an archive of lesson plans

Author: Anastasia (Page 1 of 6)

RU S11 INT/ADV Song + Student Presentations

Class theme/topics discussed:
Listening Practice + working on individual mini-lessons.

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, presentation, general discussion.

How did students react?
The text, even with commentaries, turned out to be difficult for them. (Maybe they were tired – since it’s the end of the semester. Not motivated, vey low participation, slow reaction… Might be general condition, not a reaction to the song…)
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, TV screen.
A laptop/ computer for each student (ask in advance to bring laptops in class)

Please attach a copy.
Lesson 27_April 26_Несчастный случай – Batman Is Back

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students can share with the group sth that they find interesting / entertaining. They can design a new activity that they think everyone would enjoy. Moreover, it is a geat way to find out what they like doing in class and where their interests lie (so I would suggest having this class somewhere in the middle of the semester, too).

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 27
April 26, 2011

1. Warm-up: song (15 mins max.)
Distribute the lyrics, read and discuss.
Listen to the song.

2. Introduce the tasks for this class :
Next class will be created by the students themselves, 50 minutes of class time are divided between students in class (3 students = approx. 15 minutes for each of them). Students are expected to share sth they personally find interesting about Russia/Russian language. It can be a short presentation / video followed by a discussion; a grammar exercise; role play; a game – anything!
Their task for today is to create a mini-lesson plan for these 15 mins.
Again – they can do anything they want to, the only requirements are:
– a maximum of 5 minutes can de dedicated to presentation, i.e. showing a video/ the presenter’s talk, etc. 10 mins should go to GROUP work, i.e. discussion/ exercises/ practicing;
– discussion/ activity should be structured and well organized (with vocabulary notes, if needed, or handouts with questions).
By the end of class they should email the instructor their plans/ handouts/ links/ list of equipment they need + instructions on what materials have to be printed, how many copies.

NEXT CLASS – Student Presentations.

Intermediate – 1) showed a cartoon “Винни-Пух” (1 episode) + a short pPowerPoint about this character;
2) showed a video about logging industry and corruption in Russia (w/English subtitles); 3) designed a taboo game.
Although the task was made clear, two of the students used the whole time period for a presentation and did not prepare any discussion/ activity based on what they presented. Was interesting, but lacked conversation. Put more stress that the presentation should only be 3-5 minutes! They cannot show a 10-15-minute long video.

Advanced – 1) designed a Apples to Apples game in Russian; 2) designed a word guessing game-competition; 3) prepared a mini-lesson that included a) short intro with a powerpoint about V. Mayakovski; b) a song by Splin “Mayak” on a poem by V. Mayakovsky “Vmesto Pis’ma”; c) a writing activity – writing a short love letter.
Advanced mini-lessons were perfect! Could be used in the future.

RU S11 INT/ADV Telling Anecdotes

Class theme/topics discussed:
Conversation practice – telling anecdotes.

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, presentation, general discussion.

How did students react?
Students LOVE this activity.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Handouts, laptop, TV screen.

Please attach a copy.
Vocab Follow-up Presentation: PowerPoint – Lesson 26_Phraseology Follow-Up (OR use an alternative PDF if the PP doesn’t work/ format got messed up – Lesson 26_Phraseology Follow-Up (alternative))
Anecdotes to retell: Lesson 26_April 21_FML Anecdotes
Anecdotes Presentation: PowerPoint – Lesson 26_April 21_FML Stories Presentation OR use an alternative PDF if the PP doesn’t work/ format got messed up —Lesson 26_April 21_FML Stories Presentation (alternative)

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
This activity encourages spontaneous monologues in the target language + introduces students to colloquial language.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 26
April 21, 2011

1. Warm-up: discussion –

Над чем нельзя смеяться, но люди все равно это делают?

+ Follow-up on previous class material: presentation (1st slide – question, 2d slide – answer).

2. Retelling anecdotes –
Cut the handout Lesson 26_FML anecdotes in strips, students take turns drawing one and retelling anecdotes on them to the group. Before that they write on the board words that they are going to use/ consider important.

Before the activity, suggest various ways to say FML in Russian –
From more acceptable ones to ones that are closer to the English original.
Also, ask the student if they know the FML website. If yes, ask to tell the rest about it. If no, tell them what it is.

3. Presentation:
Slides #1 / #3 – students describe the picture, suggest what story is behind it;
Next slide – #2 / #4 – read the actual story in English, retell in Russian.

4. Making up own anecdotes: tell about smth annoying/ embarrassing/ misfortunate that happened to you or your friends (doesn’t have to be true!).

