an archive of lesson plans

Tag: Holidays (Page 1 of 2)

JP F22 INT/ADV : Let’s talk about holiday plans!! 休日の過ごし方・予定について話そう〜!

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 14th week (28th and 30th November 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Conversation project

Goal of the class:  To be able to talk about holiday, resolutions

How did you structure the class?

28th November


              Talking about how to spend your holidays (This time focused on

                      Thanksgiving, winter break)

              Introducing new words to students

              Changing pairs to talk about the topic

              Expanding this to their cultural customs, rituals

17:15      End

30th November


              Reviewing this year (Sharing the highlight of this year),

 talking about ambition (resolution for next year)


Evaluation start!

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Overall, looking back for this course, I should have made them hurry to finish the conversation class project at the end of October already. During the evaluation, I felt we did not go through enough classes to “evaluate”. Next semester, there are going to be only 4 students for intermediate (thank god), so I will try not spending too much time on CC project next semester. ?という懺悔を残したりしてw

DE F20 INT/ADV – St. Martin’s Day & Lantern crafting

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 11/12/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate & Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: St. Martin’s Day

Goal of the class: Learn about German culture and master casual conversation

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up: Have you heard of St. Martins Day or seen lantern-walks before? Why are they happening?

Watch short cartoon about St. Martin:

B) Activity: Make a lantern as is a custom in Germany on 11/11 while listening to songs that are traditionally sung, like  “Ich geh mit meiner Laterne“ and “Laterne, Laterne”.

Here is an example for an easy lantern:
This one is made poking holes, alternatively you can have the students cut out shapes with small scissors and glue tissue paper behind it.

Maybe watch video of actual St. Martin’s procession towards the end, when people are settled in with crafting (you can find some on Youtube).

C) Discussion while crafting or after: What were your favorite Childhood activities this time of year? Is there something similar in your culture?

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) Props: Share Screen function in Zoom, Chat, Youtube, Spotify, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference.

I emailed students a few days before with what is needed so they could get the supplies needed for making the lanterns (cardboard box, scissors, thumb tacks, glue, tissue paper, fake candle, etc.).

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students very much enjoyed making the lanterns. It is a bit hard to make them multi-task, so they became chattier once they were almost done with their work. It worked well to listen to some traditional songs while they were crafting and showing the videos in the beginning & end.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I’d leave it as is. And we took a screenshot photo with all our lanterns at the end, which made a fun memory.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language:   (Password: GERMAN)

DE F20 INT/ADV – Christmas Escape Room

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

Day and Date: 11/24/2020

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediante/Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas & the holidays

Goal of the class: Learning about German customs and escaping Krampus’ mine

How did you structure the class?

A) Warm-Up: With the lights off and your Zoom background set to a coal mine, tell the students they have been captured and brought to a coal mine because they opened their advent calendars too early! Impersonating Krampus for this is highly recommended & fun (I wore a Santa hat and used a flash light to make myself look frightening)

B) Give them the “escape room” game Google Sheet link and explain (as “Krampus”) how they are going to find the code word to get out (which is “Merry Christmas” in German, but backwards, see Key sheet). Stress that they are supposed to talk to each other to solve riddles together, one at a time. Then set a timer for 45-50 minutes for them to solve the questions and to guess the code word.

It’s good to remind them of the time they have left every once in a while (half time and maybe 5 minutes before, depending how they are doing on time). I plan about 5 minutes per question on average as a guideline. If they are taking longer, feel free to help them a bit by telling them if their answer is right or wrong before they type them in, to avoid detours. And giving hints or more information about a correct answer works well, too.

C) Once the game is finished, go over the answers the students provided or answer any outstanding questions about Christmas in Germany.

