an archive of lesson plans

Category: Intermediate (Page 1 of 28)

Intermediate Conversation class

ES S24 – Int. CC: Problem Solving

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Mayerly Gómez S.

Day and Date: 04-15-2024

Language and Level: Spanish Intermediate class (3 students)

Class theme/topics discussed: Problem solving.

Goal of the class:

-To discuss and share opinions to solve problems related to different scenarios.

How did you structure the class?

*Music in the background*

– Greet the students and ask them to tell how they are feeling today. The students work in couples. They are given a sheet with different problematic situations. They have to choose one and discuss about possible solutions to this problem. After discussing as a couple, the students share their situation with the rest of the class and the possible solutions they discussed. The other couple of the class has to say if they agree or not with the possible solutions and propose other ideas (20min).

– With a different partner, the students are given some cards with situations where they have to propose different solutions. They discuss ideas only with their partner this time (20min).

– Then, the students are given a piece of paper where they have to write a problem for the other couple to solve. Both couples share out loud the possible solutions for the problem they were given (15min).

– Space for general questions, closing, and remind important dates and events (last day of language tables, international study break and OLC about projects (5min).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

– Speaker

– Printed sheet with situations to solve

– Printed sheet with cards about different problems

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Today’s class I faced a familiar challenge: maintaining engagement and conversation among students who struggle to generate ideas or lack vocabulary to express themselves. I found myself actively participating to keep the discussion flowing, asking probing questions and encouraging interaction between students. For this group is difficult to keep conversations going without any guidance. Most of the time, I let them talk, and when I see they get stuck with a word, I jump in to provide support. If they all remain silent, I introduce a relevant question to encourage students to continue the discussion.

I was surprised when a similar comment that arose during mid-semester feedback resurfaced. During class, a student expressed a desire for more focus on “real-life situations.” I asked her to explain what she meant so I could better understand and address her concerns. However, she struggled to articulate her idea in more detail. In response, I explained my approach of using cards and varied activities with the objective of immersing students in different scenarios, challenging them to use the language authentically and hopefully, making efforts to use all the language they know to the best of their ability. I emphasized the importance of being prepared to communicate effectively in any conceivable situation they might encounter in the target language. This interaction highlighted the importance of clarifying the objectives of the activities and reinforced my pedagogical approach, which aims to challenge students to use language authentically in diverse contexts.

How could this class be improved/modified?

To help students feel confident about speaking up, I could implement activities to learn new words together and give extra help when they need it. Doing fun activities, like roleplays, can also help them practice using the language. It is important to give students enough encouragement and help to build up their confidence to use the language in a communicative and effective way.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

FR 2024 Intermediate Conversation class: Commander dans un restaurant et demander son chemin dans un pays francophone – Ordering food in France

Activity 1: What is your favorite restaurant? Have you ever been to a French restaurant? If yes, share your experience !

Activity 2: You are lost in Paris, in Lyon or in Lille and you need to ask for directions. I gave them three different maps and I divided the class into groups of two. One student had to ask for directions and the other one had to explain where to go. Then, exchange roles !

Activity 3: Role play: I gave them copies of the menu of a restaurant in Valenciennes in the North of France and they had to order food and drinks.

RU SP24 CC INT Filler words and texting culture on the internet

Language Resident Name: Xeniya Amelina                                                        

Day and Date: Wednesday, April 17

Language and Level (please circle):  Russian Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: filler words and texting culture

Goals of the class: to introduce filler words in Russian, to discuss unspoken rules of texting and video calls etc

How did you structure the class? I began from asking my S to imagine a situation when he needs to tell a really long story to a friend in a different city. He had to choose how he’d do it: vie text, voice message, video call or a carrier pigeon . After that we transitioned to discussing filler words, why they are used, whether or not they should be used etc. We broke down the Russian term for filler words, since it has a peculiar background story. Then I asked my S to listen to 2 voice messages and note down any Russian filler words he can hear. Spoiler: they were riddled with them! We had an interesting discussion afterwards, talking about how many ways there are in Russian to fill your speech with nonsensical words. After discussing the video, I gave the S 7 printed out comments that I found under that video. They either contained great idioms, something funny or something related to culture. Having laughed at and discussed the comments together, I asked the S to fill out the EVAL.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Whiteboard, laptop, presentation, printed out comments

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

We were laughing a lot! The S said it was a super culturally-immersive CC

How could this class be improved/ modified?

