an archive of lesson plans

Category: Everyday Life (Page 1 of 11)

About renting something, getting stuff done, life in a city

FR 2024 Intermediate Conversation class: Commander dans un restaurant et demander son chemin dans un pays francophone – Ordering food in France

Activity 1: What is your favorite restaurant? Have you ever been to a French restaurant? If yes, share your experience !

Activity 2: You are lost in Paris, in Lyon or in Lille and you need to ask for directions. I gave them three different maps and I divided the class into groups of two. One student had to ask for directions and the other one had to explain where to go. Then, exchange roles !

Activity 3: Role play: I gave them copies of the menu of a restaurant in Valenciennes in the North of France and they had to order food and drinks.

FR 2024 Intermediate Conversation Class: Pâques en France !

Activity 1: Do you celebrate Easter with your family? If not, can you talk about a family tradition that you celebrate.

Activity 2: Facts about Easter : True or False?

  • Pâques est une fête religieuse et traditionnelle
  • Seules les familles croyantes fêtent “Pâques”
  • Le lundi de Pâques est un jour férié en France
  • Pâques est une fête chrétienne
  • Pendant Pâques, une chasse aux poules est organisée
  • Pâques célèbre le début de l’hiver
  • Elle a lieu le lendemain de la fin du Carême qui s’est achevé le 28 mars 2024 cette année
  • Quand se déroule la semaine sainte ?
  • Pourquoi les cloches de Pâques ont-elles leur importance en France ?

Activity 3: Pictionary: The students have to draw words related to Easter and Spring on the board.

The class went great, and the students really liked the activities !

jp s24 Talking about CM:Japanese ads(int and adv)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

**Please email your course summaries for the week to Adan and Eileen preferably Thursday evening 

and no later than Friday afternoon.

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/18(Thu)

Language and Level (please circle): Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese ads!

Goals of the class: Challenge class: Being able to create an original commercial.

How did you structure the class? 

 Japanese tongue twist(15min)

 Listen to the YouTube and challenge it.

②Finding some interesting ads(20min)

→pair work

 Commercial skit(25min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, YouTube

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The tongue twist and the skit went really well. It was a great way to start the class since it woke up the students and it was very fun. Also, for the skit the students were very creative.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I should have shared the interesting ads that the  students found so they could have more idea about the Japanese ads.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  

jp s24Talking about slang! 若者言葉(int and adv)

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/25(Thu)

Language and Level (please circle):  Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s learn some Japanese slang!

Goals of the class: Being able to use some Japanese slang?

How did you structure the class? 

  •  Free talk (15min)
  • Introducing what kind of slang that I use (10min)
  • Discussion(25min)

Do you often use English slang? Why do you use it? Do you know some Japanese slang?

    Talk your semester using the slang that you learned at the class.

  • Class evaluation(15min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed the discussion, and I learned many things about English slang from the students. It was hard for students to explain the English slang in Japanese, but the students did they best.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think the students could search slang and introduce the words. I think this would have made the class more interesting.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

jp s24 onomatopia

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/23(Tue)

Language and Level (please circle):  Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s learn onomatope!

Goals of the class: Being able to use the onomatope in sentences.

How did you structure the class? 

  • Free talk(15min)
  • Guessing the onomatope game(30min)
  • Creating a story using onomatope(15min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

All the activities went very well! Students enjoyed the game, and they came up with interesting stories. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe for the game it may have just been better for me to divide the group into two. I think this would have made the game more interesting.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

RU F23 INT Russian markets

Class theme/topics discussed: we discussed different types of markets in Russia and their peculiarities, vocabulary related to trade

Goals of the class: to familiarize Ss with the kinds of markets that they are very likely to come across in Russia, Kazakhstan etc, to let them know what they can find there and what they can expect to see / what is expected from them. To brush up / learn some new vocab related to trade.

How did you structure the class? We spent about 15 minutes discussing the weekend and asked each other questions about it. Then I handed each of the Ss a wordsearch activity (included below) that I created myself. There were words related to trade. They knew almost all of them, only 1-2 I had to explain in more detail. Then I asked them what they thought our today’s topic was (-> trade). We talked about the weekly farmer’s market in Claremont and then I showed them 2 pictures of 2 types of Russian markets. In pairs they had to discuss what the difference between the 2 was and later, after they presented their opinions, I explained the difference to them. I asked them a couple more topic-related questions, told a short story and divided them into pairs. One pair was FOR and the other AGAINST such markets that we discussed. We had mini-debates (I wanted to test the waters before dedicating a larger portion of a CC to this format). After the rebuttal I had them correct the agreements and that was the end of the class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Wordsearch handouts, whiteboard, photos on my laptop

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I did not expect Ss to like the wordsearch so much. They also gave positive feedback about the mini-debates

How could this class be improved/ modified? I guess I could give them some information on the structure of debates before having them. It seems to me that they did not have any exposure to debates before. The activity went well, but next time, when I decide to have debates in class again, I will dedicate more time to them and will make sure the Ss know the structure and what is expected from them, based on these mini-debates about the markets and also some visuals that I’ll prepare.


FR INT/ADV SP23 Political Systems in French-speaking Countries

Level: Intermediate and advanced

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe the main characteristics of the different political systems in French-speaking countries and their main differences.