D) Extra activity: Watch “Cat-A-Claws”, a 2-minute Christmas themed cat movie (this is my own production, but available publicly). Find traditions and words we talked about in the movie.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.): Share Screen function in Zoom, Chat, Google Sheets, Vimeo, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students enjoyed the surprise escape room very much and solved the riddles just in time. I clarified some things during the game and helped a bit to keep it moving. It was a fun way to learn!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I’ve tried this both with just one student and a group of three students and both took about 45-50 minutes to finish it. If the group is much larger, communication might be hard so they should probably be split up into groups of three or four and you can jump from room to room to help if necessary.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

Virtual Handout in target language (Password: GERMAN)

Note: You can use the key document for yourself and then load the blank template tab into Google Sheets to have the students work in the same document. It’s best if one student shares their screen of it so all can see what’s asked.

JP F18 INT/ADV Thanksgiving

Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

Day and Date: Tuesday, November 27th

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese 

Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

Goal of the class: To be able to talk about / listen to Thanksgiving Holiday. 

How did you structure the class?

Activity1 (10 min): Warm-up

I talk about my Thanksgiving holiday. This is going to be a game, two truths and a lie. I write three key words that are related to my Thanksgiving holiday on the whiteboard and talk a bit about each word. Then students ask one question each. After everyone asks one question, they guess what key word is a lie. 

Activity2 (45 min): Two Truths and A Lie

I give students a few minutes to think about their key words. Then, one student presents his/her Thanksgiving as I showed. Every student gets a chance to talk about theirs. 

Activity3 (5 min): Wrap-up

We choose who was the best liar and who was the most honest one. 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked really well. Students were really engaged into the game, paying attention to everyone very carefully. I tried to manage the time but it didn’t go well as I calculated. So not everyone had a chance to talk about. However, I believe it would have been better this way than dividing the class into two groups because students are very close each other and they wanted to know each one’s Thanksgiving story.  

How could this class be improved/ modified?As for time management, the class could be divided into two groups or warm-up could be shorter. 

JP S18 INT/ADV “Omikuji” or A Fortune Slip

Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

Day and Date: 1/24/2018

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: Omikuji or A Fortune Slip    

Goal of the class: To get to be familiar with Japanese culture of New Year Day and to actually make their original Omikuji.

How did you structure the class?

Activity1 (10 min): Japanese New Year Tradition  

I tell students a Japanese new year tradition, which is hatsumode, showing pictures.

Activity2 (5 min): Omikuji or fortune slip

I explain what is Omikuji.

Activity3 (5 min): Brainstorming  

In order to make their original Omikuji, we brainstorm together about some categories that tell fortunes this year.

Activity4 (10 min): Making Omikuji

I give a piece of Omikuji paper to students and they make their original one. They choose 4 categories from the brainstorming and write fortunes on each category.

Activity5 (10 min): Telling Fortune

I mix up every Omikuji they made and they pick one up, starting with the youngest person. Then, they open the Omikuji all together. They can freely share what it tells with their neighbors. After that, we share each student’s funniest, happiest or most interesting one with the whole class.

Activity6 (5 min): Wrap-up

I make a brief announcement of the coming cultural activity.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It seemed a little challenging for some students to follow at first, especially for those who were new to my class if I compared it with the advanced class. However, as the class went on, they got to understand what was going on. They loved the activity and it was nice that one student didn’t know how to write Japanese and other students helped her do that.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would keep most of it as it is. One thing I could add is to make a list what we’re going to do today and so everyone can follow, at least can follow which activity we’re on.

JP F17 INT Fall Break

Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

Day and Date: 10/18/2017

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese

Class theme/topics discussed: Fall Break

Goal of the class: To get to know each other’s fall break and to be able to tell fall break of their own.



How did you structure the class?

Activity1 (15 min): Story telling

I show pictures of my fall break. Students create a short conversation for each picture in pair.

Activity2 (5 min): Preparation for Dice Game

I divide students into 3 groups and give each group a dice with numbers. I also give them a chart sheet. I explain about the game and students make sentences what to tell for each number on dice and write them down on the sheet. The sentences could be the place I went, people I was with, thigs I did etc…

Activity3 (20 min): Dice Games

Students play the game in each group. After several times go, I ask students to change the group.

