an archive of lesson plans

Category: Traveling (Page 1 of 3)

About traveling, tourism, geography, transportation

ES S24 – Adv. CC: Traveling

Language Resident/Assistant Name: Mayerly Gómez S.

Day and Date: 04-18-2024

Language and Level: Spanish Advanced class (7 students)

Class theme/topics discussed: Traveling.

Goal of the class:

– To talk and discuss about traveling experiences and preferences.

How did you structure the class?

*Music in the background*

– Greet the students and ask them to tell how they are feeling today. The students work in couples. They are asked to look in their phones for a picture about the last place they traveled to or visited. They have to explain and give more information to their classmate about the picture. After some time, volunteers can share their pictures to the class and explain a little about their visit (20min).

– With a different partner, students are given some cards with questions related to traveling. They are encouraged to discuss their ideas using the cards (10min).

– Then, the students are given a piece of paper with questions about their ideal vacation trip. They discuss ideas with a different partner and at the end, volunteers share their thoughts with the whole class (15min).

– Students are given a sheet with different hypothetic situations about traveling. They have to pick one and discuss with a partner about what they would do in the situation (10min).

– Space for general questions and closing (5min).

What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

– Speaker

– Printed sheet with cards about traveling

– Printed sheet with questions about the ideal trip

– Printed sheet with different travel problems to solve

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

Overall, I would say the class went well today. We decided to have the class outside because the students suggested it, and it turned out to be a great idea. Everyone seemed excited and being outdoors made the atmosphere more relaxed and friendly. It was nice to see how being outside made it easier for everyone to talk and share their stories. Many students had cool travel stories to tell, and they were also eager to talk about their upcoming summer trips. Today’s class showed me how nice it can be to have class outside, where everyone feels comfortable sharing and learning together.

How could this class be improved/modified?

For this class, I would not modify or change anything.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

GERM SP24 Int Planning a Vacation

Conversation Class Lesson Summary

Language Resident Name: Lea Marie Uhlending                                                   

Day and Date: Monday, 04/08/24

Language and Level:  Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed:

Vacation in Germany

Goals of the class:

For the students to plan a theoretical vacation in Germany that they might even turn into a real one.

How did you structure the class?

I began by asking them a few questions like “Where in Germany would you like to visit?”, “What would you like to do?”, “Beach or city?”, etc. And then I gave them a specific situation and told them to plan a vacation. Afterwards they each presented their plans.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

the map, powerpoint, whiteboard

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The students came up with interesting plans and I know that at least one of them will put parts of her plan into action.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that this idea works well, especially close to the end of the semester. Their attention shifts towards their full credit classes, and to their summer vacation plans. So something low stress is a good idea.

ES S24 Int Discovering Granada

Language Resident Name:        Ana Muñoz Macías                                            

Day and Date: 02/7/2024

Language and Level (please circle): Intermediate

Class theme/topics discussed: Discovering Granada, parts of the city and giving directions for moving in the city.

Goals of the class: learn vocabulary related to the city and learn how to give orders in Spanish (Imperativo). Second part of Monday’s class structured in a similar way. They learnt how to give directions in a city.

How did you structure the class? 

  • 10 min: Warm up where we reviewed Monday’s vocabulary.
  • 15 min: I showed them different types of Spanish magazines and they had to match their names to their pictures.
  • 15 min: We reviewed the ways of giving orders in Spanish and then I showed them a city map of Granada. We read together some funny names of the streets.
  • 20: Afterwards, I prepared a game in which I printed a map of Granada, and I showed in the TV different situations where people would ask them how to get from one place to another in the city. They had to act these dialogues in pairs using the vocabulary and the imperative form.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva presentation and printed version of the Granada city map.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I think that the map game worked really well because they were familiar with it from last class, and they knew what to do. They did forget some of the words that we learnt on Monday, that’s why I feel it was a good idea to review them. They are a bit shy, and I’m still working on ideas to make them talk more, however, I do see some improvement from the first classes.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I think that I will try watching some videos or songs with the class. I do think that the topics that I bring to class interest them, but sometimes they are too shy to talk. I wonder if videos or songs would make it easier and would make them feel more confident.

If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

ES S24 Int Discovering Madrid

Class theme/topics discussed: Discovering Madrid, parts of the city and giving directions for taking the metro.

Goals of the class: learn vocabulary related to the city and learn how to give orders in Spanish (Imperativo) .

How did you structure the class? 

