an archive of lesson plans

Tag: Health

JP SP23 INT / ADV : What would you do when you get sick!! 日本の病院に行こう!

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s go to Japanese hospital

Goal of the class:   increase vocabulary on medical field, learn the difference of medical / insurance system in Japan and US

How did you structure the class?

7th April 2023


              Intro of Japanese pops: Haru yo koi by Yumi Matsutouya

      松任谷由実 春よ来い


              Reviewing the name of body parts (Detailed ver)

              Reviewing vocabulary for symptoms, diseases, etc.


              Activity 2

              Talk with nurse in Japanese (skit, role play)

              Create your own situation (i.g. Having stomachache, flu, etc)

              Learning Japanese onomatopoeia in medical field to describe your symptoms properly

              Switching the role as Patient and Nurses

              Changing partners

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The medical terms and body parts, it was great opportunity for heritage speakers too since there are several registers to say each part. (Children, Casual, formal, medical term) Students loved / hated about the onomatopoeia used in medical field. 

Handouts below:

<<<< I will put the pic of the body parts which I hand draw.>>>>

Goal of the class: 病気(びょうき)になっても大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)!??

Warm-up: 身体(からだ)の部位(ぶい)についてブレインストーミングをしよう!

アクティビティ 1: 必要(ひつよう)な単語(たんご)

すいません、<<お腹(なか)・ 喉(のど) >> が痛いです。



→ 皮膚科(ひふか)・ 循環器科(じゅんかんきか)・内科(ないか)





錠剤(じょうざい)  クリーム

サバイバルアクティビティ2: 病院に行こう!


わからないことがあったらGoogle 翻訳(ほんやく)やDeepLを使ってみよう。

自分のケースについて考えてみよう!Think about your own case!

何科にかかる? Medical Genre:

症状(しょうじょう)は? Symptoms: 

いつから? Since when?:

身体のどこに? Which part of the body?:

どんな痛み(いたみ)? How is the pain?:

DE 23 ADV Health, and Health systems compared. Being prepared for an emergency

TopicHealth, and Health systems compared. Be prepared for an emergency.Nutrition
Goals of the ClassBe prepared for an emergency. Know useful vocabulary related to health and use it. To know the differences of the health terms. Germany and USA.
Warm UpTell us about one of your hobbies. How did you get into this hobby? If you had more time, which hobby would you like to try?
Activity 1Brainstormingwhich parts of the body do you know?What diseases do you know?
what is the most common disease of mankind?
Followed by an Input of Important health vocabulary
Hello, I would like to make an appointment.
Pain: my stomach hurts/my knees hurt, headache,
Being: having a cold, being dizzy, being sick, being injured 
Me: being nauseous (nausea), 
Have: Have fever, cold, cough.Dermatologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, family doctor. Health card, x-ray, ultrasound, blood test, urine test, a prescription, a prescription, pharmacy, pills, syrup, the creamfasting, discharge, vacation/dischargeheart surgery/appendicitis…..Body parts – vocabulary 
Activity 2You are the doctor What would you do?
Number the following sentences in order (1-8) Ask about the problemExamine the patientWrite a prescription Say goodbye. Greet the patient Make a diagnosis Recommend something Write a sick note to the patientYou have been in a car accident Make a list of the first 5 things you would do after you are in an accident? 1-5
Activity 3Imagine you are in Germany and your friend gets sick.What would you do? 
Step 1,….Step 5You are alone in a foreign country, and you have a bad injury, how would you react? (Broken Arm) One person plays a doctor the other person plays a patient.
Activity 4Have your eating habits changed since you were a child?
What would an average diet in the U.S. look like? 
What diets have you heard of, what do they consist of?
How do you find the food in the dining hall? Healthy/unhealthy/sometimes healthy? Do you like the taste of it? Do you pay attention to what you eat?
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)? It was very important to discuss this topic with the students, as it is part of the basic vocabulary and knowledge of the German language. It is important to know and be prepared in an emergency in a foreign country. The students took the topic with a lot of joy and motivation. The topic of nutrition was also very interesting and many different opinions were expressed. Role plays are always a good way to make the class more exciting. The vocabulary worked very well and was incorporated directly into the role plays. Also positive to mention is that many students had different opinions on nutrition and there was an interesting discussion at the end of the hour. It is always good to introduce vocabulary that fits the topic in the lesson. This gives the students a starting point for the conversation.