Activity4 (15 min): Conversation Class Project Planning

We decide what kind of tradition or custom of the US to introduce in a video.

Activity5 (5 min): Wrap-up and Announcement

I wrap up the activities and do a quick announcement.


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)



What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked well. Activity 1 went better than I planned, which lasted for 15 minutes more. Students were very creative and each pair came up with different idea from the others. I myself really enjoyed listening to each one. It looked a bit confusing for students when I explained how to play a dice game but it was nice of some students that they tried to make sure what exactly they had to do.


How could this class be improved/ modified?

Activity1 could be going longer than 15 minutes so Activity4 would be removed.

DE F17 INT Thanksgiving

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Ines Fister

 Day and Date: Monday, Nov 20, 2017

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, intermediate, 3 students

 Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

 Goal of the class: Students learn basic vocabulary about Thanksgiving

 How did you structure the class?  

4.15-5.45 (30mins): Story telling – my funny Thanksgiving (story cubes from German LR closet). Each student gets 5 story cubes (= dice with various symbols) and has to tell a story about Thanksgiving which includes all the symbols they diced. The other students have to guess which part of the story came from the cubes. Students can ask for and look up vocabulary.

5.45-5.15 (30mins): collect all vocab on the board; students handcraft a vocabulary turkey – all the new words are written on feathers made from paper; they can color the feathers and the turkey (prepared by LR) as they want and stick all the feathers on the turkey – it’s a nice decoration for the classroom or the bulletin board.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

whiteboard, story cubes; handcrafting materials (paper, scissors, colors, glue or tape)

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It worked very well, but we would have needed a little more time. They had troubles telling an exciting story that also has to do with thanksgiving; but as they are intermediate that is okay.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

Add some basic vocab work before having them telling the story. Repeat all the vocab in the end. If you have enough time, each student could make their own turkey – for example assign them different themes like family, food and activities. The activity, including the additional proposals made, could be planned for two lessons.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

DE S17 INT Zoo plan cooperation game

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Martin Siebert


Day and Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German Intermediate Conversation


Class theme/topics discussed:


Zoo plan cooperation game.


Goal of the class:


Students learn or recap vocabulary (animals) and cooperate to solve a small riddle.


How did you structure the class?


5-10 minutes: Vocabulary quiz. The LR shows the students a power point with pictures of different animals in a quick sequence. The students write down the animals’ names if they know them. After the sequence the students compare; the student with the most correct vocabulary wins.


25 minutes: Zoo plan. The students receive a plan of a zoo with different enclosures and the respective animals living in it. They are handed out a plan and slips with the different animals on it and work together in groups. Following a few rules they have to come up with a new layout that regards all these and decide on new animals for the zoo, too.


20-25 minutes: Sentence starters. Students draw a slip of paper from a box. The slip contains a sentence starter. They have to complete the sentence and provide some more details (a few sentences) to reveal something about themselves. The other students are welcome to ask questions.



What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


Pictures of different animals on the TV screen, Zoo plan layouts, animal paper slips, printed rules of the game, sentence starter paper slips.


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


Students liked the initial vocabulary quiz and enjoyed the sometimes very simple compound words that are used in German as the animals’ names. The zoo-plan layout game worked quite well, students cooperated and talked much. The sentence starter game is a good way to have people reveal interesting things about themselves.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


Good class, would keep it as it is.








Language Resident Name:

Ting Cao

Day and Date:


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

Chinese, Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed:

Spring Festival

Goal of the class:

Through this class, student will be able to talk about how Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival, and they will know more traditional culture about this festival. They will also learn to sing a Spring Festival song.

How did you structure the class?

Session 1

  1. Q&A: Have you celebrated Spring Festival before? When and where? Do you know how people celebrate Spring Festival in China?  Do you know which animal is used to represent this year? What’s the animal for your birth year?
  1. Group Discussion: work in pairs and look for the similarities and differences between SpringFestival and Christmas.
  1. The teacher use powerpoint to introduce some traditions that students don’t know.
  2. Listen to a song and write down the lyrics.                                                                                                                                  Distribute the handouts to students. On the handouts are the lyrics of a Spring Festival song, but some words are missing. Students read the lyrics one by one. Teacher explains new words by using pictures. Afterwards, students listen to the music and write down those missing words. They check the words in pairs. Teacher shows the right words. Learn to sing these two songs with videos.