  • 10 min: Warm up where we talked about the rain and about our weekend.
  • 15 min: I showed them different parts of Spanish cities (squares, museums, theatres, etc.) They had to figure out the names of these buildings in Spanish and guess where these buildings are located in. Spain (in which cities).
  • 10 min: We reviewed the ways of giving orders in Spanish and then I showed them the metro map of Madrid. We read together some funny names of the metro stops, and they learnt vocabulary related to the metro (stops, line, ect.)
  • 20: Afterwards I prepared a game in which I printed the Madrid metro map, and I showed in the TV different situations where people would ask them how to get from one place to another in the metro. They had to act these dialogues in pairs using the vocabulary and the imperative form.

What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, handouts, etc.)

Canva presentation and printed version of the Madrid metro map.

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

I think that the last activity worked well because I could see that they were using the vocabulary and the grammar forms that I had explained. I think that they worked well in groups and that they liked finding the name of the stops in the map. I think that what didn’t work as well was the part where we reviewed the grammar. I didn’t want to explain it but just to review it together asking them for examples. However, there were some people who hadn’t studied (or didn’t remember) how to give orders so I had to give a more in-depth explanation. However, I tried to include those who knew how to use this grammar form and I asked them to explain it to the class, which I think was a really good idea.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

If I had known that some of them didn’t know how to use this grammar form, I would have prepared a slide with a quick explanation. However, I’m happy with the result because I managed to include those who knew this grammar point into the explanation.

 If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

RU S23 INT: Nature

Language Resident Name: Aleksandra Bystrova

Date: 02/27/2023

Class theme/topics discussed: Nature

Goal of the class:

  • Students can use the Accusative Case to explain feelings (I hear, I see, I touch)
  • Students can describe different landscapes
  • Students can talk about natural disasters in Russia
  • Students can list lessons of nature

How did you structure the class?

  1. Warm-up. Fill the form (10 mins)
    This assignment should be done outside. Students are given a form with a chart: I see, I hear, I feel, I touch. They have to write a list of things in the correct case.

2.Activity 1. Your Perfect Landscape (10 min)
I show the students three typical landscapes in Russian and ask them to choose a landscape in which they would like to live. They should describe the reasons for their choice.

3.Activity 2. The most beautiful place in Russia (10 min)
I ask students to choose the most beautiful natural place in Russia and present it to the whole class, showing it on a map and describing why they chose it.

4.Activity 3. Nanna Heitman As Frozen Land Burns (10 min)
I show the students Nanna Heitman’s photo project about fires in Siberia and ask them to describe the photos. What do you see? Where do you think this is? How are people dealing with it?
Then, I provide students with the background of the problem and ask additional questions. Why do forest fires start? Are there forest fires in your area? What are the negative consequences of fires?

5.Activity 4: Монеточка — гори гори гори

6. Wrap-up. Lessons from Nature (10 min)
Think about the five lessons nature teaches us. What can we learn from nature? For example: Nature knows what is good for her

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The class went well. Several of my students are very interested in nature, so it was especially helpful for them to learn new words related to nature and issues. The activity with the form helps a lot to practice the accusative case and also sets the students up for work because of the change of scenery.

How could this class be improved/ modified?

I recommend doing this class outside if possible. Then hands-on activities can be added.

ES INT: Safari

Language resident: Natalia Cano

Class theme/topic discussed:

Travel, animals and future tense

Goal of the class:

The students revise animals vocabulary, travel and present and future tense

Class structure:

Activity 1:

We go on a safari. The students have to decide in pairs a safari trip for the Language residents. They have to decide where to go, who many days, find the flights, accommodation and things to do.

Once they found all the information, they have to present it to the class.

Activity 2:

What animals would we see on a safari?

The students brainstorm about all the animals they know and I give them the vocabulary they do not know.

Activity 3:

What is your animal spirit?

The students take a test in Spanish to discover their animal spirit. Then, they share it with the rest of the class. The LR also takes the test, so their information can also be shared.

Activity 4:

Animal stories.

I give each student cards with 4 random animals. They have to come up with a story for kids where those three animals are characters.

Backup activity: animals taboo

The students play taboo with the cards previously used in the activity 4.

Resources used:

Animal spirit test:

What worked well? What did not work?