As one of the follow-up activities I could give the S a text (or a set of comments, again), for him to spot the filler words and cross them out, making the speech clearer and better.

ES S24 – Int. CC: Word Association + Preferences

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Mayerly Gómez S.

Day and Date: 04-08-2024

Language and Level: Spanish Intermediate class (3 students)

Class theme/topics discussed: Word association + discussion about preferences.

Goal of the class:

– To play a game to recall vocabulary related to different topics.

– To share personal experiences/preferences with the help of cards.

How did you structure the class?

*Music in the background*

– Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today. The students are asked to sit in a circle. I will give them a category and they have to mention words related to it and pass to the next person. The objective is to make the effort to recall vocabulary related to specific topics. Topics: Animals, colors, jobs and occupations, and study fields (20min).

– With the help of some cards with statements and pictures, the students are asked to work in pairs and talk about different topics and personal experiences/preferences. After some time, they are told to change couples so they can listen to different people speaking (20min).

 – Based on the previous activity, the students are given a piece of paper, and they have to write their own ideas to complete the phrase “Ten una conversación sobre…”. Then, they use these ideas to keep talking with their classmates (15min).

– Space for general questions and closing. Students are asked to share and mention at least one new word they learnt today. (5min).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

– Speakers

– Printed cards to share experiences/preferences

– Paper and pencils

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students enjoyed the activity where they named different words related to specific topics at the beginning of the class. It is evident that they get highly engaged when activities are game-related and challenging because I can tell they participate more actively than usual.

While I do not perceive this as something that “did not work”, I have noticed that sometimes the students’ disposition to participate or put in extra effort may not be the best at times. It seems to me they have the potential to extend their ideas further, but perhaps due to a lack of motivation or mood, they tend to keep their contributions short and simple.

I try to encourage them to expand their ideas and make the effort to go beyond providing brief answers. I believe in their abilities and know they can achieve more, but occasionally their level of energy or commitment may not be sufficient or the best. I think this is due to being almost at the end of the semester and all the recent events that have occurred on campus recently.

How could this class be improved/modified?

While this observation is not specifically related to this class, I think it is important to search and use new strategies to maintain students’ motivation and engagement. Given the small group size, actively participating in conversations with the students, asking clarification questions, and encouraging them to elaborate further on their ideas can be beneficial to make the learning experience more meaningful and push the students to use the language as much as they can.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

FR 2024 Intermediate Conversation Class: Pâques en France !

Activity 1: Do you celebrate Easter with your family? If not, can you talk about a family tradition that you celebrate.

Activity 2: Facts about Easter : True or False?

  • Pâques est une fête religieuse et traditionnelle
  • Seules les familles croyantes fêtent “Pâques”
  • Le lundi de Pâques est un jour férié en France
  • Pâques est une fête chrétienne
  • Pendant Pâques, une chasse aux poules est organisée
  • Pâques célèbre le début de l’hiver
  • Elle a lieu le lendemain de la fin du Carême qui s’est achevé le 28 mars 2024 cette année
  • Quand se déroule la semaine sainte ?
  • Pourquoi les cloches de Pâques ont-elles leur importance en France ?

Activity 3: Pictionary: The students have to draw words related to Easter and Spring on the board.

The class went great, and the students really liked the activities !

RU SP24 CC INT Space travel (День космонавтики)

Language Resident Name: Xeniya Amelina                                                        

Day and Date: Monday, April 15

Language and Level (please circle):  Russian Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:  space travel, the first human in space, space tourism.

Goals of the class: to familiarize the S with the Cosmonautics Day, which is celebrated in post USSR countries, to discuss space.

How did you structure the class? For this class we went outside and I began from showing a photo of space to my S. I asked him to describe what he saw and tell me what he knows about space. Then I gave him 2 words with some of the letters missing. He had to put the letters in the correct place to get День Космонавтики (The Cosmonautics Day) right. I encouraged the S to make suppositions about what it meant etc. My S already knew some info about the holiday, which was great! Afterwards I gave him a worksheet, which was a transcript of a 2-min video on the topic (, but had gaps and a vocabulary task. When we were done with all of this, we discussed the pros and cons of space travelling and space tourism, talked about American and Russian/Soviet space programmes.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Laptop, handout

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The S enjoyed the listening comprehension activity and was invested in the topic. Plus, going outside gave us more prompts to discuss!