Session 2

  1. Teacher uses a powerpoint to explain the rules of debate.
  2. Teacher shows a video about debate.
  3. Teacher introduces two questions for debate: ”Should parents take the red envelope from their children?”, “Should Chinese people celebrate foreign festivals?”
  4. Students are separated into four teams. Each question has two teams to debate, one is for positive point and the other is for negative point. Prepare for the debate.
  5. Debate time. When two teams are debating, the other two teams will be judgments to decide which team wins.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handouts, powerpoint, videos

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Class was good. Almost all the students have experience of celebrating this festival. When we talked about the traditions, they shared many stories. They really like the music part. During the debates, students listened carefully to opposite team and responded to their questions. Both two debates were very intense. They had a lot of fun.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.










孩儿                 笑嘻嘻,






ŏu     sī





一切要从                 起,

创造                 新天地。





DE SP16 ADV Carnival speech

Conversation Class Lesson Summary


Language Resident Name: Charlotte Eisenblaetter


Day and Date: Tuesday, 9 February ‘16


Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced


 Class theme/topics discussed: Die Büttenrede (Carnival speech in Germany)


Goal of the class: Writing a funny speech and rhyming about Pomona college


How did you structure the class?


  • Warm-up: I gave them some rhyming words and they had to come up with two lines for each pair. (10 min)
  • I explained to them what a “Büttenrede” is and that at carnival, people make funny speeches about things that the audience can relate to, like institutions, places and people. Then I asked them to think of typical places and persons representing Pomona college and interesting characteristics of these. From this information, we started to make rhyming couples and wrote a little speech. (50 min)


What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Paper and pen


What worked well in this class? What did not work?


This worked great! The students told me that they had a lot of fun.


How could this class be improved/ modified?


For intermediate, you could also write a speech. But instead of rhyming, you set a rule that each sentence has to start with the last word of the sentence before.

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan advanced 9. februar 




CN S15 INT Chinese Spring Festival

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed:

Chinese Spring Festival

Goal of the class:

  1. To help students understand the quintessential part of Chinese culture;
  2. To help students know the history and some stories of Chinese Spring Festival;
  3. To practice students’ speaking skills from the cultural perspective (in simple Chinese).

How did you structure the class?

  1. Introduce a new topic today—Chinese Spring Festival by brainstorming (The students say something about it as much as they can.);
  2. Ask the students to learn the story and history of Chinese Spring Festival by group facilitation;
  3. Ask them to talk about how people celebrate Spring Festival in China;
  4. Learn some words and expressions about Spring Festival celebration;
  5. Learn the culture by watching some videos:

  1. Learn how to sing the Chinese New Year song “gong xi gong xi”:

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Handouts and videos.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The discussion and video part worked well in this class, since the students are passionate about Chinese culture and they are interested in the funny stories of Chinese Spring Festival. Some of them will study in China next semester.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

DE F14 INT Christmas and comparative

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: Wednesday, 12/03/2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German intermediate

 Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas, comparative and superlative

 Goal of the class: revision of Christmas vocabulary and grammar discussed on Monday, expand on the grammar, short wrap up

How did you structure the class?

Ice Breaker: Christmas cartoon,announcements. How was the week so far, how crazy will next week be (finals)?