– PowerPoint presentation on political systems in French-speaking countries

– Handouts with vocabulary related to politics and government

– Audio recordings with native speakers discussing political systems in different countries

– Internet access for research

Warm-up activity:

Begin the class by asking students to brainstorm words related to politics and government in French. Write their responses on the board and review the vocabulary as a class. Then, divide the students into pairs or small groups of 3 and give them a list of French-speaking countries. Have them research the type of government each country has and write a brief description.

Activity 1:

Present a PowerPoint on the different political systems in French-speaking countries. Include examples of countries that use each system and the main characteristics of each system. After the presentation, divide the class into small groups of 2 or 3 and assign each group a different political system. Have each group research a French-speaking country that uses their assigned political system and prepare a short presentation describing the system and how it functions in that country.

Activity 2:

Play audio recordings of native speakers discussing political systems in different countries. Have students listen and take notes on the characteristics of each system. Then, ask them to work in pairs to compare and contrast the different systems and discuss which one they believe is the most effective.

To extend the lesson, you could ask students to research current political events in a French-speaking country and write a news report discussing how the political system is affecting the situation. You could also ask them to research political parties in a French-speaking country and create a presentation discussing their platforms and how they relate to the political system in that country.

RU S23 ADV: Dream Job

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 03/21/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: Dream Job

Goal of the class:

  • Students can talk about jobs and use related vocabulary
  • Students can give reasoning to choose a particular job
  • Students can describe their dream job and explain their choice

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Famous People’s Quote (10 mins)
    I show the students a quote and ask them to speculate on the subject. Do you agree or disagree? “Choose a job you love, and you won’t have to work a day in your life.”
    “Выберите работу, которую вы любите, и вам не придется работать ни дня в своей жизни”.
  2. Activity 1. Vocab (10 min)
    I print out pictures that can be described with certain words from the vocabulary for this class. I ask students to find a pair using the a dictionary.
  3. Activity 2. Jobs of Famous People (10 min)
    First I show the students a portrait of George Clooney and ask them if they know what this man did before his acting career. I ask students to find a celebrity whose work was very unexpected before they became famous. They show us a portrait and we have to guess who they worked for.
  4. Activity 3. My dream job (20 min)
    In pairs, students fill out a chart about their partner’s dream job. Then they present the results to the whole class.

5. Wrap-up. Benefits of knowing a second language at work (10 min)
We wrap the class up with listing the benefits of knowing the second language for work.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. The dream job is a very topical issue for college students, and in my opinion it is very useful to reflect on this topic once again. Especially in a group where everyone shares the same problem. Students made interesting arguments for the first quote.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would add one more activity with students asking each other questions about jobs. For example, you print several questions and face them down. Students pick a card and ask another student the question.


Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/09/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: NEWS: TRUTH AND FAKES

Goal of the class:

  • Students will identify for themselves news media where they can read the news
  • Students can distinguish truth from untruth in Russian
  • Students can lie in Russian

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Good News (10 mins)
    Share the good news; what positive and interesting things happened to you in the past week?
  2. Activity 1. Discussion about news (10 min)
    Students discuss the following questions in pairs: Where do you read/watch the news? What was the last shocking news item you read? How do you recognize fakes? Is it difficult?
  3. Activity 2. What words are associated with the newspaper? (5 min)
    I write the word newspaper on the board and ask students to write all the words they associate with it.
  4. Activity 3. Objects create news (15 min)
    Create a news story with the items from the picture. In pairs, choose three items from the picture and create a news story.

5. Activity 4: Fake News
In pairs, students choose one news story that is real and make up a fake one from it. They can use their phones to do this. They then tell both news stories to the class, and they have to decide which one is true and which one is fake.

6. Wrap-up. Do you agree or disagree (10 min)
Read these statements. Decide whether you agree or disagree with them. Think about the reasons for your answers.
– Now that we have the Internet, print newspapers are no longer necessary.
– News reports are always biased.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I really enjoyed this class. The students are very interested in the topic of news in Russia. They talked a lot during the discussion. The picture activity, where they had to choose several subjects, was very interesting. The students were very creative. Also the last activity worked well. Students were able to practice their presentation and lying skills.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I wouldn’t change anything. In my opinion, the class went very smooth, even though I was a little nervous to talk about news sources.

FR INT/ADV S23 French Online Influencers

Objective: To introduce French online influencers and improve French language skills through watching their videos and engaging in related activities.

Level: Intermediate and advanced


– Access to the Internet and YouTube

– Activity sheets


1. Introduction of the concept of French online influencers, what they are, who some of the most popular ones are, and what they typically do (vlogs, gaming, comedy, etc.)

2. Present the influencers that will be focused on in this lesson: Squeezie, Mcfly et Carlito, and Le rire jaune, and make a brief overview of their content and why they are popular in France.

3. Ask students if they have heard of any of these influencers before, and if so, what they know about them. Encourage a discussion to get students engaged.

Activity 1: Watch a video by Squeezie

1. Have students watch a video by Squeezie on YouTube, such as his “Je teste des objets insolites” series or QUI EST L’IMPOSTEUR ? (ft Eric & Ramzy) .

2. While watching, have students take notes on any new vocabulary words or phrases they hear.

3. After watching, have students share some of the new words and phrases they learned. Create a vocabulary list on the board or in a shared Google doc online. What did they like/dislike about the videos?