ES INT: Health

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed: Health

Goal of the class: The students learn the basic vocabulary to survive in a Spanish-speaking country in case they get sick and have to go to the doctor.

Class structure:

Warm-up: Brainstorm: parts of the body and diseases

The students have 3 minutes to brainstorm about this topic.

Activity 1: Useful vocabulary

Hola, quiero pedir hora para una cita.

Doler: me duele el estómago/me duelen las rodillas

Estar: estar resfriado/a, mareado/a, enfermo/a, herido/a

Tener: tener fiebre, covid, tos.

Dermatólogo, oculista, cardiólogo

Tarjeta sanitaria, radiografía, ecografía, análisis de sangre, análisis de orina, una receta, una receta, farmacia, pastillas, jarabe, la crema

Ir en ayunas, la baja/el alta

Una operación de corazón/apendicitis

Activity 2: Situation

Juan tiene dolores abdominales desde hace unos días y tiene que ir al médico de cabecera para la revisión. Naima, su cuidadora, pide una cita y lo acompaña a la consulta.

The students have to come up with a theatrical situation with the following characters: Juan, Naima, the doctor.

The students show their theatrical piece to the rest of the students and, after that, I show the students one video with the actual situation and they ask question related to vocabulary.

Resources used:

What worked well? What did not work well?

This class went very well. The students had a lot of questions, so three activities were enough. They were very interested when I explained them cultural things as the ”tarjeta sanitaria europea” concept.

DE F20 ADV – German politics

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Credit to: INES FISTER, DE F17 INT German Parliament – Bundestag
(I modified her class for online. Had the group research be homework so we had more time to discuss current politics and added some explainity videos.)

Day and Date: 11/10/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: German government and current politics

Goal of the class: Discuss current politics and trends in Germany

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up: How do you feel right now that the US election is over? Did you celebrate?

B) Discussion: Did you know yesterday was the first anniversary of the fall of the Wall in Berlin? How much do you know about that? Fill in knowledge gaps, if needed with a short video:

C) Homework Recap: Students present their research about a German political party each. Then talk about 6 major parties in Germany and where they are on the spectrum. Look at how large each party is in the Parliament. Discuss some topics the parties have discussed recently or topics the students are especially interested in.

D) Extra Activity (if not talking about the fall of the wall or if students want to go deeper):
a) Video about how parliament is elected:

b) Video about how chancellor is elected:

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Prop: Share Screen function in Zoom, Chat, Youtube, Google Sheets, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I modified the previous lesson plan to having the students each present a party that was prepared as homework, because they seemed to be interested in the current policies and we had more time to talk about that this way. But the research could also be done during the class. I assigned each a party, so we didn’t hear about the same party several times.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave as is. I asked the students which direction they wanted to go deeper in and they wanted to know more about parliament elections. They were very interested and engaged this way.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language:  (Password: GERMAN)

ES F20 ADV Diet & Food labeling laws

Language Resident: Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez

Class theme/topic discussed : Food Industry & Diet

Goal of the class 

  • Practice vocabulary related to diet and food industry
  • Discuss how health laws are related with health issues and the role food industries have on consumption.

Class structure

  • Warm-up questions: What’s a “diet” for you? Have your eating habits changed since you were a child? How would an average diet look like in the US? What diets have you heard of, what do they consist of?
  • Activity 1 Organic Diet: Students discuss the issues that are supposed to be solved by switching to a 100% organic diet. After introducing the possible new issues that may arise as a consequence, students discuss the short- and long-term effects an organic diet may have for the environment and agriculture. Would it be feasible for everyone?
  • Activity 2 Food labeling laws: Student watch videos about food labeling regulations in the US and in Chile. They answer some questions about them: Do they have anything in common? How are they different? What effects do you think these regulations have had on public health concerns? Do you think it changed people’s eating habits? Would it work in the US?
  • Activity 3 What’s for dinner (cred. Tamara Olivos): In groups students must create a recipe with a “secret ingredient” to make it special (doesn’t have to be food, they can be as creative as they want). Then, they present their creation to the class as if they were on TV.