Intro: What did we do last time (one of my two students wasn’t there, so the other one gets to broadly summarize)

Activity One: Write all the words you associate with Christmas and winter on the board. Read them out loud and explain the ones the other person doesn’t know

Activity Two: do a word puzzle in which some of those words appear

Activity Three: grammar review – the student who was there on Monday explains the rules of comparative and superlative to the other student. Try to remember the irregular cases. Add one or two extra rules we didn’t talk about last time. Do one or two examples together

Activity Four: “Quartett” à A deck of cards is split among the students – every card has one German dish that is rated in four different categories (adjectives, so they can use the comparative). They put their cards so they can only ever see the top one. The goal is to get your partners cards. The way you do that: You pick a category you think your card has a good rating in and say the category and the rating – the person opposite checks the rating of their card, if it’s lower, he/she has to hand it over, if it’s higher he/she gets their partners card instead.

Activity Five: the students put their three favorite words they learned this semester on the board. Then they write a very short story with those words.

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Cartoon, whiteboard, quartett game

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 Activity one was a little slow. They loved the games in the end and went all out on their comparatives.

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 Have a back up for activity one, make them explain the words they have put on the board

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


DE F14 ADV Christmas and Slang

Language Resident Name: Mirja Schoderer

 Day and Date: 12/04/2014

 Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German advanced

 Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas, slang

 Goal of the class: Review vocabulary, compare traditions, recognize and understand slang expressions

 How did you structure the class?

 Ice Breaker: Announcements, talk about finals

 Activity One: play a Christmas-themed memory where the pairs consist of a picture and the word

 Activity Two: do a Christmas-related puzzle while we talked about Christmas traditions in our families

 Activity Three: My student is going to Freiburg in spring and I want her to be able to understand people there as much as possible, so we did a quick review of the most important characteristics of the dialect there. Then I asked her to do a couple of things in dialect and she had to do them

 Activity Four: I had prepared cards with slang expressions and their correspondents in standard German. She had to figure out what corresponded to what

 Activity Five: We read a dialogue in standard German. Then, using the slang expressions we learned, we transformed that dialogue in something you would hear on the street

 Activity Six: We finished with a very popular video of a German band in which a lot of the slang expression are used

 What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

 Video, whiteboard, handout, memory

 What worked well in this class? What did not work?

 How could this class be improved/ modified?

 More time!! We had to finish after half the slang expressions I prepared and only did half the dialogue because of that

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.


CN F14 INT Mid-autumn Day (Moon Festival)

Language Resident Name: Zehuang Cao (Johnson)

Day and Date: Monday, September 8, 2014

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Chinese Intermediate 011

Class theme/topics discussed: Mid-autumn Day (Moon Festival)

Goal of the class:

  1. Get the students to know an important traditional festival in China—Moon Festival;
  2. Enhance the students’ interest in Chinese culture.

How did you structure the class?

  1. Introduce the topic—history, customs, and stories (15 mins);
  2. Show some moon pictures taken in different parts of China to celebrate Moon Festival;
  3. Tell the students how to celebrate this festival in China via some videos:

  1. Get the students to have a group discussion about how people celebrate family reunion in their home countries, and invite them to have a taste of Chinese moon cakes.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

Videos, pictures, powerpoint, handout for new words about the theme

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Introduction to this festival and group discussion worked very well, because they are quite interested in Chinese culture and celebration of this festival. They really appreciated eating moon cakes.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

No. Everything was fine and they had great fun.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that). Please attach any handouts as well.

  1. 中秋节:Mid-autumn Festival
  2. 团圆:reunion
  3. 农历:lunar calendar
  4. 阳历:solar calendar
  5. 唐朝:Tang Dynasty
  6. 习俗:custom
  7. 赏月:admire/enjoy the full moon
  8. 吃月饼:eat moon cakes
  9. 传说:legend
  10. 庆祝:celebrate


CN S14 INT April Fool’s Day

Class theme/topics discussed:
April fool’s day

Goal of the class:
Students will learn some phrases related to April fool’s day and use it in their daily conversation.

Structure of the class :
1) New words
2) Taboo game
3) Watch some April fool’s day radios
4) Talk about your story

What technology, media or props did you use?

整人节目Just For Laughs Gags


What worked well in this class? What did not work?
Students liked the video a lot. They laughed and asked questions because the talking from the video is fast.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.