Activity 2: Complete a listening comprehension activity with Mcfly et Carlito

1. Have students watch a video by Mcfly et Carlito, such as their CONCOURS D’ANECDOTES vs LE PRÉSIDENT DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE video ( this one is very long but you can show them just a part of it ).

2. After watching, provide students with a worksheet with questions related to the video

3. Have students work in pairs or small groups to discuss their answers and ensure they understood the video/what was shown.

Optional activity if there is time left, or can be done in the next class:

Activity 3: Create a sketch inspired by Le rire jaune

1. Introduce students to Le rire jaune, a famous French YouTuber who creates comic videos.

2. Have students watch a few of his videos and identify common themes or elements (e.g. humor, sarcasm, pop culture references).

3. Divide students into small groups and have them create a short sketch inspired by Le rire jaune. Encourage them to incorporate some of the elements they identified in his sketches.

4. Have groups perform their sketches for the class, allowing time for feedback and discussion.


1. Review the new vocabulary words and phrases learned throughout the lesson.

2. Ask students to reflect on what they enjoyed about learning French through online influencers. Did they find it engaging? Did they feel like they learnt anything new?

3. Encourage students to continue watching videos by these youtubers and other French influencers as a way to continue improving their language skills outside of class.

FR F22 INT/ADV Les Stéréotypes/clichés sur les Français

Goal of the Class: Students discuss on stereotypes they have on French people; they also learn about the various stereotypes existing in different regions of France and also different kind of expressions used in daily speech and referring to these stereotypes. Students practice their listening and speaking skills by watching videos in French on the topic, and then discuss about it both in groups and then with the whole class

Warm-up : 10/15 minutes

Intermediate and advanced : Par groupes trouvez 5 clichés que vous avez sur les Français (in groups find 5 clichés/stereotypes that you have about French people). I gave students 10 minutes to talk about it in groups and then I asked each group to share what discussed. Then I showed them a picture of different typical stereotypes existing about French people around the world with vocabulary included and further explanation of them if needed.


As a transition towards the first activity, I gave them three commonly used expressions in French that are related to stereotypical traits generally assigned to French people: Grande gueule (talk too much, is too direct), dragueur (flirty), nul en langues (bad at languages)

Advanced: for advanced I added more specific cultural input on various stereotypes depending on the regions in France:

  • En France, selon les régions il y a aussi des clichés différents: Par exemple, on dit qu’en Bretagne il pleut tout le temps, à Paris les gens sont hautains et arrogants (haughty and snobbish), en Alsace ils mangent que de la choucroute (plat traditionnel avec du chou), la Normandie est principalement peuplée de vaches.
  • Ce ne sont que des stéréotypes et donc pas totalement vrai! par exemple, en Bretagne il ne pleut pas tout le temps (mais souvent) et beaucoup de Parisiens sont très gentils (pas tous)

Activity 1: In groups still I then asked them to discuss the following questions revolving around stereotypes on Americans:

  • Quels sont d’après vous les stéréotypes que les personnes étrangères ont sur les Américains ? (What do you think are the stereotypes that foreign people have about Americans?)
  • Est-ce qu’il y a des stéréotypes spécifiques pour chaque états des Etats Unis? Donnez des exemples (Are there specific stereotypes for each state in the United States? Give examples)
  • Est-ce que vous connaissez des clichés sur d’autres pays Européens comme l’Italie, l’Angleterre, l’Espagne, etc.? (Do you know any clichés about other European countries like Italy, England, Spain, etc.?)

After they discussed for about 10-13 minutes, we exchange as a class and then I gave them some stereotypes we have in France about Americans:

  • Les Américains mangent mal et il y a des fast foods partout
  • Les Américains sont très patriotes
  • Il y a plus d’armes (guns) que d’Américains
  • Les Américains n’ont pas d’assurance santé
  • Les gobelets rouges (red cups) dans les fêtes étudiantes
  • Les ‘Hugs’ pour dire Bonjour

Activity 2: this second activity is centered on a video I showed them. One is on how Europeans living in France and speaking French fluently view French people, and the other one is similar but is an interview of non-European people living in France.


  • En regardant la vidéo, notez les mots que vous ne connaissez pas sur une feuille de papier ou votre téléphone portable (While watching the video, write down the words you don’t know on a piece of paper or your cell phone)
  • Les Français vus par des Européens (how Europeans see French people) :
  • Quels sont les clichés/stéréotypes mentionnés dans la vidéo? (What clichés/stereotypes are mentioned in the video?)

Then I showed them some slides I created with photos on new vocabulary mentioned in the video, here is an example:


Quels sont les clichés que certaines personnes hors d’Europes ont sur les français?

Quelles sont les habitudes / les comportements typiquement français ?

Last activity : Les gestes et expressions typiquement francais – French also speak using gestures. This video is very funny and explains some of these common gestures used in the common speech in France:

1- j’ai les chocotes/ça fait peur/c’est flippant/j’ai peur

2- I’m drunk

3- j’en ai par-dessus la tête/j’en ai marre

4- ça m’énerve!

5- et toc! / dans ta face

6- les doigts dans le nez (it was easy)

laquelle intégreriez-vous dans votre vie de tous les jours ? (Which one-s would you incorporate in your everyday life?)

Est-ce que vous utilisez des gestes quand vous parlez?  (do you use gestures when you speak?

