paper. I also do it but I write the right definition, then we mix up the papers and someone reads them all aloud. Then they have to decide which one is the most probable.

4. Ideas of shows – 10 min

Show some French shows about cooking
1 diner presque parfait

JP F10 INT/ADV Cooking

Class theme/topics discussed:
-Cooking Okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted to do something special on the final conversation class day. Last week, I asked students what they would like to do on the final day, and then they requested to cook Okonomiyaki.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

How did students react?
I heard that all students do not show up on the final day, but all students attended and really enjoyed cooking. I was really glad that.

dia did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
PC (for watching Japanese talkshow),DVD
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
It was good authentic material for students to cook Japanese traditional foods. It was good closing for conversation class this semester.

ES F10 INT/ADV Iron Chef

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 11/02-04/2010

Class theme/topics discussed:
Iron Chef!

How did you pick this theme or topic?
They talked about how much they like cooking, and it is an opportunity for them to learn some Spanish recipes and to talk about Spanish gastronomy.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
This is a two hours long class. In the first hour they had to look for recipes with the secret ingredient I gave them (of course in Spanish) and in the second hour they had to cook for themselves (learning all the new vocabulary in Spanish and present their dishes to a jury who would choose the best of the dishes among the participants. Students could talk about food or any other topic they wanted to come up with.

How did students react?
They enjoyed it a lot and asked me for more classes like this one

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Ingredients for a cooking.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
It is fun, they like it, it helps to build a community sense and it gives students the opportunity to talk about any topic they wish.

JP F10 INT/ADV Food (Takoyaki, Okonomiyaki)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Japanese food (Okonomiyaki and Takoyaki)
-Watching You Tube: How to make okonomiyaki and Takoyaki
-Playing the game: Feel the object
-Checking how to cook Okonomiyaki through using a handout.
-Asking “What Japanese foods do you like?”

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I organized a Study Break at the same day. Before the study break, I wanted students to know much about Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki and their background information.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
-Watching a video
-Cabbage, Flour, and Apple for the game: Feel the object
-hand out
-Advertisement of Marukai

How did students react?
They enjoyed watching You tube and

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
-You TubeWould you recommend this activity for a future class?
Of course, YES!

Why or why not?
-Students love cooking!
-Students were able to learn Japanese culture through foods.

int 09-23

JP S10 INT/ADV Cooking

Class theme/topics discussed:
The last day of the class! Making Yakisoba!

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It was the last day of the class, so we decided to make Yakisoba together.
Yakisoba is pretty easy to make..I asked students to help a little bit.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

How did students react?

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
I think it was nice treat for them to have food and snacks at the end of the semester. Because they tried to work hard during this semester, motivated themselves to learn Japanese.

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