愚:愚弄 sb. / fool sb.
被愚弄=上当get fooled
eg. 早上,我的朋友愚弄了我。/我被我的朋友愚弄了。

开玩笑:I am kidding!
和/跟Sb.开玩笑: 我的朋友总是跟我开玩笑。

eg. 这只是一个笑话。

说谎:tell a lie

整人:give sb. a hard time

高招:extremely good method
eg. 他有很多整人的高招。

搞怪: do something weird
eg. 她很喜欢搞怪。

eg. 女朋友过生日的时候,他给了她一个很大的惊喜。

幸灾乐祸:enjoy the misfortunes of others





装神弄鬼: mystify


ES F12 INT Holidays

Language and Section: Spanish 11-01

Date: 15.November.2012

Class theme/topics discussed: Holidays and touristic spots in Spain

Goal of the class: talk a little bit about holidays and show them some cities in Spain, which are tourists’ attractions

Structure of the class (unless you attach your lesson plan below)
We did a discussion between life in the cities and in the countryside. There were two teams and one team had to come up with advantages of living in a city and disadvantages of living in the countryside and the other team the other way around. After that we had a discussion among all the students with their arguments.
I asked them to form two groups and talk about their favorite holidays. They had to share their experiences with the class. After that I asked them if they knew any cities and traditions/fests in Spain. I asked them to get in pairs and I gave them a document with different pictures on them. Each document had pictures of a city in Spain and they had to talk and try to figure out what the city was, what kind of tourism would have, what people could do, etc.
I projected a map of Spain on the screen and they had to point the place they thought the city was. I helped them and told them a little bit about the cities. They passed the documents around so that everybody could see the pictures.

What technology, media or props did you use? (satellite tv, internet resources, playmobiles, etc.)

What worked well in this class? What did not work?
They liked to talk about their own experiences. Also, they were pretty interested in know which one the cities were and where they are located. They asked some questions about the map and asked to pass around the pictures so that everybody could see.

How could this class be improved/ modified?
I should have left more time for the pictures and the map. I realised that if we had had more time we could have talked a lot more about the cities and the touristic spots. I could have shown them some more pictures on the screen.

Please attach your lesson plan and handouts for this class below – if you used any.







4. SI…




JP S11 ADV Easter

Class theme/topics discussed:

・Talk about Easter
Each student explained about what Easter holiday is and how they celebrate Easter holiday at home. After that, they have to answer some questions from classmates and I.

・Egg Hunting
This game was not just to find an egg in the room. I hided 10 cards, which is written a word on each card, in Oldenborg. Students had to find all cards by using clue cards and put them in right order to know where the egg was. The egg was in my pocket!

How did you pick this theme?

I really wanted to do an educational/instructional activity like debate under the topic of politics. However, my students did not want to do that. (I heard how they think of debate in Japanese in advance.) So I decided to do a fun activity. Easter was coming soon, I tried to do some activities related to Easter. For some seniors, they are going to go to Japan after graduation. They will need to talk their won culture in Japan. So it became great opportunity for them to think and talk about Easter and their culture.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion, group work (treasure hunting)

How did students react?
When students found a card, I divided them into 3 groups. Each groups wanted to find a cards faster than other groups. So students thought hard and run! They were amazing!!

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Yes, students loved to do that.

Why or why not?
From my experience, it is very important for all people to talk about their own culture. I think learning foreign language also brings people awareness of their origin culture and value. Especially, some students are going to go to Japan this year. They will need to have the oppotunity of talking their culture. Easter is not Japanese culture, but I think language residents can make a good lesson plan from American culture like today’s lesson plan.

RU S11 INT/ADV February 23 in Russia

Class theme/topics discussed:
February 23 in Russia

How did you pick this theme or topic? Relevant to the day; students learn about another Russian holiday and traditions associated with it.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, video, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, the topic, and the video.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс – текст
Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
Fun activities that introduce students to the Russian cultural traditions.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 12
February 24, 2011

1. News of the day.
February, 23d is a special day in Russia. What is it? (Какой праздник отмечают в России 23 февраля?) Write the official name of the holiday on the board. Ask them what it means. If they don’t know, introduce the words “Защитник/ защищать/ защита”, “Отечество”.
Give a short commentary on the history of the holiday – от большевиков до наших дней.
Ask students’ opinion on the idea of having a holiday like this.