Resources used

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

  • It was a great class. Two students who took my class the year before so we had already commented on the food labeling laws, but in a much more superficial level. They were all very interested on how different the regulations were, the effects it had had on public health and how a regulation like this would be beneficial in the US.


RU F14 INT/ADV Health

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language and Section: Russian Intermediate 11

Date: October/November 2014

Class theme/topics discussed:


Goal of the class:

Revise health vocabulary (multiple classes)

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Health vocab revision

Activity 1 Giving health advice

They work with Handout 1, using the PDF Health vocab handout (attached) 

Activity 2 More health

Handout 2 They work in pairs and translate sentences into Russian, trying to work them back into the logical order (first part of the handout). We revise together

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

PDF Health vocab Health vocabulary



Я все время чихаю и кашляю, у меня насморк. Я, кажется, простудилась.

Тебе нужно…

У меня очень болит голова.

Тебе нужно… (e.g. sleep enough – выспаться)

У меня ужасно болит живот! Меня тошнит. Видимо, я что-то не то съел(а).

Тебе нужно…

У меня высокая температура, кажется, но у меня нет градусника, я не уверен(а)

Тебе нужно…

У меня болит колено. Смотри, какой ужасный синяк! Еще у меня, по-моему, растяжение.

Тебе нужно…

Я сильно обожглась, когда делала блины, – смотри, какой у меня ужасный ожог на руках!

Тебе нужно…

У меня высокое давление.

Тебе нужно…

У меня болит сердце!

Тебе нужно…

Сегодня я упала в обморок! Не понимаю, почему?

Тебе нужно…

Я постоянно болею гриппом! Мне это уже надоело! Никакого иммунитета, чёрт побери!

Тебе нужно…


RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014

  1. My father is not very athletic, so he often gets sick (he is often sick).
  2. For example, he recently came down with bronchitis,
  3. …and so when I talk with him now, I always ask how he is feeling.
  4. Yesterday he said that he had just been to the doctor’s.
  5. The doctor measured his temperature and it was high.
  6. Then the doctor gave him an antibiotic and told him to stay in bed.
  7. The doctor also told my father to dress warmly and drink lots of tea.
  8. Overall (в общем), my father told me that he was not seriously ill,
  9. …but he did tell me that being sick is not fun (=is unpleasant)
  10. He also said he still had a headache.
  11. To this (на это) I said of course “Get well soon, Dad!”
  12. Thank God he in not in the hospital! It’s good he is at home.
  13. Unfortunately, though, Mom is at work all the time and our dog doesn’t know how to give him tea with lemon.
  14. And I live far. Well, at least I call always Dad to cheer him up (развеселить).

RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014 —- 1

  1. My father is not very athletic, so he often gets sick (he is often sick).

Then the doctor gave him an antibiotic and told him to stay in bed.

Overall (в общем), my father told me that he was not seriously ill,

The doctor measured his temperature and it was high.

…and so when I talk with him these days, I always ask how he is feeling.

Unfortunately, though, Mom is at work all the time and our dog doesn’t know how to give him tea with lemon.

To this (на это) I said of course “Get well soon, Dad!”

RUSS 11 Intermediate Russian Conversation November 3, 2014 —- 2

  1. For example, he recently came down with bronchitis,

….And I live far. Well, at least I call always Dad to cheer him up (развеселить).

Yesterday he said that he had just been to the doctor’s.

Dad also said he still had a headache.

The doctor also told my father to dress warmly and drink lots of tea.

…but he did tell me that being sick is not fun (=is unpleasant)

Thank God he in not in the hospital! It’s good he is at home.

FR F13 ADV Health

Conversation Class

Lesson Summary


Language and Section:

French13 ADV



Class theme/topics discussed: Health

Goal of the class: students may be able to describe what they feel to a doctor and understand treatments.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

Introduction: 5mn

–       Greetings

–       Coming cultural activities

–       Any questions?

–       Autumn and cold are coming: have you been ill recently?

Vocabulary bingo (pair work) 10 min

–       Goal: to see vocabulary

–       I give each pair a table with words about health.

–       I describe one word without saying it. Then students cross the word they think it is.

–       The first pair with 3 words in a row wins.