I would add a warm up as: what is your favorite way of traveling. However, I did not do it because the previous class to this one was about traveling. The class went very well and the students were very talkative. They made me play a Taylor Swift video about a safari. I was not very happy about showing a song in English in the class, but the video had a very interesting plot, so I made them explain what happened in the video in Spanish once the video was done. We did not have enough time to do the backup activity.

JP S22 INT/ADV: Campus tour guide 生徒主導のキャンパスツアー

6th April 2022


            Meeting in front of Oldenborg front gate. Students started guiding

            Talking about different kinds of tree / plants / flowers, favorite buildings to spend time.


            End (at CMC)

What technology, media or props did you use?  

Students’ laptop, Google maps, Photos

What worked well in this class? What did not work?

The walking tour was a little bit too hot outside.

Es F21 Adv Traveling

Language Resident: Natalia Cano

Topic: Travelling


Test: What type of traveler are you?

Activity 1: What do you need in a trip?

The students write in a paper 5 things they need while travelling and they give this paper to another student. The second student decides which destination is the best one to the first student. The second student also decides how much time the trip is going to last, which transportation she/he should use, where is this person staying, activities that can enjoy in the destination and things that they should pack.

Each student presents the organized trip to the rest of the class. The student who receives the surprise trip has to react using expressions proposed on the powerpoint: me encanta, está bien, lo haría, no me gusta, no lo haría, lo odio.

Activity 2: Transportation

  • Which means of transport do you know?
  • Which one do you prefer?
  • Why?

Resources used: Powerpoint


I think that the warmup was good, because we all have done this kind of test as some point of our lives, so they know how they work, and they also asked about vocabulary they did not know.

Planning a trip for another student was something that they really liked, they put a lot of effort on that, and each student paid a lot of attention to what the other students were saying. It was a useful activity too because they didn’t remember the names of the other students in the class, so it also helped them to get to know each other a little more. The only thing I didn’t like about this activity is that some students were faster than others and I didn’t want to have students checking their phone in class. So, I had to stop some of them is the last part of the planning, and some of them didn’t have the items that the other student had to bring to their trip. Activity number 1 took a big part of the class, but we spent the last 5-7 min talking about transportation. It was good because each student liked a different one and they gave different reasons for it, so it worked well.

ES F21 ADV Using de Subway

Language Resident: Franco Rivas Quiroz

Level: Advanced

Class theme/topic discussed: Travelling 

Goal of the class:

Students will be able to:

  • Give directions in a subway setting of a Chilean city.
  • Use expressions to express directions such as “Toma el metro en la estación…”, “avanza dos estaciones en dirección”, etc.
  • Determine the best way to use the subway taking into consideration some eventual difficulties

Class structure:

Warm up:

Students see images of people lost in a city and discuss whether they have been in a situation like that in the past, or have had the chance to help someone in that situation.


Students remember words and expressions related to giving directions and giving direcions using the subway. “toma la línea _____ en la estación ___”, “avanza tres estaciones en dirección ____”, etc.

Students see a map of Metro de Santiago and practice with three different destinies:

  • From Las Rejas to Estación Central
  • From Cerrillos to San Miguel
  • From Los Dominicos to Grecia
  • “¿Cómo llegar al aeropuerto?”: Students discuss the best way to help somone to go from Trinidad station to the Airport in Pudahuel station, considering that some of the stations are closed during certain hours. (sheets of paper were printed out with the map of the metro, and some difficulties were added afterwards)

    Wrap up:

    Students talk about whether they found that easy or not, whether they would see themselves using those expressions in the future, etc.

    Resources used: Projector, imovie

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    The class went well. I realized in the class that students did not know very much about giving directions in Spanish, so I ended up using some more time at the beginning to help them get not only the expressions that they were going to use for the main task, but also other kind of expressions that they could come across when giving directions. They seemed to appreciate the class, because they said that it was very useful if they ever went to a Spanish-speaking country; and that it is something that they are not usually taught in Spanish classes.

    ES F21 Int prepositions (por and para)

    Language Resident: Natalia Cano

    Goal of the class: Por and para

    Warm up: some examples with already know

    -Por favor

    -Por el momento

    -¿Hay un banco por aquí?

    -Este regalo es para ti

    -Trabajo para una multinacional

    -¿Algún otro ejemplo que se os ocurra?

    Activity 1: Por and para explanation chart

    Activity 2: In pairs the students think about an example of every por and para case.

    Activity 3: Map

    In pairs they tell their partner how they go from one place in the city map to another by using por and para. Ex. Yo voy de la cafetería para el banco por la avenida Hablo español.