RU S11 INT/ADV Idioms (food vocabulary)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Food vocabulary: idioms.

How did you pick this theme or topic? As a follow-up activity for the unit on food and cooking covered in Mason.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
It might be challenging for them, but they still enjoyed the activity.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms
Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms Illustr #1
Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms Illustr #2

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It advances students’ vocabulary proficiency within a familiar topic.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 25
April 19, 2011

1. Warm-up: write a saying on the board and ask students to read and interpret it (what does it mean? When do we say so?). They can use dictionaries if they need.
Кашу маслом не испортишь.

2. Handout Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms
– read out the idioms, ask students to repeat after you. Don’t translate or explain anything at this point;
– students match idioms with illustrations Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms Illustr #1 and Lesson 25_April 19_Food Idioms Illustr #2.
Task: to figure out which idioms don’t have a coressponding picture + guess the meaning;
– discussion – what each expression means. Everyone makes a guess, then give the right answer;
– students create a short (7-10) sentences dialogue/ script to illustrate the meaning and usage of at least three expressions form the list. Then share with the group.

RU S11 INT Words for Arguing

Class theme/topics discussed:
Role-play activity: words for arguing.

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, role play.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the activity and asked to have it again some time.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 24_April 14_Role Play Ситуация накаляется

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It exposes students to informal language and brings in an entertaining component to class.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 24
April 14, 2011

1. Warm-up: news of the day.

Question on the board: Что (кто) вам больше всего надоел(о)? Почему?

Introduce the expression – мне/ тебе/ ему/ нам надоел(-о/-а/-и) …
Students discuss/ ask each other/ share opinions.

2. Role-play activity: Ситуация накаляется! (expression on the board, + explain the usage)

Distribute the handout. Students read out short descriptions and act them out. Point out that they should use expressions indicated in the text! Explain the meaning if necessary.

RU S11 INT/ADV Communicative Game – Role-Play

Class theme/topics discussed:
Role-play activity

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They liked the class a lot. Puzzles seemed to be a successful way to start the class; they got everyone involved and motivated students for the following activities.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy.
Lesson 23_April 12 Puzzles
Lesson 23_April 12 Lesson – In Character

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It exposes students to informal language and pronunciation and brings in an entertaining component to class.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 23
April 12, 2011

1. Warm-up: Puzzles (handout Lesson 23_April 12 Puzzles)
Do together – one by one, if needed, give hints. If they cannot guess/ don’t know the Russian word, let them suggest the English equivalent.


33 Б А (L of the A) – 33 буквы алфавита
4 С в Г (S of the Y) – 4 сезона в году
12 З З (S of the Z) – 12 знаков зодиака
9 П С С (P in the S S) – 9 планет Солнечной системы
366 Д в В Г (D in a L Y) – 366 дней в високосном году
1001 Н (A N) – 1001 ночь
7 Ч С (W of the W) – 7 чудес света
90 Г в П У (D in a R A) – 90 градусов в прямом угле
24 Ч в С (H in a D) – 24 часа в сутках
32 З во Р (T in a M) – 32 зуба во рту
3 Ц С (С in T L) – 3 цвета светофора

2. Role-play activity (words for arguing) In Character
Handout Lesson 23_April 12 Lesson – In Character
Read the situations and discuss the vocabulary.
Students choose one situation from the list and act it out. The others guess. The same situation can be chosen as many times as they wish.

3. Follow-up: each student writes a short skit like the ones in the handout.
They fold them and put on the table. Each draws one and act it out. Others guess what it could be, then the student reads out the solution.

RU S11 ADV Job Interview

Class theme/topics discussed:
Job Interview

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Video, handouts, general discussion.

How did students react? They enjoyed this class a lot.
Did they engage with each other and you?.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)

Please attach a copy. Lesson 22_April 7_Анкета

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Advanced Russian
Lesson 22
April 7, 2011

1. Intro: videos
«Растаман собрался на работу»
Кто герои ролика?
– Чем они занимаются?

«Кекса уволили»
Что происходит в этом эпизоде?
– Где/ кем работают Кекс и Укроп?
– Почему Кекса уволили?

Параллельно на доске лексика:
Искать/ найти работу
Устроиться на работу

2. Job Interview Activity

Distribute the handout (Job Interview Form).
Task: imagine you are Keks and you are looking for a new job. Fill out the resume and get ready for an interview. Indicate what job you are applying to.
When everyone is ready, students take turns in a role play activity. One student is an applicant, the rest – interviewers. He applicant has three minutes to introduce him(her)self, then other students ask him/her questions (according to the kind of job he/she is applying to).