–       Make them explain the rest of the words

Brainstorming: 15 min

–       Goal: group reflection about a given topic


–       In group (3), they should make list:

What should we do not to spread germs?

What should we do when we are sick to get better?

Debate:  20 min

–       Reading comprehension: I give them an article about the fact that the French people buy a lot of medicine. We explain the vocabulary together.

–       In two groups They have to make a pro and cons list about the use of medicine.

–       Debate half of the class is pro the use of medicine, the other half is against.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

Video, French ad about the importance of washing hands:

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

They enjoyed this class!

I was really surprise by their enthusiasm for the debate. They had many different ideas and it worked really well.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

Médicaments : comment consomment les Français ?

Publié le 10-07-2013 à 17h39

Par Le Nouvel Observateur

INFOGRAPHIE. 48 boîtes de médicaments par an et par habitant, un marché en léger recul… Aperçu chiffré de la consommation de médicaments en France.

L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a publié son analyse des ventes de médicaments pour l’année 2012 en France. Principale conclusion : le marché des médicaments est en léger recul. Il s’explique non par une baisse des quantités vendues mais par celle du chiffre d’affaires. En cause : les baisses de prix mises en œuvre en 2012 et le développement des génériques.

48 boîtes de médicament : c’est ce que consomme en moyenne chaque Français en un an. C’est moins que l’année dernière (-1,5% au total: -2,8 % pour les ventes en pharmacies; + 3% pour celles destinées aux établissements hospitaliers) mais «la consommation des médicaments reste importante», note l’agence.

Le 13 juin dernier, le syndicat de l’industrie pharmaceutique, le Leem, évoquait un «recul historique» après deux années de quasi-stagnation, avec, au total, un chiffre d’affaires (CA) qui a diminué de 2%. Pour le Leem, le recul du CA des ventes en officine était de 2,5% en 2012 et le CA à l’hôpital était stable.


FR S12 ADV Workout

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 13 SP 12

Date: 01/26/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Sports and workout
Goal of the class: learn about sports and rules in French

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Mime different sports other have to guess (10 minutes)
-Conversation in pairs: what sports do you do, any trophies? Did your parents force you to do a sport you didn’t want to do? (10 minutes)
-Tell us in group about the rules of a sport (La Crosse, Hockey, Basket Ball) (20 minutes)
-Video of a populare French skit with Jean Dujardin (of the movie the Artist), Brice de Nice, a fake surfer in Paris (10 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The mime, the video and the conversation in pairs was great. But some students didn’t know about the rules of Hockey, They had to use French Wikipedia.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

-The girls didn’t speak enough, next time, they will have to start the demonstration.

FR S12 INT Food

Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 11 SP 12

Date: 02/14/12

Class theme/topics discussed: French food habits in France and in the United States
Goal of the class: Make the students learn and exchange about the different food habits in France and in the United States.

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Open conversation about the different food habits in France and in the United states(20 minutes)
-Comment on a campaign made by the INPES (French Institute for Health) in 2008 (10 minutes)

-Working in pairs, the students had to talk about the cultural differences they noticed between eating in France and in the States (30 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheets to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class
-TV and computer for the video.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The students were excited about the topic and had a lot to say about they’re food habits (What they are cooking, what they like to eat, why they are vegetarian…)

How could this class be improved/ modified?
-In the intermediate class a few people went to France, I had to talk more than I should.

FR S12 ADV Health

Conversation Class
Lesson Summary

Language and Section: French 13 SP 12

Date: 01/19/12

Class theme/topics discussed: Health: Being sick in France

Goal of the class: learn to describe symptoms to a doctor, compare the two systems

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below):

-Warm up activity with the previous vocabulary (10 minutes)
-Learning new symptoms and illnesses (20 minutes)
-Describe hospital experience in France and in the states, learn about the different systems, emergency numbers… (15 minutes)
-Role play in group: one student is the doctor, you describe the symptoms and he/she has to determine your illness, tell you what to do and where to go. We also had a debate about getting a flu shot or not. (25 minutes)

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet ressources, playmobiles, etc.)

-Paper Sheet to write down the vocabulary for warm up activities for next class

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
-The topic was fun, but the students found out the illness too fast during the activity. I had to improvise a conversation about cures and a debate about flu shots.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
-I didn’t evaluate the time of the activity for so many people of an advanced level.