    Activity 4: Fill the blanks with por and para

    .We did this activity in group. Each of them reads a sentence and decided if por or para was the right option.

    Resources used: Powerpoint


    In this class we worked more on grammar, but I tried to make them talk to each other by putting them in pairs. They asked me a lot of questions with different examples in which they had doubts, so I think that this class was very useful for them.I would add a specific  warm up to this class, not just taking with them about how everything is going on and the couple of examples of por and para.

    DE F20 INT/ADV – Octoberfest

    Language Resident/Assistant Name: Eva Saunders

    Day and Date: 10/1/2020

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate/Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed: Oktoberfest

    Goal of the class: Know how to order foods and drinks & how to give compliments/small talk

    How did you structure the class?

    A) Warm-Up:  Discussion about Oktoberfest – what do students know about it? Have you been? Learn important vocabulary (best with pictures, maybe let them pronounce the words/fill in translations for intermediate). (10 min)

    *Optional for advanced students or students who have been to Oktoberfest: Wordsearch with words that they have to find (helps knowing how to spell words that they have just heard before)

    Activity 2: Discussion: How do we order items/ask other people to bring us food? How do we give compliments? (10 min) – can be done online in small breakout groups either just talking or written with Google Sheets or in small classes with whole class (see example for ordering food/conversations with server attached)

    B) Some facts and figures about Oktoberfest. Learn about 40th Oktoberfest terrorist attack anniversary. Talk about effects of Covid-19 and the alternate program in Munich via their Instagram page.

    Fun Examples: – Watch “Bavarian Line Dance”

    C) If extra time, show them attraction “Teufelsrad”, a spinning platform that people sit on and have to stay on

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.): Share Screen function in Zoom, Images, Instagram, YouTube, Google Docs, Chat, Course Website as a resource for homework and reference

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    The students were engaged well. One of the students had been to Oktoberfest, so I let her knowledge and conversations lead to the topics and added some based on questions. They enjoyed ordering things and learning compliments. We zigzagged a bit in terms of topics, but I wanted to keep it organic. They very much enjoyed the videos and pictures of the alternate program to Oktoberfest this year.

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    Oktoberfest is such a huge topic that it’s hard to give a true impression in one hour and have a conversation and some grammar at the same time. I assumed they had already seen the partying in tents and the atmosphere, so I focused on more practical/historical aspects of it and some special attractions that they have had in the past and are having now. I think that worked well.

    For the wordsearch, you can make your own here:

    If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

    Virtual Handout in target language (Password: GERMAN)




    RUS S20 Adv/Int: Traveling (online)

    Language Resident Name:


    Day and Date:

    Tuesday, 04/07/2020

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

    Russian, Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed:

    Where would you go after Corona?

    Goal of the class:

    To talk about travel plans and about different ways of traveling (moneywise, company, etc. )

    How did you structure the class?

    1. Greetings, announcements, general questions.
    2. Activity 1: [all together] What is the most exotic place you have been to? Did you go there by yourself, or with other people? Why?
    3. Activity 2: [in groups of 3 in Break-Out Rooms] Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling solo. Write down as many pros and cons as you can come up with.
    4. Activity 3: [all together]: sharing the results + the discussion. After that: there is a famous Ukrainian (and Russian) TV show about traveling called ‘Орёл и Решка’. It is about traveling, and there are two people in it. Why do you think the show is called that? Make predictions.
    5. Activity 4: [in pairs in Break-Out Rooms]: Watch the first 5 minutes of the TV show (Miami episode). Were you right about the main idea? Discuss the structure and key features.
    • Activity 5: [in pairs in Break-Out Rooms] After we discussed the idea of the show together, students work in pairs. They should go to and get a random country. They flip the coin, and one student has to plan the trip to this country with $100, while the second has an unlimited amount of money.
    • Activity 5: [all together] Student present their travel plans to everyone.
    • Conclusion and a follow-up discussion.

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    Zoom, YouTube

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    The class worked out well!

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    I would leave it as it is.