How could this class be improved/ modified?

It was a great class!

jp s24 Talking about CM:Japanese ads(int and adv)

Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

**Please email your course summaries for the week to Adan and Eileen preferably Thursday evening 

and no later than Friday afternoon.

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/18(Thu)

Language and Level (please circle): Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Japanese ads!

Goals of the class: Challenge class: Being able to create an original commercial.

How did you structure the class? 

 Japanese tongue twist(15min)

 Listen to the YouTube and challenge it.

②Finding some interesting ads(20min)

→pair work

 Commercial skit(25min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, YouTube

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The tongue twist and the skit went really well. It was a great way to start the class since it woke up the students and it was very fun. Also, for the skit the students were very creative.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I should have shared the interesting ads that the  students found so they could have more idea about the Japanese ads.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  

jp s24Talking about slang! 若者言葉(int and adv)

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/25(Thu)

Language and Level (please circle):  Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s learn some Japanese slang!

Goals of the class: Being able to use some Japanese slang?

How did you structure the class? 

  •  Free talk (15min)
  • Introducing what kind of slang that I use (10min)
  • Discussion(25min)

Do you often use English slang? Why do you use it? Do you know some Japanese slang?

    Talk your semester using the slang that you learned at the class.

  • Class evaluation(15min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Students enjoyed the discussion, and I learned many things about English slang from the students. It was hard for students to explain the English slang in Japanese, but the students did they best.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think the students could search slang and introduce the words. I think this would have made the class more interesting.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

jp s24 onomatopia

Language Resident Name: Anbi Yamamoto                                                       

Day and Date:4/23(Tue)

Language and Level (please circle):  Advance

Class theme/topics discussed: Let’s learn onomatope!

Goals of the class: Being able to use the onomatope in sentences.

How did you structure the class? 

  • Free talk(15min)
  • Guessing the onomatope game(30min)
  • Creating a story using onomatope(15min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

All the activities went very well! Students enjoyed the game, and they came up with interesting stories. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe for the game it may have just been better for me to divide the group into two. I think this would have made the game more interesting.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

GERM SP24 Int Tongue Twisters

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Lea Marie Uhlending                                                   

Day and Date: Wednesday, 02/07/24

Language and Level:  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:

some organizational stuff and then German tongue twisters

Goals of the class:

We had some organizational stuff to deal with and afterwards we had some fun with German tongue twisters. The idea was to work on the student’s pronunciation in a fun way.

How did you structure the class?

At first we talked about some organizational stuff. We talked about costume ideas for the Karneval themed study break and I showed them what a typical costume might look like in Germany. Then we discussed the Conversation Class Projects, the students that were there had never taken a CC so they didn’t really know about the projects, they had also never been to the OLC. So, it took more time than I had thought to talk about that. Afterwards we dove into some German tongue twisters, or as we call them tongue breakers (Zungenbrecher). I put them on a slide and asked one of the students to read it out loud without any input from me, then I read it for them and we talked about the meaning, or rather lack thereof, and then I asked them to try again but faster. The students took turns reading the twisters and they got progressively harder.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class was inspired by a conversation that happened at language tables. I had never thought of doing tongue twisters but it’s such a good and fun idea to work on students’ pronunciations. The class worked really well, the students had a lot of fun. They also made me laugh so hard I had to cry.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think this class worked surprisingly well. It was also actually helpful that we had so much organizational stuff to talk about because I feel like doing the tongue twisters for an entire hour would have gotten tedious.

CN SP24 INT Lantern Festival

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Wed 240221

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Game: Lantern Festival

Goals of the class:

Learn words about Lantern festival, like: 赏灯、猜灯谜、汤圆、元宵、馅料.

Know when Lantern festival is and what do people do.

Know how to boil Tangyuan and different types of it.

How did you structure the class?

Warm up: Chit-chat


Watch videos and answer questions:

  • When is the Lantern festival?
  • What do people do?
  • What’s the difference between tangyuan and yuanxiao?