RU S11 INT/ADV Taboo Game (facts/ names/ places)

Class theme/topics discussed:
Taboo Game

How did you pick this theme or topic?
This type of activity allows checking students’ knowledge of basic places/ dishes/ personalities from the target culture and encourage spontaneous speech.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
PowerPoint presentation.
How did students react? They enjoyed the game.
Did they engage with each other and you?.

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
PowerPoint presentation.
Please attach a copy. Presentation1

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Works perfectly to keep students alert and motivated and promotes conversation in the target language.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 21
April 5, 2011

Taboo Game: PowerPoint.
One student is sitting with their back to the screen, the others try to explain the words that they see on the screen to make him/her guess them. At the end this student may look at the slide to see all words. Students take turns. Can be played with or without time limit.

Could be improved by adding a second slide after each task-slide with pictures illustrating words in the task. This way at the end of each turn you switch the slide and the student who was guessing and the rest of the class can see the answers with pictures.
(More fun ☺ )

RU S11 INT Colloquialisms

Class theme/topics discussed:
Listening Practice (Video)

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Video, handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They generally enjoy videos in class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Laptop, TV screen, handouts.

Please attach a copy.
Lesson 21_April 5_Video Spisok
Lesson 21_April 5_Video Vocab Follow-up

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It exposes students to informal language and pronunciation and brings in an entertaining component to class.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 21
April 5, 2011

1. Warm-up: question on the board –

Кем бы вы были и что бы вы делали, если бы не были студентом?

If 4+ students in class, make them discuss in pairs and then report on their partner’s answer to the group. If less than 4, each just shares their opinion.

2. Show video: эпизод «Список» из сериала «Даешь молодежь»
– introduce the video, tell about this TV-show (format, characters, target audience, etc.)
– students watch the video without scripts first;
3. Questions:
1) расскажите о персонажах. Кто они? Какие они? Чем занимаются?
2) Что происходит в видео?

4. Handout with the text:Lesson 21_April 5_Video Spisok
– work with vocabulary: read, give examples, translate…
– students take turns reading the transcript of the video, translating if needed.

5. Show video again, students have the text now. Ask them to follow.
6. Follow-up exercise: handout Lesson 21_April 5_Video Vocab Follow-up – translation.

RU S11 INT Creating a Board Game

Class theme/topics discussed:
Creating a board game.

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Hanout with a scheme for a board game.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class and asked to have this type of activity again.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is a fun and educational break.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 14
March 3, 2011

Students get a handout with a scheme; the task is to create a board game – of any kind (questions/ tasks/ missions…). If done by the end of the class – we try to play.

RU S11 ADV Clothing

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
n/a (topic related to the project that we are going to work on)
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, student presentations, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 14_March 3_Words to say WEAR

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Provides an efficient vocabulary review.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 14
March 3, 2011

1. Handout “Words to say TO WEAR” – revision. Students read the handout; you explain along.
Ask them to give detailed examples for each point on the list.

2. Handouts “WOMEN’S CLOTHING” and “MEN’S CLOTHING”: tagging pictures with Russian words.
• variation: develop in a lotto-type game.

3. Practice: using vocab from all handouts interview each other about each other’s wardrobe, then report about your partner to class.

RU S11 INT Opinions

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout with communicative exercises.

How did students react?
Only one student showed up for class, so I had to change my initial lesson plan.
She is a heritage speaker with low language proficiency, and she has never had any formal instruction in reading. She does not feel comfortable with reading in class when other students are present, so this time, when it was only her and me, we decided to practice reading.
I gave her a short simple text, she read it out loud. I was giving the necessary explanations in the course of reading, writing the basic rules on the board.

I AM ATTACHING THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL – Lesson 13_Opinions + text from the book “Русский как иностранный”

Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?

RU S11 ADV Urban Subcultures

Class theme/topics discussed:
Urban Subcultures

How did you pick this theme or topic?
n/a (topic related to the project that we are going to work on)

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, student presentations, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, though for some of them the task turned out to be challenging.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. Lesson 13_СУБКУЛЬТУРЫ

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Allows students to enhance their vocabulary and teaches them to work with a more complex text.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 13
March 1, 2011

1. News of the day.
2. Warm-up:

Word СУБКУЛЬТУРА on the board. What does it mean (make them explain in Russian and give examples). Have they seen/met representatives of any subculture while in Russia?

3. Practice: each student gets an article about a popular urban subculture. Task: read the article (use a dictionary if needed), write down five words that you think your classmates should know, get ready to present this news to class.
+ each student is asked to pose a discussion question based on the article.