    ES S20 INT/ADV Traveling

    Language Resident: Katherine Pérez Gutiérrez (Credit to Marie Segura)

    Class theme/topic discussed : Travel

    Goal of the class 

    • Practice vocabulary related to traveling and means of transport
    • Get to know popular touristic destinations in Spanish speaking places

    Class structure

    • Warm up: Questions (Do you like traveling? What does traveling mean to you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling? Do you think traveling is a form of education? What places have you been to? Would you like to travel on your own?
    • Input:  Story about one of my trips (emphasis on means of transport and activities I did there)
    • Activity 1: What type of traveller are you? Students have been given a free trip but they can’t choose where to go. In pairs, students fill in a chart explaining what type of traveller they are and rank a list of things they like to do the most when traveling.
    • Activity 2: Organize the trip. Organize a surprise trip for another pair of students using their preferences. Each pair of students receives another pair’s list of preferences. Now they have to organize a surprise trip, by first choosing a destination (4 destinations are proposed on a handout with the main activities you can do there but they can also choose another Spanish-speaking destination and look up for information online) and then deciding on different aspects of the trip: length of the trip, means of transport, housing, activities organized there. When they’re done, students pick 10 items out of a list that they would pack for this trip. They can add things if they want to. 
    • Activity 3: Presenting the trip/Receiving the Gift. Each group presents the trip they organized to the rest of the class (and especially to the group who receives it who has to react)
    • Activity 4: Customs role-play. Students are on their way to their destinations. In small groups they have to recreate getting to the airport, checking their luggage, going through customs and everything people usually have to do when in the airport.
    • Activity 5: Filling a complaint. Students come up with a complaint about something going wrong with their trip (the flight got delayed, the airline lost their luggage, the place they where staying at wasn’t clean enough, etc.) 
    • Activity 6: COVID-19. ¿How has traveling changed since the virus started spreading? What measures have been taken by airlines/airports? Do you think this is going to have a more permanent effect on traveling in the future? How are airports and airplanes going to look like after the pandemic is under control? 

    Resources used

    Reflection: What worked/did not work? How can it be improved?

    • The class worked okay. Trying to use the handout was hard because of zoom, but after trying to make the questions in a more conversational way, it worked okay. Because only 2 students joined the class, we only did the first 3 activities.


    • Traveler’s handout

    CN S20 ADV Travel (Zoom Class)

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary

    Language Resident Name: Ruirui Zhang

    Day and Date: Thursday, April 23,2020

    Language and Level : Advanced Class

     Class theme/topics discussed :Travel to China(make a plan to travel to China)

    Goal of the class:

    Students are able to use China’s travelling website to book a airplane ticket ,hotel and tickets of tourist attractions.

     How did you structure the class? 

     1.Warm up: Review words related to travelling by playing a game: each student got two flashcards and need to describe the words while others guess the words.

    2.Activity: Google search “Tóngchéng”(同程旅游)and try to book a airplane ticket/hotel/ticket of tourist attraction referring to the handout.

    Teacher briefly introduces the website and  students need to book a airplane ticket/hotel/tickets of tourist attractions on this website. Then students pair up and finish the task together.

    During the activity, the teacher walks around and makes sure students are on the right track (I found some students talk about tourist attractions in English instead of doing the activity). They need to show and talk to teacher about their booking. Meanwhile, reminder students to look through comments which other users leave before booking.

    3.Close lesson: Share your trip with each other. These includes:

    State the hotel’s name you booked and reasons why you booked this hotel.

    State the tourist attraction and what it is like. 

    What technology, media or props did you use?  


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

     Students had fun planning a trip with using actual website. And It’s very useful to let students do such a activity since nowadays people tend to book tickets online.      

    Planning a trip was a little bit difficult for the Intermediate Class. It need to be simplified or more supports need to be provided.    

    Could this class be improved/ modified?

     If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.




    出发城市:                    到达城市:

    出发日期:                     返回日期:









    DE S20 INT: Traveling (Zoom class)

    Language Resident Name: Tilman Viëtor

    Day and Date: Monday, 04/27/2020

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): German, Intermediate

    # of Students: 3

    Class theme/topics discussed: traveling

    Goal of the class: Students repeat traveling vocab, practice a common German grammatical construction, practice presenting information.

    How did you structure the class?

    1. Warm-up (Prior knowledge):

    I put questions in the google doc, that the students talk about in pairs in breakout rooms. 1. What was the best trip that you ever went on? What was so great about it? 2. Can you imagine living in a different country one day? Where would that be? 3. Where would you travel to if money was not an issue? 4. Is traveling important to you? Why/why not?

    • Activity 1 (Input):

    The students brainstorm as many terms that are connected with traveling as possible. After two minutes, we look at all the terms together and talk about them.