Activity: Let’s boil Tangyuan

Show videos about boiling Tangyuan and work in groups to discuss how to boil it.

Show the steps and practice sentences together.

Students divide into different groups and then start boiling Tangyuan.

Enjoy Tangyuan while browsing online shop to know different fillings of Tangyuan.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, videos, Frozen Tangyuan

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well: Showing and learning steps. Also students enjoy boiling the dumplings!

Did not workNope.

How could this class be improved/ modified?


CN SP24 INT Valentine’s Day

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Wed 240214

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Valentine’s Day

Goals of the class:

Learn words about Valentine’s Day, like: 恋爱,三观,物质条件

Understanding what is love and what is important in a relationship.

Get to know the difference love opinions between China and the US

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: Chit-chat: What’s your plan for Valentine’s Day?


-What will you do in a relationship? (Teaching popular words, like: 恋爱脑,上头,下头)

-Will you buy gifts? What kind of gifts will you buy?

show a survey in China.

students have discussion.

-What is love?

Students discuss first.

Show a survey in China and learn words like: 陪伴,忠诚

-Why you get into a relationship?

Learn words like: 三观,物质条件

Based on the factors that influence getting in a relationship we have discussed; student will rank the factors by importance and tell the reasons.

Activity: Describe your type in a relationship and share with others?

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well:

Students have fun learning the new words. They are useful.

Did not workNo

How could this class be improved/ modified?


CN SP24 INT Chinese Idioms with animals

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Wed 240123

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese Idioms with animals.

Goals of the class:

Learn words about Chinese idioms with animals, like鸡毛蒜皮、望子成龙、画蛇添足、一箭双雕、对牛弹琴

Review words from today’s class and last week’s class.

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: Group sharing on what’s your feeling today by showing the dog day pics.

Activity1: Chinese idioms rebus writing guessing!

(My preparation: Transliterating each character in idioms into emojis, like 鸡毛蒜皮、望子成龙、画蛇添足、一箭双雕、对牛弹琴 )

Students work in groups to guess the pronunciation of each emoji.


Choose five of them and then elaborate the meanings and usage. After each idiom, students will practice by discussing questions.

Activity2: Playing Game: You Preform, I guess.

Students divided into groups. Performing and Guessing words from today’s class and last week’s class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, Wordwall

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well:  Students really enjoy playing games.

Did not workNo

How could this class be improved/ modified?

To explain the idioms, it’s better to show videos about the story behind it.

RU F23 INT Russian markets

Class theme/topics discussed: we discussed different types of markets in Russia and their peculiarities, vocabulary related to trade

Goals of the class: to familiarize Ss with the kinds of markets that they are very likely to come across in Russia, Kazakhstan etc, to let them know what they can find there and what they can expect to see / what is expected from them. To brush up / learn some new vocab related to trade.

How did you structure the class? We spent about 15 minutes discussing the weekend and asked each other questions about it. Then I handed each of the Ss a wordsearch activity (included below) that I created myself. There were words related to trade. They knew almost all of them, only 1-2 I had to explain in more detail. Then I asked them what they thought our today’s topic was (-> trade). We talked about the weekly farmer’s market in Claremont and then I showed them 2 pictures of 2 types of Russian markets. In pairs they had to discuss what the difference between the 2 was and later, after they presented their opinions, I explained the difference to them. I asked them a couple more topic-related questions, told a short story and divided them into pairs. One pair was FOR and the other AGAINST such markets that we discussed. We had mini-debates (I wanted to test the waters before dedicating a larger portion of a CC to this format). After the rebuttal I had them correct the agreements and that was the end of the class.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Wordsearch handouts, whiteboard, photos on my laptop

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I did not expect Ss to like the wordsearch so much. They also gave positive feedback about the mini-debates

How could this class be improved/ modified? I guess I could give them some information on the structure of debates before having them. It seems to me that they did not have any exposure to debates before. The activity went well, but next time, when I decide to have debates in class again, I will dedicate more time to them and will make sure the Ss know the structure and what is expected from them, based on these mini-debates about the markets and also some visuals that I’ll prepare.


ES F23 INT- Thanksgiving

Class theme/topics discussed: Día de Acción de Gracias / Thanksgiving.