2. On the board – a Russian saying (I introduced it by saying that February 23d is considered a very masculine holiday, so the saying we are about to discuss is also very «masculine» ☺ )
Баба с возу – кобыле легче.

Students are asked to translate it using a dictionary and try to guess the meaning.

3. Reading/ preparing to watch a video:
Introduce the video, say that it is a real анонс, but inform them that it is a joke – so that no one gets offended. It may be a good example of how political correctness functions in Russia.

(Handout Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс – текст)

Students read the text out loud, one by one, and translate it. We discuss the vocabulary, I point out the words that they need to memorize:

Определенно = точно
Изобрести / изобретение / изобретатель
Гордиться (+ творит. падеж)
Глубоко в душе, в глубине души (+ comment on the English equivalent – as a rule, where English idiomatic expressions have the word HEART, in Russian it is ДУША, soul)
Какая разница – comment on two possible meanings depending on the intonation: 1) It doesn’t matter! / Forget it! / What’s the difference?.. 2) What a difference!
Особенный день

4. Watching the video Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс

RU S11 INT Holidays – Kreschenie and Sviatki

Class theme/topics discussed:
Праздник Крещения. Святки. (Epiphany and the tradition of Sviatki in Russia.) Predicting future – good or bad?

How did you pick this theme or topic?
In Russia January 19th is the day when people celebrate Epiphany, a holiday widely celebrated not only by truly religious people, but by many others who follow the special traditions of this day.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, work in pairs.

How did students react?
They found the topic interesting since none of them were familiar with the discussed traditions.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Lesson 2_ Jan 20_Text (Epiphany)
Lesson 2_Jan 20_Sviatki

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Definitely yes. It introduces students to important cultural knowledge and new vocabulary.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 2
January 20, 2011

Before the class put up the picture on the board (ice-bathing for the day of Epiphany). Students will get curious about what it is when they come to class, but don’t tell them anything.

1. News of the day.

2. Expression of the day on the board:

Сколько лет, сколько зим!

First work with the words «лет» and «зим» – ask the students to define the case of these words and then to put them in Nom. Sg. and Pl. (they should be able to deduce this by this time).
Explain the use of the root «лет» – in words ЛЕТО (summer) and in the archaic word ЛЕТА (or ЛЕТЫ – as years). Tell them that a new year in Rus’ used to start in the end of summer, etc., that is why years were counted by summers. Now they can see this relation in Genitive Plural for ГОД, which is ЛЕТ. (don’t spend more than 5 minutes on that)

3. Photograph on the board:

Ask them to look at it and try to guess what is happening. Write ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ? on the board above the picture. Let them all suggest something, then turn to the text.

4. Text: Lesson 2_ Jan 20_Text (Epiphany) — divide students in two equal groups, group one gets text 1, group two gets text two. (Handout “Epiphany text”)
They work on the text on their own, then ask each other questions that they have at the bottom of the handout. (i.e. groups share with each other what they have just read about)

Ask each group to choose three words in their texts that they find the most useful and write them with translations on the board.

Discussion: хотели бы вы попробовать окунуться в прорубь? Если бы вы были родителем, вы бы окунули своего ребенка в прорубь – как человек на фотографии?

5. Tell them that January 19th is the end of the period called Святки. Distrubute the handout “Sviatki”, one or two students read out loud. Lesson 2_Jan 20_Sviatki
Kакой американский праздник напоминают Святки?
– Хотели бы вы погадать и узнать свое будущее? Почему да/ нет?

RU S11 ADV Epiphany and Sviatki

Class theme/topics discussed:
Праздник Крещения. Святки. (Epiphany and the tradition of Sviatki in Russia.) Predicting future – good or bad?