    • Activity 2 (Guided Practice):

    The students answer the question “Why do people travel?” with the “um…zu”-Construction (in order to). Together we collect as many reasons to travel as possible. When the students run out of ideas, we look at a website together that gives ten reasons for traveling.

    • Activity 3 (Task):

    Students prepare a mini-presentation about the most interesting trip they ever went to. They explain where they went, for how long, how they got there, what they did there, what was most interesting, etc. They also explain, why traveling is important to them. They can also show pictures with the screenshare function. After about 5 minutes of preparation time, they get together in breakout rooms and present to each other.

    • Activity 4 (Follow-up):

    We meet in the main room, everyone quickly summarizes what they talked about, before we say our goodbyes.

    What technology, media or props did you use? (Internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    Google Doc, DeepL, website :,

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    The class went pretty well. The students talked a lot and were active and engaged all the time. The activities were not as dynamic as I had hoped, but I think that was because half of the class was missing. Also, I had one more, pretty big task prepared for the students, but we did not have the time to do it. But because I did not try to squeeze that activity in, the timing worked out very well.

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    Finding a short video or some other kind of input with travel-related vocabulary would have been good to stimulate more ideas in the brainstorming activity.

    FR F19 INT Traveling – Surprise trip

    Goal of the class: Practicing vocabulary related to traveling, discovering different French-speaking places. 


    Warm up (5-10mn)

    Do you like traveling? What does traveling mean to you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling? Do you think traveling is a form of education? What places have you been to? Would you like to travel on your own? 

    Input (3mn)

    Story about my trip a year ago to Montreal, mentioning the different means of transport I used, the different kinds of activities I did there etc. 

    Activity 1 – What type of traveler are you? (10mn)

    Tell the students, in pairs, that they have received a free trip but they can’t choose where they will go. The only thing they can do to get a trip they would actually enjoy is fill in a chart explaining what type of traveler they are. They have to choose and rank the 5 things they most like 

    Activity 2 – organizing the trip (10-15mn)

    Organize a surprise trip for another pair of students using their preferences. Each pair of students receives another pair’s list of travelling preferences. They then have to organize a surprise trip, by first choosing a destination (4 destinations are proposed on a handout with the main activities you can do there but they can also choose another French-speaking destination and look up for information online) and then deciding on different aspects of the trip: length of the trip, means of transport, housing, activities organized there… 

    When they’re done, students pick 10 items out of a list that they would pack for this trip. They can add things if they want to. 

    Activity 3 – Presenting the trip/receiving the gift (5-10mn)

    Each group present the trip they organized to the rest of the class. The group who receives the surprise trip has to react using expressions proposed on a powerpoint.

    Post-activity – traveling habits

    Show a chart that presents different ways of travelling and discuss.



    JP S19 INT Traveling

    Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

    Day and Date: Monday, February 25th

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Intermediate Japanese 

    Class theme/topics discussed: Traveling 

    Goal of the class: To be able to arrange a travel discussing in Japanese and to be able to present their plans. 

    How did you structure the class?

    Activity1 (10 min): Warm-up

    We casually talk about weekends.

    Activity2 (10 min): Small Discussion

    Students talk about the place they want to travel most right now. 

    Activity3 (10 min): Reviewing Expressions

    We review expressions related to travelling. Students shout words out and I write them down on the whiteboard.

    Activity4 (15 min): Arrange Your Travel

    Students make a pair and arrange their travel. Suppose they’re a university student in Tokyo and arrange Japan domestic travel. Each person is given $500 budget to travel. 

    Activity5 (10 min): Presentation

    Each pair presents their travel plan. 

    Activity6 (5 min): Wrap-up

    I briefly announce the upcoming cultural activity. 

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    This plan went really well. When students were making their own plan, everyone was really engaged into the activity and conversation. Time management could have been done better since we had to a little hurry to share their plans today. I showed pictures on the Internet as each group was presenting their plan, which took time than I had planned.

    How could this class be improved/ modified?
    I would keep it as it is with this class size.

    10 – 15 minutes could be used to share their plan, showing pictures.  If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

    JP F18 INT/ADV Thanksgiving

    Language Resident Name: Ayaka Matsuo

    Day and Date: Tuesday, November 27th

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced Japanese 

    Class theme/topics discussed: Thanksgiving

    Goal of the class: To be able to talk about / listen to Thanksgiving Holiday. 

    How did you structure the class?