Goal of the class:

-To share opinions and personal experiences related to Thanksgiving.

-To write ideas and decorate a cup with things we are thankful for.

How did you structure the class?

*Music in the background*

– Greet the students and ask them to tell how they are feeling today and how was their Thanksgiving break. The students are reminded about important dates related to the class and the end of the semester (10min).

– The students are told we are going to share ideas and experiences related to Thanksgiving. Each student is given 5 questions and in a small group, they must ask each other these questions and share their ideas and experiences (30min).

– The students are given a picture of a cup with marshmallows. They must write in each marshmallow different things they are thankful for. The final cup can be sticked in the whiteboard of the classroom only If they want to share it with others (optional) (15min).

– Space for general questions and closing (5min).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

– Speaker

– Printed worksheet with questions about Thanksgiving

– Printed worksheet with cup and marshmallows

– Markers to color and decorate the cups

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The “thankfulness cup” worked well for this class. They were enthusiastic about completing it with their ideas and decorating it.

This class always gives me a hard time trying to make them speak. I have to guide the discussions most of the time. I kind of understand why I have to do it, but I would like them to be more proactive in terms of making an effort in participating more. Sometimes is the lack of vocabulary, tiredness, not actively listening to their peers or low self-confidence related to their Spanish skills. Maybe if the group was larger, the relationship and interaction between them would be different.

How could this class be improved/modified?

Maybe aiming to teach the students more strategies/skills to keep a conversation going such as making questions, listen actively, show interest, and try to make connections with others. Sometimes I have the feeling some of my students come to class, and they do not pay too much attention to what their peers are saying. This could be the main reason why they do not get engaged in the conversation.  

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


CN F23 INT Chinese idioms Lesson Plan

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Monday 230925

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate Class

Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese idioms

Goals of the class:

Learn words about Chinese idioms.

Know the context when using these idioms.

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: Given English translation for each Chinese characters, students guess meanings of some of the Chinese idioms.


Introduce some of the Chinese idioms like: 吃醋、放鸽子、吹牛、打车、说曹操,曹操到。

For each vocabulary, let students guess with the picture and then tell their meanings.

After knowing meanings, showing them a video, which use these words in real context.  

And then ask questions related to the words, like have you ever experienced this.


Ask student to choose one of the idioms they like and then create a scenario and act it out.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, videos, google doc 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well: When creating the scenario, student really enjoy it and the conversation she came up with is creative.

Did not workStudents hardly guess the meaning through pictures.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe give students more time to create the scenario and support them more, like telling them if they want they could print something. Make sure they have enough time to create a better one!

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

CN F23 INT Papercutting Lesson Plan

Language Resident Name: Manxi Wang                                   

Day and Date: Monday 230913

Language and Level (please circle):  Intermediate Class

Class theme/topics discussed: Chinese papercutting

Goals of the class:

Learn words about papercutting like (tools, patterns, meaning and steps to make it)

How did you structure the class?

Warm-up: Brief introduction to papercutting. (video)

Vocabulary: 剪刀、刻刀、红纸、图案、日常生活、对折、折叠

Sentence Pattern:首先……, 再……, 之后……, 最后……。

Activity1: Make the flower papercutting


Activity2: Introduce how to make the papercutting and make a short video.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Powerpoint, video, red paper.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Worked well: Vocabularies and sentence patterns help the student to out put the language. Papercutting itself is also very interesting.

Did not workI prepare two patterns of papercutting which are flowers and zodiac signs. The student thinks zodiac sign patterns are too difficult, so she doesn’t want to have a try.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

When doing the papercutting, I played some music, and we talk about our favorite songs. But I still think the student speak less when cutting the paper. I should come up with some ideas that can discuss more about the topic (papercutting)

ES F23 Intermediate Christmas

Class theme/topics discussed: Christmas traditions in Spain.

Goals of the class: learn new vocabulary related to Christmas and learn to write a wish list in Spanish using the verbs “to need” and “to want”

How did you structure the class? 