JP F10 ADV Feeling ill

Symptoms and diagnosis
-Charades (Gestures are related to the expression of symptoms)
-Model Dialogue (listening and filling in the blank)
-Role Play
-Open Discussion
-Making a origami crane (as a get-well present)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Our class was done the project. I wanted to meet students’ need that they want to learn daily Japanese conversation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, pair work, general discussion

How did students react?
Some students already forgot some words and phrases, but they remembered soon through the activities, especially the charades. Also, they enjoyed making a origami crane.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, all of them engaged in conversation so much!

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
This topic is necessary for daily life. It motivates students to learn Japanese and also generates lots of chances to talking in the classroom.

JP F10 INT Feeling ill

Class theme/topics discussed:

Expression of feeling ill
-Charades (vocabulary for the expression of feeling ill)
-Watching a video for learning Japanese(the expression of feeling ill)
-Role Play (One students should be a doctor. The other students should be a patient.)
-Making an Origami crane. (Get-well present)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Since this class has already done the project, I want students to improve daily conversation. This topic is the best as a introduction of daily conversation.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
-general discussion
-role play

How did students react?
They seemed to enjoy the class. They tried to make a beautiful Origami crane hard. So, at the last part of the class, the class was very quiet because they really concentrated on making it. That might be not good for conversation class.

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
-TV (To watch the video)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Most students really want to study in Japan. From my experience, it is important for international students to know daily life conversation in foreign countries. In addition, this topic (describing of feeling ill) is easily consisted by many kinds of activities.

CN F10 INT/ADV Review Class

Review Class

How did you pick this theme or topic?

According to students’ feedback from last semester, it is helpful to have a review class after a few days teaching.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Handouts, Group work, pair work

How did students react?

Students tried their best to apply their newly learned knowledge into finish the tasks. And they feel it is quite helpful to have a review class.
Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

It pretty helpful for students to review what they learned from the previous class and they can see what they’ve learned from the class.

Review Class I: Travelling, Transportation & A Doctor’s Visit

2 people as a group. Choose 3 places of China. Start from Beijing, find out how to get there by different public transportation.

Destination Public Transportation1
(duration/cost) Public Transportion2
(duration/cost) Public Transportion 3
(duration/cost) Notes

For Airplane:
For Train:
For coach/subway/bus/train/airplane:

Task 2:
Choose 1 place out of the previous 3 as your travelling destination, work with your partner to find out 3 most interesting features of it. To describe it without telling its name, other students need to guess.

Task 3:
Review body part vocabulary. Pair work.

Task 4:
Describe illness and ask for treatment. Pair work.

Student’s work sheet (next page)

Review class

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work
How did students react?
They found it quite useful to have review class.
Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
FLRC, camera, flip video, digital projector
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is useful for students to review the things they have learned and they can apply their new knowledge in the scenarios.

Review III: Job hunting, speed date & table manner, dinning out
Each students write down 3 words they learned in the previous two weeks. Mix the paper and two students as a pair pick up 4 paper to apply them to make a story using comic life.

Review class

How did you pick this theme or topic?

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Group work
How did students react?
They found it quite useful to have review class.
Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
FLRC, camera, flip video, digital projector
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is useful for students to review the things they have learned and they can apply their new knowledge in the scenarios.
Please complete this form weekly and submit on Sakai

Review III: Job hunting, speed date & table manner, dinning out
Each students write down 3 words they learned in the previous two weeks. Mix the paper and two students as a pair pick up 4 paper to apply them to make a story using comic life.

FR F10 ADV – health system and game “Doctor’s visit”

Health system + game “Doctor’s visit”

How did you pick this theme or topic?

I wanted them to talk about the differences between the French and American Health System, and also to do a role play and learn some more vocabulary about medicine-related things.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

General discussion
Role play

How did students react?

They reacted well.

Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)


Please attach a copy.
Below is the plan I had with me in class.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Advanced 9/21

1. Warm-up : weekend ?

2. Health system in France and the US: general questions

3. Role playing

feuille patient
cartes maladies possibles
feuille docteur
cartes traitements

CN F10 INT/ADV Hospitals and Doctors

Doctor Treatment List3Ailment Role CardsDoctor Treatment List1Class theme/topics discussed:


How did you pick this theme or topic?