Feedback/end of the class: give one or two words that you learnt today, how many times do you think people do ‘la bise’ in France to introduce themselves?

Ressources used: Powerpoint, Youtube videos, images

Reflection: This class went so well both in the advanced and intermediate classes. The students were participating a lot and we ended up having very interesting points and elements of discussions raised all throughout the class. These classes definitely showed that conversation classes are much more than just practicing the target language, they can also be an opportunity to learn and enlarge point of views, knowledge on various topics/issues, etc. This class led to deep and meaningful exchanges as a whole class.

DE F22 ADV Food and Groceries – Wie bereite ich deutsches Essen zu?

TopicFood and Grocery + Vocabulary for Cooking and Baking
Goals of the ClassIdentify food in a recipe and know how to cook/bake it  
Warm UpWho enjoys cooking? Who does it regularly? Has it changed with the pandemic? What’s your favorite food?
Activity 1Quick food quiz about fruit & vegetables I showed them typical German fruits and vegetables (pictures) and they had to guess the name and translation. I showed just pictures and they had to guess the name of the fruit or the vegetable. What ingredients are used for this dish?
Activity 2Everyone was given 3 vocabulary words (verbs for cooking) and had to explain them without using the word. Think of a dish that consists of the ingredients mentioned and then present it to the others. Not all ingredients have to be included and other ingredients can be used.
Activity 3How to use the ingredients to cook? potatoes, beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, carrots  Apple, peach, strawberry, kiwi, banana What are the ingredients of your favorite foodShow us a picture 
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  Especially the explanation of the cooking vocabulary worked very well, and the students were able to memorize the vocabulary and use it later. Also, the presentation of the favorite dish with ingredients and cooking instructions was well received. The fruit and vegetable quiz were a bit too easy, here one could choose more difficult products.

RU F22 ADV: Origin and Hometown

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 09/01/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Introduction – Origin and Hometown

Goal of the class:

  • Get to know each other
  • Learn about each other’s origin and hometown
  • Introduce new vocabulary (Cities, Transportation)
  • Create arguments and debate on a given topic

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. CATEGORIES. (5 mins)
    Teacher writes categories on the board. Students brainstorm in groups and write vocabulary on the board. Write vocabulary connected to cities. Everything that you can think of in the board. 3 Categories: Тип поселения, Виды транспорта, Места досуга в городе, Государственные учреждения
  2. Activity 1. My hometown: Speaking cards. (10 min)
    Work in pairs. Ask questions to fill information about a home city of your partner. Name, Type, Population, Transportation, Center, Likes, Dislikes.
  3. Activity 2. Present information about your partner’s city to others (10 min)
    Students show their partner’s city in the google maps and say what their partner like/dislike about their city.
  4. Activity 3. Debate— FOR/AGAINST (15 min)
    Controversial Russian saying: Где родился, там и пригодился. Where you were born, there you come in handy. Students are divided in three teams: “for”, “against” and judges. They have time to discuss their arguments and then they start the debate. Judges evaluate the quality of the arguments and determine a winner.
  5. Wrap-up. A typical citizen of your city. Типичный житель вашего города (20 min)
    Students are divided in pairs. They choose one of their home cities. Together they draw a picture of that citizen and then present it to others, describing a picture.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was one of my favorite classes so far. I divided them in pairs for the first activity to brainstorm on vocabulary. They took time to prepare a list of words. I also appreciated their energy when they were working in pairs, discussing their hometowns, and presenting them to others. The discussion on controversial topic was successful, students came up with a list of arguments trying to persuade each other. I was afraid that they might argue in a negative way, but since they were not defending their own opinion, it went well. The only difficult part was to involve not active speakers in this activity. That’s how last minute I came up with an idea of the judges. I figured not participating speakers and allowed them to be listeners who later decided on a winner. Last activity, where students had to draw a picture, was very funny and it’s a nice way to wrap up and go over descriptions.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

In a debate activity, I might have tried switching active speakers and not active, so that active speakers could be listeners (judges), and quiet students could have a space to talk more. It could have been interesting.

RU F22 INT/ADV: Medicine and Health

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 12/01/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Medicine and Health

Goal of the class:

  • Learn vocabulary about diseases, health concerns, and treatment
  • Get acquainted with Russian medication and traditional medicine
  • Describe symptoms in Russian

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (10 min): Discussion
    1) How often do you get sick?
    2) Do you prefer to take medicine or wait for symptoms to go away?
    3) Do you believe in traditional medicine? What methods do you know?
    4) Do you know how to provide first aid?

I ask students to discuss those questions in pairs.

2. Activity 1. Vocabulary (10 min)
I show students pictures of people having common symptoms and ask them to try naming what they see. It helps me to learn how much they know. I also provide them with the printed handout with vocabulary, so they can use it for future activities.

3. Activity 2. What kind of medication is appropriate? (10 min)
I show my students pictures of people with different symptoms and popular medication that you can find in a pharmacy. They have to describe a picture using vocabulary from the past activity and find the most appropriate medicine reading its package.

4. Activity 3. Situation: Your friend is sick (10 mins).
We look at the pictures of people being sick. Students have to “go to a pharmacy” and describe a pharmacist their friend’s symptoms. A pharmacist has to recommend a customer medicine from the past activity that they think suits their need the best.

