Class theme/topics discussed:
Listening Practice + working on individual mini-lessons.
How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, presentation, general discussion.
How did students react?
The text, even with commentaries, turned out to be difficult for them. (Maybe they were tired – since it’s the end of the semester. Not motivated, vey low participation, slow reaction… Might be general condition, not a reaction to the song…)
Did they engage with each other and you?
What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, TV screen.
A laptop/ computer for each student (ask in advance to bring laptops in class)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 27_April 26_Несчастный случай – Batman Is Back
Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students can share with the group sth that they find interesting / entertaining. They can design a new activity that they think everyone would enjoy. Moreover, it is a geat way to find out what they like doing in class and where their interests lie (so I would suggest having this class somewhere in the middle of the semester, too).
Intermediate Russian
Lesson 27
April 26, 2011
1. Warm-up: song (15 mins max.)
Distribute the lyrics, read and discuss.
Listen to the song.
2. Introduce the tasks for this class :
Next class will be created by the students themselves, 50 minutes of class time are divided between students in class (3 students = approx. 15 minutes for each of them). Students are expected to share sth they personally find interesting about Russia/Russian language. It can be a short presentation / video followed by a discussion; a grammar exercise; role play; a game – anything!
Their task for today is to create a mini-lesson plan for these 15 mins.
Again – they can do anything they want to, the only requirements are:
– a maximum of 5 minutes can de dedicated to presentation, i.e. showing a video/ the presenter’s talk, etc. 10 mins should go to GROUP work, i.e. discussion/ exercises/ practicing;
– discussion/ activity should be structured and well organized (with vocabulary notes, if needed, or handouts with questions).
By the end of class they should email the instructor their plans/ handouts/ links/ list of equipment they need + instructions on what materials have to be printed, how many copies.
NEXT CLASS – Student Presentations.
Intermediate – 1) showed a cartoon “Винни-Пух” (1 episode) + a short pPowerPoint about this character;
2) showed a video about logging industry and corruption in Russia (w/English subtitles); 3) designed a taboo game.
Although the task was made clear, two of the students used the whole time period for a presentation and did not prepare any discussion/ activity based on what they presented. Was interesting, but lacked conversation. Put more stress that the presentation should only be 3-5 minutes! They cannot show a 10-15-minute long video.
Advanced – 1) designed a Apples to Apples game in Russian; 2) designed a word guessing game-competition; 3) prepared a mini-lesson that included a) short intro with a powerpoint about V. Mayakovski; b) a song by Splin “Mayak” on a poem by V. Mayakovsky “Vmesto Pis’ma”; c) a writing activity – writing a short love letter.
Advanced mini-lessons were perfect! Could be used in the future.