Students take turns to come up to the front, write their five words on the board and present their article. A short discussion on the suggested question follows each presentation.

RU S11 INT/ADV February 23 in Russia

Class theme/topics discussed:
February 23 in Russia

How did you pick this theme or topic? Relevant to the day; students learn about another Russian holiday and traditions associated with it.

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, video, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, the topic, and the video.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс – текст
Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?

Why or why not?
Fun activities that introduce students to the Russian cultural traditions.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 12
February 24, 2011

1. News of the day.
February, 23d is a special day in Russia. What is it? (Какой праздник отмечают в России 23 февраля?) Write the official name of the holiday on the board. Ask them what it means. If they don’t know, introduce the words “Защитник/ защищать/ защита”, “Отечество”.
Give a short commentary on the history of the holiday – от большевиков до наших дней.
Ask students’ opinion on the idea of having a holiday like this.

2. On the board – a Russian saying (I introduced it by saying that February 23d is considered a very masculine holiday, so the saying we are about to discuss is also very «masculine» ☺ )
Баба с возу – кобыле легче.

Students are asked to translate it using a dictionary and try to guess the meaning.

3. Reading/ preparing to watch a video:
Introduce the video, say that it is a real анонс, but inform them that it is a joke – so that no one gets offended. It may be a good example of how political correctness functions in Russia.

(Handout Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс – текст)

Students read the text out loud, one by one, and translate it. We discuss the vocabulary, I point out the words that they need to memorize:

Определенно = точно
Изобрести / изобретение / изобретатель
Гордиться (+ творит. падеж)
Глубоко в душе, в глубине души (+ comment on the English equivalent – as a rule, where English idiomatic expressions have the word HEART, in Russian it is ДУША, soul)
Какая разница – comment on two possible meanings depending on the intonation: 1) It doesn’t matter! / Forget it! / What’s the difference?.. 2) What a difference!
Особенный день

4. Watching the video Lesson 12_February 24_23 февраля ТВ анонс

RU S11 ADV Proverbs and Sayings

Class theme/topics discussed:
Proverbs and Sayings

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. Lesson 11_Sayings

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It introduces students to popular idioms and sayings that enrich and advance their vocabulary proficiency and allow them sound more “native” in Russian.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 11
February 22, 2011

1. Brainstorming:
– ask students if they know any Russian sayings/ proverbs. Write them down on the board;
– what American sayings/ proverbs do they use frequently? Do they know the Russian equivalents? Write down the Russian equiv. on the board.

2. Vocabulary: students get a handout (Lesson 11_Sayings), but without the translation first! Prompt them to guess what these sayings men and in what context they may be used. Students can use dictionaries if necessary. After everyone shared their interpretations, give them the right answers (handout with translation).

3. Practice:
Students create short skethes/ dialogues for at least three expressions from the handout. Goal: to illustrate the meaning and usage.

RU S11 INT/ADV Russian Gestures – cont’d

Class theme/topics discussed:
Russian gestures- cont’d

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, discussion, acting.

How did students react?
The topic works out perfectly, especially with a class that feels comfortable about acting/ imitating.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
picture, handouts.
Please attach a copy.

Lesson 10_February 17_Russian Gestures

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is a fun way to practice conversational language and to master a very special part of the target language – exclamations, sighs, etc. – that as a rule vary from culture to culture and are indicative of one’s “native-ness”.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 10
February 17, 2011

1. Warm-up – show the picture and ask to describe.

What gestures that we discussed in the previous class do they see? What is going on? Students enact the situation.
+ tell them the legend about the “drunken” gesture (clicking on the side of the neck) – Pete the Greta. etc., etc. – and point at Peter I in the picture 🙂
2. Practice – handout. Match gestures with descriptions.Lesson 10_February 17_Russian Gestures
3. Follow-up: charades – one student shows a gesture, the others guess.
Variation: create a skit using at least five gestures from the handout.

RU S11 INT/ADV Russian Gestures

Class theme/topics discussed:
Russian gestures

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handout, discussion, acting.

How did students react?
The topic works out perfectly, especially with a class that feels comfortable about acting/ imitating.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 9_Russian gestures

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is a fun way to practice conversational language and to master a very special part of the target language – exclamations, sighs, etc. – that as a rule vary from culture to culture and are indicative of one’s “native-ness”.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 9
February 15, 2011

1. News of the day (как прошел День Св. Валентина?) – рассказать о том, как он проходит в России. + новости о том, что в одном из городов России школам запретили отмечать этот праздник:

2. Intro to the topic: handout, exercise #1.

3. True/ False: discussion (handout, ex. #2)

4. Show them the “throat-cutting” gesture («я сыт по горло») and ask them what they think it means.

When everyone suggests sth, turn to ex. #3 in the handout – ask them to choose possible meanings. (All of them are correct.)
Demonstrate the four uses of the gesture.