5. Activity 4: Traditional Medicine (7 min)
I show my students pictures of common traditional ways to treat some symptoms. Then, I ask for students’ opinion on what the purpose of the products they see is.

6. Activity 5: Help them with traditional medicine (10 min)
I show students situations of people being hurt or having symptoms. What kinds of Russian traditional medicine they would use?

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved the topic. We had many real-life situations and role plays that students seemed to enjoy. I believe that gradual development of vocabulary and descriptions work well in the class. The only thing is we did not have enough time to finish all the activities that I have prepared.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would dedicate two classes to this topic. There are more activities that could be added, and it would not be as rushed.

JP F22 INT/ADV 政治や外交・歴史や人権、人種差別の問題について話そう!Let’s talk about complex subjects such as Politics, Intl relations, History, racism and Human rights!

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 14th week (29th Nov and 1st Dec 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Conversation project

Goal of the class: To be able to express on the academic interest they have

How did you structure the class?

29th November 2022


              Talking about bilingualism and economical success in California

              Talking about a documentary film about heritage language

and social exclusion in Korea


1st December 2022


              Talking about microaggression and racial justice

              Talking about minority / majority issues in Japan


What technology, media or props did you use?  

   Handout, YouTube video

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

It was great two consecutive session to talk about their themes that they’re passionate about. They learned many higher / abstract words.







DE F22 INT Stereotypes

Goals of the ClassKnow stereotypes and describe them with adjectives. Form opinions about them and be able to explain them
Warm UpCity land river game
Activity 1Video about German stereotypes with subtitles. The text of the video was printed, and the most important adjectives underlined. Input on the descriptive features – adjectives of the video. I – You – We (Think – Pair – Share) What can you see on the picture? Describe what the picture has to do with Germany?
Activity 2What is your experience with stereotypes? What do you think about them? True often/ True sometimes/ Not true at all?
Activity 3What stereotypes are there about the 5Cs 😀 Which ones about other countries?Do you know any stereotypes from TV? NerdsCheerleaders egos?Athletes? What are these stereotypes like? Find adjectives to describe these stereotypes Think of a stereotype Act out the stereotype
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  The topic of stereotypes was very well received by the class. Since many students in this class come from different countries, it was very interesting conversations about possible stereotypes. The warmup game also went very well, in which the students had to find a city, a land, a river, a food and a brand for a certain letter. Stereotypes is an interesting topic for multicultural classes.

JP F22 INT/ADV: 言語学習する上でのあるある〜!Momentについて語ろう!Why do you study Japanese?!的な

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Cozy Enrique NAKADA (Koji NAKADA)

Day and Date: 3rd week (13th and 15th September 2022) 

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):  Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: Why do you study Japanese?

Goal of the class:

              To be able to talk about language learning related topics.

How did you structure the class?

13th and 15th  September 2022



              Gathered at intl’ theater, small talk among students to wait

for HVM students (Playing some J-POP music)

16:20      Introduction to the topic

Q1. なんで◯◯語を勉強しているの?どうして◯◯語を勉強しているんですか。 

Q2. ◯◯語を勉強してる時、どんなことが難しい?


Q3. 逆に、どんな時に「勉強してて良かった〜!」って感じる?


Q4. 勉強する時にいつもすることって何かある?例えば、コーヒーを飲む、とか。


Q5. 将来、◯◯語を使ってどんなことしたい?


Q6. 日本語以外に別の言語を勉強するなら何を選ぶ?その理由は?

Q1. Why do you study Japanese?

Q2. What is the most difficult thing while learning Japanese?

Q3. In contrast, when do you feel “I am glad to know the language~!!”

Q4. Do you have certain routines while learning Japanese? Such as listening to J-Pop, drinking green tea, etc?

Q5. Do you have a plan to use Japanese for your job / hobby in the future?                    

Q6. What language would you like to learn other than Japanese and why?

              Changing partners, interacting,,,



What technology, media or props did you use?  


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students really enjoyed this topic, so they required to repeat it since they could not finish to answer at the first class. And, when it came to the Q5, everyone was passionate talking about it.



Q1. なんで◯◯語を勉強しているの?どうして◯◯語を勉強しているんですか。 






せやね →そうだね

Q2. ◯◯語を勉強してる時、どんなことが難しい?





ものっそい →ものすごい →物凄く

Q3. 逆に、どんな時に「勉強してて良かった〜!」って感じる?














Q4. 勉強する時にいつもすることって何かある?例えば、コーヒーを飲む、とか。






ちまちまやる →

Q5. 将来、◯◯語を使ってどんなことしたい?




Q6. 日本語以外に別の言語を勉強するなら何を選ぶ?その理由は?