It’s another common topic for students in their daily life. Starting from body part vocabulary to the description of their illness, students can build up a hospital and doctor related language learning system.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)

Handouts, Group work, pair work

How did students react?

It’s really changeling for them to figure out all the tasks however, they really enjoy the challenge.
Did they engage with each other and you?


What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Online video
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

Students found it is quite useful for them to learn all the vocabularies, especially with the language related to describe their illness and how to react to a doctor’s questions.

Health and Doctor 1

Warm up: 5MIN
Teaching body part related vocabulary by posters
Find out 5 body parts sung in the video.
View the poster to go through body parts in Chinese.
Give handouts of body parts and they need to work in pair to figure out the English meaning and Chinese pronunciations.
Funky Mummy

Divide into 3 groups, each group has one doctor. The rest are the patients. The patients
all do Rock-Scissor-Paper and the first loser picks a card from the pile. They look at the card and then say “Doctor, doctor my ______ hurts” or “Doctor, doctor, I have a _______” depending on the card they choose. Then the doctor should say “Oh That’s to bad” and wrap that part of the patient’s body in toilet
paper. This continues until one student in the class is a complete mummy (wrapped everywhere)

Find out the right remedy
Group work: each group is given a Chinese medicine pack and they need to figure out what kind of medicine it is and how to use it.


Health and Doctor 2

Warm up: Why Mongolian doctor?
New vocabulary
Cough – cough syrup
Earache – ear drops
Cold – cold medicine
Sore Throat – throat lozenge
Stomachache – tablet
Backache – pain pill
Headache – aspirin
Role-Play: Visit a doctor

End up:
Watch Chinese medicine ads and guess what they are about:

JP F09 ADV Picture difference, Mummy game

Class theme/topics discussed:
Cultural Activity announcement
・Picture difference (Vocabs for Halloween; 魔女・猫・おばけ・かぼちゃ・くも・くもの巣・ふくろう・こうもり・がいこつ)
・Mummy Game

How did you pick this theme or topic?
Because it was right before Halloween!

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Picture difference: I prepared the picture differences sheets from Ganki I divided in to pair, and they were finding the picture difference between 2 pictures. We did “Mummy Game” I prepared 4 rolls of Toilet papers. Make a pair, and one of them was going to be a doctor, and another one was going to be a patient(mummy). Then, doctor had to do じゃんけん with another doctor of team. Winner was a doctor, and Loser was a patient(mummy). Doctor had to ask patient “What’s wrong with you?” “Where do you hurt?” and the patient(loser) had to tell “My head is injured” or “my elbow hurts” and they needed to explain the detail. After that, Winner had to wrap the loser what they said the part of body.

How did students react?
Picture difference: This was good ice break, but first of all students seemed not be excited to do this, because it was too easy. But they talked a lot. So eventually, it was good.
Mummy Game: It was fun! They were so excited to do this, and they talked a lot! But I had to introduce the body parts first…many students didn’t know the body parts…that made me surprised because I thought they already knew the vocabs for body parts. I will make sure the body parts next time class.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they engaged very much!

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes! I would like to do these activity again! But only before Halloween…

Why or why not?
Students can be relax more than usual class because it was just right before Halloween. Mummy game is also good practice to memorize body parts. Mummy is good for Halloween!

FR S08 INT – Ethics issue

Reading of an article about a woman who was asking for euthanasia in France.

How did you pick this theme or topic?
( First they asked me questions about Universities in France so I talked for 20 minutes)
This is a current issue in France and I could find articles that were not hard to read.

How did you present the material? (Handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
First we played a game for vocabulary about health. I gave them a list of “words” but the letters were in disorder and they had to find what the words were. Then we brainstormed a little bit.
I introduced the article, and then we read it together. I checked the important words, or the ones they did not know.
Then I gave them a list of questions and divided them into small groups to discuss them.

How did students react?
The topic was not funny at all, but they seemed to be really interested, especially because the article I gave them opened up on what happened next, so they could try to guess. Then I told them what really happened. It made them really involved.

Did they engage with each other and you?

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