How did you pick this theme or topic?
In Russia January 19th is the day when people celebrate Epiphany, a holiday widely celebrated not only by truly religious people, but by many others who follow the special traditions of this day.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion, work in pairs.

How did students react?
They found the topic interesting since none of them were familiar with the discussed traditions.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 2_Jan 20_Sviatki

Lesson 2_ Jan 20_Text (Epiphany)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class? Why or why not?
Definitely yes. It introduces students to important cultural knowledge and new vocabulary.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 2
January 20, 2011

Before the class put up the picture on the board (ice-bathing for the day of Epiphany) – handout “Picture (Epiphany)”. Students will get curious about what it is when they come to class, but don’t tell them anything.

1. News of the day.

2. Expression of the day on the board:

Как в воду канул!

Ask the students to guess what this expression means, only then give the real meaning. Examples in context.

3. Photograph on the board:
Ask them to look at it and try to guess what is happening. Write ЧТО ПРОИСХОДИТ? on the board above the picture. Let them all suggest something, then turn to the text.

4. Text: divide students in two equal groups, group one gets text 1, group two gets text two. (Handout “Text (Epiphany)”)
They work on the text on their own, then ask each other questions that they have at the bottom of the handout. (i.e. groups share with each other what they have just read about)

Ask each group to choose three words in their texts that they find the most useful and write them with translations on the board.

Discussion: хотели бы вы попробовать окунуться в прорубь? Если бы вы были родителем, вы бы окунули своего ребенка в прорубь – как человек на фотографии?

5. Tell them that January 19th is the end of the period called Святки. Distrubute the handout “Sviatki”, one or two students read out loud.
Какой американский праздник напоминают Святки?
– Хотели бы вы погадать и узнать свое будущее? Почему да/ нет?

RU F10 INT New Year’s and Christmas

Class theme/topics discussed:
Christmas and New Year

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
General discussion.

How did students react? They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop.
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?

Intermediate Russian Conversation
Lesson 28
December 7, 2010

1. Discuss plans for the break.
2. Show two pictures – of Santa Claus and Дед Мороз:
Students point out the differences. Then remember legends/ stories/ rituals related to these characters.
3. Christmas and New Year in Russia: what do they know? + brief information
– if time – work on vocab with this handout (students are asked to tag pictures/ name the depicted activity) Новый год слова

ES F10 INT/ADV Traditions

Conversation Class
Lesson Plan


Date: 12/02/2010

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It was the last class, so we decided to talk about traditions during Christmas.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
We went to the Coop, got coffee and cookies and talked in a very relaxed way about these traditions.

How did students react?
They enjoyed it very much, especially the treats.

Did they engage with each other and you?
Yes, they did.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
List of traditions.

Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
They learned a lot of different traditions while having fun.

Int26-Tradiciones navideñas típicas de países hispanohablantes

JP F10 INT/ADV Thanksgiving

Class theme/topics discussed:
-Checking Attendance (Language table, cultural activities, conversation attendance)
-Talking about Thanksgiving by using the way of Saikoro Talk (Japanese famous talk show)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
I wanted students to talk about their great experience during thanksgiving. Since students talk in turn was bored, I introduced Japanese talking show style.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, general discussion, student presentation

How did students react?

At first, students did not fully understand the rule of Saikoro Talk, but they understood that later and enjoyed talking their great experience during Thanksgiving. They love this talking style. It was fun.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
PC (for watching Japanese talkshow),
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
It is important for students to express their feeling and their experience to the other in target language. This game definitely helps to improve speaking ability. They also explained custom of thanksgiving.

DE F10 INT Christmas

Conversation Class Lesson Plan

Section: Conversation Intermediate

Date: 30th Nov 2010

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
It’s Christmas soon.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
I gave them 2 papers, one with vocabs and the other one with the corresponding pictures. The students had to cut the pictures and put them next to the words. After that we talked about the different Christmas traditions we have.

How did students react?
They liked it.

Did they engage with each other and you?

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
It’s the time of the year, everybody likes Christmas.

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