 うーん、スラブ語系は一切やったことないから、興味はあるかな。チェコ語とかw キリル文字覚えんでええからw あとはタイ語もっかいやり直したいかも。適当に勉強してたから、もすこしちゃんと話せるようになりたいなー思てるよ。タイ語話す友達結構いてるから。








DE F22 ADV Job Interview in Germany

TopicJob Interview in Germany
Goals of the Classstudents should be able to conduct parts of an interview in German. Prepare for possible questions and answer them correctly. Know the procedure of a job interview in Germany.
Warm Uphave you ever had a job interview? How did you prepare? How did it go?
Activity 1We watched a video of a job interview and then discussed and wrote down the typical mistakes. After that we watched the following video, in which the mistakes were pointed out. We compared them with ours and discussed them.
Activity 2We discussed the 4 stages of a job interview: Greeting Main part Questions Goodbye I gave the students questions for each category, to which they had to come up with individual answers and then present these answers to each other.
Activity 3conduct an interview Role play 2 persons play the interviewer – 1 person the applicantPick a job offer and try to conduct a job interview  I brought the students 4 job ads with which they were to conduct a real job interview. After every Job interview, we gave each other feedback
What worked well in this class? What did not work (and how could it be improved)?  I would actually change very little about this class, as it worked out very well and the subject was also considered very important by the students. The only thing that could be done is to adapt the job ads to the students in order to make the interview more accessible and easier.

FR S22 INT/ADV – Votre Week-End idéal

This class was done online and could also be done in person.

Warm –up (10 minutes) –group discussion = (main zoom chat : send the link of the Google Doc with vocabulary on the routine as well as the following questions students have to discuss in breakout rooms)

•Quel est selon-vous le WE idéal? Qu’est-ce que vous aimez faire en général le WE? – What do you think is the ideal WE? What do you usually like to do on weekends?

Activity 1: Video ‘French people describe their WE’ (20 minutes –8 minutes for the video, 10 minutes for the group discussion)

Instructions: jot down what you understand from the video –écrivez sur une feuille de papier / sur votre ordinateur -ce que vous comprenez dans cette vidéo: Quelles sont les activités que les personnes interviewées aiment faire le week –end ? – What are some activities that the persons interviewed like doing on Weekends? Qu’est-ce qu’ils aiment faire avec leurs amis ? – What do they like doing with their friends?

Then we discuss it as a class and the students share what they understood and think about it –10 to 15 minutes –

Vocabulary input: What do these words mean? (Habituellement, Je bosse, aller en boîte, le confinement, se balader, faire un tour à…, profiter, la province); If there is some time left I propose a game they would play in Breakout rooms– ‘Qui est-ce?’ OR ‘Tu préfères’:

Tu préfères…Voyagez dans le monde entier sans pouvoir revenir à ton pays d’origine ou jamais sortir de ton pays ? Arriver toujours 1 heure avant à tes rendez-vous ou toujours arriver 1 heure en retard ? Passer toute ta vie à manger de la junkfood ou ne plus jamais manger tes plats préférés ? Vivre dans la maison de tes rêves dans un quartier chaud ou vivre dans une maison moche dans le quartier de tes rêves ? Être pauvre aux côtés de l’amour de votre vie ou être multimillionnaire sans jamais connaître l’amour ?

Resources:Vocabulary sheet (google doc provided)with expressions and words to be able to talk about one’s routine, Zoom Screenshare, Youtube, Powerpoint

RU S22 ADV: Limericks (Chastushki)

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/08/2022

Class theme/topics discussed: Russian Limericks (Chastushki)

Goal of the class:

  • Learn about Russian folklore – limericks
  • Develop translation skills

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (10 mins): Discussion
    1) What is the definition of “chastuska”?
    2) Why do you think people compose them?
    3) Which topics do they raise?
    4) Do you have something similar in your culture/country?

I ask students to discuss those questions. Even if they don’t know what is chastuska, they can be creative and just guess. Students present their thoughts and results of a discussion by writing the main ideas on the board. Then, I show them a slide with an official definition and main elements of “chastushka”.

2. Activity 1. Read “chastuski” and translate (10 mins).
I give my students a handout with several limericks to read them and analyze. While they translating them, I add some cultural background for them to better understand the lyrics. We read it together and I also show the rhythm.

3. Activity 2. Watch a piece of the cartoon and translate the limerick (25 mins).
I show my students a piece of a cartoon. (11:03-12:50). In the video, folklore characters sing a limerick. Before watching I give my students handouts with lyrics. After watching I put them in two groups and ask to come up with an English translation of the limerick. While translating they realize, how unexpected the lyrics are.

4. Activity 3. Chastuskki in Modern Russia (10 mins).
We watch youtube videos of limericks in modern Russian culture.
TV-show “Voice”
Political Satire

What do you think of limericks now? Do you like them?

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students loved the topic. During the warm-up students found a lot of facts about limericks and managed to create the right understanding of their implementation. Their research made it easier to work later. Even though listeners of chastuska have to possess the certain cultural background to understand the content, students were open-minded and tried hard to understand them. While working in groups, students managed to come up with correct translations of Baba Yaga’s chastuska and were surprised, when we summarized the meaning of it.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

The activities did not take as long as I expected. Students managed to finish the activity very fast. We had 15 minutes left, so I had to improvise and show them videos of modern performances of chastuska. If I could modify this class, I would provide students with lyrics of those songs as well. If the students are comfortable with composing rhymes, the instructor could ask them to come up with their own limericks.

FR S22 INT/ADV – La routine matinale (the morning routine)

Warm-up (15 minutes): Questions to discuss in group around Morning Routines and habits

The students have to discuss the following questions in groups of 3 to 4 students: Avez-vous une routine le matin? Que faites-vous habituellement après le réveil? (petit-déjeuner? Douche? Sport? Yoga? Lecture? Méditation?) – Do you have a morning routine? What do you usually do after waking up?