    Activity1 (10 min): Warm-up

    I talk about my Thanksgiving holiday. This is going to be a game, two truths and a lie. I write three key words that are related to my Thanksgiving holiday on the whiteboard and talk a bit about each word. Then students ask one question each. After everyone asks one question, they guess what key word is a lie. 

    Activity2 (45 min): Two Truths and A Lie

    I give students a few minutes to think about their key words. Then, one student presents his/her Thanksgiving as I showed. Every student gets a chance to talk about theirs. 

    Activity3 (5 min): Wrap-up

    We choose who was the best liar and who was the most honest one. 

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    It worked really well. Students were really engaged into the game, paying attention to everyone very carefully. I tried to manage the time but it didn’t go well as I calculated. So not everyone had a chance to talk about. However, I believe it would have been better this way than dividing the class into two groups because students are very close each other and they wanted to know each one’s Thanksgiving story.  

    How could this class be improved/ modified?As for time management, the class could be divided into two groups or warm-up could be shorter. 

    ES S18 INT How to Face certain Situations

    Language Resident Name: Hugo Briones Cáceres

    Day and Date: Wednesday, January 31st

    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Conversation Intermediate

    Class theme/topics discussed:

    How to act and react in certain situations

    Goal of the class:

    • Create dialogues based on a situation showing how to act in them.

    How did you structure the class?

    Working in groups, students are given a specific situation. They will have to create a dialogue using the correct grammar and vocabulary. They have to make the correct adjustments according to the context they are supposed to be in (language, currency, measuring, formality, etc.). Then, they are asked to enact their situations in front of the class, ready to get feedback from their classmates.

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    The activity worked quite well. It helped the students to work in their confidence with their language skills (grammar and vocabulary).

    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    Maybe it is better to use two classes for the activity, one for creating and one for presenting.


    RU S18 INT Traveling

    Language Resident Name: Mykyta Tyshchenko

    Day and Date: Monday, 01.29.2018

    Language and Level: Russian, Intermediate

    Class theme/topics discussed: Traveling

    Goal of the class: review related vocabulary, develop argumentation skills, practice storytelling

    How did you structure the class?

    1. Greetings, general questions and announcements. – 5 min
    2. Warm-up: What countries have you visited? When? Was it traveling, studying or working? – 10 min
    3. What do we need to travel? Students work in couples. They are given 3 minutes to discuss and come up with a list of 5 items they can’t imagine travelling without. While presenting the list, they have to explain why the items are important. – 15 min
    4. Storytelling: The LR asks the students to use on of their Instagram or Facebook posts to tell about any of their travelling days: they are to show pictures and tell what they have done that day. The students may use any picture from the internet if they are not comfortable showing their private accounts, and they can also make up a story without telling the truth. The students have 5 minutes for preparation and 2-3 minutes for telling their story. The LR tells his story as an example.

    Hint: remind the students about the linking words like сначала, затем, потом, в конце дня etc. and using the correct past tense. – 25 min

    1. What are your future travel plans/expectations? The students share their ideas for future trips using constructions like: – 5 min

    – Я бы хотела/хотел поехать в ______

    – Я бы хотела/хотел увидеть _______


    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    TV, laptop

    RU S18 INT Holiday and Traveling Experience

    Language Resident Name: Mykyta Tyshchenko

    Day and Date: Monday, 01.22.2018

    Language and Level: Russian, Intermediate

    Class theme/topics discussed: Holiday and travelling experience

    Goal of the class: share holiday stories, start the discussion of the travel topic, practice listening and creative writing skills

    How did you structure the class?

    1. Greetings, general questions etc. – 5 min
    2. Creating a word cloud: What is travelling for you? Students take turns writing the words (at least 3) they associate with travelling on the blackboard. After the cloud is done, the students and the LR explain to the class their word choice. – 25 min
    3. Talking about the break: Speed dating. The students are given a list of suggested questions connected with travelling and the winter break. They rotate in the class so that they can ask questions every student. Every turn lasts for only 1 minute. (handout 1) – 30 min

     What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)


    Handout 1.

    1. Как прошли твои каникулы (break)?
    2. Куда ты ездил/ездила?
    3. Какое было самое интересное событие (event)?
    4. Были ли у тебя проблемы во время путешествий (travels)?
    5. Какие праздники (holidays) ты праздновал/праздновала?
    6. Какие фильмы ты посмотрел/посмотрела на каникулах?
    7. Ты рад/рада (glad) вернуться в колледж?