  1. 10 min: warm-up exercise where I showed them typical Christmas things and I displayed their names in Spanish and in groups they had to match the names to the images.
  • 15 min: afterwards I asked them how they celebrate Christmas in their houses and if they had any special traditions. We talked about this for quite a long time because I have to students that come from countries that don’t celebrate Christmas, so we were talking about their traditions.
  • 15 min: I showed them an example of a wish list and I asked them to make a similar one writing one item that they needed and explaining where you could find it and how much it costed. Then, they had to exchange the lists with each other, and the other person had to decide whether they had the money to buy that present for the other person.
  • 15 min: the last 15 min were supposed to be for the evaluation, but the light went out, so I will hand them out next Monday.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

PowerPoint presentation

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The spontaneous conversation on how we celebrated Christmas worked super well because we learnr a lot of new things from other countries and cultures. The wish list exercise didn’t work as well because they were tired and didn’t have imagination to think about anything that they wanted, so I had to give them hints on things that they could choose.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that next time I will give them a list of things and they would have to choose from that list something that they would want for Christmas and make their wish list based on that.

ES F23 INT Chilean food and dishes

Class theme/topics discussed: Chilean food and dishes.

Goal of the class: To check information about typical Chilean food and dishes.

How did you structure the class?

*Spanish music in the background*

– Greet the students and check how they are feeling. Ask the students to share ideas about some typical dishes from their countries/cities. Then, they are asked if they know any Chilean dishes. They must share their ideas as a group (20min).

– Watch a video about typical Chilean food and use PPT presentation to reinforce some ideas, ingredients, and details about the dishes (20min). 

– After watching the video and PPT presentation, the students are asked to share their opinions and thoughts about the Chilean dishes to the group in general (15min).

– Space for general questions, share final thoughts and closing. Students are asked what they enjoyed about the class and something they learned from today’s session (5min).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.) –

– Computer and TV

– PPT with pictures and information about food from Chile

– Youtube video

– Speakers

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I had more activities planned for this class, but I did not have enough time to cover them all, which is OK.  The students would take their time to ask a lot of questions which is good, but sometimes they would express their ideas in a slow way, or they would have a hard time to make their ideas being understandable. On one hand it is a positive thing because they get to answer their questions and being able to communicate. On the other hand, it makes the class feel kind of slow paced and quiet. 

How could this class be improved/modified?

Maybe I should have switched the order of some of the ideas I had to the class to focus more on the straight communicative and collaborative activities most of the time.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


ES F23 Intermediate Guilty Pleasures

Class theme/topics discussed: Guilty Pleasures

Goals of the class: learn about each other’s TV/music guilty pleasures

How did you structure the class? 

  1. 10 min: warm-up exercise in which we all talked about how our week was going and plans for the weekend.
  • 15 min: I showed them a presentation on some of my guilty pleasures (Legally Blonde movie and Jonas Brothers songs). I asked each of them to prepare a similar presentation that included the name of their guilty pleasure, a brief explanation, and a visual prompt (video, image, etc.)
  • 35 min: Each of them presented their guilty questions and we as a class had to ask them questions or make comments on their presentations. (10 min preparation + 25 min presentation).

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva Presentation, Youtube, Google Images.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I think everything worked super well because they were excited to come in front of the class and explain their guilty pleasures. We all laughed together, and we learnt new things about each other’s media tastes. I also showed them some Spanish reality shows and I learnt a lot about American TV culture. Perhaps, I should have managed the time a bit better because we got so excited on the first presentations that the last people presenting had to rush and they didn’t have as much time as the previous students.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think the next time I will time each presentation and put a limit on questions so everybody gets the same amount of time. However, I think that on my next class on Tuesday I will ask the people who didn’t have much time to present to come up in front of the class and finish their presentation if they are willing to.

ES F23 Intermediate Halloween

Class theme/topics discussed: Differences between Halloween in the US and in Spain 

Goals of the class: learn Halloween vocabulary in Spanish and learn about Halloween traditions in Spain. Learn how to conjugate the verb “to dress up” (disfrazarse).

How did you structure the class? 