Ask the students to act out a short dialogue where one or more interlocutors would use this gesture + any other gestures covered in class.

RU S11 INT/ADV Interjections and “Sound Effects”

Class theme/topics discussed:
Exclamations/ “sound effects” in Russian: expressing emotions without words

How did you pick this theme or topic? n/a
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Presentation. Discussion, acting.

How did students react?
They were enthusiastic about the presentation and this topic in general.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy. – presentation

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It is a fun way to practice conversational language and to master a very special part of the target language – exclamations, sighs, etc. – that as a rule vary from culture to culture and are indicative of one’s “native-ness”.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 8
February 10, 2011

1. News of the day (Планы на День Св. Валентина?)

2. Introduction to the topic: ask them if they have noticed any special sounds that you make and that are different from the American usual ways. Like – what’s he Russian way to say – Auch! OR Euw! Etc.

Что вы воскликнете/ скажете, если вы:

3. Show a presentation – step by step:
first a picture + ask what happened, what they would say in this situation.
Then show the caption and try to elicit more options/ or make them correct the ones they suggested (to make them more appropriate, for example).
• For an advanced level, you can create a scale of reactions: from interjections to less neutral exclamation to slang ones, etc.

In the course of class session, make sure they know/ memorize the following:

4. Situational play:
Give a strip of paper to each student and ask them to write a prompt for their classmates to elicit an interjection/ exclamation discussed in class.
Students exchange their prompts and play out the situations.

RU S11 ADV Poetry. Game

Class theme/topics discussed:

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Board game – see the attachment.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, though for some of them the task turned out to be challenging.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
The game – ПОЭТИКУС
Please attach a copy.
IGRA poeticus1
IGRA poeticus2
IGRA poeticus3
IGRA poeticus4

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Students always enjoy any game-related activities, and this one encourages creativity in the target language and enhances active vocabulary.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 8
February 10, 2011

1. News of the day.

2. Game:
See file Poeticus. (The file contains: fields, “pieces”, and detailed instructions)

BEFORE THE GAME: introduce the game. Discuss – what makes good poetry? Vocabulary:

Рифма/ рифмоваться
Стих vs стихотворение

Students create their own poems (working with a dictionary) and then introduce them to class + give a translation.

RU S11 INT Advertising. Filming a Commercial

Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising/ Commercials – continued

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Filming the video

How did students react? fun fun fun 🙂
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
camera, props
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages spontaneous speech in the target language.

RU S11 ADV Russia in the News

Class theme/topics discussed:
Russian News (reading, translating, retelling)

How did you pick this theme or topic?
How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
Handouts, student presentations, general discussion.

How did students react?
They enjoyed the class, though for some of them the task turned out to be challenging.
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.
Lesson 7_Feb 8_Article – Banned Valentine’s
Lesson 7_Feb 8_Article – Correspondent expelled
Lesson 7_Feb 8_Article – Medvedev decides against winter time
Lesson 7_Feb 8_Article – Umarov and North Caucaus Region

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
Allows students to enhance their vocabulary and teaches them to work with a more complex text.

Advanced Russian
Lesson 7
February 8, 2011

1. News of the day.

2. Practice*: each student gets an article with current news from Russia. Task: read the article (use a dictionary if needed), write down five words that you think your classmates should know, get ready to present this news to class.
+ each student is asked to pose a discussion question based on the article.

Students take turns to come up to the front, write their five words on the board and present their article. A short discussion on the suggested question follows each presentation.

*Preclude the activity by giving an example with the short article about St. Valentine’s.

RU S11 INT Advertising. Commercials – cont’d

Class theme/topics discussed:
Advertising/ Commercials – continued

How did you pick this theme or topic? cont’d previous class

How did you present the material? (handouts, group work, general discussion, student presentations, etc.)
general discussion

How did students react?
Did they engage with each other and you?

What materials or media did you use? (articles, satellite tv, digital projector, etc.)
Please attach a copy.

Would you recommend this activity for a future class?
Why or why not?
It encourages spontaneous speech in the target language.

Intermediate Russian
Lesson 6
February 3, 2011


Students create a script for a commercial –
– pick a product to advertise;
– decide on the plot and characters;
– create a list of props needed;
– fill out a story frame (i.e. discuss the filming itself: angle, takes, etc. and draw a scheme of each take in a table).

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