    ES S18 ADV Traveling

    Language Resident Name:  Hugo Briones Cáceres

    Day and Date: Tuesday, April 10th

     Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Spanish Conversation Advanced

    Class theme/topics discussed: Traveling

    Goal of the class:

    • To plan vacations in a Spanish speaking place.

    How did you structure the class?

    1. We start the class by discussing everyone’s weekends. Students can share whatever they want during the beginning of the class.
    2. In pairs or threesomes, students are asked to plan their dream vacations to a Spanish speaking country. They have a budget of U$2,500 per person. They have to look for actual prices of flights, visas, vaccines (if necessary), stay and leisure. Then, they have to be ready to show their plans to the rest of the class.

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    Handouts, Students’ cellphones to look for information.

    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Students were very resourceful to get the information they needed for their trips. They liked the idea and some of them were even considering to actually make use of their plans. The idea works out well in Intermediate, but some input in regards to vocabulary has to be given.

     How could this class be improved/ modified?

    In terms of time, it is necessary to have maybe two classes back to back, one for organization and one for presenting.

    ¡Vamos a viajar!

    ES F17 ADV Arrange your trip!

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary

    Language Resident Name: JOSE GOMEZ

    Day and Date: 11/09/2017

    (Class in the FLRC)


    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class): Advanced


    Class theme/topics discussed: Traveling

    Goal of the class: Students learn travel related vocabulary, and tools to travel in Spanish


    How did you structure the class?

     Head’s up: Movie night “Vivir es Fácil con los Ojos Cerrados”

     Warm-up (5’): Students watch a travelling video on Youtube to set the tone of the class


    Activity 1(10’): Small discussion ¿Why do you travel? Students are divided into groups and each of them will argue about the following reasons to travel. Then they share with the rest of the class.

    • To learn languages
    • To learn about other people’s culture
    • To escape from reality
    • To show off on Instagram


    Activity 2 (15’): As a group, we brainstorm different webpages and apps that help us travelling. I will provide some that I know in case they don’t. We will also learn quickly how to use them. Skyscanner, Couchsurfing, Civitatis, Workaway.


    Activity 3 (20’): (in pairs) Students get a worksheet with a template of a trip planner.

    They are given a budget of 1000$.

    They will have to arrange their own trip, using the real tools they have seen before. They will have to pick a place, look for accommodation, transport, restaurants. Since this class takes place at the FLRC, they all have the resources to make the reservations and to know exactly the prizes of the things they will need.


    Activity 4 (10’): Students will present the trip they have organized to the rest of the class. They will have the screen to do it, and also pictures of the places they want to see.


    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    6 travelling worksheets templates

    Computers at the FLRC


    Access to Internet


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    I think students found this class very original. They really enjoyed having to create their own real trip and some of them took it very seriously since many were seniors and were planning trips after graduating.


    How could this class be improved/ modified?

    Something that I could have done better here is the time management. The trip planning process takes a while and some students would have liked to arrange more elaborated trips.


      If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.


    CN S17 INT Vacation & Traveling

    Conversation Class Lesson Summary 

    Language Resident Name:

    Ting Cao

    Day and Date:


    Language and Level (intermediate or advanced class):

    Chinese, Intermediate 

    Class theme/topics discussed:

    Vacation & Traveling

    Goal of the class:

    By the end of this class, students will be able to talk about their winter vacation and share their travelling experiences.

    How did you structure the class?

    1. Warm up: Teacher introduces a game “who is the spy” to student, and use this game to help students review words that are related to travelling.
    2. Interview: Students work in pairs and interview each other about their winter vacations. After the interview, students share the information they get in front of the whole class.
    3. Group discussion: Students discuss the following questions in groups:                                                                                   a. Do you like travelling? And why?                                                                                                                                                                     b. Share one of your favorite travelling experiences.                                                                                                                                  c. How do you make travelling plans? Can you share some useful information or website for travelling?                                                                                                                                                          d. Do you like travelling along or with friends? Did any conflicts happen when you travelled with other people?
    4. Students work in groups and design plans for spring break. 

    What technology, media or props did you use? (internet resources, playmobiles, handouts, etc.)

    PowerPoint, useful Chinese website:


    What worked well in this class? What did not work?

    Class was good! Especially the warm up activity worked very well. 

    How could this class be improved/ modified?


    If you have a more detailed lesson plan, please attach it below (OK to use target language for that).  Please attach any handouts as well.

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