Qu’est-ce que tu fais en premier le matin?–What is the first thing you do after you wake up? Quelles sont les bonnes habitudes que vous aimeriez prendre le matin?–What are some good/healthy morning habits you would like to develop?

Qu’est-ce que tu manges au petit-déjeuner?–What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Est-ce que tu es un/une «lève tôt» ou un/une «couche tard» – are you an early bird or a night owl?

Provision of a vocabulary sheet with a lot of words, expressions and idioms pertaining to the morning routine in French (I included more difficult expressions/turn of phrases and idioms for the advanced level class). This sheet is designed to be a support for the following activities as well.

Activity 1: (20/25 minutes)

The first activity is based on creativity (writing) in groups of 2/3 students. First, I ask them to individually write on a small sheet of paper one word in relation to the word ‘Morning’. Then they all give them to me, I shuffle them, I create groups of 2/3 students, and each group randomly picks two papers. Based on the words they picked, they have to come up with a short story of about 100 words. This activity not only calls on to students’ imagination and creativity, but the way it is designed (team work) also makes it a good way for them to practice speaking in French by working on writing their story. They really liked this activity and it took them approximatively 20/25 minutes to write their story, after which each group chose to either tell the story or act it out. The whole class had a lot of fun!

Activity 2:

Another activity that could be done in this class is the following:

Les Français nous racontent leur routine matinale dans les rues de Paris –French people tell us about their morning routine in the streets of Paris : Video screening of Parisians interviewed in the street on their morning routine:

This video is very good not only for the vocabulary and expressions used by the persons interviewed but also because it teaches the most accurate ways of expressing one’s habits in a colloquial manner.

Instructions: Jot down what you understand about the interviewees’ daily routine; what did they understood about the interviewees’ morning routines: Quelles sont les routines matinales des personnes interviewées dans la video?

The last part of the activity can be a little quiz on words and expressions mentioned in the interviews that are either colloquial or idiomatic. Activity 2: Another activitythat could be done in this class is the following:•Les Français nous racontent leur routine matinale dans les rues de Paris –French people tell us about their morning routine in the streets of Paris -: Video screening of Parisians interviewed in the street on their morning routine: This video is very good not only for the vocabulary and expressions used by the persons interviewedbut also because it teaches the most accurate ways of expressing your habits in a colloquial manner. •Jot down what you understand about the interviewees’ daily routine;•After watching the video, I ask them to tell me what they understood about the interviewees’ morning routines: Quelles sont les routines matinales des personnes interviewées dans la video?•The last part of the activity can bea little quiz on words and expressions mentioned in the interviewees that are either colloquial or idiomatic.Resources: PowerPoint, Vocabulary sheet, Youtube

FR S22 ADV- La Francophonie

This class is designed to introduced students to the French speaking world. After this class, students will know about the French speaking countries, the distribution of the french language in the world, some linguistic specificities/differences between the various French-speaking countries

Activity 1:

  • 1) Par groupes de 3, au tableau, notez tout ce que la Francophonie représente pour vous​ (In groups of 3, on the board, write down everything that ‘La Francophonie’ means to you)
  • 2) discutez et choisissez dans votre liste l’élément qui représente le plus la France pour vous. Justifiez votre choix​ (Discuss and choose from your list the item that most represents France to you. Justify your choice)

Activity 2:

  • – Que nous apprend cette vidéo sur la présence et l’importance de la langue Française dans le monde?​ (What does this video tell us about the presence and importance of the French language in the world?​)
  • Combien de personnes parlent le Français dans le monde? ​(How many people speak French in the world today?)
  • Quel est le top 5 des langues les plus parlées dans le monde? (what are the top 5 languages most spoken in the world today?)

Cultural Input:

Liste des pays ou régions où on parle français (list of the countries/places where French is spoken): ​

La France et:

• La Belgique, le Luxembourg, la Suisse, Monaco. ​

• En Afrique: l’Algérie, le Burkina Faso, le Bénin, le Cameroun, le Congo, la Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, le Gabon, la Guinée, Madagascar, le Mali, le Maroc, la Mauritanie, la République centrafricaine, la République démocratique du Congo (ex-Zaïre), le Sénégal, le Tchad, le Togo. ​

• Certaines îles: les Comores et les Seychelles, Vanuatu, Haïti. ​

• Le Québec,  Louisiane aux États-Unis, Nouvelle-Écosse et Nouveau-Brunswick

• En Inde (Pondichéry), au Moyen-Orient (Égypte, Israël et Liban), au Cambodge, au Vietnam, au Laos, à l’île Maurice et en Afrique du Sud. ​

Activity 3 + cultural input:

  •​ (8 Colloquial French Expressions You Should Know)
  • Parmi les expressions qui sont mentionnées dans cette vidéo, quelle est votre expression favorite? (What is your favorite expression amongst those presented in this video?)

mots et expressions de la Francophonie (words and expressions from the Francophone world)​:

  • chafouin rusé, sournois. Il viendrait de l’ouest de la France (je l’utilise pour dire que je suis de mauvaise humeur = ‘Grumpy’)​
  • « il est fada! » (Il est fou!) ou « fada! » comme ponctuation de phrase (Dingue! / fou!)​
  • vigousse, en Suisse, signifie « vif »​
  • tap-tap: un mot haïtien pour désigner une camionnette servant de transports en commun​
  • poudrerie: un mot québécois pour désigner la neige poussée par le vent…​
  • lumerotte: mot belge pour parler d’une source de lumière de faible intensité​
  • dracher: s’emploie lorsque la pluie tombe à verse (pouring rain), en Belgique​
  • champagné: un mot d’Afrique centrale pour désigner quelqu’un qui a de l’influence, ou de multiples relations

To wrap up this class, the last activity can be the following:

Activity 4:

Par groupes de 3, trouvez et partagez avec les autres des situations/anecdotes personnelles durant lesquelles vous vous êtes sentis (In groups of 3, find and share with others personal situations/anecdotes in which you felt):​

  • chafouins (de mauvaise humeur)​
  • Vigousses (Energiques)​
  • BG (beaux)​
  • En PLS (mal/malade)​
  • Frais (se sentir bien)​
  • Enjaillé (motivé)​​

Ça peut être des situations de tout les jours, des souvenirs spécifiques, des moments embarrassants ou drôles 

ES S22 INT Social Media and Technology II

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Intermediate

Class theme/topic discussed: Social Media and Technology II.  

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Determine benefits and opportunities for social media and summarize them by designing a hypothetical social media app.
  • Practice verbs and actions used for social media tasks such as “dar me gusta, publicar, comentar, subir una historia, etc”.

Class structure:

Warm up:

Students are asked to remember and say social media-related vocabulary filling a chart on the board that breaks them down into actions, characteristics or things.  They are encouraged to ask if there are words that they want to say but are not sure how. Expected words are: viral, me gusta, compartir, bloquear, muro, perfil, inicio, subir, descargar, publicar, etc.


Crea tu red social ideal: In couples, students will design a new and innovative social media app they would hypothetically become successful. They will do that through the following steps:

  1. Consider pros and cons of commonly used social media apps. Determine how to include the good things about it and solve the bad ones.
  2. Think about a target for the app, see how they would satisfy their costumer’s needs and what kind of content there will give.
  3. Determine the way it will be advertised and funded (are they going to use advertising on the app?, will they charge a subscription fee?, will they receive donations?, etc.”)
  4. Design the layout, main colors displayed, logo and slogan, using colored chalk.

Students present their social media app to the class.

Wrap up:

Students discuss whether they would really use that app if it existed and if they would ever stop using the ones that they already use and replace them with another activity.

Resources used: Projector, laptops.

Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

It seems that throughout the weeks students feel more comfortable in the class and they speak more. In general they participated well and carried out the activities creatively. I went around the room helping them understand the instructions and making sure that they were doing what they were supposed to. They ended up creating fun social media platforms that they exposed to the rest of the class. It worked well for the couples, but unfortunately in one of the groups of three people, it was clear that there was a student that was not participating very much. My way to deal with that was just go around and ask them about what they were doing at the moment. It worked apparently.

CN S22 INT/ADV 设计你的 Ins / Design your Instagram

Conversation Class Lesson Summary – ADV 2.17

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Feiya Suo

Day and Date: 2022.02.17

Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced

Class theme/topics discussed: 设计你的Ins / Design your Instagram

Goal of the class:

By the end of this class, students are expected to create a homepage and 3 posts based on their own character in the conversation class project, and introduce them to the whole class.

How did you structure the class?


问候学生Greet students

– 周末过得怎么样?等等

Ask questions about their weekend.



1)Design your homepage;

2)Design 3 posts based on your own character.

2.Introduce them to the whole class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint slides (9 in total)

PPT(7 in total)

Document camera

Vocab list

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Things that worked well:

The class worked pretty well! They had fun talking about their character and their character’s personality. Here are some students’ works:

And they had a lot of fun talking about their own works as well.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

RU F21 INT: Russian Cuisine

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 11/16/2021

Class theme/topics discussed: Russian Cuisine

Goal of the class:

  • Talk about most famous Russian meals
  • Learn vocabulary about cooking
  • Prepare for a cooking class

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm up (5 mins)
    I ask my students to discuss the following questions in pairs:
    1) Which traditional Russian meals do you know?
    2) Have you ever tried Russian cuisine? What was your experience like?
    3) Have you ever been to a Russian restaurant?

2. Activity 1. Do you know this meal? (10 minutes)
I show my students pictures of the most famous meals and ask them to guess names or ingredients.

3. Activity 2. Cooking Vocabulary (10 mins)
I show my students a PowerPoint slide with cooking vocabulary and ask if they know those words. I prepared a handout for them with those words.

4. Activity 3. Game: Describe an action (10 mins).
After that, I ask my students to come in front of the class and show a cooking action without using words. Other students should guess what they are showing. Then they change.

5. Activity 4 (20 mins)
I divide my students into two groups and ask them to choose one meal that is easy to cook. They should write a recipe on a board using the vocabulary they learnt. Then they present their recipe and we vote for the meal that the majority would like to try. Next class we will cook the meal using their recipe.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Food is one of the most favorite topics of my students since they had been asking me to talk about Russian cuisine or cook something from the very beginning of the semester. This class is good for practicing the vocabulary dedicated to food and cooking. It also includes the cultural element.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I would leave it as it is. This class was created with the help of the Spanish language resident Natalia Cano. You can include an activity, where students should describe a picture to practice food and cooking vocabulary.

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