  1. 5 min: warm-up exercise where we talked about our plans for Halloween and about what we did during Halloweekend.
  • 10 min: I displayed images of typical Halloween things (pumpkin, ghosts, vampires…) and I also displayed their names in Spanish, and they had to match the pictures to their names talking to their classmates.
  • 20 min: I displayed the conjugation of the verb “to dress up” in the TV and they had to ask each other questions regarding their Halloween costumes using the correct verb tense and conjugation.
  • 15 min: later, I displayed images and videos of how All Saints Day (1st November) is celebrated in Spain and we discussed their origins and differences in comparation to the US.
  • 10 min: lastly, each of them had to present in front of the class a Halloween tradition that they would do when they were little and, if they had, show a picture.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva presentation and Youtube.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The part where they explained their own Halloween traditions went super well because I could see that they wanted to share with the rest of the class their own experience. They were also super surprised when I talked about how we don’t celebrate Halloween, but we celebrate All Saints Day. I feel that the first exercise didn’t go that well in comparison because they didn’t know any of the Spanish words for the Halloween items, so they were a bit lost. 

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that if I had to do this class again, I would give them more context in the first exercise. I thought that I would be easy to match the words to the pictures (vampire is vampiro, ghost is fantasma, which I thought they would connect with phantom, etc.). I thought they would follow more their intuition, but they were just trying to guess their meanings randomly. I think that next time I would bring a little text or a description in Spanish of each item that contextualizes more each word.

jp f23 Karuta (int and adv)

Class theme/topics discussed: Things that will probably be asked in Japan. (About language study)

Goals of the class: Learn some new vocabulary and have fun

How did you structure the class? 

Talking about our weekend (5min)

②Karuta (50min)

Reminder for the Onigiri event (5min)

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)


What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I think the students had fun playing Karuta. I made the student read out the phrase that I read and checked the words. When explaining the words, I think I should use the white bord and explain.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Maybe I should have prepared some hand sheets so it will make the students easier to understand the vocabulary.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

The Karuta was about foods in Japan and they played with words.

jp f23 Debate in Japanese!(int)

Goals of the class: 

Be able to debate in Japanese.

How did you structure the class? 

①Find the lie (10min)

→Students had to think three sentences in Japanese, and one should be a lie.

② Chose the topic for the debate(5min)


→The debate topic was “Dog vs Cat.”

1Discuss in the group, the good points.


3Refute the argument.

4Extra opinions

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Word document 

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I gave clear structure for the debate, so the students were clear with the activity. Also, giving them warm-up activity went well. I felt the students were able to relax and talk more during class. On the other hand, I think I gave too many ideas for the debate topic. It took a little time for the students to decide the debate topic.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

When choosing the topic, I think it would have better for me to make it into a small activity. Rate the top three topics what they want to do and so on.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.




・USJ vs Disneyland

・テレビvs YouTube








・きらいなものしか食べられない人生vs 虫料理しか食べられない人生









jp f23 Let’s learn some Manzai! (int and adv)

Goals of the class: 

Learn what Manzai is and create Manzai.

How did you structure the class? 

Talking about our classes(5min)

②Presentation about Manzai(15min)

Show some Manzai videos (20min)

I showed two videos and I explained what they were talking about.

④Create Manzai (20min)

→The students created funny stories related to their own life.


What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva and YouTube

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

When I was showing the video, I stopped the video and explained the jokes that the people were saying. I think they were able to learn new words and they were able to review a little Kanji. Also, when the students understood the joke, I could see they were enjoying it.

On the other hand, I think for my presentation I should have added more images.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

Add some more images to my presentations and always try to explain concisely! Don’t add too much information.

JP SP23 ADV / Int : Let’s go to the police in Japan! (Talking about the appearance of the suspect). 見た目について話そう


              Intro of Japanese pops



Match the number of picture (1~8) and the description (a~h) (1st page)


Check if everyone got correct answer.


Put necessary vocabulary to describe someone’s appearance (2nd page)


(page 3)

  1. Let’s decide what kind of facial feature your imaginary suspect has beforehand, (not telling to your partner),
  2. Then try to describe the features to the Police (your partner). If you are police, draw a picture in the space on the right side of the chart.


(page 4)

3. When you are shopping at the supermarket, you saw some young lads shoplifting. Tell the police about the appearance. If you are the police, draw the picture.

4. switch the role of Witness and the police.

17:15      End

What technology, media or props did you use?  

Hot tea (Houji-cha, roasted Japanese tea), small snacks

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

This activity was a great success. Everyone loved to see each other’s drawing which came out hilarious.


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